October 27, 2024
474: Horoscope - New Moon in Scorpio + Major Drama in the Stars
Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.
Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast. This week, we're going to look at the astrology of October 27th through November 2nd of 2024. There is a ton to talk about. And unfortunately, I'm still sick with COVID. It's not at its acutest and worst anymore, but I'm still kind of going through it. So I'm going to try to be a little more succinct than is my nature. And I want to implore you, wear a goddamn mask in public spaces, and test if you have any kind of sickness symptoms. Okay? Protect yourself and protect others, I beg of you.
Okay. So we, as I said, have—oh my God—so much to talk about astrologically. Before we dive right in, I will tell you this: it is your last chance to grab tickets for the Witches Confluence. Whether you're in the San Francisco Bay Area and you can come live and in person on November 2nd or you want to join the Witches Confluence virtually October 27th through the 30th, you can go and get your tickets at modernwitches.org/witchesconfluence2024 and use the code GHOST15 for 15 percent off. If you're in the Bay Area, I hope you join us and that I get to see you there.
Okay. So let's talk about something that will be exact next week but we are absolutely feeling and have been feeling for quite some time. It's the Mars opposition to Pluto. We're going to start this week's horoscope acknowledging it. Mars opposite Pluto will be exact on November 3rd, then again on January 3rd, 2025, and then for a third and final time April 27th, 2025. The two times that it's exact in 2025, it will be between Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius. This is due to Mars going Retrograde, so we're going to have this transit going for a real long time.
But right now, in 2024, Mars is in Cancer and Pluto is in Capricorn. Pluto is going to be in Capricorn for a short period of time more, and then it will not enter the zodiac sign of Capricorn again for about 250 years. So it's a really big deal. These energies as they play out within you on a personal level, but also on the social and political stages of world events, are triggering that deep Plutonian transformation, healing, and destruction in Capricorn. We're talking about the status quo. We're talking about the old guard on a social level. And on a more personal level, it's your relationship to reality, responsibility, and your time—that kind of shit. The impact of the transit of Mars opposite Pluto is fucking dramatic. There's a lot of things to say about it, and there's a lot of things I'm going to say about it over the course of time.
But as we stand here at the precipice of the presidential election in the United States, I want to acknowledge some of the serious risks. Mars, as you know, is fighting. It's like punch-punch, bang-bang kind of fighting—stab-stab, even. Pluto is also related to violent fighting, but it's more nuclear. It literally governs nuclear powers. Now, I'm not saying that this transit will or always does trigger violent conflict or war, but it absolutely can. And we are living at an inflection point. We are living in an incredibly tense time.
One of the lessons of a Mars opposition to Pluto is the lesson of understanding your own ego and your own triggers. And related to that, because this is a global transit, we're also looking at the way that people with power negotiate and protect their power. We're looking at the role of embedded institutions, like capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy—deep Capricorny kind of shit. Mars opposition to Pluto is explosive. It's dramatic, and it's activating. Mars gets defensive. Pluto gets triggered around your survival mechanisms. So this is happening to you, you personally. It's also happening to me. It's also happening to people you like and respect and people you don't like and respect. It's happening to everyone.
So we're all triggered. We're all activated. We're all feeling defensive and entitled. And some people, when those feelings get triggered inside of them, experience kind of the opposite. They experience demoralization, victimization, insecurity—depends on how your ego functions. We all have egos, right? We all have Mars in the birth chart. But this particular transit of Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn—it is really important that you make sure that your drive towards perfectionism, survival, even, and potentially your drive towards moral superiority—a sense of entitlement, essentially—does not ultimately mimic and hold up white supremacy this election season.
And in this period, when we are all being confronted with existential crises, to my American friends, voting for president is not supposed to be your identity. It's not realistic that any commander in chief—it's a militaristic job. So any commander-in-chief, a.k.a. president of the United States, is going to reflect all of your values. That's not realistic. It has never happened. It will never happen. That is not what the job is.
When we vote for president, what we're really doing is we're choosing an opponent. We're identifying, "Which of these people can I more effectively fight? With which of these two opponents"—because in the United States, we have a two-party system. And if you want to change that two-party system, don't do it during a presidential election season. That's not when it works, and we have evidence to prove that. Presidential election after presidential election, it is a two-party system. We can't change it by not voting for one of the two candidates. That actually doesn't change shit.
