November 02, 2024
476: Horoscope - Mars Opposite Pluto + Venus Square Neptune
Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.
Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast. This week, we're going to look at the astrology of November 3rd through the 9th of 2024. There are not a lot of transits, but there is a lot to talk about. Before I do, I want to acknowledge that I am recording this on Halloween, on October 31st, before a lot of things shift in the world. And I feel weird about it because here in the United States, we have this very big presidential election, and it overlaps with this week's horoscope. And I'm just recording in advance.
Okay. So here we go. So Pluto is in Capricorn. Pluto is in Capricorn. You know it. I know it. We know it. It will move into Aquarius on the 19th of November. That's real soon, a couple weeks. And it will not again be in the zodiac sign of Capricorn for 248 years, so it's a big deal. And the last Pluto transit that we're going through—omitting Moon transits because the Moon moves real fast, so it does some stuff. Like on Thursday the 7th, the Moon will sit on top of Pluto for a short period of time. These things happen.
But the last planetary aspect of Pluto is the November 3rd Mars opposition to Pluto. Now, this transit will reoccur between Mars and Pluto in Leo and Aquarius, so it will shift from cardinal to fixed. It will shift from the Cancer/Capricorn polarity to the Leo/Aquarius polarity. We will have lots of time to talk about the Aquarius/Leo polarity. Don't even think about it now because now we need to be present with what's happening astrologically. Mars opposite Pluto is a very big deal.
Now, I warned you in October that shit really started—we just entered into a crazy time in October of 2024 astrologically, and it will remain pretty fucking nuts for a while. If you have already joined me on my Patreon or you have just gone over there to purchase the month-ahead horoscope, then you have a sense already of so much of what is happening in November. There is a lot going on. Mars doesn't go Retrograde this month; it goes Retrograde on the 6th of December. But the Retroshade gets deeper and deeper the closer we get to that date. So we've got that going on.
On the 25th of this month of November, we've got Mercury going Retrograde. There's two New Moons, one Full Moon, and this fucking Mars opposition to Pluto. It is a lot, my friends. It is a lot, regardless of what you got going on in your personal life, where you live in the world. It is a lot. And what this transit of Mars opposite Pluto—which is exact on November 3rd at 3:37 a.m., when Mars will be at 29 degrees and 46 minutes of Cancer and Pluto will be at the same degrees of Capricorn. What we can expect is a lot.
Now, again, you've been feeling these energies for weeks as they've been mounting. And on a personal level, you may be feeling like you're just fucking at your max, like you can't take any more. Pluto governs your survival mechanisms. Pluto governs your flight-or-fight mechanisms or your flight, fight, and fawn mechanisms. Pluto is related to your deepest survival issues. Because of that, it is also associated with a lot of deep mental health stuff. Pluto is one of the planets that governs deeply submerged trauma, so not, "Oh, this experience happened, and it was really challenging for me." It's more the submerged, shadowy parts of how you hold it, where in your psyche, where in your heart, where in your mind, where in your body you hold it, and the survival mechanisms that are trying to navigate and negotiate for your safety whenever anything gets close to it. We're talking about deep shit, right?
And Pluto in Capricorn, as I touched on last week, is related to not just survival but of course survival in an organized, sustainable, material way. Capricorn is related in so many ways to the things you do. So is Mars, in a very different way. But Mars is very much related to the things you do. It's your motivations. It's your actions. When you think about it like Venus, Venus is your values. But Mars is what you do. So you may value the environment, but maybe you never actually do anything for the environment. Venus and Mars are very different in that way. And I mention this because we're also going through two exact Venus transits the same day, but bear with me.
Mars is what you actually do. It's how you drive your car. Mars is related to your motivation, your sense of entitlement, your ego energies. It's the part of you that wants to fight, that wants to fuck, and how you want to do those things. Mars is motivation. It's the means of production. Mars is the body. It's your musculature. It's your red blood cells. Mars is the body. And so, when we are dealing with Mars, we are dealing with themes that we are meant to embody, we're meant to be present in our bodies with.
And oftentimes, when there are challenges to Mars, we have a hard time staying with the feelings in our body. So what do you do when you have a hard time staying with your body? Do you grab your phone, start scrolling, smoke, drink, buy something, fixate on x, y, or z? There are so many things that we do. And different people do different things, and all of us do different things at different times in our life. Such is life. Developing a practice of being present in your body is really, really hard. And it's a lot harder for some people than others, and it's a lot harder at some times than others.
Mars opposite Pluto is a transit that triggers challenges with staying present, staying present in your body. That might be because you are encountering really hard-to-tolerate feelings and motivations. You may be feeling petty, resentful, defensive. You may be feeling enraged. You may be feeling terrified, helpless, hopeless. Your survival mechanisms may be engaged in such a way that you feel like, "I can't take care. I can't defend myself. I can't be okay."
