May 18, 2024
430: Horoscope - Full Moon in Sagittarius During a Very Venusian Week
Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.
Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast. We are going to look at the astrology for May 19th through the 25th of 2024. And I want to just give you this context, that we start off the week still feeling the effects of the Venus conjunction to Uranus, so that unpredictability, that restlessness, that destabilization within which is fertile ground for change and redirection and getting more aligned with your values. It's also a little disruptive for your relationships and the Mercury square to Pluto, which provokes obsessive thinking, challenging conversations, power struggles in your relationships, and the need to really go deep into your ideas and beliefs and to have, again, hard conversations.
So we're feeling the energies of those two transits with us through the first half of the week. So we just want to have that in the back of your mind. And then there's a lot of astrology happening this week. Some of it's really supportive. Some of it's a little more challenging. And that includes a Full Moon in Sagittarius because, hello, it's fucking Gemini Season. Happy birthday to the Geminis of the world.
I want to take a minute, though, before we start with the horoscope. And it's connected to the horoscope, trust. But I want to take a minute to acknowledge how fucking hard it is to stay motivated by love. We talk about love in this airy-fairy way in the world a lot, and okay. Fine. But what I want to acknowledge is when things are hard, whether you're facing something frightening or emotionally really challenging, like an issue with a bestie or a partner or whatever, or you are facing any of the many traumas and tragedies of the world, any of the things to be scared of, any of the things to be hurt by, any of the things to be threatened by—it is so much easier to stay connected to our strongest feelings, which are most usually fear and anger and defensiveness.
And that fear, anger, and defensiveness can be pointed inwards and become self-hate, self-destructiveness, or it can be pointed outwards; you can focus on who you hate, who's doing what wrong, and all the things that are happening at you, all the things that are worthy of your rage. And listen. I'm a fan of anger. There is nothing wrong with being angry when provoked. But I do want to just take a moment to acknowledge the incredible power and the incredible challenge of being motivated by love and staying connected to that motivation even as your heart cracks open, staying connected to that motivation because it is honestly the most true motivation that we can have when we're in alignment with ourselves on a soul level.
But also, it is the most sustainable motivation that we can have because motivating yourself through hate and through fear and vengeance—it'll eat you up from the inside. And you know what? Sometimes those are the best motivations you can access; that's the only way you know how to move through a situation or through the world, and that's just life. We're not striving for perfection here. We are striving to be in process with ourselves and the world in the most honest, empathetic, and aligned ways we know how. That's the move.
But that move is hard. And it is increasingly harder when self-awareness grows, when you're in challenging times in your personal life, when your awareness of what's happening in the world grows either because it affects you personally or because you are willing to take in the realities and plights of others. Love is hard. Love is really hard because when you access your heart, like really access your emotional capacity, you're not just feeling gumdrops and lollipops love, although hopefully that is in there. But you're also accessing the fullness, the wholeness, of your own heart. And that's big. That's oceanic.
And anyone who's spent any amount of time in an ocean knows oceans are a little dangerous. You get slammed down sometimes. You get pulled around a lot of the times. For any of us, all of us who are struggling, trying, in process with living in emotional integrity and spiritual integrity, you know that it's hard. Sometimes you feel so much that you lose track of yourself or you lose the thread in some way. And that's part of being present with your emotions, and it's also part of why people like a strong leader. People like certainty and platitudes and solid answers.
I mean, we are all using astrology as a way to navigate the world. Sometimes—at least sometimes—all of us are using it as a way to predict our way out of feeling bad or feeling scared or feeling out of control, even when we know better. Right? And hopefully you know better, but if you don't, let me just use this moment to say, from my perspective as a humanistic astrologer, when we use astrology to try to analyze or predict our way away from living our lives and being present and engaging in a heartfelt, authentic way, then we've lost the thread. Then we're just using astrology as a way to control things.
And that motivation will get you in trouble with astrology and most other things, honestly. Sometimes we dip in and that's what we do, and that is fine. But really, my hope for you, for me, for all of us, is that we get free, and not just free of systems that mean to hold us down, not just free of corporations and governments and strongmen who would have us pitted against each other instead of focused on them.