Anyways, so I want to say really emphatically—because I'm scared. As an astrologer, as a person, I'm real scared. I'm real scared that Trump's going to win. I am scared because I listen to the shit he says, and I believe that he will do the things he says he'll do. I fear that a Trump presidency will rain down violence, will restrict pretty much everybody's rights except for white, straight Christians, and will be catastrophic for global politics, for the environment—catastrophic. Harris, from my perspective—and hey, listen. We're all entitled to our own perspective. But from my perspective, Harris is a terrible fucking option. I do not like Harris. Not a fan. Not a fan. Never been a fan. Not a fan. Okay. Fine. But a Trump presidency shakes me to my fucking core.
The astrology of this Mars/Pluto opposition—it takes us through May 2025. So we're experiencing it in October of 2024 through May of 2025. That's a long time. And regardless of who wins the election, we can expect violence. And violence can be physical violence. Certainly, Mars opposite Pluto can suggest physical violence. But there are many levels and forms of violence. This transit suggests that no matter what happens, it's going to be a fucking mess. And so, again, I want to say if you need to fight, if you need to fight a world leader, a leader of the empire, choose your opponent wisely. Pluto is in Capricorn. We need strategy. We need strategy, material strategy, grounded strategy. That's where we're at, my loves.
Now, if I can kind of fast-forward just a little bit, in March of 2025, there are a couple of astrological events that I am deeply concerned about. One is Neptune moving into Aries, and the other is the start of the Pluto opposition to the Moon of the State of Israel. The implications of both of these transits will take much larger conversations. I've been talking about them on my Patreon more than here on the weekly podcast, but let me say briefly that when looking at the chart of the State of Israel, we can see that the Moon, which is associated with the heart of a nation—it's also associated with nationalism and borders—the Moon is going to experience an opposition from Pluto. That transit lasts a couple of years.
And it is at that time—again, it starts in March of 2025—that I expect things to get significantly worse. And I cannot envision what worse could possibly look like—could possibly look like—for the Palestinian people. I can't imagine what worse could possibly look like from such a violent and inhumane regime as the leaders of the State of Israel. But as an astrologer, that's what I see coming—worse. Worse.
And so, when I pull back to American politics—because the United States funds Israel—I see two bad options. Now, I should clarify I'm not trying to tell you who to vote for. I just have this podcast, and I'm going to talk about this because this is important to me. My perspectives are absolutely based in part on my worldview, in part on my opinions, in part on the news that I consume. We're all subjects. None of us are truly objective. That said, my opinions are also deeply connected in astrology, in what I see coming and the historical context of the astrology, not just the astrology of the future. It's understanding the astrology of the past because we must learn from history.
So you vote for whoever the fuck you want to vote for. You do you. But I think it's important for me to share that a candidate as bad as Harris has been, and I think will be, for the Middle East and also for people here at home—Trump will be significantly, violently, fascistically worse. I want a revolution. You can trust that I do. I want change, and both candidates are very dangerous. But let's not for a second fool ourselves into imagining that Trump and his team haven't gotten more bigoted, more emboldened, and more dangerous.
With a Mars opposition to Pluto, we are all in a reactionary state. We are all in a reactionary state that can be deeply performative thanks to Mars, that can be rooted in your survival mechanisms, your drive to survive what can feel like an existential threat—thanks, Pluto. And when it comes to being reactionary with politics, it means we're not being strategic. It's hard to be reactionary and strategic at the same time.
So I want to invite you, in these just overwhelming times, to do your best to get grounded and to be intentional, to work within imperfect systems—I mean, imperfect is—it's a gross understatement of what's happening, but to work with the imperfect systems that we find ourselves in, to choose your opponent wisely. Don't choose your perfect solution, because it doesn't exist—instead, to choose your opponent wisely and to know that none of us, none of us, get to opt out of the system. Your participation, whether it's passive or active, is a part of the world and is a part of what will come next. You have power. You have power. You may not have a lot of power. You might not have enough power. But you've got power, and I want to invite you to use it.
