Ghost of a Podcast with Jessica Lanyadoo

June 10, 2023

332: Horoscope - Pluto Back in Capricorn & a New Moon in Gemini!


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Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.

Welcome back to Ghost. We're going to get into your horoscope for June 11th through the 17th, 2023, right in the middle of Pride Month. Hopefully you are having a great time if you're Queer, and if you're not, you're getting involved; you're finding ways to be an excellent ally this Pride Month when so many Trans and Queer people are under attack. But we have so much to talk about this week. I'm just going to get into it.

But one thing I'll share with you⁠—just one thing⁠—is, if you missed Episode 331 of Ghost, the most recent reading that I did⁠—and I just dropped that episode on Wednesday⁠—then you missed out on something really special because I got to do a reading for a chinchilla named Agent Blaster. And I feel like you don't need to know anything else to know that you're interested and it's time to get excited. So definitely listen to that episode because it is pretty damn heartwarming to hear about life from the perspective of a chinchilla who is aptly named, I might add, Agent Blaster. Pretty cool stuff, if you ask me.

Anyways, let's get straight on into your horoscope. It begins with some serious news. On the 11th of June, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn. Now, there's a couple other things happening on the same day. We've got a Mercury trine to Pluto and a Venus square Jupiter. I'm going to tell you about those two things, and then we're going to get into the Pluto in Cap situation.

So, on the 11th, at 3:26 a.m. Pacific Time, Mercury forms a trine to Pluto. Mercury is at 29 degrees and 59 minutes of Taurus, and Pluto is that 29 degrees and 59 minutes of Capricorn. So I imagine, if you look around the internet, you're going to see confusing and mixed messages around this because most astrology programs round up when we're at something like 29 degrees and 59 minutes, but it just so happens that Pluto that takes so long to move⁠—the very moment, pretty much, that it retrogrades back into Capricorn, it forms a trine just at that moment with Mercury. So, nice and unusual, but anyways, this is a powerful trine because we're talking about the most anaretic a degree and get at 29 degrees, 59 minutes of, again, Mercury in Taurus and Pluto in Cap.

And so what this transit means is really lovely things. Mercury trine to Pluto is when our thinking is able to get really deep and really real because we're dealing with these earth signs, but without a lot of the things we would typically expect from a Mercury/Pluto connection where we go into negative obsessions⁠, we fixate on the things that hurt us or others⁠—none of that stuff with a trine. With a trine, we're able to go deep without losing perspective.

This transit is really powerful for processing, for having deep conversations with people, coming to resolution, trying to get to the bottom of things, whether that's interpersonally⁠—if you've got research to do, if you're studying, if there's a problem that you're trying to fix, this transit is your BFF. It is so helpful because Pluto really is about going deep and getting real. Pluto governs relentlessness and ruthlessness, which can be kind of harsh things.

But when Mercury, the planet that governs friendships and the mind and exploration and our processing⁠—when Mercury forms a trine to Pluto, our ability to go deep and hard is actually really helpful because we can go deep and hard in figuring things out and connecting with people in a way that is real. So this can be a great transit for sparking passions or for finding a way in with our passions. And when I say that, what I mean is making plans, shifting our perspective so that we have a place to put our passions that's sustainable. That's thanks to all this earthy energy we're dealing with.

Now, I should say at 3:26 a.m., so the same minute but not the same seconds in that minute, Mercury moves into Gemini, from Taurus into Gemini. So this is a really powerful moment. And Mercury moving into Gemini is a lovely transit. I'm not going to spend much time on Mercury's ingress, but it is worth noting because this is like a very fertile moment, this 3:26 a.m. moment.

Now, the other transit that I want to tell you about that is happening on June 11th is exact at 8:40 a.m., and that is Venus at 5 degrees and 37 minutes of Leo forming a square to Jupiter at 5 degrees and 37 minutes of Taurus. Venus square to Taurus is yummy. It is a great transit. It's one of those squares that really just reminds you that squares are not inherently bad because when Venus and Jupiter have tension between them, it really can inspire us. It can motivate us to get creative, to get out of our comfort zone and be more generative, find new ways of connecting with people, connecting with things. There's something innovative about the Venus square Jupiter if we tap into that.

