May 25, 2024
432: Horoscope - A Couple of Challenging Conjunctions
Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.
Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast, where we get astrological but also hopefully cultivate tools for coping with the world and life that are sustainable, empathetic, healthy, and well adjusted. Right? Okay. Okay. Right. So we're going to get right into your horoscope this week, and we are looking at the week of May 26th through June 1st of 2024. But I want to just take a brief moment to acknowledge how hard the world is.
Even if you're somebody who doesn't pay attention to the news, that doesn't pay attention to the world, but you are an empath or you are a highly sensitive person, then you're affected by what's happening in the world because it's so easy to think about the news as some sort of corporate lie machine, which sometimes it fucking is. But having access to the news, to journalism, is a way to have access to the world around you, to issues that affect you but also affect people in other communities very close to you and far away.
And I think it's really important that as we acknowledge the world around us and how difficult things are in the world around us, that we also take time to acknowledge how that may be affecting you on an individual level. On an individual level, you may be feeling fucking burned out, agitated, in your activations. Whatever your trauma patterns are, you may be activated and in your trauma response patterns right now because of things that are happening in your personal life but also just because of the energetics of what's happening in the world around us.
And the more attention you can bring to navigating your own survival mechanisms, your own triggers, to striving to be adaptable and responsive instead of indulging your knee-jerk reactions, which are often just activation, this can really help you. It can help you to be healthier and to engage internally, in your internal dialogues that are constantly ongoing, but also externally in your personal life, in your professional life, in the world around you, with greater effectiveness and greater care.
And these things are important because so much of what is wrong in the world is what's systemic; it's collective. So some things that feel bad, you can't fix or change; they're just shitty. And some things that feel bad are your own responses to whatever realities you are engaging with. And maybe it's your responses not to reality but to your projections, your fears, your own coping mechanisms.
What we'll often do is we'll be really scared of that bear across the street, and so we'll pick a fight with the wolf nearby. We have a funny way of making things worse for ourselves or simply trading out pain points, trading out problems, instead of being brave enough to stay present for what is up in the moment, for what's actually wrong, and tending to that with love and care.
If you're locked in a pattern of thinking of, "Why me?"—if you're locked in a pattern of thinking of, "How can I protect me from collective conditions?" instead of, "How can we protect us from collective conditions?"—if you're in a loop of thinking that's all about, "Well, what's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?" instead of, "What's actually happening right now? What am I feeling right now? How am I coping right now? What are my conditions? What are my choices right now?" then you know you're in a state of activation.
And a lot of people—like a lot of people—spend their whole lives in a state of activation, never making real progress, never evolving, never healing. Over time, as the very insightful Nikki Sacchi says, if we don't do the work, we devolve from possibility to probability. And when we fall into probability, it's when we start acting like our parents, treating ourselves and others in ways that are inherently limiting. So we're actively limiting ourselves. We're actively limiting our circumstances and the people and situations around us.
Even though that's not our conscious intention, if we don't do the work to evolve, to adapt, to grow, to be kind, to be nurturing, to stay present emotionally even when it's hard—and as we all know, it gets very, very hard. When we don't do that work, we don't get to experience what we're capable of, our possibilities.
And I want to invite you this week—and I don't think I mentioned this last week, even though I should have. On the 25th, Jupiter moved from Taurus and into Gemini. And so I want to invite you to explore possibility, this time of Jupiter in Gemini. What is possible inside of you? Could you hold the things that you're struggling with in you—your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, your relationships, whatever it is—could you hold your beliefs, your ideas, your choices, your actions—could you hold them differently? Could you hold them in a more expansive way? Could you be more adaptable, more flexible—or less adaptable and less flexible, depending on your nature?
Could you do those things, and how would it help you? And when you consider what does or doesn't help you, are you only thinking about yourself, or are you able to see the ripple effect that self-care and self-maintenance has upon your life and even the world? These are things I want to invite you to consider.
Now, there's one last thing I'm going to say, and it's about politics. If you fucking hate politics, maybe you want to skip this. But don't. Please don't. Okay. Thanks. Pluto is in Aquarius. You've heard of it. I've talked about it. Pluto in Aquarius—fucking revolutionary. You can feel it, right? You can hear it in the discourse that we are having in public about the need for real change, deep change, for progress, for greater humanitarianism. It's written everywhere, all over the place.