That's what the Mars opposition Pluto is trying to teach us: how to embody our power and to do so in ways that reflect what is most true for you, what you believe in, but also what you need—what you need for yourself, what you need for others, what you need—and not just reflect your most entrenched and reactive impulses, which unfortunately is how most people are going to experience this opposition, this Mars/Pluto opposition, which I will talk about in terms of its personal implications to you as an individual with a psyche in next week's episode when the transit is exact.
But for today, I want us to really acknowledge that we are interconnected with each other, and we have to take care of each other. I mean, we don't have to. The consequences of not doing so are pretty fucking dire, though. So do what you can, and by God, if you are in the United States, this is not just a presidential election. Vote down-ballot. Be strategic in all things. Choose your opponents with care.
All right. Now let's get into this week's horoscope. As I warned you at the top, it's a lot. We start off on October 28th, which is a Monday, and we have two exact transits occurring. One of them is quite supportive, and one of them is quite challenging. At 5:31 a.m. Pacific Time, Mars will be at 27 degrees and 34 minutes of Cancer. Neptune will be at the same degrees of Pisces. So we have a Mars trine to Neptune. This is a lovely transit in many ways.
Now, again, we want to keep in mind that we have the umbrella transit of that Mars/Pluto opposition that we're feeling all week very intensely, and Mars is trine to Neptune at this moment. This transit is really good for selfless action. Neptune is your higher self. It's idealism. Mars is the ego. It's your motivations, your actions. And so this transit can be really good for helping you have a more empathetic, forgiving, graceful relationship to your ego. This can help you to cultivate better and healthier boundaries, to respect other people's boundaries, to act in ways that reflect your creativity, your spirituality, and what you hold dear. It's great, right? It can also support humanitarian action in general, so that's lovely.
It is not the most physically motivating or fortifying transit, but it does help you to consider what's important on a spiritual and emotional level, not just for yourself but for other people, which is particularly helpful when you consider that just about an hour later at 6:35 a.m. Pacific Time, Venus will be at 12 degrees of Sagittarius and 58 minutes, and Saturn will be at the same degrees of Pisces. And so we have a Venus square to Saturn. This is quite a challenging transit.
Venus and Saturn are the two planets most associated with security, with a desire to get validation from others or reassurances from your circumstances or from people. When they form a square to each other, as they're doing now, it can feel like the only way to be safe or get assurances is through compromise. And it's not inherently bad to compromise. With a Venus square to Saturn, you want to make sure that you're not compromising in ways that compromise yourself, what's authentic to you.
This transit tends to play out into a couple different arenas. One is it can be hard for the economy. It can be hard for your own personal finances. You may have to pay bills or deal with financial realities that you just weren't fully aware of or were just putting off. And then, of course, there's the relationship implications. This transit can trigger feelings of loneliness, feelings of loss. You may be surrounded by friends and just feel like you're not truly connected to people, or you may be aware that you're not surrounded by friends and feel the sting.
This transit is a time where you may be confronted, especially if you have something at around 13 degrees—12, 13 degrees—of a mutable sign. And the mutable signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo. You may become really acutely aware of what isn't working in a relationship or in some relationships. And the truth of the matter is there's something wrong with even the best of relationships. What you need to identify is, what are the best ways to cope? Sometimes the healthiest thing to do is to change your expectations and your boundaries. Other times, you need to have a conversation. You need to sort through the realities of what are actually happening in your relationship.
There's lots of different circumstances and lots of different kinds of relationships, but what we know the Venus square to Saturn is most likely to do is put you in a scarcity-based frame of mind. And so it is hard to have truly open conversations, to explore what's possible, when you're feeling really attached to what happened in the past, what's probable, your insecurities, or your fears. Therefore, it's not the best time for processing in your relationships.
That said, the Mars trine to Neptune is a mitigating factor. So, if you do need to have a conversation with someone, if you do need to confront something in a relationship, if you are kind of overwhelmed with insecurities, the little golden key here is to tap into that Mars trine to Neptune. And the way to do that is to get in your body. Mars is the body. Get in your body. Tap in and open up. This is really hard for most of us a lot of the time, but it's still the practice. We don't want to seek perfection. We want to seek engagement with the healthiest parts of the practice. And that's what I want to encourage you to do on and around this day.
The final thing I'll say is it's not the best time for looking in mirrors. Venus square Saturn can make you feel insecure about the way you look. Just don't overthink it. It's not that important. I mean, unless it's actually that important to you, it's really not that important. Let the transit pass.