The Mars opposition to Pluto is a transit that can really make you feel like you're losing contact with your body. Now, this is not going to happen to all people. It's a big world, and there's a lot of different ways that we can feel. But I want to validate those of you who are feeling this way. There's an astrology to it. And it's worth noting that Mars in Cancer can be a very clingy energy. So this doesn't mean that people who are Cancers are clingy, but it means that when the planet Mars is in the zodiac sign of Cancer, it can put you in a frame of mind or a way of being that is really tenderhearted. But Mars is uncomfortable with tenderhearted.
Cancer comes at things sideways, and those pinchers can get really attached. Mars has a hard time with that kind of energy. And so, when Mars is in Cancer, there can be kind of this unconscious coping mechanism of attaching to the past, attaching to people, attaching to ideas as a way to make yourself feel safe or feel better about how you feel. On a more collective level, this is associated with protecting borders, nationalism, and all kinds of other honestly quite dangerous power structures.
As I referenced last week, this transit is associated with abuses of power, violence, and this transit in the context of the larger outer planet transits that we're going through is unfortunately related to the rise in strongmen leaders or fascist leadership around the world. We're in some fucking rough times. Now, back to the very personal, you may be dealing with somebody who is fucking with you. Now, they may be doing it because they're trying to fuck with you, or they may be doing it because they're all fucked up in themselves.
But you may be dealing with power struggles in which you need to figure out a way to act that protects you and reflects your values. It's not an easy task, especially if the person you're dealing with has power over you. You may be the person who is acting out against others. You may be holding them down. You may be manipulating. You may be harming other people, whether you're doing it intentionally or not. The worse you feel—the more scared you feel, the more vulnerable you feel, the more victimized you feel—the more likely you are to entitle yourself to acting out. That's just how humans are. It's not you. It's us. That's how we are.
And because of this fucking Mars opposition to Pluto that is affecting each and every one of us and the world at-large, a lot of people's survival issues, a lot of people's fear and anger, are bumping up against each other. And so, if you have a more passive nature, then you're going to point that towards yourself or you're going to be passive-aggressive towards others. If you have a more assertive nature, then you may play the role of the bad guy. I mean, it's not about good and bad. It's about whether or not you can take accountability for how you feel and for how you behave. That is hard in life, especially when life is scary. And life is scary sometimes. Right now, life is scary.
What this transit wants from us is to heal. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done. And because this transit will last for so long, you're not expected to magically heal this week. You've got many months of this transit. As I said last week, we're going to be feeling it through May of 2025. That's a six-month period, a very long time for this transit. So what are we meant to do? We're meant to transform and heal and evolve. We're meant to move through the very emotions and dynamics that are triggering us in ways that reflect what you actually want, your true passions, your true motivations, instead of what you fear alone. Fear gets a bad rap. I mean, fear can really get out of control and do a lot of damage in your psyche and in the world. And also, fear is a normal, healthy experience of being human.
It is healthy to fear things that are dangerous. That fear can motivate you to take actions to make yourself or others safer, to protect that which you care about or who you care about. Fear isn't all bad, but it can be weaponized. You can weaponize it against yourself by fixating on your fears and not on potential solutions or strategies. You can use it as an excuse to do nothing or to perpetrate harm, again, against others or yourself. And of course, fear can be used as a catalyzing force to mobilize humans to do terrible things to each other, to other people.
So this is a fucking intense transit, and it's an intense cycle that we're at the first point of exactitude with. Unfortunately, we are likely to see extreme behavior and violence. And if you are just walking down the street and you're like, "My gut says I don't feel safe," yeah, trust your gut. Just trust your gut. And that doesn't mean descend into panic. It means there's something in you saying, "I don't feel safe," and what can you do about that? Can you cross a street? Can you call a friend? What can you do? We want to tap into the pragmatics of Capricorn while Pluto is in Capricorn. It's not going to last long. But for now, that's a good strategy.
As I said last week, we are going to talk about this transit a lot more because it's going on for so many months. Pay attention to what's happening in the world around you. I expect a great deal of disruption, violence, drama, and fear. How you participate shapes the world. I know it doesn't feel like it for most people, but it does. Each and every one of us shape the world. We do. Whether it's sitting around scrolling on your phone and doing nothing—that shapes the world. That shapes the world, or getting out there and doing shit.
Whether you're passive or you're active, you matter. What you do and what you don't do matters. And understanding that is the result of having a healthy, well-adjusted ego. What you do and don't do is not the end-all, be-all. You don't have to be the main character of every story in order to know that you have value and that what you do matters. Mars opposite Pluto is going to test your ego. And if it is something that you've made small or you've deprioritized, this transit, these six months, are going to be an opportunity for you to bolster your ego in healthy ways so that you can have healthy boundaries; you can be embodied. This is very important.