And when we look towards the American election, which—listen. I'm not going to fucking tell you how to vote. I have my opinions, obvi. I am personally of the mind that voting is the least we can do, not the most we can do. But I do believe in participating in the system, whether or not it's broken, because it's the only system we have at this time.
Pluto in Aquarius tells us—it's a long transit, right? Pluto in Aquarius tells us that we can transform and remake our system. We can, but here's the fucking rub. The 2024 presidential election in the United States of America is not Pluto in Aquarius. It's Pluto in fucking Capricorn. That's what it is, my nerds. The astrology is fucking terrible for the 2024 election.
And so, while I believe in profound and meaningful change to the system, I personally, as an astrologer, don't believe that it can happen during the 2024 election. It will take more planning, more organization, and better astrology. We are at the tail end of the Pluto Return of the United States. And just because we survived one term of Trump does not mean that we will survive another. I don't think we will, as a, quote unquote, "democracy." I put quotes on democracy because I mean the electoral college because we are objectively not a real democracy.
And again, I warned you I'm talking about politics. Fast-forward if you don't want to hear it. But I dislike Biden with a fucking passion. I have never liked Biden. I am no fan of Biden or Harris, not a fan at all. And if you are a fan of either of them, great. You have a different opinion than me. Let's be cool with having different opinions, okay? My opinion is not going to change the world, and probably, neither is yours. Let's just have different opinions.
That fucking said, I'm not a "vote blue no matter who" person in general. But I will say that the risk of a Trump presidency in 2024, or Trump or someone-equal-to-him presidency in 2024, is radically and meaningfully different than it will be at any other time during Pluto in Aquarius because this is Pluto in Capricorn. And Pluto in Capricorn is a time where we can see a consolidation of power in classic patriarchal, Christian, white supremacist terms.
And that's different than what we're likely to see during elections with Pluto in Aquarius. From my perspective astrologically, the time for organizing is now. And what I fear is that, between Pluto going back into Capricorn for its final push of the Pluto Return and the ongoing transits of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, that we may as a collective, as a populace, do what humans tend to do during Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, which is that we underestimate the power and drive of people and systems with power.
And as a result of that underestimation—or maybe the overestimation—of our collective power in this moment, instead of our efforts being effective, people and systems with power emerge from this period with more power than they had before. Unfortunately, this is part of a pattern of what happens when Saturn and Neptune are both in Pisces at the same time.
So with this information you will do as you will. I am not a journalist. I am not going to give you this information without any personal opinions. That is not what I am here to do. And I know every time I talk about politics, it pisses some people off to no end. But while I'm at it, if you are an activist and you are going into public spaces, if you are trying to create progressive spaces, wear a mask. Center disability rights in your activism.
I don't know what the answers are. Astrology is kind of this weird thing. We can use astrology to see possibility and probability, and then we can hold up that possibility and that probability. We can hold it up and view it alongside an individual or a nation or the world's actions. And we can see whether we're slipping into probability or we are actively mobilizing towards possibility.
And we always have free will. We have agency. The world is changing, and there is no way around that. Things are changing so very quickly. And if we want what's possible for our collective survival, liberation, abundance, joy, health, and wellness, then we all need to change. We need to change as a collective. And that means that masses of individuals need to choose to change, and that is hard to do. It's so hard to do. But that's the assignment, whether you accept it or not, whether you tap into what is possible or you slip into what is probable or not.
And now on to your horoscope. All right. So, as I said, we're looking at the week of May 26th through June 1st. And the first exact transit of the week occurs on Monday, May 27th, at 8:22 p.m. Pacific Time. And if you want to be tracking the transits along with me and adjusting it to your own time zone, you can subscribe to my little astrologer's pro tool called Astrology for Days. And it's just a transit-tracking tool that allows you space to take notes for your predictions, my predictions, your experiences, etc., etc.