And the other thing I'm going to say is a little bit of kindness goes a whole long way. So be kind to yourself. Be kind to strangers. If you don't have something kind to say, maybe don't say it. Offering a little bit of kindness to someone, just a little bit, could have a meaningful impact on their life. You just can't know. So be brave enough to be kind. I'm not talking about nice, not nicey-nice fakeness. I'm talking about kind, which requires some level of authenticity. If you can't muster kindness, it's all right. But if you can, yeah, it'll have a really lovely ripple effect in you and the world.
That brings us to the next exact transit this week. On Wednesday, October 30th, Mercury will be exactly opposite to Uranus. At 3:15 p.m. Pacific Time, Mercury will be at 25 degrees of Scorpio and 57 minutes. Uranus will be at the same degrees of Taurus. This transit, which overlaps with Halloween, which I know a lot of folks celebrate, can be really fun, and it can be really stressful. And it can be stressful and fun. It can do all kinds of things.
Mercury is your mind. Uranus is your nervous system. So this transit can speed up your thinking. It can also speed up the tempo of communication and activity in the world, like with other people. Mercury is related to your neighborhood, your immediate world. And in the modern world we live in, it's also related to the people you tend to be in contact with online. So Mercury opposite Uranus can coincide with just lots of DMs, lots of social interactions, that kind of stuff.
The thing about Uranus is that it governs the unexpected. It can govern internet issues. Mercury opposite Uranus can be like some sort of security breaches or problems with connectivity and that kind of shit. It can also represent something else that's unexpected happening, and that unexpected thing can make you feel anxious, not anxious like Neptune anxious—like panicked—anxious like Uranus anxious, which is distracted, all over the place, hard to focus.
Because of the unpredictability and the messiness and the speediness of this transit, it's not the greatest time for making plans. It's not the greatest time for focusing and concentrating and that kind of stuff. But it can be a fun time to connect to other people, expose yourself to new ideas. That can be fun. You just have to be adaptable. You gotta be flexible. If you think you're going to go to a party with a couple of your friends, and then all your friends bail, it might be hard to not overthink it because Venus square Saturn is still happening, but it may be just an opportunity for you to—I don't know—socialize more independently or skip the party you didn't really want to go to anyways or whatever. Again, you want to be adaptable.
If you are doing something important on this day—traveling, signing papers, any kind of Mercurial things—again, you want to expect the unexpected and be flexible. That's the lesson here. This transit I find to be quite fun. But if you're somebody who tends to be a bit more fixed, or if you're going through a moment right now where you just need things to go right and go the way you plan on them going, this transit can be a bit of a pain in your ass. It's not going to last forever. And again, if you can be adaptable, it will be easier to engage with these energies.
Now, the last exact transit happening in October is happening on Thursday, October 31st, Halloween. And it's exact at 5:33 p.m. Pacific Time. We'll have Mercury at 27 degrees of Scorpio and 30 minutes forming an exact trine to Neptune at the same degrees of Pisces. Now, Mercury trine Neptune is a lovely transit to have overlapping with a Mercury opposition to Uranus. The reason for this is because it increases your sensitivities—your spiritual sensitivities, your creative and artistic sensitivities, and also your humanitarian sensitivities, like your ability to be empathetic to the people around you, whether it's people in your social circle or people in the broader community of humanity.
Mercury trine to Neptune is a lovely transit for exploring possibilities, having open and empathetic conversations with people, exposing yourself to art and creativity—all this kind of good stuff. It is a lovely transit. And it can help to kind of smooth some of the edges that Mercury opposite Uranus brings up.
If you are somebody who's incredibly porous, if you are somebody who has a hard time with boundaries, this transit's actually pretty lovely for practicing boundaries. It's not going to happen on its own. It doesn't just magically occur. But if you are open to trying things in new ways—Mercury opposite Uranus—and you tap into your energy body, your psyche, and your heart—Mercury trine Neptune in water signs—then you can practice embodying boundaries in different ways and potentially more effective ways, which is pretty fucking lovely.
And it dovetails quite nicely into the November 1st New Moon in Scorpio. On Friday, the 1st of November, we will have a New Moon in Scorpio at 5:47 a.m. Pacific Time. The Moon and Sun will meet at 9 degrees and 35 minutes of Scorpio. So, if you have anything at around that point in your birth chart, you're really going to feel it.
