Ghost of a Podcast with Jessica Lanyadoo

October 13, 2020

151: Astrology Hot Take – Saturn/ish


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Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I’m your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I’m an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I’m going to give you your weekly horoscope and no bullshit, mystical advice for living your very best life.

Okay. So, listen. Here’s the truth. I don’t know what I’m doing. Do you know what you’re doing? Do you really know what you’re doing? Because I sure as fuck don’t know what I’m doing. Maybe that’s a weird way to start a podcast, but it’s just how I’m feeling, if I’m being honest. 

I want to talk for a moment about purpose and determination in such unstable times. The reality is humans are weird, messy, gooey on the inside, honestly, organisms. We are pretty magical. Also, we’re pretty mathematical. We follow some serious patterns. We’re complicated. We’re also not that complicated. It’s a lot of things, basically. 

What we’re not—what we’re not is machines. We’re not machines. We can’t just be driven by clarity of intention and purpose at all times. It’s unrealistic, honestly. It’s unrealistic that your compass is always true. It’s unrealistic that life is easy at all times. That’s unrealistic. It’s unrealistic that you’re going to be happy all the time. Now, I know I’m a Capricorn, and I’m just talking some Capricorn shit, right now. But these are some really uncertain times, and that’s frightening. 

I’ve talked about Saturn a ton on the podcast, but it is worth noting as Saturn is in its final months of its transit through Capricorn. It will be here until mid-December of 2020, and it won’t come back for another 29 years. So it’s a meaningful moment. And at the same time, we still have Jupiter in the sign of Capricorn and Pluto here, so there’s a lot of heavy Saturn vibes going down. And on top of it, we have our lovely little Mars Retrograde forming a square to all that Capricorn shit. 

And, so, there’s something about Saturnian, Capricornian linear time. There’s something about the slog of material reality that we are all kind of dealing with the weight of right now. The truth is every once in a while, there’s a lightning bolt. And that lightning bolt in our lives or in society, it changes everything, and sometimes for the better. It’s just this amazing thing that happens. It’s a bolt of inspiration. It’s an opportunity. It’s some sort of collective shift in perspective. And that is gorgeous when that happens. But we can’t really count on that. Like winning the lottery, if that’s your big financial plan for retirement, it’s not really a plan, right. 

And, so, basically, what I’m trying to get at is in order to create expertise in our personal careers or in our lives, in order to cultivate real wisdom, not just knowledge, not just cognitive understanding, but real wisdom, in order to create sustainable integrated lasting change to any of the many systems that kind of hold up and are perpetuated by our world as it is, in order to create that kind of change at a foundational level, we need Saturn shit. We need to do the unsexy, step by step work over the course of time. Again, in our personal lives, in our professional or public lives, and also in the world at large. 

And the problem is it’s boring. It’s slow. There’s not accolades at every step of the way. And this is why the planet Saturn is related to humility. Because if your progress requires consistent and constant validation, then you’re going to be pretty frustrated for a fair amount of life because we can’t all get validation all the time for what we’re doing, especially when we’re doing the work of Saturn. 

Saturn, like I said, it’s a slog. Saturn is the planet associated with time, and time cannot be rushed. It’s associated with responsibility. And you can shirk your responsibility, but then it’s also the planet associated with consequences, so there will be consequences for what you do and don’t do. I’m not trying to bum you out because Saturn, of course, is also related to melancholy and depression. 

There are things you are most probably going through at this time in your life. There are things that you’re going through personally, but there may also be ways that you’re relating to the kind of pressures of COVID-19 and how that’s changed the world and changed your life. You may be relating to the transformation that’s happening in society in many ways way too slowly around awareness of white supremacy and how it exists both systemically and in our lives. 

Wherever we land in the larger conversation, in many ways it is about our public identities and our responsibilities to ourselves and to the collective. But in other ways it’s actually very personal. It’s about you and your maker, whatever the hell that means. You and your relationship to God or Spirit or your inner most psychology—very Saturnian. 

Saturn, I don’t know. You know Albert Camus? You ever read any existentialism? It’s pure Saturnian shit, right there. Pure Saturnian shit. I guess what I’m trying to say to you, my loves, is that we are all in a state of heavy self-reflection and a heavy feeling reflection on our role and place in society and the work in front of us. It’s a fuck of a lot. And depending on who you are and where you’re at, you may be in a position where you feel like you’re losing power. You may be in a position where you feel like, finally, we can have a real conversation about the world or about my feelings and my perspective, my experience. But none of it’s easy. It’s not. With the transit of Saturn through Capricorn, it’s not supposed to be easy. It’s supposed to be work. So this is where I get into some constructive advice. At least I hope I do.

