March 09, 2025
510: Horoscope - Lunar Eclipse + Mercury Retrograde
Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.
Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast. So listen. I mean, the energy is intense. The reality is intense. And we're going to talk about it today. But before we do, I want to invite you to join me on March 13th in San Francisco—or from anywhere in the world via livestream—on 7:00 p.m. Pacific, March 13th, the Lunar Eclipse, as I speak with Sonya Shah about what's happening in the stars right now and how to stay spiritually and emotionally grounded through it all. The information to register is in the episode description and also all over my website.
Also, on March 16th, I have the honor of speaking at the Oakland Museum. I'm going to be in dialogue with my friend, Black liberation advocate Malkia Devich-Cyril, as we discuss the personal and collective challenges that we're going through that can be a powerful catalyst for special change. The event will kick off with a calm response musical performance by the incredible Mahsa Vahdat. And at this event, I'm going to share an astrological weather report that'll download for us all. And I think that this event is going to be really powerful. I'm excited about both of them, and I just can't wait to be back in the Bay Area and to see you there. So, if you can make it, put your mask on and giddyap. Come say hey, and let's try to make some sense of the chaos.
And kind of in the realm of news of me giving live talks, I'm honored to be able to kind of beta test a feature on Patreon where I can go live with video and audio. And I have been really loving getting to do that, and I've been doing these really fun, long sessions where we tap in and connect with each other. And it's been really, really lovely. So, if you are a patron over at Patreon, thank you so much for joining me there and for all the meaningful connection that we're having. And if that's something that is of interest to you, you can go ahead and join me over at patreon.com/jessicalanyadoo. And there's lots of benefits to both free and paid memberships, so you can check out whatever works for you there.
Now we're going to talk about the astrology of March 9th through the 15th, 2025—gosh, just a lot, right? So, before we get into the details, we are in Eclipse Season. Eclipses are really big deals in astrology. There's a lot of reasons for that, and we've talked about them recently and over the years. But historically, Eclipses were regarded as calamitous, as this big, scary thing that foretold shitty things coming to pass. Now, do I think that's the case? Not inherently. Not all the time. No, not at all. Also, do I think that Eclipses are portals, like magical portals, that we walk through? No. Again, not inherently. I suppose in certain situations, yes, but not inherently.
When we're dealing with astrology—which, hey, let's be real, is a little out there, right? When we're dealing with astrology, we don't want to abandon common sense. You have lived through many Eclipses. You will live, all things going according to plan, many, many more. And there's a lot of stuff out there that is just kind of—I don't know—anxiety-producing and activating that promises, again, a magic portal or something really bad happening.
This is one of those times where I just want to encourage you to use your critical thinking skills. And this is just in time for the March 13th Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. Now, when I was a teenager and I first learned about critical thinking, my teacher said critical thinking is thinking about thinking while thinking. Very Virgonian, right? It's a very Virgonian concept. It's about tending to the details and reflecting on how other details influence the details of the details—very Virgo. However, when we talk about Eclipses, we're talking about emotions, right? It's very important to understand that the influence of the Moon upon you and them and her and him is emotional. And emotions get digested. Our emotions play out through sensations and through feelings. And a lot of us, a lot of the time, will then pair an analysis to that or defenses to that or distractions and behaviors to that.
But the Moon is feelings, and Virgo is critical thinking. It's analysis. When we have a Lunar Eclipse, it is a souped-up Full Moon. It's a Full Moon, which is already super emo, super intense. But the influence lasts longer, and the energies are more chaotic. It is true that Lunar Eclipses are chaotic. Now, I'll read the chart of this Eclipse in a moment, but I want to just stay with emotions are running high. And the downside of Virgonian energies is that they can get highly perfectionistic. And so, if you're experiencing emotional destabilization, you're just way too open emotionally, you're just feeling a lot, there's the risk that you will then go into perfectionistic thinking, which can easily and on a dime turn into demoralization because if you can't do it all and you can't do it perfectly, then what is the point? You can't do anything, right? That kind of a mental loop or that kind of an emotional trauma pattern is very human and not super helpful.
