514: Horoscope - Solar Eclipse in Aries, Retrogrades, Neptune and You

There are many challenges and opportunities in these tumultuous times, and this week's Solar Eclipse in Aries is a great time to choose who you want to be and what motivations you will allow to shape your actions. There will be a trio of supportive transits and two challenging transits to Neptune, from both of the retrograde baddies — Mercury and Venus. This episode of Ghost will help you help yourself!

513: So Many Questions!

What does it mean to surrender? How can you prepare for a Pluto transit? Why am I only psychic when I'm high, and why can I only psychically "see" others and not myself? Why is Synastry lying about my husband and me? Am I gay?? LET'S GET INTO IT, in this episode of So Many Questions!

512: Horoscope - Coping with Anxieties and Neptune

As anxieties deepen around things that are out of your control, Jessica kicks off this episode offering a simple tool for navigating existential stress. Your horoscope includes three transits — a big one involving the easily-deflated energies of Neptune and two supportive ones to values-based Venus. Come for the astrology, and stay for the practical life advice!

511: Creative Process & Love

Vicky joins Jessica with a love question that leads to a psychic reading of her creative project. They look at how she can refocus her manuscript narrative through practice and perspective. And, of course, her love life makes an appearance as well!

👀Come and see Jessica live in the Bay Area: Join Jessica Lanyadoo, Malkia Cyril Devich, and Mahsa Vahdat at the Oakland Museum on March 16th: https://museumca.org/event/spotlight-sundays-reimagining-justice-a-conversation-with-malkia-cyril-devich-jessica-lanyadoo-with-music-by-mahsa-vahdat/ 🌉 Join me in San Francisco (or from anywhere in the world) on March 13th here: https://www.ciis.edu/events/navigating-through-astrology-these-times-in-person

510: Horoscope - Lunar Eclipse + Mercury Retrograde

Expect huge emotions, big changes, and even the unexpected this week. On the 13th, there will be a heavy Lunar Eclipse in Virgo that features consequential Saturn. By the 14th, Mercury joins Venus in retrograde action. There are some supportive transits to help you make the most of these challenges, and Jessica unpacks all of it for you on this week's Ghost 👀Come and see Jessica live in the Bay Area: Join Jessica Lanyadoo, Malkia Cyril Devich, and Mahsa Vahdat at the Oakland Museum on March 16th: https://museumca.org/event/spotlight-sundays-reimagining-justice-a-conversation-with-malkia-cyril-devich-jessica-lanyadoo-with-music-by-mahsa-vahdat/ 🌉 Join me in San Francisco (or from anywhere in the world) on March 13th here: https://www.ciis.edu/events/navigating-through-astrology-these-times-in-person

509: Blame, Manipulation & How to Right What Went Wrong

It's hard to be a person! After a friend breakup and a love breakup, Blue joins Jessica to talk about blame, manipulation, and the righting of wrongs.

👀Come and see Jessica live in the Bay Area: Join Jessica Lanyadoo, Malkia Cyril Devich, and Mahsa Vahdat at the Oakland Museum on March 16th: https://museumca.org/event/spotlight-sundays-reimagining-justice-a-conversation-with-malkia-cyril-devich-jessica-lanyadoo-with-music-by-mahsa-vahdat/ 🌉 Join me in San Francisco (or from anywhere in the world) on March 13th here: https://www.ciis.edu/events/navigating-through-astrology-these-times-in-person

508: Horoscope - Values, Anxiety, and Growth

Venus is retrograde, and emotions are running high as we build up towards the first eclipse in March. This week, Mercury meets up with Neptune, and the Sun squares Jupiter; then there are two supportive transits that close out the week. Come and see Jessica live in the Bay Area: Join Jessica Lanyadoo, Malkia Cyril Devich, and Mahsa Vahdat at the Oakland Museum on March 16th: https://museumca.org/event/spotlight-sundays-reimagining-justice-a-conversation-with-malkia-cyril-devich-jessica-lanyadoo-with-music-by-mahsa-vahdat/ 🌉 Join me in San Francisco (or from anywhere in the world) on March 13th here: https://www.ciis.edu/events/navigating-through-astrology-these-times-in-person

507: Star of Sex?

Let's talk about sex! Sissy has received some confusing feedback from a previous astrology reading, so they join Jessica for some Ghost clarity on the matter. Sex can be many things—hot, confusing, fun, life-changing, burdensome—all the things! Jessica and Sissy go deep and unpack it all.

506: Mars Direct, Venus Retrograde, and a New Moon

This week Mars ends its retrograde, and Venus begins one, creating big shifts. Jessica shares the Sabian symbol for the degree that Mars stations direct. By the 27th, there will be a New Moon in Pisces, but not before a challenging conjunction between Mercury and your old pal, Saturn, earlier in the week.

505: Holding On or Letting Go?

While in talks around opening up their relationship, Nina's partner cheated. Now they have to make the tough decision to work through the pain and salvage the relationship - or move on. Jessica delves into the patterns that brought this listener to where they are.

504: Horoscope + Mutual Aid with Dean Spade

This week's horoscope is short and sweet, so stay tuned for an extra special segment with Jessica in conversation with Dean Spade (https://linktr.ee/deanspade) about mutual aid and we can come together, for each other.

503: Parenting Myself

Valentine is an excellent parent, but it's bringing up a lot of triggers around how she was treated in her childhood, by her own parents. Jessica goes deep on how Valentine can give herself the same grace and structure she offers her children in this heartfelt episode.

502: Horoscope - A Full Moon + Too Much Uranus?
501: Why Does No One Want to Collaborate With Me?

501: Why Does No One Want to Collaborate With Me? Happy Black Love Month on Ghost! No matter how much she reaches out to people, orgs, or groups to offer her support, this listener is stuck! She is constantly following up with people but never seems to find people who want to work with her, even when she receives very positive feedback in terms of her contributions and involvement. What gives? What might be blocking her ability to be more involved in community or creative work with others?

500: Horoscope - A Whole Lot of Chiron

To kick off the 500th episode of Ghost, Jessica speaks on the political nature of her work and this podcast. Then she breaks down the three transits to Chiron, as well as the supportive energies to be found this week in the stars.

499: Live At Charis in Atlanta, GA

On January 12th Jessica did a live event at Charis Books and more (www.charisbooksandmore.com) in Atlanta, Georgia where she discussed the astrology of 2025 and answered audience questions about relationships, self-care, and how to show up in a quickly changing world. Enjoy this special, live episode of Ghost!

497: It's Not Fair!

A listener is consumed with an "it's not fair!" mentality, and it often ends up leaving her shutdown and removed from her flow. She joins Jessica to look at her chart and get a psychic check-in, as they delve into what's really happening.

496: Horoscope - Pluto, and Chiron, and Uranus: Oh My!

While there are some supportive and expansive transits happening this week, there are also some seriously challenging ones slated to occur. Jessica explains how to make the most of this week's transits, and in this episode, she discusses the chart of the January 20th inauguration.

495: Boundaries in a Messy Relationship

A listener engaged in a fuzzy relationship with an older man needs help navigating a messy situation! Their relationship involves a flirtatious friendship and a professional boss-employee power dynamic. They want to know if it's okay to blur these lines, how far they should take it, and what boundaries would actually look like in such a layered relationship. Jessica goes in, triple-Capricorn style.

Get Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance here: https://www.lovelanyadoo.com/shop/facing-2025-together-astrology-for-community-care-and-resistance and support Dahnoun Mutual Aid here: https://chuffed.org/project/115245-dahnoun-mutual-aid