If you are finding yourself completely overwhelmed, falling-apart style, do what you can to resource your body, to do things that help you to navigate that which you cannot control, that which is out of your hands, because so much is. So much is—allowing yourself the grace of being just one person who's only capable of what you're capable of at this time and committing to staying engaged with yourself and with the world, in conversation about what you can do, what feels right, what is aligned, what is authentic to you moment by moment.
Now, that's just the start of the day. By 7:25 a.m. Pacific Time, there will be an exact opposition between Venus and Jupiter. That will be with Venus at 20 degrees and 17 minutes of Sagittarius and Jupiter at the same degrees of Gemini. About an hour later, at 8:22 a.m. Pacific, Venus forms an exact trine to Chiron with Venus at 20 degrees and 19 minutes of Sadge and Chiron at the same degrees of Aries. And then, in case you're curious, by 8:09 p.m. Pacific, Mars moves into Leo. In its final anaretic moments in Cancer, it sat opposite Pluto. The transit's not over just because it shifts signs, but Mars moves into Leo.
Okay. Let's pull back. Big picture, these two Venus transits are an opportunity to connect with your values and act in ways that reflect them, whether or not it's easy. That's the umbrella, okay? Venus opposite to Jupiter is a transit that honestly is more motivating for you to party, for you to have a good time, for you to socialize and connect with other people, than it is for you to do some sort of big philosophical thing. That said, Venus is your values, and Jupiter is your beliefs. And when the two planets sit opposite, we have the opportunity to engage with our values and our beliefs in situations where we're kind of on call to do it. You know what I'm saying?
So most people, most of the time, experience this on a more superficial, fun level. And may I say there's nothing wrong with superficial and fun. We need it. By God, we need it. But as it's overlapping with the Mars opposition to Pluto, you may experience this transit through gentle confrontation with others. Mars opposite Pluto—confronting confrontation. Venus opposite Jupiter—that's like, "You like pizza with pineapple? You're crazy. Let's have pizza together." It's not a challenging confrontation is what I'm trying to say.
But what this transit will do on this day is help you to remember yourself, help you to remember your values. Now, it's possible that it will inspire you to be accommodating and kind of surfacey with people instead of real. That's a risk. That's a possibility. This is a lovely transit that has, actually, a lot to give. It'll help you to remember to be kind. It can help to ease the weight of that Mars opposition to Pluto. So it's definitely a transit to tap into.
Now, the other thing happening today is a really helpful transit to be happening on this day. It's a helpful transit in general. Chiron's intensity and rawness paired with Venus's connection to your sense of self, to your self-worth—it can help you to move through what would otherwise be really challenging stuff, but to move through it with greater grace, forgiveness, and kindness. You could see how this would be very helpful.
Now, this transit is just going to help make the Venus opposition to Jupiter be a little deeper, get a little more real. This will help you to act in ways that reflect your values, to be kind to yourself and others. To me, this is amazing. Now, all of these transits are active in the chart of the U.S. election, which is being held on November 5th. And so you could imagine the impact. I have talked about the election chart of the United States on my Patreon. If that's something you want to learn more about, you can join me over there.
Okay. Let's look at Monday, November 4th. On that day, at 9:36 a.m. Pacific Time, we'll have an exact trine between the Sun and Saturn. The Sun will be at 12 degrees and 48 minutes of Scorpio, and Saturn will be at the same degrees of Pisces. This transit is, thankfully, very grounding and can bring a bit of common sense and sustainability to all the madness and chaos of yesterday's transits. The Sun is your sense of self. It's your will, and it's your core energies, physical and psychological. Saturn is reality. It is linear time. It is the world as it is set up around you, and it's also your inner world inasmuch as it's related to your inner structure. When the Sun forms a trine to Saturn, there tends to be stability, flow, and ease between these two principles. So, in other words, it's easier to get shit done, to help you to hunker down and focus on what's important. This is just a great transit for making sense of the world around you, making sense of the world within. I mean, right? Very well timed. Thank you, Sun trine Saturn.
Because of the way this transit works, it can help you to trust yourself. It can help you to act in ways that reflect self-awareness, self-possession. And this transit is not going to magically overtake any of the other transits we're going through, but it will certainly help you to find and act from your center or your grounding if you choose to. It's not going to magically make it happen, but if you work on it, the work will flow. So we are very grateful for this transit. It is absolutely one to tap into.
If you have something at around 12 or 13 degrees of a water sign, of a mutable sign, or of a fixed sign, you're going to feel it especially. And if you're newer to astrology, the mutable signs are Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sadge, and the fixed signs are Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, and Taurus. And then the water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces—just in case you're curious.