Okay. So, at 8:22 p.m. Pacific, Mercury is at 18 degrees and 33 minutes of Taurus, and Saturn is at the same degrees of Pisces. Now, a Mercury sextile to Saturn is a lovely transit, I'm happy to say. It stabilizes your thinking. It helps you to process things in a kind of grounded and empathetic way. This allows you to make good decisions. It gives you the stamina to consider all the important points, and it can shift your focus in such a way that you're able to make use of the information—not super analytic use, but emotional use, which is really valuable.
Mercury sextile to Saturn is good for getting caught up with administrative stuff. If there's 70 people you were supposed to text and your gut was in knots and you just couldn't do it, this is a great time to just go through and respond to people. It favors follow-through in communication. So whatever it is that needs to happen, whether it's in your professional life, your creative life, your personal life, this transit's supportive.
It's a good time for friendships. So, if there are people that you want to just let them know how you feel, that you're there for them—bada-bing, Mercury sextile to Saturn. If there's somebody in your life that—it's just been off, this is actually a really nice time to grab coffee or create time and space to talk to them because it's not likely to be dramatic. It's not likely to be problematic. And if something needs to be said, it'll be said in a kinder way, generally speaking, especially if you have anything at around 18 degrees of an earth or water sign. And of course, the earth signs are Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo, and the water signs are Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio.
Now, one other thing that can happen under this transit—and again, this is most likely to happen if this is hitting your birth chart in a personal and specific way. But you may meet somebody or connect with somebody that you already know that's older than you or wiser than you or more experienced than you, and you learn something from them. And it doesn't have to be some sort of big, dramatic thing. But Saturn is people who are older and wiser. But it can be older or wiser. Older doesn't inherently mean wiser, right? Okay. So it could be older or wiser. And Mercury is—it's our minds. It's communication.
So be open to conscious and unconscious teachers this week. And if you don't know about the concept of the unconscious teacher, it's when somebody comes into your life and teaches you something, not because they're wise and teaching it to you, but because they are playing a role in your life that teaches you something. They're not especially conscious of it. Maybe somebody who's chronically late is unconsciously teaching you how to have better boundaries or how to be more adaptable and patient. It's conscious and unconscious teachers. Saturn usually brings us a conscious teacher, but let's be open to all of it while we're being open.
Now, that brings us to the next exact transit of the week. And this one happens on Wednesday, May 29th, at 10:08 a.m. Pacific Time. And this one's a fucking doozy, my loves. We've got Mars and Chiron sitting on top of each other at 22 degrees and 10 minutes of Aries. You are going to be the most challenged by this transit if you have anything at around 22 degrees of a cardinal sign. The cardinal signs are Aries, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer. So anything at around 22 degrees—you're going to feel it.
Now, this transit is going to be much more supportive to you, so you'll really feel it but in a more supportive way, if you have anything at around 22 degrees of a fire sign or an air sign. That's because fire signs will be trined and air signs will be sextiled by this transit. So the fire signs are Aries, Leo, Sadge, and the air signs are Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini.
So Mars conjunction to Chiron—not my fave. Okay. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. Now, Mars is related to a lot of things: embodiment, anger, ambition, competitiveness, fucking, fighting, and ego. Chiron is related to our core wounding. So Chiron in Aries—and we'll pay attention to the fact that Aries is the zodiac sign ruled by the planet Mars, so this is an important transit to be tracking here. Chiron in Aries is a transit that we've all been going through collectively, and it challenges us around being embodied and our core wounding around being in a body, around navigating our egos in a way that is healthy and self-loving and diplomatic enough to not put you in a position where you're constantly stirring the damn pot.
Now, Mars conjunction to Chiron is a transit that is going to push you because both Mars and Chiron are pushy, but especially Mars. But they're pushy. So this transit is going to push you. You may feel incredibly activated. Now, we've been feeling this transit building for quite some time. But this transit is likely to make you feel really activated and like there's nothing you can do, like there's no point, like you're fighting for your life, like even if you do all the right things, nothing good is going to happen. And this may make you feel demoralized, debilitated. It might make you feel angry, vengeful, really fucking motivated to act out. And because of this transit, you are just as likely to act out to other people as you are towards yourself.
