Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


The important themes of this week are boundaries, patience, and proportion. You may want to do everything, but it’s not realistic to do it all at once. Your ability to have and hold healthy expectations and boundaries that are proportionate to your needs and circumstances is an important reflection of your ability to adult with compassion and consideration for yourself and others. This is an important week to rise to that occasion!

For more details on the astrology of this week and some perspective on the astrology of 2025, listen to the latest episode of my astrology show, Ghost of a Podcast, below, or you can read the transcript for episode 488 here.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

This week is likely to confront you with some paradoxical realities. On the one hand, you may be really excited about something, while on the other hand, it may come at the expense of your restfulness or confidence. In other words, things can be really wonderful and challenging all at once and the one doesn’t cancel the other out. Life is complicated, and if you embrace those complications by nurturing your emotions instead of trying to shove them down, you will have a much easier time this week, Aries.

Register for my live virtuaal gathering, Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance, here!

This week it may feel like there are major changes being forced on you and it’s likely to be pretty unsettling. Instead of trying to make yourself stable—which is not very likely to work out—this is a great time for you to cultivate the willingness to stay present with uncertainty and anxiety. You may need to step outside of your comfort zone and take some risks, but don’t confuse that with acting impulsively and out of fear. Tend to your long-term best interests, as well as your short-term comforts, Taurus.

Register for my live virtuaal gathering, Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance, here!

Things haven’t developed quite enough yet for you to have the answers you seek. This may provoke a bit of anxiety for you, but rest assured that the things that are out of your control are actually out of your control. Do your best to cultivate tolerance for your feelings, especially while your mind is racing. The easiest way to do this is by slowing down, getting grounded, and tapping into your body as a resource and a reminder of the here and now, Twin Star. 

Register for my live virtuaal gathering, Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance, here!

Feeling your emotions is really important, but it’s easy to get overwhelmed and then shut down or act out. This week, you are meant to be moving through meaningful emotional terrain and it is likely to be at least a little bit confronting. Try practicing presence with vulnerability, especially when it’s triggering, Moonchild. Don’t focus on what's “right” or “wrong”; only seek acceptance, truth, and balance in this moment.

Register for my live virtuaal gathering, Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance, here!


If you catch yourself in obsessive thinking, circling the drain of your fears, or just generally in a negative frame of mind this week, do your best to reign yourself in. Replace your fixation on details with mindful reflection; the difference is subtle, but life-changing and important. You don’t need to have everything be okay in order to be on the right path. Find ways of showing up for yourself and others that support you and the things you care about, Leo.

Register for my live virtuaal gathering, Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance, here! 

As you let go of control and allow things to fall into place, you paradoxically gain more control over yourself, Virgo. This week, the best thing for you to do is act for the joy of the action, follow through simply because you gave your word, and explore possibilities with an attitude of curiosity and adaptability. If happiness is your goal, how might you approach matters differently? If making mistakes is just part of your evolution and growth, how might you be less perfectionistic on your path?

Register for my live virtuaal gathering, Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance, here!

Staying on top of the things that are important to you can be a real balancing act, and this week you are on call to find your center and to stay as closely aligned with it as you can when things get complicated. You may find yourself feeling easily demoralized or rushing to worst-case scenarios, and both of these things create more problems than they solve. Seek creative ways of holding and addressing challenges this week, Libra.

Register for my live virtuaal gathering, Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance, here! 

Choose your battles wisely, Scorpio. You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone, especially if you are acting in alignment with your own values. This week, your fears can easily turn into defensiveness, and your uncertainty into fear-based narratives. The way around all that is staying connected to the people and things that you have invested your energy and care into. In the process of growth, there is always a stage where things don’t seem to be advancing—don’t attach to it.

Register for my live virtuaal gathering, Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance, here!

Your circumstances can change all they want, but what’s up to you is how you change in response to them. Take time to consider if you need to adapt or hold on tight this week, or some combination of the two. What you don’t want to do is allow your knee-jerk reactions to take hold of your mind so much so that you don’t consider what’s possible or even what’s most needed. When things get chaotic, stay tuned into your intuition, Sagittarius.

Register for my live virtuaal gathering, Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance, here!

Just because you’re on the right path or pointed in the right direction, doesn’t mean you’re going to see results right away. This week, your challenge is to pursue what you believe is right simply because you believe it is right—and without attachment to the outcome. Things are likely to be moving pretty slowly for you right now and that is by design. Gather up your energy and clarify your goals and intentions while matters develop, Capricorn.

Register for my live virtuaal gathering, Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance, here!

Stress has a funny way of kicking up entitlement. When a person feels bad, especially if those feelings include fear or anger, is when they are most likely to act out towards others or come off too aggressively. This week it will be important for you to check your ego to make sure that you are not taking out your very valid emotions on other people in a way that is unkind or unethical. In other words, don’t let stress turn you into something you’re not, Aquarius.

Register for my live virtuaal gathering, Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance, here!

It’s time to tighten up. If you find that you are looking outside of yourself for answers, then you’re likely to be feeling pretty out of sorts and unsure of what to trust. While it’s wise to be educated and informed, it’s on you to assess the data that you’ve taken in and figure out what to do from there. You are changing, and part of your evolution is cultivating more trust in yourself in practice, not just in theory, Pisces.

Register for my live virtuaal gathering, Facing 2025 Together: Astrology for Community Care and Resistance, here!