I'm talking about being free from the compulsions of fear and self-loathing and insecurity and hatred and division that keeps us separate from us, that keep you separate from you, and that have us each as individuals stuck in the compulsions and drives of our past and our trauma. Getting free is a lifelong process, and it requires a lot of choices. And again, the more that you are motivated by love, ferocious, life-affirming, brave and tender love, the easier that work is.
Okay. As promised, let's dive into this week's forecast. The first exact transit of the week happens on Sunday, May 19th, at 3:45 p.m. Pacific Time. And I want to remind you, as always, if you want to be tracking the transits—the time, the date, the degrees—along with me, you can do it in any number of ways. You can do it just by listening here and pausing me and taking notes. You can subscribe to my transit-tracking tool, Astrology for Days, over at astrologyfordays.com. Or you can wait for the transcript of this episode and just read through the document of this episode and track the transits that way. I know listening to a horoscope is a lot of details, so I have lots of ways available for you to get all the data you need. Okay?
Okay. Back to Sunday, May 19th. At 3:45 p.m. Pacific Time, we have a Sun sextile to Neptune. And this is a really lovely transit. If the last week of astrology in the world rattled your cage, Sun sextile to Neptune smooths things over. It increases your humanitarian feelings, your empathy, your creativity. It can also increase sensitivities, but not in a "Oh shit, I'm drowning in my sensitivities" kind of way, but more in a way where you feel better aligned with your sensitivities. And this is, of course, especially true if you have anything at around 29 degrees of a water sign or an earth sign. So water signs are Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio, and the earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
This transit makes it easier and more organic to forgive or to let go of attachments and rigidity. It is a great transit for visualizing possibility, whether that means considering plans for your future or shifting how you are willing and able to hold what's happening in the present or in your past. Sun sextile to Neptune is really supportive for all of it. This is a great transit for getting your buns into nature, those sweet little buns of yours. Just pop them in some water. Go near a tree if you can because Neptune increases our sensitivity to nature and the arts and high spirituality and even the ways in which all of those things are interconnected to each other but also to you on a soul level.
This is a great time for immersing yourself in meditation, reflection, acts and attitudes that are nourishing for you or your community, your relationships, or whatever it may be. This transit is spiritually very supportive, but it won't override any of the other transits you've got going on personally or any of the other transits that are happening globally. I think of this transit as a really warm breeze. It's supportive, and it feels good. And if you use it, it'll open doors for you. And if you don't use it, which you don't have to, then it'll just feel nice. And we're going to feel that transit the 18th, 19th, and 20th for the most part.
And then that brings us to the 22nd, which is a Wednesday. I should say we hit Gemini Season on the 20th, and that is a lovely shift in energy. And if you're somebody who really notices Solar seasons, like if you really feel it, then this is a good thing to be aware of. Okay. Now, on Wednesday the 22nd, we have a Sun trine to Pluto. This is exact at 8:14 a.m. Pacific Time, and the Sun is at two degrees and one minute of Gemini, and Pluto retrograding back through Aquarius until it hits Capricorn in a couple months. We have Pluto at two degrees and one minute of Aquarius.
So the Sun forming a trine to Pluto is very differently supportive than the Sun sextile to Neptune but also not completely different, in that it's a supportive transit with the Sun. And so this is a fortifying transit. It empowers you to be able to experience the intensity and depth of Pluto in a way that helps you to become closer to yourself, more in alignment to yourself. This transit may spark your ability to express yourself in a way that feels really authentic and, again, is deeper than it might be otherwise.
This transit may empower you to heal something that has been a stick in your craw. This transit is here to help us move through shit. And because it's in an air sign, it's particularly adaptable, making this a really good time to be curious, to explore what's possible. This can be particularly useful if, again, you need to sort through some shit that came up when the astrology was bumpier. This may also be just a really good time for you to do some research. And that research may be you got research to do for work, or you need to get insurance for your car and you want to research the best deal. But it can also be research in the context of psychology or any kind of spiritual or psychological depth work, anything that requires that we tap in with the intention of tuning up.