So quick reminder—Full Moons are always for letting go. They're the end of a cycle. They're about releasing. And Eclipses intensify that theme. We don't do magic on a Lunar Eclipse. We don't do ritual work. You don't manifest—none of that shit on an Eclipse. This is a time for cultivating presence. This is a time for feeling your feelings. This is the time for using your common sense and your best analysis for tapping into the present moment and greeting it with patience and with empathy. And we'll get into more of that soon. But it's worth me naming Eclipses fuck with your sleep. Eclipses can fuck with your relationships because they destabilize everyone and make everyone act out or shut down or whatever it is. This is just kind of classic Eclipse conduct.
Let's add to that that Venus is Retrograde, which is changing up how relationships function and asking you to reflect on what is and isn't working in how you relate to others and in your relationships themselves. Add to that that Mercury goes Retrograde this week, and it's a little messy, see? So be patient, be kind, and stay in your emotions if you can.
Again, what's important about this and the reason why I'm telling you about this before we even get into the details is sometimes the details are really helpful, right? Sometimes knowing the astrology and the details of it is just the most helpful thing in the world. I honestly don't know how people live without astrology. That said, sometimes it's just a way to distract from your lived experience, your feelings, and your needs. And that—not so good. So notice how you feel. Notice where you're at.
If in this moment you're actually anxious, really destabilized, you're not in the emotional place to listen to a forecast, a prediction for the future, then don't. I mean, I want you to listen to my podcast. Please listen to my podcast. Like and subscribe. But I want to encourage you to take care of yourself. This is a resource that will be there for you indefinitely.
There's so much power in being able to listen to yourself and, when you listen to yourself, actually engage with yourself, be a good friend, a good protector of yourself. If your system says, "I really want to"—in this example I'm using—"hear this podcast and get this information, but I'm actually really kind of off right now, and I can't take in any more information," you are doing yourself a profound kindness by saying to yourself, "Okay. I'll come back to it later," instead of forcing yourself to do something you're not ready for. Now, of course, again, please listen to this podcast, but not at the expense of your own welfare.
Don't force yourself to do things at the expense of your welfare that aren't necessary to do. And the truth is life is full of shit we have to do that makes us feel bad and that sucks, and that's unavoidable. But there's lots of ways that it actually is avoidable. And again, being a good ally to yourself is a skill that is important for life, period, but especially these pretty harrowing times. So let's dive into your forecast.
The first exact transit of this week is happening on Tuesday, March 11th, at 3:55 p.m. Pacific Time. Mercury will be at 8 degrees of Aries and 48 minutes, and Venus will be at the exact same degrees of Aries. So that's a conjunction, my friends. Now, Venus is Retrograde, and Mercury—still Retroshady, about to be Retrograde in a few days but not yet Retrograde. This transit is engaging. Mercury is your friends, and Venus is your loves. Mercury is your ideas, and Venus is your values. Mercury is what you say and how you listen, and Venus is how you connect and how you receive, even how you serve.
So, when these two planets come together in fiery and dynamic Aries, it's a great time to socialize, to connect to people, and socializing of course can happen in meatspace or online. It's about letting folks know how you feel about them, how you care about them. It's enjoying the connections that you have and doing so in a way that holds space for the reflectiveness of Venus. So this is a really great time to actually be mindful of how you feel in someone else's presence, not just how you feel about them, but do you feel held? Do you feel heard? And within that, are you holding space for others? Are you really hearing them? Are you making an effort to hear them?
Whenever Mercury and Venus meet, it's always a great time to let someone know that you care about them with your actions and/or your words. It's also a great time to build connections with people. So, if you're like, "I need to make new friends," or, "I've got someone new that I'm interested in romantically/platonically/whatevs," taking a step out of your comfort zone or your shell and making some moves is well starred, and doing it impulsively—also well starred.
If that doesn't make sense for your life or if you're super introverted—hey to my hermits—then this is a great time for reading, listening to music, connecting with any kind of creative art that fills you up. So that might mean getting handy with arts and crafts. That might mean listening to an album all the way through. It might mean any number of things. It doesn't matter what it is. It's about being open to creativity and what it kind of stimulates inside of you.