Now, I mean, it can also just be pure hedonism. It can just be pure indulgence, which I guess can become a negative thing if it's overdone or done in the wrong ways for your system or for your life, but in general is not that big a deal, not that bad of a thing. Certainly, this is a bad time for spontaneous purchases that are expensive or that you just can't afford. So you want to watch your spending. And also, if you are imbibing, do so responsibly, whatever that means for you and your life because, again, Venus and Jupiter can be a little overindulgent.

But the great stuff of this transit is that it is excellent for flirting, for socializing, for having connections that are warm and engaging and that are just kind of mutually beneficial. It's also great if you're an artist because it sparks that tension that we need to create something and to create something in a way that really just flows because Jupiter makes things bigger, and Venus makes things pretty. This transit can put us in a really good mood so that you are feeling optimistic or gregarious or just like, "Oh, you know, it'll all work out in the end," which may or may not be the case. But it doesn't matter because when we feel open and resilient, things can flow our way more easily, which is lovely.

Now, one more thing I'll say about this transit is that Venus is values, and Jupiter is expansion. So, if you've been thinking about the concept of values, if you've been trying to figure out what your values are, or if you've realized that the ways in which you're behaving, that you're living, are not in alignment with your values, this transit will do nothing to motivate you to work hard. Just let me get that out of the way. But the Mercury trine to Pluto will help you to want to work hard, and the Venus square to Jupiter is a great time for uncovering what you value, for being motivated to do it, even, especially if you have something at around five, six degrees of a fixed sign, which is Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, or Aquarius.

So it's definitely a transit to make use of. But honestly, if the way you make use of it is just feeling good and a little bit of reclining, that sounds pretty delicious to me, too. And that brings us to the thing that is happening chronologically first in the day of June 11th but is⁠ a very big deal. It is Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn. This happens at exactly 2:45 a.m. Pacific Time on the 11th.

And I mentioned Mercury moves into Gemini. There's a bunch of things that one could say about that, but essentially, Mercury in Gemini kind of speeds up communication. But what's really important is how it lights up your chart. Mercury spends about three weeks in each sign, and it takes about 88 days to move through all the signs. So, in about 88 days, Mercury will have moved through all the zodiac signs and be back into Gemini, whereas Capricorn spends closer to 20 years in a sign and it will not be back into Capricorn for about 250 years, making it headline news, my friends, headline news.

Now, Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008. It moved into Aquarius on March 24th, and as of June 11th, it's back into Capricorn, where it will stay until January 21st of 2024. And then it's going to spend another couple minutes in Capricorn September 1st of 2024 until November 19th of 2024. It is a very big deal. It is consequential to you if you have planets at around the last few degrees of Capricorn and the first couple degrees of Aquarius or if you have a house change in your birth chart at around those late cardinal degrees, early fixed degrees.

But what is truly consequential about this is what it means for the world. That is a really big deal. So let's just take a moment to have a very brief recap on what Pluto is. Pluto, my friends, is a planet. And it's a planet that⁠—in astrology, it governs generational forces, and in particular, it governs forces related to our survival mechanisms, power and power struggles, control, abuse, reparations, transformation, destruction. It's a really big deal.

When we are looking at Pluto's influence over the world, we are looking at really big and consequential themes. We only need to look to recent history to understand the impact of Pluto's transit through Capricorn. As I said, it started in 2008 and brought us up until March of 2023, when it moved into Aquarius for a hot minute. And Pluto in Capricorn has done so much to expose the shadow side, the corrupt side, of the power structures that we have in society that hold our societies together, especially and in particular structures that are basically reliant on control, fear, and hierarchical systems which keep people under control. Here in the West, for the most part, this is related to capitalism, white Christian nationalism, patriarchy, and many other systems connected to those things.

Through the transit of Pluto in Capricorn, we have also encountered the Pluto Return of the United States. As Pluto moves back into Capricorn, it will come back into tight aspect to Pluto of the United States, which means we are going to see a lot more happening with the U.S. both domestically but also how we function on the global stage. This affects everybody all over the damn world. Whenever a nation has a Pluto Return, which can only happen once every approximately 250 years, it is associated with the fall of an empire. It's associated with our shadow being brought to light so that it can be dealt with, which is why it's associated with the fall of empires, because nations don't do a good job, generally, dealing with ways they've been wrong, ways that they are deeply unhealthy and unequal.