Now, that brings us to the last exact transit of this week, and it's a little bit of a doozy. On Saturday, November the 9th, Venus will be at 27 degrees of Sagittarius and 21 minutes, and Neptune will be at the same degrees of Pisces, meaning we have a Venus square to Pisces. This transit is challenging. It is a hard transit. I am especially not a fan of it, to be honest. Neptune transits I find hard, but that's because I'm a Capricorn. They might not be that bad for you.
Anyways, Venus square Neptune is one of the most different transits from Mars opposite Pluto that you could imagine. Mars opposite Pluto is all about ego and survival and defensiveness and grinding down on your position and getting really defensive or fighting—that kind of stuff. Venus is your values and your ideals being at conflict with each other. It's not being sure where you stand in the world, not being sure where your relationships stand. It is a confusing, discombobulating, disorienting transit.
Now, we're still going to be feeling all the other transits I talked about, in particular and especially that Mars opposition to Pluto. And then Venus square Neptune comes in, and it can have you fixated on your anxieties. And in particular, and especially if you're somebody who tends to be really fixated on the way you look or how you think other people feel about the way you look, this transit can have you really focused on the surface of things, on your appearances or your projections onto your appearances.
Make no mistake: this transit is really meant to challenge your self-worth and your sense of self. And for a lot of us, that shit lives on our outsides. But it's meant to be on our insides. It really is. And so you may find yourself in a situation where you are fixated on something out of your control, something that gives you a lot of anxiety, and that thing may be, again, related to your appearances, but it may be related to your values in the world. It may be related to your finances because Venus is related to your personal finances. It may be related to your relationships with other people.
Venus square to Neptune can increase your desire to be loved and protected. But it doesn't increase—nay, it decreases—your ability to assess what people are safe and healthy for you. This is not a great time to start a relationship. If you've got a first date scheduled today or this week in general, I'd reschedule it if you can. This is just not a great time for relationships and for romantic stuff, which doesn't mean it's a bad time. But it's just not a time you want to start things off.
Now, if things come up in your relationships, honestly, it would probably be in your best interest to not process with others. And that's because this transit tests your ability to have healthy boundaries, and those boundaries are meant to reflect your self-worth. But this transit can really make you struggle with your self-worth, so it might be too hard to have a really honest and direct conversation and not lose track of yourself. So, again, I'd reschedule if you can. And if you can't, do your best to not look outside of yourself for validation and acceptance at the expense of validating and accepting yourself.
This transit really can accentuate self-esteem issues. It makes it really hard for navigating energy boundaries, which is why it's a terrible time for doing drugs. I'm talking about recreational drugs. If you're trying to take some sort of spiritual trip, terrible timing. Reschedule if you can. Venus square to Neptune weakens boundaries, and the ways in which you experience that on a personal level have a lot to do with your vulnerabilities in general. On a more sociopolitical level, we may see religious-inspired extremism around the rights of women. We may see struggles with the role and rights of women. But again, I sit here looking down the barrel of the week of the election here in the U.S., and I am personally so rattled by it, I hesitate to project too much into that.
Now, that said, you don't want to forget that Neptune governs anxiety. And so, if you find yourself starting to become really anxious about a relationship or your relationships in general leading up to this date or on and around this date, you want to remember that it's likely the transit. And that doesn't mean you're wrong about your concerns, but it does mean that you're more likely to be coming at it with more paranoia and defensiveness than you might otherwise. So, again, put it to the side for now if you can. Healthy or neutral distractions are better than going headlong into your anxieties.
And that, my dears, is your horoscope. I'm going to run through the transits one more time. On the 3rd, we have the Mars opposition to Pluto. And if you are like, "Pluto—I want to understand it more," you can go to the shop page of my website, and I have a class called Pluto Party. And it is just a webinar that I gave on the planet Pluto and how it affects you and how to best cope with it. So, as I said, on Sunday, the 3rd, Mars is exactly opposite to Pluto. Venus is exactly opposite to Jupiter, and it's exactly trine to Chiron. All three of those things happen that day, and then that night, Mars moves into Leo. On Monday, the 4th, we have an exact trine between the Sun and Saturn. And then, on Saturday, the 9th, Venus is exactly square to Neptune.
It's a pretty bananas week in a pretty bananas month of a pretty bananas year on the precipice of a super banana split year of 2025. So do everything you can to support yourself and others, to stay present, especially when you find yourself future-tripping, because it is the present that you can affect. You can't control the future. You don't know the future. I don't know the future. None of us know the future. So stay present, and do what you can to cope with and confront, when needed, and nurture, when needed, your present moment. And from that place you'll be able to better take care of yourself, the people around you, and the world at-large. That's kind of—you know, it's good work if you can get it.
Take good care of yourself and others, and I will talk to you in just a couple of days. Buh-bye.