Because this is in Aries, because it's Mars, everyone runs the risk of boiling over. So, if there is a conversation or an action that you need to take that requires a feather instead of a hammer, don't do it this week if you can, certainly not on or around this date. Mars conjunction to Chiron is not a feather. It is a hammer that's on fire, a fire hammer. So it's not a precision instrument, you see. It's important to be as careful as you can if you do not want to get involved in conflicts where no one really emerges the winner.
This transit serves as a catalyst. And this catalyst can be towards healing, towards greater embodiment. Those are the possibilities. And then the probabilities—it catalyzes you to be really reactive and to act out. So, again, this transit can help you to use your agency, your free will, to act in ways that reflect clarity about who you are and what you intend to do and how you intend to do it. It can help you to confront some of your core wounds and to be brave enough to engage with them in more effective and less defensive ways. That's the possibility. And again, the probability here is that you just act out from those places.
So bring your attention towards your agency, towards how you are choosing to engage. There's how you feel, and you can't control how you feel. No one's trying to make you control how you feel. You may read something online. You may have an interaction with somebody in your life—whatever the case may be—where you have a strong emotional reaction. And you are entitled to your emotions, to your reactions, whatever they are. That's fair. You are entitled to whatever they are.
However, how you respond to those reactions, what you do in response to what you feel, to your own past, to your assumptions—whatever it is—that's where we are not entitled to do just anything. That is where it is incumbent upon us to try to do the healthiest, the most effective, and most intentional thing. And that's really fucking hard. That's really hard.
The potential for healing and growth and greater embodiment and leveraging of your agency is huge with this transit, but it's not easy. And because we're dealing with Mars, we're dealing with Chiron, we're dealing with Aries, and because of the other transit that's overlapping with this one that I haven't told you about yet, it's going to be very easy for you to act impulsively, react based on your strongest emotion, or for other people to do that. And that may press on you. Notice how you feel, your emotions. Notice where it is in your body—I mean, we're talking about Aries and Mars, so it's about body, right? Notice what you feel in your body, where you feel it in your body. Notice your ability and willingness to sit with those things, to be with those things. And if you can't do that for whatever reasons, notice that.
Also, you may notice I'm not saying analyze and judge these things. I'm simply saying notice these things because when we have awareness, we have greater access to possibility. When we have projections and assumptions or just a general lack of awareness and we're just chasing our strongest emotions—running away from them, running towards them, whatever the case may be—then we are less likely to be tapping into our greatest potential and possibilities. That's when we tend to run into our old patterns. So, again, there's a ton of potential here for healing and growth. But it will take intention and energy. So this is a transit to really watch out for.
And that brings us to the last exact transit of this week. It's happening on Thursday, May 30th, at 10:54 p.m. Pacific Time. So it's going to be happening on a different day depending on where you are time zone -wise. So make adjustments as necessary. But this transit is Mercury conjunction to Uranus. So Mercury is now at 24 degrees and 8 minutes of Taurus, and so is Uranus.
This transit is very stimulating. And as I said a moment ago about the Mars/Chiron conjunction, it tends to make us really reactive. Now, this is kind of mitigated by the fact that it's in earthy Taurus. But still, this transit does kick up a lot of reactiveness. So Uranus, of course, is the great unpredictable earthquake planet. It rattles us. And Uranus governs your nervous system, while Mercury is your thoughts. So these are the two planets related to your brain and your mind. These are different things.
So, when Mercury and Uranus sit on top of each other, what tends to happen is your thinking gets stimulated. And that stimulation can be inspired, exciting, expansive, or it can make you feel really nervous, like your focus or your attention can't settle on one thing. It can make you feel restless, distracted, irritable, impatient. You can see it can kind of go either way depending on how it hits your chart and what your nature is, potentially your other transits, etc.
So the negative—okay? I'm going to end with the positive, start with the negative. The negative—it can be really stressful. You may find yourself just kind of fucked up in the head and reacting in ways that reflect your impulses and reactions instead of your intentions and your ability to parse through ideas and options. That's the negative.
The positive is that this transit really helps you to adapt. This transit can help you to find new solutions to old problems, to be more open-minded, to be more flexible, to not come at things in the old way, but find a shift in perspective, find an opening where you thought there was a wall. Pretty good, right? If you're somebody who has a really highly strung nervous system, this transit honestly could kind of go either way for you. It could either make you feel normal, like everyone else is on your wavelength, or it can intensify your nervous, anxious mind.