Here in the U.S., the Pluto Return is going to get a lot more intense. So that means that this transit will expose how systems that are corrupt at their foundation have become too entrenched in how our nation runs and how inequitable power structures are. We're going to be confronted by the toxic individualism of this nation, the importance of the separation between church and state, the history of genocidal violence against indigenous people to this land, as well as the ugly history of racism and slavery that this country has. And I say history; I don't mean history like in the books. I mean it has historically been true, and we are still living out these really violent truths in this country.

We have so much that we must confront as a nation. And unfortunately, it's happening at a time where everybody is burned out. Some of this is by design. Some of this is just a lot of bad timing with a lot of heavy shit. This is a time where we must acknowledge that in true Capricorn fashion, that the ultra-right, the white Christian nationalists with their repressive and regressive ideas about the way things should be in this country and even in the world⁠—they've been planning. Like the children of Pluto in Capricorn, they have been planning. They have been building grassroots coalitions. They've been consolidating power in small and big ways. They've dotted their i's and crossed their t's.

This is, in many ways, the work of Pluto in Capricorn. On the left and with progressive movements, we must ask ourselves as Pluto moves back into Capricorn, have we been doing the work?  Not just the big revolutionary movements, but have we been doing the day-to-day work? Have we been building systems and structures? Have we been learning from our past? Because if we can do that in this transit of Pluto back into Capricorn, then we can create a solid foundation upon which revolutionary energies of Pluto in Aquarius can help us to create people-led movements that are for the people, that make the world better and safer for people.

Pluto will be in Aquarius, all told, from 2023 until 2044. That is 20 years, my friends. That is 20 years. It's a long time. And I cannot stress this enough: we do not get the independence and freedom that the zodiac sign of Aquarius and the transit of Pluto in Aquarius can bring without first learning the responsibility of self-appropriate systems. That's the thing we learn from Capricorn. You want to keep in mind that it's not random. Nothing in astrology is random. We learn the lesson of Capricorn, and that is foundational to the lesson of Aquarius. We learn the lesson of Aquarius, and it is foundational to the lesson of Pisces.

All of the zodiac signs are interconnected. So much of astrology is about interconnection, just like our movements, just like our movement-building, just like our own mental health, spiritual health, our own physical health, our own relationship to the planet is interwoven with that of others. We need to learn from our experiences. We need to learn from each other. That's how we attain wisdom, and that's one of the lessons that Capricorn teaches us. And you don't want to forget that before the planet Uranus was discovered, Saturn was the co-ruler for Aquarius and Capricorn. Aquarius has Saturnian vibes in a real heavy way.

We attribute the rulership of Aquarius to Uranus now because things have changed since the discovery of the planet Uranus, and those things are very Uranian, very Aquarian. But Aquarius has a lot to do with the world-weary, meaningful experiences that Saturn can bring. And that's important for us to remember as Pluto kind of dips and dives from Capricorn and Aquarius back and forth over the next chunk of time. It's time for us to create something that is sustainable, to attain wisdom and then use that wisdom, because rebellion and gotcha moments, great comebacks⁠—they don't change anything in the long term. What changes things in the long term is systemic application to revolution.

The potential for the Pluto Return with this transition of Pluto in Capricorn to Aquarius and then back again is that structures that are broken/that are inherently inhumane crumble, making room for more humanitarian systems that we can actually grow into on this planet that is just so fucking sick of what we do to it. But honestly, it's just as likely with Pluto in Aquarius that we become in some way enslaved to technology, that we create systems that are humanistic on the surface but ultimately force us into deeper isolation. Not to be a boner, but Pluto in Aquarius can do that.

As soon as Pluto entered into Aquarius, we saw this spike in technology, and in particular, of course, AI. And Pluto transiting through Aquarius can absolutely bring us powerful developments in STEM, in science and technology. But for now, we must trust that the revolutionary and transformative potential of Pluto's transit through Aquarius can only be helped through lessons learned, creating systems, planning and doing the unglamorous work, coalition-building. We need healing. We need to create something better than what currently stands. And that cannot happen unless we deal with the Capricornian lessons that Pluto is dragging us back into.

Capricorn is related to entrenched systems and the past, while Aquarius is related to the future. It's the innovation of new systems. But we must learn from our past so that we do not re-create it. And the danger with Aquarius, which is a fixed air sign, is that ideas that aren't rooted in humanity become dangerous quickly even if those ideas have great PR or sound great on the surface.