New Moons, as we know, are a great time for setting intentions. When the Sun—your identity—and the Moon—your feelings, your heart—are in alignment, it makes it easier to tap into what's authentic, to set intentions that are deeply resonant and deeply felt. And when we're dealing with Scorpio energies, we are always talking about things that are deep. Scorpio is a zodiac sign associated with depth, and in particular spiritual and emotional depth. So this New Moon is intended—it's likely—to stir up deep emotions.
Because the Sun and Moon will be forming a trine to Saturn, we have a stabilizing effect at play. So this is a really great time for tapping in emotionally and getting really present with whatever you find. Saturn will help you to not get too overwhelmed and to make use of whatever information you're able to experience. And when I'm talking about information, I'm talking about emotional content, not analytic data. That's Mercury—although, speaking of Mercury, we're still under the effect of the opposition to Uranus.
And so that transit will be stirring the brain pot, if you will, making it kind of hard to stay with the feelings because the mind is just real busy. And if you remember, Mercury is also in Scorpio, so it is an aspect that tends towards rumination. If you find yourself mentally ruminating, like your thoughts just keep on returning and returning and returning to a thing, try to rein yourself in. Instead of following your thoughts, tap into your emotions because when it comes to a New Moon, that's always the assignment. And it's always smart to look at what the ruling planet of a zodiac sign is doing in a New Moon chart, and here we have Pluto and Mars really close, within 40 minutes of each other, to an exact opposition. So this is a very tight aspect. Other than the exactitude of the New Moon itself, it is the tightest aspect.
And so you can expect that your survival mechanisms are going to be triggered this New Moon—not just yours, though—mine, his, hers, theirs, everybody's. And so we can expect power struggles, and those power struggles may just be inside of your head. They may be inside of your heart, or they may be behavioral between you and someone else because you want to keep in mind that oppositions are generally experienced in the projected form, between me and you or us and them.
So Pluto/Mars opposition is going to trigger power struggles. It's going to trigger survival issues, defenses, the drive towards manipulating yourself or others or having to deal with somebody else who's being manipulative towards you. And again, if we stay centered in the potential of what a New Moon is, then what you can do is practice staying present with your emotions. No matter how deep or petty or complicated or mixed or confused they are, your emotions are your emotions. You are allowed to feel whatever you feel.
By allowing yourself to practice being present with your emotions, what you're actively doing is not abandoning yourself. It's not explaining away your feelings. It's not justifying your feelings. It's not impulsively reacting to your feelings. It's just being present like a good friend. And the impact of that to your heart, your psyche, your spirit cannot be overstated. I mean, it is really transformational. Anyone who has practiced doing it knows how hard it is and how valuable it is.
So I want to invite you, this very intense New Moon in Scorpio, to practice being present. If your addictions—whether it's scrolling or imbibing a substance or obsessing on other people, whatever the fuck your addictions are—and so many of us deal with different layers and levels of addiction. And of course, Scorpio, Pluto—they're both energies that activate addictions or govern over addictions. If you find any of your addictions are at play, do your best to stay emotionally present with the impulse to do or imbibe the thing before you do or imbibe the thing. Staying emotionally present with whatever emotion it is that gets activated inside of you instead of acting on whatever the impulse is—that can be truly transformational. And so I want to invite you to practice that.
Now, there are other important aspects in this chart. We have a Jupiter/Venus opposition, which further suggests that we are going to experience relationship dynamics this New Moon, that you're going to be thinking about other people; you're going to be dealing with relationship dynamics. This is not a good or a bad aspect, but it is one that empowers you to act in ways that reflect your values. So I want to encourage you to do that.
They also have a couple of supportive transits from Mercury, which I'll get into in detail in a moment. But I want to say what these transits really empower you to do this New Moon is to sort through your thoughts, your feelings, your impulses with intention and depth. None of this is going to happen on its own. None of it is guaranteed, but it is absolutely the energy at play and the energy you can tap into. So do your best to make use of these energies this New Moon.