So you can adapt in ways that help you to get more grounded, because this is happening in an earth sign, and to keep in the center of your thinking, "Is this a reflection of my values?"—Taurus, right? "Am I able to adapt in ways that better reflect my values? I have options. Am I aligning with my values as I assess my options?" This is a great way of engaging with this transit.
This is a terrible time for making things permanent. So, if you're like, "Let's go steady," do it a different week, okay? Not this week. But it's a great time for exploring what's possible. So, if you can explore ideas without needing to turn your ideas into plans, this transit's for you. Now, between the Mercury conjunction to Uranus and the Mars conjunction with Chiron, the world is likely to be in an unpredictable, chaotic, and potentially, unfortunately, violent state because Mars and Chiron can kick up very intense patriarchal violence. So there's a lot of men's groups that are not exclusive to men but are primarily for men, like Nazis and shit like that, that may find themselves very motivated on and around this date.
And because of the Mercury conjunction to Uranus, this is a transit that can further egg people on because our nervous systems are being zinged under this transit. If you're somebody who just has degenerated into your strongest reactions, wanting to prove yourself—kind of the worst characteristics of Mars, Aries, and Chiron—the Mercury conjunction to Uranus is just going to make that worse.
So, while I think we should be paying attention to the world and the news on and around this date—basically this whole week—because of Mercury conjunction to Uranus, we may see really confusing reporting. We may not know exactly what's happening until this transit passes. And this is also true in your personal life. Somebody may report gossip to you or give you some sort of information that really throws you for a loop.
And the truth is you can't necessarily trust what you learn. You want to be open to what you learn without coming to certain conclusions, because you're not likely to have all the information. So allow things to percolate this Mercury conjunction to Uranus. As I said before, don't be too quick to turn your ideas into plans, your insights into actions.
This is a time to explore without trying to pin things down too quickly. And for some people, that's a gift. And for many others, that is a challenge. However it lands for you, the best way to make the most of this will be returning to your body, getting present, and striving to be curious instead of defensive or reactive.
Now, the last couple of things I'll tell you about this transit is simply this transit, especially egged on by the Mars/Chiron transit, can make you a little accident-prone. So, if you're riding your bike or you're driving your car or you're fucking—I don't know—you're cutting with knives, just be mindful. Especially if you're mentally or emotionally distracted or triggered, be careful because these transits can make you or other people pretty accident-prone.
The other thing is—and this is a much nicer thing—the Mercury conjunction to Uranus can have you meet new people, make new contacts, learn new things. And that is exciting. Just avoid the impulse to be too conclusive about what it is that is happening. Be open. Be curious. That's the gift of a Mercury conjunction to Uranus.
Now, I'm going to run through these transits one more time just so you can write them down in your little notes. But as always, within 24 hours of this episode dropping, the transcript of the episode will be available for you on my website. Also, on the 1st of every month, I drop a bonus episode of Ghost of a Podcast, available exclusively on my Patreon at the kittens level. So a great time to join me on Patreon is now. You can go to patreon.com/jessicalanyadoo to get ahead on the month. And I create a ton of exclusive content there about astrology, psychic stuff, medium stuff, tarot. I've got two full tarot classes that you can take at your own pace, available for only five dollars a month.
So yeah. You can go check out my Patreon and join me if you would like to support my work or just learn more with me.
Okay. So, on the 25th, Jupiter moves into Gemini. On the 27th, we have an exact sextile between Mercury and Saturn. On the 29th of May, Mars forms an exact conjunction to Chiron. And then, on the 30th, Mercury forms an exact conjunction to Uranus. There is no exact transit on the 1st of June, for better or worse. You know? For better or worse.
All right. I want to thank you so much for joining me this week and every week for Ghost of a Podcast. If you get value from the show, please do hit that Subscribe or Follow button. And if you want to write a positive or encouraging review, I deeply, very much and with my whole heart appreciate it. But whatever you do this week, I hope you are taking good care of yourself and others. And I will talk to you in just a couple of days for the excellent reading that's coming up on the midweek episode of Ghost of a Podcast. Buh-bye.