So, as we are going through this transit of Pluto leaving Aquarius for the next six months⁠ but not forever⁠, let's really focus on the building part⁠—the building part, the attaining wisdom. That means learning from lived experience. Let's build intergenerational and truly inclusive, sustainable systems to replace what we have now. Let's strive to develop a world that prioritizes our caretaking of this planet, of each other, of ourselves, instead of our exploitation of the planet, of each other, and ourselves. Let's make room for more ways of embodying this glorious and messy condition that is being a human in a body in time. And let's do it together.

I know this is easier said than done, but Pluto in Capricorn is about the hard work of dismantling our systems, both social, political, but also internal systems that we feel⁠—because they're old, because we have evidence of them working or not working⁠—they're real. And you don't always have to have evidence. You don't always have to have a case study to prove it in order for you to have faith in building something new. But we need to build things from the foundations up. We can't just start plucking ideas in space. I mean, we can, but that's not what Pluto in Capricorn wants us to learn. It's about systems. It's about here and now on the planet, in the moment, in the lives we find ourselves in. Fucking Pluto in Capricorn.

The City of Atlanta has leased 381 acres of the Weelaunee Forest to the Atlanta Police Foundation for a police military facility funded by corporations. But we can still fight. Visit for ways you can help from wherever you are. And if you're registered to vote in Atlanta, Georgia, you can sign the petition, which you can find at The links to both of these things are in show notes.

Now, that brings us, my friends, to the 15th of June. And on the 15th of June, two important things happened. The first is it is the Solar Return, a.k.a. the birthday, of my forever fiancé and the editor of this very podcast. And so take a moment to send a little love my funny Gemini's way. The other thing⁠—maybe more astrologically salient for you⁠—is the fact that Mercury is square to Saturn on this date.

Now, Mercury square Saturn is a true boner-killing transit, I'm sorry to say. Mercury is our friendships. It's our environment, like our neighborhood, the place that you can get around on your bicycle. Mercury is your thinking, your attitudes, your perspective. And Saturn tends to be focused on scarcity. Saturn is what we have, what we think other people have. It can be kind of depressive in nature. And so, when Mercury forms a square to Saturn, a lot of people experience feelings of loneliness, depressiveness, and heaviness. 'Tis not fabulous.

This transit can put us in a really negative frame of mind or, again, a scarcity mindedness that makes things seem worse than they are, unfortunately. And the reason why it makes us feel lonely is for a couple reasons. One is everyone's going through this transit, so everyone might be feeling a little off. And if I'm off and you're off, then we may have kind of awkward interactions. A lot of people choose to retreat away from this kind of negative frame of mind, which can, again, lead to loneliness. If you're isolating yourself, yeah, then you're alone with your negative thoughts, and that can be a mess, TBH, a mess.

The thing to remember about this transit is that it's very likely that you're in a negative frame of mind, and whatever thing you're telling yourself that is terrible or never going to happen for you⁠—yeah, it's probably not true. It's just probably not true. What we want to do under this transit is try to use it for the best that it has to offer. That's going to look like anything that requires serious concentration. This is not very glamorous, but doing something like organizing your cutlery drawer⁠—some sort of tedious task that needs to get done that doesn't really require a lot of brainpower but requires some level of consistency and tenacity, that's a really good use of this transit. So filling out paperwork that just needs to be done right⁠—yeah, this is actually a helpful transit for that.

So there are good things about this transit that we can try to make the most of, but for most people, this transit tends to just feel kind of heavy, puts us in a negative frame of mind. It's a terrible time for talking through things with friends or with loved ones, just terrible, because everyone's in this scarcity-based frame of mind⁠—makes everybody a little more pessimistic. And so, if you can avoid having heavy heart-to-hearts on and around this date, I strongly recommend it. If there's any kind of legal shit that you're needing to deal with, contractual stuff, it's not the greatest time to sign papers if you can avoid it. Look over papers. Issue papers if you've got to. But it's not the time for making major decisions if it can be avoided.

Now, as I said, this transit is happening on the 15th of June. It's exact at 9:09 a.m., and it is happening between Mercury at seven degrees of Gemini and Saturn at seven of Pisces. So you're going to feel this in particular if you have any planets or important points in your birth chart at around seven degrees of a mutable sign. And those mutable signs are, of course, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, and Sagittarius. So it's a little bit heavy. It's not super fun. But there are positive things about this transit that we definitely want to make use of.