A Sun trine to Pluto is a transit that you really want to make the most use of that you can because it's a time when we can work with Pluto's energies more effectively and more fluidly and with less of the more difficult stuff we tend to experience with Pluto, which is abuses of power and major trauma. This is a time where if you can schedule your therapy appointment somewhere around here, it's going to be very beneficial to you. And this is going to be especially powerful for you if you have anything at around two degrees of an air sign—so that's, of course, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra—or two degrees of a mutable sign—which is Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces—or a fixed sign; that's Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, and Taurus.
So, if you have anything at around two degrees any of those zodiac signs, you're going to be feeling this transit the very most. Okay? So this Sun trine to Pluto happening on the 22nd overlaps with the transits happening on Thursday, May 23rd. And there are a bunch of them, including but not limited to the Full Moon in Sagittarius.
So, on Thursday, May the 23rd, we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius happening at 6:53 a.m. And this is a Full Moon at about three degrees of Sagittarius. So we're still feeling Sun trine to Pluto. And on the same day, we have a Venus conjunction to Jupiter. At 1:29 a.m., it's exact. And Venus is forming an exact sextile to Neptune at 3:50 a.m. And then, later in the day, we have Jupiter forming an exact sextile to Neptune at 2:45 p.m. Pacific Time. All these times are Pacific Time, and all of these exact transits are going to be very important to the impact of this Full Moon in Sagittarius.
Okay. So let's talk about this Full Moon. There's a lot to say about having a Full Moon in Sagittarius in general, but before I get into even the specifics of that, I want to acknowledge that Jupiter and Venus are both at the anaretic degrees—that's 29 degrees and some minutes—of Taurus, and Neptune is that 29 degrees of Pisces. So we have these three planets, probably the most important of which is Neptune, at an anaretic degree. And this intensifies and increases the energetics of that zodiac sign and therefore the planetary placement in the zodiac sign.
This Full Moon, because of the Jupiter/Venus conjunction and having Neptune in this anaretic degree, it increases our care and our love and our spiritual and interpersonal capacity for empathy, kindness, and love in all of its goddamn forms, love in all its forms. A Sagittarius Full Moon is in general a great time for releasing and for releasing your attachment to the details, releasing distractions.
This particular Full Moon features a tight trine to Pluto from the Sun and a tight sextile to Pluto from the Moon. This further empowers us to go deep within and get more honest with ourselves about what it is that we need to release because Full Moons are always about releasing. If you're doing any kind of manifestation work and you see, "Oh, Moon in Sagittarius," you don't want to call things in during a Full Moon. You want to release during a Full Moon. And if you ask me, any kind of effective long-term manifestation work requires release.
Your capacity to go deep and to get very real with yourself about what you're feeling, what you're needing, and who you are here and now is really intensified during this Full Moon, which is great, great news. Right? The Venus conjunction to Jupiter, as well as the Venus sextile to Neptune, intensifies the desire for love, desire for closeness and intimacy. And that can be a really lovely thing or a really challenging thing because Full Moons bring shit to the surface. If you're feeling really lonely, a Venus conjunction to Jupiter can feel bad, honestly, even though if you google it, most of the results you're going to find are Venus conjunction to Jupiter is luck and love and flow and harmony and happiness.
But that is only one side of what this transit can bring. It can trigger our hedonism and the ways in which we overindulge in things that make us feel good, that feel delightful, or help us to kind of even out. And sometimes those behaviors are not very healthy or helpful. So that's something to pay attention to. Now, the fact that the Jupiter/Venus conjunction is at the anaretic degree of Taurus is a reminder that this Full Moon is an opportunity to get in alignment with your values, to really get in alignment with your values.
And so what is it that you want to create or co-create or build within you, in your life, in the world? This Full Moon is an opportunity to develop greater clarity around that. And in particular, because the Moon is in Sagittarius, we're talking about big-picture visions. We're talking about your beliefs, your philosophies, and also your willingness and ability to tap into not just the details, but the big picture. And in the big picture, you're going to make lots of compromises. You're going to make lots of concessions. You're going to have shit days and good days.