There's so much that is destabilizing in the world and in the collective energy. When and where you can find joy and pleasure, when and where you can create or co-create or ground yourself in the power of creation, I say grab it with both hands. Grab it with your whole heart. And a transit like Mercury conjunction to Venus offers just that kind of opportunity. But you know how the Universe does; sometimes she giveth, and sometimes she taketh away.
On Wednesday, March 12th, we have another conjunction that is overlapping with that Mercury/Venus conjunction. At 3:29 a.m. Pacific Time, we've got a Sun conjunction to Saturn. Both of these planets will be at 22 degrees of Pisces and 6 minutes. And this transit is depressing. The Sun conjunction to Saturn is a bummer. It's a bummer transit, but there are positive parts of the transit. It's just a challenge.
So the Sun is your identity. It's your will. It's a point of resiliency, both psychological and physical. The Sun generally wants to be seen and validated. That's kind of how it functions. Saturn is heavy. It's consequences. It's constriction. It's obligations and responsibilities. It's also mastery and humility and maturity. When these two planets sit on top of each other, on the positive, you may really grow up. You may really encounter something head-on from a place of accountability and responsibility and navigate it like a damn boss. That's very Sun conjunction to Saturn. This may be a time where you encounter somebody who's older than you, somebody who has more power or more experience than you, who supports you in doing that, who either models it for you—how to really navigate things with responsibility—or who helps you out.
This transit, and especially if it is hitting your birth chart specifically, can coincide with you getting your flowers, with material consequences of actions you've taken, a.k.a. success, achievements. This can be a transit where you really come into maturity and ownership of your energies, and not just your energies, but how hard you've worked to get to where you are. So it's all really wonderful.
But the thing about Saturn is Saturn doesn't just give you flowers. You have to earn them. Whenever Saturn is involved, there's effort. So there's other planets that will sometimes just swoop in and bestow you with surprises and luck. Saturn is not about luck. Saturn is about the hard work it took to get to where you are, which is why it's related to mastery and humility and responsibility and obligation.
From that very same place, we can see that a lot of people have a different experience with this transit, and that is one of just sadness. It can make you feel sad or lonely or depressed. And this will often happen if you haven't cultivated the level of intimacy, care, and authenticity that you would prefer in your life. If, on and around this day, you find that a relationship isn't working, a situation isn't working, pay attention. There's a reason why that's coming up.
What gets really confusing in practicality is, how do you navigate the impulse to—I don't know—as an example, quit your job and burn your life to the ground versus the emotions that are motivating those impulses? So it may be that you are burned out, that you are exhausted; you don't have a level of balance and rest that you need. And that might be your emotional reality. But then a pressure cooker of something like Sun conjunction to Saturn or an Eclipse will come around and make you feel like, "Okay. I need to react to my feelings now." That sometimes is a great thing. Not this time. Not this time.
This week, I want to invite you to slow down, not be so quick to react, not be so quick to turn your feelings into thoughts and your thoughts into actions, but instead to be essentially a good parent to yourself, to create some safety so that you can actually explore what you're actually feeling, what you're actually needing, what is and isn't working. When we move too quickly from emotion to thought to action or emotion to action without first sitting with and understanding the emotion, then often our analysis and our behavior only creates new problems. It doesn't solve the OG problem.
So you may recognize things that aren't working in yourself, in your behavior towards others and your behaviors towards yourself—all that kind of shit. And I refer to behaviors because Saturn is material. Sit with it. Sometimes we have to do things that—they're not ideal. And we have a good reason. You hear me use the term "maladjusted coping mechanism" a lot, especially if you listen to my midweek episodes where I give readings. We all have maladjusted coping mechanisms. Those are coping mechanisms that actually come from necessity. At one point, they were needed. Those coping mechanisms are not inherently bad or wrong. It's just that they have not adapted in a way that is appropriate to current circumstances.