And that brings us, my sweet and dear friends, to the other really big news of the week, which is we have the New Moon in Gemini. We have the Sun and Moon meeting at 26 degrees and 43 minutes, so I will refer to it as a  27-degree Sun/Moon conjunction in Gemini. I'm going to tell you all about it, but I will also say that at 8:29 a.m., just about an hour before, Mercury and Venus are forming a delightful little sextile. Mercury, again, is in Gemini, and Venus is in Leo. So they're forming a sweet little sextile that is always good for socializing, feeling kind of creative, dynamic.

It's not a spectacular transit. I find it to be kind of like a sweet breeze on a warm day kind of thing. But if it's not really a warm day, you might not notice it too much. It might just be the wind beneath your wings that is desperately needed. So you might not exactly notice this transit, again, unless it hits your chart directly. But let's focus on this New Moon. Now, listen. Now, listen. New Moons are great for setting intentions, planting seeds. It's when the Sun⁠—our will, our vitality⁠—and the Moon⁠—our feelings, our heart, our needs⁠—are aligned. Huzzah, right?

So, therefore, if our feelings and our vitality are on the same page or on the same word of the same page, it makes sense that this is a great time for getting clear and, from that clarity, generating energy. But sometimes the Universe is like, "Fuck that. I'm going to throw a curveball." And this, my friends, is one of those times. We've got the New Moon at 27 degrees, but we've also got Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces. So, to be specific and exact, the Sun and Moon are at 26 degrees and 43 minutes of Gemini while Neptune is at 27 degrees and 38 minutes of Pisces. So this is quite a tight square.

This square is very challenging because when Neptune forms a square to the Sun and Moon, what we experience is confusion, anxiety, overwhelm. Some people may experience illusions and delusions. If you are somebody who has a hard time staying fixed in this 3D reality, it may be particularly tricky for you to do so this New Moon. Because of this, it is not a good time for doing any kind of deep spiritual work or setting intentions.

It's not a terrible time for asking the Universe or doing any kind of spiritual work to help you get present, to help you get here. But honestly, anything else can get really messy really quickly because Neptune brings us too much information at once, and it's not information that we can process through our noodles, a.k.a. our noggins, a.k.a. cognitive processing. It's information that we have a really hard time, as humans, processing. It brings us static, just a lot of noise that is hard to parse through.

This is a particularly terrible time for doing drugs, in particular consciousness-raising drugs. If you have something scheduled, my loves, reschedule it. It's not a great time for that, because it's hard to keep your energetic boundaries safe, and you always want to. If you're going to do something to expand your consciousness, you don't want to expand it to such an extent that you lose yourself or that you risk letting something in that is not healthy and aligned for you. And with Neptune, it is really hard to manage that risk.

Neptune square to this New Moon is going to give us overwhelm. And what we need from this is nourishment. What we need is care. This is a New Moon for TLC⁠—that is tender, loving care. Okay? When we are going through challenging Neptune stuff, we always want to fortify our systems. This is the time to be asking yourself, "Am I drinking enough water? Am I breathing?" Really simple stuff that is easy to not really consider or to skip over. We have a way of trying to make things very complicated in life.

This is a time to return to our foundational basics in the body, right? In the body. And if you can do this, then what you'll be able to do is start to notice, "Oh shit. I feel off in my body." And instead of popping out in reaction to feeling off, try to nurture yourself and be like, "Okay. How am I feeling off? How do I know I feel off? Where do I feel off? What does my system need?" Whether it's your body, your brain, your situation⁠—"What do I need?" I don't know. Maybe you need to run an air purifier. Maybe you need to eat a damn snack or call a friend. What do you need?

It's so easy for us to forget to ask ourselves these really simple, basic questions, and especially when we're in a state of anxiety activation, it's really easy to forget to ask ourselves what we need. And if the only things you can come up with are, like, "I need world peace," "I need the air to be breathable and the water to be drinkable," you're stressing out about things that are just really out of your control⁠—you know, "I need my mom to be nicer to me or my bestie to not be late for everything."

If you go for those kinds of big needs, okay, sure. But then, when you break it down, "Okay, but given that I can't control that, what do I need around feeling out of control? What do I need around the feelings I'm experiencing in reaction to these things that I cannot control?" If you can attempt to do something like that this New Moon, I would say that's pretty gorgeous. I would say that is a beautiful, powerful use of this energy.