So here’s the thing. Mercury Retrograde governs everything related to voting. That’s planning, educating yourself, filling out paperwork, mailing things, making a plan, understanding things. It’s super annoying that the whole period leading up to election date is Mercury Retrograde. But you know what? You know I got you covered, right. Because at Zodiac The Vote, we have created ‘A Mercury Retrograde Voter’s Survival Guide.’ That’s right. It has everything you need TLDR style to vote with confidence and even host your own COVID safe ballot parties. What is that? You may ask. I think you’re going to have to look at the voter guide to get the full 411. And, hey, while you’re there, check out the cocktail/mocktail recipe for your voting pleasure made by Rachel Budde, the lead herbalist and founder of Fat and the Moon. Basically, there’s so much stuff there, you’re just going to want to be a part of it.

Learn about colonialism—past, present, and ongoing. Educate yourself about whose land you’re living on, and, if you can, make a monetary donation or pay a land tax to that tribe. Visit Our Native Land at The link is in show notes.

This period we’re living through, this Saturn in Capricorn mishegas, it’s happening for a reason. It’s happening so that we take stock of our actions and where we have given ourselves the pass to be inactive, what our limitations are in a healthy way, what our limitations are in a way that we actually need to take responsibility for and change, right. And we’re meant to start to do the work. 

Saturn, it’s related to farming. It’s related to the kind of like slow growth that happens when you stick a seed in the ground. That seed that can become a tree, like fruit bearing seeds. We’re talking about the lessons of Saturn are the lessons that we can only learn over the course of time. 

Again, when I talk about wisdom, I’m not talking about education. It has nothing to do with education. Wisdom is integrated knowledge that is tempered by experience, and you can’t rush that shit. So if you have been feeling down, if you’ve been feeling lonely, if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, if you’ve been feeling your progress isn’t happening quickly enough, if you’ve been looking at the world and the progress or lack there of that we are seeing and just feeling so overwhelmed, like it’s not happening quickly enough, I am with you one hundred percent, my loves. 

But also, here we are, right. And we are not meant to have skyrocketing development right now. We’ve got all the damn outer planets in earth signs except fucking Neptune, which is in Pieces. Which is just basically the planet of fog in the sign of fog just fogging it up. So what we have is not enough heat for that feeling of things are changing quickly, and I see it happening. 

Now, it’s going to shift. It’s going to shift because everything shifts—because we are constantly engaged in a continuum of development. But this—this the next few months is likely to feel a little heavy. And you’ve choices around how you engage with that and what you do with it. Because when you are not feeling hopeful, as I’m always saying over here on this podcast, you can make the decision to get determined. 

I’ve seen the term doomscrolling. If you can no longer doomscroll through the internet, that’s okay, but don’t turn off of politics—that’s a whole other thing. We all have a responsibility to be a part of the world solutions. If you decide to be silent, if you decide to be inactive at a time so transformational politically and socially as this one, then you’re taking a side, and it’s a side of those with the greatest amount of power, with the oppressors. You can’t be doing that. I mean, you can. You can do whatever the fuck you want. It’s a free country. But I want to encourage you as a matter of spiritual integrity and civic responsibility to not do that. 

I know I’m being a bummer today. I’m being a little bit of a bummer, but I also feel like it’s important to get real. We’re in a time, and I get every week just a bazillion questions from people going through their Saturn Returns, just being like, “How can I be in my Saturn Return given all of the things that are happening?” Well, this is your Saturn Return. If you’re in your Saturn Return, if you’re going through any transits right now, then know that the world itself is a part of you, and you are a part of the world itself. We’re not separate. 

And there’s a way that COVID has actually been really a great teacher for that, to show us how interconnected we are in our towns, in our country, but in the world as well. It really has clarified that for us. And if it hasn’t clarified that for you, think about it. Think about how many things you can’t do around other people right now and how that changed you or changes your life. 

I want to give you one little piece of Saturnian advice. It’s real short, real sweet. Pick an action and take it. Do something constructive for yourself. Do something constructive for someone else and do something constructive for society. That might mean call a senator and tell them what you think and what you want to see. That might mean, I don’t know, brush your hair or something and send somebody that you care about and that you appreciate a bunch of heart emojis. It doesn’t have to be a really heavy lift. 

But when we set our intention on being a part of the world in a constructive way, we are doing what Saturn in Capricorn wants of us. Being constructive—sometimes it’s really hard to find the thing to do and to create the energy with which to do it, but it ultimately feeds you. It gives you energy when you do things that are supportive to your overall big picture goals and also to the world around you. So, you know, just give it a try. Give it a try. Saturn’s only in Capricorn until mid-December, so couple months. What exactly do you have to lose?