And the thing that's so hard about a transit like this is it often puts us in contact with the consequences of our maladjusted coping mechanisms. And so a lot of people just shut down under this transit. They get rigid, or they get demoralized. You may feel either of those things or none of them, but also, the people around you—like you may have a coworker who's all of a sudden up your ass about something. They're probably having a rigid response to the energies of a Sun/Saturn conjunction, which are like "Am I good enough?" energies, right? "Am I performing well enough? Am I good enough?" And so they may just project it onto someone else.
Wherever the energies of this transit impact you from, whether it's in your own psyche or having to deal with other people or situations, know that who you choose to be, which of your thoughts and your feelings that you center, focus on, and feed—those things are all a reflection on you. They're not a reflection on your circumstances, which are out of your control. They're not a reflection on world events. They're a reflection on you. And this is a powerful time to be intentional about where you allow your attention to linger.
I am not a fan of posi vibes only. In fact, I'm a fan of negative vibes. I think that every light casts a shadow, and to deny the beauty of the shadow is to deny oneself. And Saturnian energies can be heavy. The Sun—that shit is light. It's light, light, light. So sit with all of it. Take away judgments. Consequences are simply consequences. They're just causality.
Now, you may have noticed that this transit is exact 3:29 a.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, the 12th. And as I mentioned earlier, on Thursday, the 13th, we have an Eclipse. Now, that means that the Sun/Saturn conjunction is a meaningful part of the Eclipse, which further means that the effects of this particular transit are going to be pulled out over the next six months because that's how Eclipses role. We feel the effects for the next six months.
So, if there was ever a time to rise to the occasion, to practice accountability and humility, to do your damn best both internally and with others, it's now, because the energy is going to last a long time. Typically, this transit lasts three days. It's a big deal always, but the effects tend to happen in a shorter time span. But this is—you know, you really want to be mindful about how you engage.
So we're going to talk about the Lunar Eclipse now, but as I am dropping lots of details and this is a very emotional time, I want to remind you that I have transcriptions available on my website for every episode. So, if you are listening to his podcast as you multitask and you're not sitting down taking notes or whatever, you always have access to the written transcript over at ghostofapodcast.com.
Okay. So we have got a Lunar Eclipse on Thursday, March 13th, at 11:55 p.m. Pacific Time. This means that the Moon will be at 23 degrees of Virgo and 56 minutes sitting opposite to the Sun at the exact same degrees of its opposing sign, Pisces. Now, there's a lot of important things about this chart and about this Eclipse. And one of them we were just talking about. Saturn and the Sun are exceptionally close together. They're conjunct, right? It's not exact, but they're conjunct. And that means that Saturn is opposite the Moon. We've also got the North Node at 27 degrees of Pisces sitting pretty close to the Sun, and the South Node at the same degrees of Virgo sitting very close to the Moon. And on the Pisces side of things, Neptune is 29 degrees of Pisces conjoining the Sun and Saturn very widely and sitting right on top of that North Node.
So there's a lot of things to say about this, but the first I want to point to is the opportunity that this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse holds for us as it hangs out in Virgo opposite to all this Piscean energy. This is an opportunity to release perfectionism. Perfectionism is necessary for white supremacy and eugenicist bullshit to thrive. It is necessary for you to never forgive yourself or other people, for you to stay in a rut. Perfectionism is no friend to anyone.
When our thinking and our preferences are perfectionistic, they have us fixated on the outcome instead of present for the process. This Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is an opportunity for you to release overthinking, to become more aware of the ways in which you are critical and whether or not that criticism is constructive or about tearing things down. Again, it's perfectionistic criticism or constructive criticism. Demanding perfection is inherently inhumane. It's not how humans function.
The Sun in Pisces, which—of course, every Lunar Eclipse, every Full Moon is about the tension between the Moon and Sun signs. And in this case, we're looking at Pisces. So that Sun in Pisces is all about trust and flow and grace. It's about being present with and not attached to the process—in its best state, anyways.
Because of Saturn's proximity to the Sun and the Moon—the Saturn is pulling on that Lunar Eclipse pretty heavily, trying to drag it down into learned morality, structure—this can be a transit where you are really feeling depressed and stuck. And it is true that we may see really oppressive and restrictive behaviors from people with power during this Eclipse. The Saturnian element is inherently kind of paternal and hierarchical because of Saturn's placement.