Now, we want to keep in mind that because the Moon and Sun are in Gemini, this is a very heady energy. There is the impulse with Gemini to seek answers, and if this answer doesn't feel good, then I'm going to look for that answer. And if that answer doesn't look good, I'm going to look in this direction. And Neptune is only going to make that more scattered. And so I want to just direct you towards exploring your perspective, exploring your options, exploring your ideas, instead of looking for answers, coming to conclusions. This is not a great time for doing that. It's not going to work, and it's probably going to make you feel stressed. So I really want to encourage you to pay attention to that.

Now, at the same time, I gotta say Mars and Venus are conjoined. Mars is almost at 17 degrees, and Venus is at 11 degrees of Leo. And Jupiter is forming a square to Venus, and Mars is forming a square to Uranus. These are all a little wide, but they're happening. What this does is it makes the theme of relationships kind of messy, makes the theme of relationships activated in a way that is so busy that when we consider it in conjunction with the New Moon being square to Neptune, things can get really overwhelming very quickly. Is this a serious Queer drama kind of a New Moon? Yes. Yes, it is. That doesn't mean if you're not Queer, you won't have drama, but it is Pride, is it not?

This is a time where you or the people around you may be pulled in so many directions around what to do within your relationships, where to go⁠, there may be a lot of feelings of restlessness and excitement. And this is not bad or good. We want to take any kind of, "Is this good news or bad news?" kind of thinking out of it. It's just busy and active. And if we don't have healthy boundaries, if we don't know where we begin and where we end, if we don't take responsibility for our own needs and capacity, then this can be messy in a way that isn't fun. And if you can just kind of let go of control without letting go of your discernment and self-care, it can be a really fun New Moon. But again, you want to make sure that whatever you do, you are fortifying and nurturing yourself. That's very, very important.

The other thing I want to point out within this chart is that we have Saturn and Mercury square to each other. It's not exact anymore, but we're still under the influence of this transit. And this turns our thinking in kind of a heavy-handed direction. Depending on your nature and how this New Moon is hitting your chart, it can kind of bring up control issues for you or in your life. And those control issues are Saturnian. It's like, what is the right thing to do? What is the wrong thing to do? It could be kind of heavy-handed, judgy shit.

So, again, I just want to keep on bringing it back to boundaries. You just keep on coming back to, "What do I need to do in order to nurture and fortify myself at this time?" And from that foundation of self-care, then you can show up with and for others. So self-care is not outside of showing up for other people; it is simply a foundation for showing up for other people.

The last thing I'll say about this New Moon chart is that Jupiter and the North Node⁠—they're just hanging out next to each other. They're not in exactitude, but they're conjunct each other. And this brings us to a really powerful moment where we can explore our values and explore the things that make us feel safe and held in this life. And through that exploration, we can make those things bigger in our lives. This theme, honestly, is reiterated a lot of ways in this chart, and so I want to just name that. I want to bring it into your consciousness. I want to bring it to the front of your consciousness and then wrap you up in a sweet, loving, self-sustained bubble of healthy boundaries. Okay?

If you feel called to explore the concept of boundaries and play with it, like find new ways of being in relationship to your own boundaries, this, my friends, is a glorious time for doing exactly that. The last thing I'll say is, because of Neptune, because Neptune is related to our immune system, you of course want to make sure that you are masking up in public indoor spaces as a way to protect your own health, making sure you don't get that long COVID mishigas starting in your system, but also as a way to protect others and invest in community care because⁠—community care. It's kind of what it's all about.

Okay. Let me run through the transits that I just spoke to this week. But as always, if you're interested in tracking the transits and learning astrology, you can subscribe to my astrologer's pro tool called Astrology for Days. You can find that over on my website or in show notes. It's at

On the 11th of June, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn. On that same day, Mercury forms an exact trine to Pluto, and Venus forms an exact square to Jupiter. On the 15th, Mercury forms an exact square to Saturn, bringing the vibe down. And on the 17th, we have this lovely Mercury sextile to Venus and a New Moon in Gemini. That New Moon in Gemini is exact at 9:37 p.m. Pacific Time.

If you love Ghost of a Podcast even a tiny fraction as much as I do, I encourage you to write a review or give the show five stars, and make sure to hit that Subscribe button wherever you listen to podcasts because it makes a huge difference for little DIY nerdcasts just like this one.

All right, my loves. Take really good care of yourself and others, and I will talk to you next week. Buh-bye.