In the big picture of anything, there's going to be highs and lows. What your task is is to make sure that the compromises you make don't compromise you, that the setbacks you experience help you to learn and grow and aren't just torture. This Full Moon is a great time to collaborate, to learn from others and be willing to share or teach if that's appropriate. Whatever that means, however that plays out for you in your life, the message here in this Full Moon is you don't need to go alone. That's not what this Full Moon is about.
And if you are materially, physically alone for whatever reason, you are connected to the larger community around you, larger communities around you. You are connected to nature and spirit, whatever you believe in. And this Full Moon in Sagittarius is a meaningful opportunity for you to release your attachment to the things that block you from access to your interconnection, to the whole.
In regards to social and political developments, this is a little bit of an erratic Full Moon. But it also brings with it the opportunity for the advancement of social justice-oriented causes. Because of Venus and Jupiter in Taurus, because it's a Full Moon in Sadge with Neptune being really supportive—Neptune is forming an out-of-sign trine to the Moon and a sextile to the Sun— we have a lot of support.
So, if we come together for what we believe in, especially in regards to humanitarian aims, there's a lot of energy for advancing those goals. But again, as I talked about at the start, your motivation's important here. Being motivated towards what you care about, what you love, what you want to see grow in this world or inside of you if you want to apply this on a personal level—this is really important for you to become aware of and to be aligned with.
And if you're not really sure what the answers are to those questions, use this Full Moon as a moment to try to develop more clarity and self-awareness. And if you are sure, then this is a good Full Moon to release whatever crap is in your way in your internal world, like within you.
Now, one more thing I want to say about this Sagittarius Full Moon—there's a lot going on in this chart to support you in seeking joy and play and adventure and alignment and love and creativity—and I could go on, but really wonderful, lovely things. Whether you prioritize those qualities in a really surface way or in a deeper way that better reflects your values, that is a reflection of where you're at at this time.
And I don't want to fucking demonize keeping things on the surface, because sometimes that's the best a person can do. And sometimes that's a default setting that needs to be investigated, interrogated, and changed. There's different moments for different parts of ourselves. But this Full Moon, you will make greater progress if you can tap into gratitude, if you point your energies towards where and how you are resilient or you are needing to cultivate more of your own resiliency.
Again, Full Moons aren't the time for setting intentions and manifesting. But this Full Moon is a really powerful time for bringing your awareness to your internal blocks or your external blocks to those things and cultivating greater clarity and intention around what your values are, around what your beliefs are, and what you need to let go of because it is in the way of your truth.
And that brings us to another transit, and it's overlapping with this Full Moon and is intensified and strengthened by the Full Moon. And that is the Jupiter sextile to Neptune. We're still on Thursday, May 23rd. Now, Jupiter sextile to Neptune is a really important transit because it is two outer planets. So we have the social planet Jupiter and the generational planet Neptune forming a 60-degree angle to each other, and both of these planets are in the anaretic degrees of their signs—Jupiter at the end of Taurus and Neptune at the end of Pisces. Again, this strengthens their energies, and in particular the energies of the zodiac signs as it applies to the planets.
Jupiter sextile to Neptune is a powerful humanitarian-oriented transit. For religious or spiritual people, it'll make you feel a greater sense of connection to God or the divine or whatever it is you want to call it. For humanitarian-oriented people, it'll strengthen your feelings of motivation, clarity, and engagement around making the world better. For those who really just want to sit the fuck down and chill out, this transit makes you feel a little bit of ease, a little bit of, like, "It'll work out. It'll be okay."
So it really depends on who you are and how this hits your chart how it's going to feel to you. But it is overall a really excellent transit for setting intentions and for perceiving the world from a humanistic lens, being able to see the humanity and the value and the dignity in all life, being transformed by the arts. This transit literally broadens your horizons, which is really good for movement work and for spiritual work. It can also be really good for artistic practice.