So here's my best advice. Strive to be open and adaptable, as Virgo's energies are—open and adaptable and reflective. Because it's a Moon transit, we're always meant to reflect and be present. So be open, adaptable, and reflective around what is and isn't working, what feels right and what feels wrong, the feedback and evidence you are being presented with, whether it's in your relationship to yourself, your relationship to others, or what's happening at work, in your communities, or in the world at-large. The opportunity here is to tap into that Virgonian capacity to be of service, to take a ritualistic approach to the things you do by and by, day by day, to be graceful with yourself and others. When I say graceful, I don't mean perfectly graceful. I mean give yourself grace. Offer grace to others.
This is a time where you can really make progress with boundaries. And the way that this is most likely to occur is by being able to in your belly, in your gut, in practice—in an emotional situation, in practice—to be able to feel into the difference between a rule and a boundary. Boundaries are adaptable and responsive. Rules are kind of there regardless of context. This Lunar Eclipse is an opportunity for you to notice in your body, in your heart, where you may be rigid that's not really serving you. And honestly, when it comes to an Eclipse, the heartfelt awareness is all you need. Let it evolve over time beyond the Eclipse, but during the Eclipse, being emotionally present and aware is all you need. Don't do anything fancy or bananas out there, okay? That is not what the Eclipse wants for us or from us.
Now, as I mentioned with the Sun/Saturn conjunction, Saturn can make you feel lonely. And so having Saturn opposite that Full Moon can really bring to the surface things that aren't working in your relationships. They can also just activate feelings of isolation or loneliness or existential and nihilistic feelings that you already have. If any of that happens, my advice to you is just be kind to yourself. Be present. Validate the feelings without chasing a narrative. Validate the feelings and make some space for the feelings without attaching it to a series of actions that you must perform at this time. Sit with it. Digest. Rest. Give your nervous system a little break this Eclipse.
Now, that's not all that's happening in this Eclipse chart. We also have Mercury and Venus still conjoined in Aries. And Mercury is right on the verge of going Retrograde, and that's especially relevant because Virgo is ruled by Mercury. And so we have this push inwards. Again, there's something deeply relational about this Eclipse. So how you reflect on your relationships, who you choose to be, and who you choose to center in your heart and in your life—again, that's on you. That's a reflection of you.
Now, another way to kind of hold this Mercury/Venus conjunction in the chart is also about your plans and your values or your finances and your plans. So, if you are trying to make major moves in your life, this is a good time for reflecting on the reality of where you're starting from, the adaptability of your plans, the realisticness of your plans. And of course, Mercury is related to plans, and Venus is your values and your finances. So those are great things to reflect on. Again, it's an Eclipse. Don't make any big decisions if you can avoid it. Don't make any major moves if you can avoid it. And if somebody else or your circumstances kind of press on you to do those things, I mean, you gotta live your life; you gotta respond. But if you can respond in such a way that it gives you some time, I would encourage you to do that.
Luckily, we have a Uranus sextile to the Sun that is active and very close to exact in this chart. In fact, that transit is going to be exact on March 14th, which is the following day on Friday, at 2:16 a.m. Pacific Time. At that point, the Sun will be at 24 degrees and 2 minutes of Pisces, and Uranus will be at the same degrees of Taurus. And this is a really stimulating and dynamic transit. So what it says in the context of this Eclipse is that there is a great deal of support and energy for creative innovation.
This transit doesn't only affect the Sun, although it is very close to exactitude during the Eclipse. Uranus is also sextile to Saturn and trine to the Moon. And so Uranus is doing a lot of really good work for us. It is helping to loosen up the heaviness of Saturn and the tendency of that Virgo Full Moon to get too perfectionistic and too wrapped up in old narratives or old beliefs. Uranus is here to help you and me and everyone else to evolve and to progress. Uranus governs progress.
In the struggle to not be perfectionistic, an essential approach to adopt is to value your progress, no matter how small, no matter how slow. Progress is progress. And we want to be open-hearted and present and validating of any amount of progress that you make. And this Uranus dynamic—it really suggests the potential for great progress. So, again, we want to embrace that.