Now, on Saturday, November 2nd, we've got three exact transits. Jupiter will be at 20 degrees and 23 minutes of Gemini, and it will form an exact sextile to Chiron at the same degrees of Aries at 1:08 a.m. Pacific Time. Mercury will be at 29 degrees 22 minutes of Scorpio and forming an exact trine to Mars at the same degrees of Cancer at 1:21 a.m. Pacific Time. A couple hours later, Mercury will be at 29 degrees of Scorpio and 45 minutes, and it will form an exact sextile to Pluto at the same degrees of Capricorn at 8:03 a.m. Pacific Time. And then, a couple hours after that, Mercury moves into Sadge.
So that's a lot to take in. And I want to remind you that on Sunday, the 3rd, Mars will be opposite Pluto. So this is all happening under this very intense backdrop. And I'm going to do my best—I'm still dealing with COVID here, but I'm going to do my best to drop more content about the Mars/Pluto opposition this week on my Patreon. So, again, if you want more of that, join me there.
Okay. So let's talk about all three of these transits in detail. But first, I'm going to give you the broad strokes. This is a powerful time for sorting through the details in the big picture of whatever it is you're going through. Whether you think about this on a social and political level or you think about this in a very personal and spiritual way, these three transits can empower you to be brave, to be brave as you consider the big picture and the details of your own healing, of how to engage with core wounds in the world, core wounds in your own psyche, in a relationship—whatever the case may be.
The Jupiter/Chiron sextile can bring about spurts of growth. Chiron is our core wounding, and Jupiter is big picture and healing and resiliency. And so the potential for healing and growth is very real. It's real for you, and it's real for all of us. But it's one of those "you gotta go through it to get to it" kind of things. Jupiter can be associated with philosophy and big ideas, but it's also associated with lived experience.
And so what I want ground you into is that the potential here is for you to learn from your lived experience, to adapt your thinking—and when I say your thinking, I mean your beliefs—and even to forgive—not forget—forgive, to release your attachment to things in your past that hurt, perhaps things in your present that hurt. And this will be facilitated by the two transits from Mercury, the Mercury trine to Mars—which can deepen and strengthen your ability to be brave, to confront things head-on, to move through a lot of information and a lot of ideas, and to communicate, to say what needs to be said, to listen when people say things, even if they are confronting or challenging.
Meanwhile, the Mercury sextile to Pluto—that transit gives you depth. When Mercury is sextile to Pluto, you are able to analyze and sit with kind of intense-feeling content without losing yourself or degenerating into your strongest impulses. This is a great transit for concentration, for strategizing, for exploring possibilities, and even for tapping into your intuition. This can be a transit associated with opportunities presenting themselves to you, but they're not going to be material opportunities. They're going to be opportunities to learn something new, to show up for a conversation, to tap into what is possible, and to co-create conditions that make it so.
And so, while the astrology of this week is a lot and is very challenging at many turns, these transits are here to support you to sort through it, to move through it with strength, with intention, and the capacity to heal. And that is what it is all the fuck about, my loves.
Now, that was a lot. And I will remind you that every week, within about 24 hours, I have a transcription available on my website, so you can sort through all the data. It's all written down for you. Let me run through all the transits. And also, if you want to use the transit-tracking tool that I use, you can subscribe to my astrologer's pro tool called Astrology for Days over at astrologyfordays.com. It is just a very simple tool. It tracks the transits. There's an ephemeris in it and a place for notes. So you can use this as an easy, at-a-glance way of seeing where the transits are on any given day, but also to track your predictions, your insights, and your progress. So giddyap if that's interesting to you.
Okay. On October 28th, we have an exact trine between Mars and Neptune and an exact square between Venus and Saturn. On October 30th, Mercury is exactly opposite to Uranus. On the 31st, Mercury is exactly trine to Neptune. On November 1st, we have a New Moon in Scorpio, and—fun fact—we will have two New Moons as well as a Full Moon this month, the month of November. So get ready to be in your emotions, okay? And on the 2nd of November, Jupiter will form an exact sextile to Chiron, and Mercury will form an exact trine to Mars as well as an exact sextile to Pluto.
And that, my dears, is this week in the stars. Do not forget that Mars opposite Pluto is triggering you, me, and everyone else. And being triggered is hard, but it is also always an opportunity to engage with your habits, as deep and entrenched as they may be, in new and more evolved ways. Take good care of yourself and others, and I will talk to you in just a couple of days.