But as we understand this transit as an integral part of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, keeping in mind Sagittarius is the zodiac sign governed by the planet Jupiter, we know that the opportunity here is big to feel into your truth. And tapping into the truth can be messy. It can be intense. It can be liberatory. It is often all of those things. It takes a bit of bravery to be willing and able to be present for what is, because so much of what we do, so much of our times, is distract from what is with what could be, what once was, and what we perceive to be happening for someone else. This Neptune sextile to Jupiter overlapping with the Full Moon is an opportunity to tap in and to tune up. And I love that. I love that for you. I love that for us.
And that brings us to the very last exact transit of this week. On Saturday, May 25th, we have a Venus trine to Pluto. So Venus is at 1 degree and 59 minutes of Gemini, Pluto same exact degrees of Aquarius. That's exact at 4:16 a.m. Pacific Time. Venus trine Pluto is a lovely transit, and it is of course active in the Full Moon chart. So we have the intensified energies of the Full Moon bringing this Venus trine to Pluto to life, if you will.
What this transit does is it intensifies our feelings of love—feelings of love for others, our need and desire for being loved, our willingness to take risks for love and like and care, also flirting and such. This transit can give you juj with someone, a little sparkle with someone. It can mean, if you've got a partner or partners, that you have an extra spicy time because Venus trine Pluto is nice like that. It can also just mean, if you're going shopping or trying out a new style, that you feel super fucking cute.
Ultimately, what the Venus trine to Pluto does is it intensifies and deepens our capacity to be in alignment with our values. Huzzah. This is what we want. This is what we need. But again, a lot of times, a lot of people will experience this on a more surface level. And I will reiterate we're not going to assign any kind of value judgment to surface or deep. We need both. We just need it proportionately and appropriately. So don't shit on yourself or others for needing it to be surface today, because tomorrow they might be able to go deep. We gotta have balance.
Okay. A couple other things that are good with this transit—if you've got to invest your money, if you've got to spend a chunk of money on something that you hope is an investment, like you have to get a car or a pair of shoes that you want to last forever, this is a really good transit for that. Venus trine Pluto is—it's good for investing in what you value. And it's also just a really great time for letting people know how much you care about them, for showing up for others, for acts of love. And those acts of love can be through your words. They can be through your typie-typies. They can be through your actions. They can be in lots of different ways. But Venus trine to Pluto is a great time for connecting with others in a way that is loving, maybe a little romantic, sweet, tender, and caring. So that's a really great thing.
In regards to any kind of movement or activism work, this is a great transit, as are all the transits this week, for the advancements of women's rights and also Trans and Nonbinary rights. So, if you're doing any kind of movement work in that direction, that can be real good. And if you're just trying to tighten up your finances, again, this transit can be really supportive.
So it is nice that I get to give you such good news with so many of the transits this week. The Full Moon is what Full Moons are. It's intense. It's emo. It brings things to the surface. But there are many supportive transits within the Full Moon chart, which is quite a gift, especially—last week's astrology was rough. The overall astrology is rough. So it's nice to have this kind of supportive series of transits happening this week.
Now, I'm going to run through the transits one more time for your note-taking pleasure. On Sunday the 19th, we have an exact Sun sextile to Neptune. On Wednesday the 22nd, the Sun forms an exact trine to Pluto. On Thursday, May 23rd, we've got a bunch going on. Venus forms a conjunction to Jupiter and a sextile to Neptune, and Jupiter also forms a sextile to Neptune. Plus we have that Full Moon in Sagittarius exact at 6:53 a.m. Pacific Time. Finally, on Saturday, May 25th, Venus forms an exact trine to Pluto. And that's your horoscope this week, my dears.
I hope that you are finding ways of engaging in the world that support collective care and liberation, that you are remembering to give yourself moments of quietude and reflection when you need them, and that you're challenging yourself to not allow fear to dominate your motivations even if it's dominating your thinking.
As always, if you would like to learn more with me, you can join me over on Patreon, where we get into psychic medium stuff, animal communication, astrology, all that kind of good stuff. You can find me over at patreon.com/jessicalanyadoo. And if you would like a reading with me, the only way to get it is here on the podcast. You can send a question to me through the contact form over at ghostofapodcast.com.
I hope you are taking good care of yourself and others, and I will talk to you in just a couple of days. Buh-bye.