The maybe final thing I want to say here about this Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is that you or someone or many people around you may just feel fucking frustrated, just demoralized, stuck, and stymied. And this is, in some way, related to rumination, to overthinking, obsessively thinking, overcritically thinking about where you're at or where you fear you'll be, maybe where you've been. I don't know what's up with you.
But there is something really important this Lunar Eclipse in tapping into what you don't know. And the truth is there's a lot you don't know. And that doesn't mean that the things you don't know are bad or will hurt you. There is a great deal of spaciousness in being open to all that you don't know, that is out of your control, because that spaciousness allows you to focus in on the things you do know. Maybe what you do know right now is you're anxious or you're feeling low. Okay. If you know that, what do you know you can do for yourself to mitigate that, to make it a little less shitty?
There is so much that can happen. And some of those things that can happen are truly terrible and scary, and others of those things are beautiful and life-affirming and unexpected. Life is too vast. This is not your time to figure out what comes next. This is your invocation. This is your call inward. Embrace where you're at, remembering that acceptance is not consent. Acceptance is simply awareness. And with awareness, you have more options because the truth is true whether you understand it or not, whether you want to deal with it or not.
So remember all you can do is take responsibility for you. Strive to do that on and around the Eclipse. Tend to your feelings. Show up with integrity when you can, how you can. And offer others the grace of being imperfect as well.
Now, we've only got two more transits to talk about. And one of them I already mentioned, but I said something wrong about it, which I think is very on-brand for the transit itself, so that's fun. Okay. Here we go. On Sunday, March 14th, the Sun is exactly sextile to Uranus. Now, I already kind of talked to you about that one. I'll give you a few more words, though. And that transit is exact at 2:16 a.m. Pacific Time. But later that night, at 11:46 p.m. Pacific Time, Mercury goes Retrograde. Now, I think I said earlier in this episode that it goes Retrograde on the 15th, which—it's so Mercury Retrograde of me to get it wrong even though I'm literally looking at my notes, which were written correctly. Oh well.
This is the thing. I'm going to start with this Mercury Retrograde because here we are. Mercury Retrograde is when communication gets wonky. You make mistakes. You make mistakes. And this Mercury Retrograde is starting with Mercury at 9 degrees of Aries and 35 minutes. So you make spontaneous mistakes, impulsive mistakes—Aries, right? Making mistakes is annoying and sometimes embarrassing—sometimes, depending on what you're doing, can be even dangerous. But a lot of times, it's just kind of embarrassing. It's a little humbling. You gotta be able to say, "Oops. Sorry. I misunderstood what you meant. Oops. Sorry. I forgot."
And the thing about apologies is they can be kind of complicated. They can be kind of shitty. Sometimes an apology is all that's needed. But really, what an apology is is it's an acknowledgment. What we really want to do, to the best of our ability, is practice making amends so that if you find you weren't really listening to what someone else said or you weren't being mindful and careful enough, that you make an effort next time around to be more mindful or a better listener or whatever.
So, for myself, will I pay more acute attention to my notes? Yes, I'll try. Does that mean I will not embarrass myself in public with mistakes throughout the Mercury Retrograde? No, my friends, it does not. And this is a really interesting thing about Mercury Retrograde because you—you yourself—can be like, "Okay. It's Mercury Retrograde. I made an error," but somebody else might be like, "Fuck you. You made an error. You are shitty." And then you have a choice to make. How do you respond? How do you take it in? Do you take in the other person's aggression and anger towards you as the correct thing because it's a stronger emotion, because it's a messier emotion? Or do you say, "Oh, wow. That person is having a really hard time being adaptable during Mercury Retrograde"? Eh? I don't know. It really does depend on the situation.
Maybe you make a mistake that is really dangerous or problematic or bad. But again, Mercury Retrograde doesn't create calamity. It's not a Pluto transit; it's a Mercury transit. So, a lot of times, it's human error. We want to remember during a Mercury Retrograde that people jump to conclusions and get it wrong, and therefore we want to have better critical thinking skills. Therefore, we want to try to pace ourselves a little bit better and to understand that there is a meaningful and important difference between misinformation, which is passed along as a mistake—right? You are misinformed. That's what that is, which is really different than disinformation, which is intentionally and willfully passing along false narratives and false information.
During a Mercury Retrograde, you are meant to reflect and reassess, to retrace your steps. So this is not a great time for making plans for your future. It is a good time for editing, for reflecting on, your existing plans. If you started a project some time ago, it might come back up and require your attention and care. That's great. Not as great to start a whole new project, especially because Mercury and Venus are both Retrograde. Now, that said, you gotta live your damn life. You gotta do what you do. So live your life armed with the knowledge that things are more likely to be confusing or misunderstood. Small errors are more likely to be made under this influence. Mercury will only be Retrograde until April 7th. It's 23 days. It's not the end of the world. We're not being perfectionistic. That's not what we're here for.
Now, in terms of the chart of the Mercury Retrograde, it's almost identical to the chart of the Lunar Eclipse. It's all these same themes activated. So, while Mercury is not Retrograde during the Eclipse, the ongoing themes of this Lunar Eclipse are really accentuated by Mercury—again, the ruling planet to Virgo—going Retrograde the following day. Mercury is Retrograde in Aries. It will go back into Pisces. And that transition from fiery Aries to watery Pisces is going to be emotional. Mercury is the mind. Mercury is your thoughts. But it's going to be emotional.
I cannot stress this enough. In 2025, you must pace yourself. You must pace yourself mentally and emotionally. You may or may not be able to pace yourself behaviorally, but mentally and emotionally, developing some sort of healthy foundations and boundaries with yourself, some sort of internal discipline that actually frees up your energy, is such a powerful, powerful thing to do. And this Lunar Eclipse and very close Mercury Retrograde, it really speaks to that. This is the time. This is the time to engage with your old meditation practice. This is the time to do your simple vagus nerve exercises. This is the time to remember to actually drink the water you put in the water bottle that you carry around with you. You get where I'm going, right? It doesn't have to be any one way. Find your way. Find your way, and then create the internal conditions you need to remember to choose to take care of yourself, take care of others, take care of the situations, the people, the communities that you care about.
Now, as promised, I'll also spare a few more words to that Sun sextile to Uranus because it is such an affirming transit. This transit can bring about the unexpected, whether that's you get exposed to an idea or an opportunity that you weren't expecting, you just have chance encounters with people that just kind of enliven you—whatever it is, Sun sextile to Uranus tends to be pretty life-affirming. Now, it's overlapping with all this Saturnian energy and the Eclipse and the Retrogrades, but it is still a creative, stimulating, dynamic, exciting transit that can facilitate progress and the unexpected.
Stay curious. Stay open. That's what this transit wants you to do and supports you in doing. It can help you to break through stuck ideas, stuck habits and routines. And if you can, do something just a little different. It might be something big, or it might be literally like you always pick up your bag with your right hand. Pick it up with your left hand. Just do something different. It starts to open up neural pathways that you don't need to understand or control or track, but creation has a funny way of begetting creation. Change has a meaningful way of begetting change.
Don't focus on the outcomes or what it means or where it's going. You don't need an ironclad narrative. Open up energetically to progress and shifts. This transit, amongst the others that we've been talking about, will help you to do that.
I'm going to run through the transits one more time, but before I do, I want to let you know that if you're kind of hankering for more political content from me, again, join me over on Patreon because we've been talking a lot about the world and the astrology of the world.
As I said, we're going to run through the transits one more time. On the 11th of March, Mercury forms an exact conjunction to Venus Retrograde. On the 12th of March, the Sun forms an exact conjunction to Saturn. On the 13th, we have a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. And then, on the 14th of March, which is a Friday, the Sun forms an exact sextile to Uranus and Mercury goes Retrograde, where it will stay until April 7th.
Thank you so much for joining me here on Ghost this week and every week. Make sure to tune back in in a couple of days for your midweek reading. Be gentle with yourself and others, and let's talk in a couple of days. Buh-bye.