Ghost of a Podcast with Jessica Lanyadoo

June 15, 2024

438: Horoscope - A Full Moon and Three Neptune Squares


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Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.


Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast, where we are going to talk about your horoscope for the week ahead. And we're not just going to talk about astrology; we're going to talk about how to use the astrology for best possible outcomes in the real world, where it turns out most of us live.


Okay. We are looking at the astrology for June 16th through the 22nd of 2024. And as I kind of gave you a heads-up about last week, this week we are going to be confronted by a lot of Neptunian energies. We also have a Full Moon in Capricorn. It's a solstice. June 21st, it's a solstice. So don't be surprised.


So there's a lot to talk about. Because we are dealing with so much Neptunian energy, you are likely to be feeling anxiety. Transits to or from Neptune tend to kick up anxiety, discomfort, exhaustion, demoralization, that kind of stuff. And if you are feeling that way and it's your habit to listen to this podcast or any other predictive tool or resource or even news, tool, or resource at a particular time but you're really in a state of anxiety, may I encourage you please come back to it, but put it down for now.


Part of what transits to or from Neptune teach is that we need healthy boundaries. And so it is wise and healthy to have enough self-awareness to know what you can take in and take on in a healthy way at a given moment. So, if you're not in the mood for prediction, that's okay. It's a podcast. It'll be here when you're ready for it.


So the week starts off on Sunday, June 16th, with an exact square between Venus and Neptune at 29 degrees and 52 minutes, with Venus in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces. And that's exact at 8:46 p.m. Pacific Time. This transit is, honestly, very hard. Both planets, Venus and Neptune, are in the anaretic degrees; they're in the final degrees of their respective signs. And this intensifies the energies of that sign and of each planet sitting in the sign. That's what happens at the final degrees of the sign.


And so we have Venus, the planet associated with love and values, in easily distracted, very ingenious Gemini forming a challenging aspect to Neptune, the planet of ideals, idealization, fantasy, anxiety, also high spirituality. And that's in the zodiac sign of Pisces, the natural place for Neptune to be, which is a zodiac sign very much associated with high spirituality and idealization and fantasy and beauty.


When we have these two planets forming a square to each other, what is most common is that we experience anxiety about our relationships. So that can be a profound but anxious yearning for love and yearning for attention, yearning to feel beautiful or be beautiful in some sort of idealized way. This is a terrible time to compare yourself to other people⁠—the way they look, the way their life seems to be.


Neptune governs glamor, and I don't just mean beauty, but being glamored by something or someone. And in this world that we live in, the social media-driven world that we live in, we are all getting glamored by each other and certainly by people with a lot of power or wealth. It's not inherently bad or good, but it is important to be able to recognize it when you see it so that you don't compare yourself or your life to a romanticized ideal that nobody is able to embody.


Neptune can be very perfectionistic. And when we have a Venus square to Neptune, you may find yourself in a state where you're yearning for a romantic ideal that isn't possible or isn't possible for more than a few minutes at a time. Because of all this energy, many people experience a great deal of insecurity, demoralization, anxiety around the way you look, around what other people feel about you, about your relationships in general.


This can lead to exhaustion, demoralization, and paranoia. If you're feeling any of those feelings, first of all, it's okay. It's the transit. Also, if you're feeling any of these feelings, you need better boundaries. You need better boundaries in your thinking, in your priorities, in how you compare yourself to others. Maybe you're feeling this way because of some fucked-up shit coming up in a relationship. Then you need better boundaries with the people in your life.


If you have someone in your life that you know is always demoralizing, that just kind of makes you feel bad about yourself, that is not a cheerleader friend but more of a self-involved or mean-spirited person, yeah, don't hang out with them this week, certainly not on or around this date, but in general not this week.


This transit is hard, and it can make a person feel, again, lonely, paranoid, and uncomfortable in your own skin. And if you're feeling that way, you're more likely to be weird around other people, anxious socially. So, if you're feeling weird and anxious socially, then you're going to act in ways that are not normal for you. Right?


Well, the thing is everybody else is feeling this energy, too. So people are likely to act in ways that you find surprising or odd. Remember that we're all going through it, so try not to take personally other people's behavior around you. Now, have healthy boundaries. Advocate for yourself if you need to. But don't jump to conclusions and assume the worst, because unfortunately, we often do that during challenging transits between Venus and Neptune.


If you find yourself falling for someone new or returning to an old obsession or crush or whatever, it's probably not based on reality. When Venus and Neptune meet in any configuration, there is a risk that we fantasize and overidealize a person. So it's wise to just remember this transit is activating and, again, is a great time for you to identify and clarify and practice holding your boundaries. Identify, clarify, hold.


Boundaries are hard. They're really hard. Ideally speaking, your boundaries should reflect your values. So, if you don't value yourself, it's really hard to identify, have, and hold boundaries. And who are we kidding? A lot of us struggle with self-esteem and self-acceptance. And so start wherever you're at. Whatever it is that feels fucked up this Venus square to Neptune is pointing you towards where you need healthier boundaries, where you need to have greater self-worth, and to pair that self-worth with actions that reflect your self-worth.


This is an important time for relationships, but it's not a good time for relationships. So strive to be open and curious, which⁠—Venus is in Gemini, so it supports that⁠—without being conclusive. Nobody is likely to have clarity that you can rely on during the Venus square to Neptune. Hey, maybe the thing that you get a hit on turns out to be right. You just can't count on it during the transit itself.


Now, one last thing I'm going to say about this transit is that, as I have mentioned a few times, it triggers anxiety. Now, because of this, this is a terrible time to start any kind of diet or beauty regimen that requires you to self-deny, to pull things out of your system that would otherwise give you nourishment. When we're dealing with challenging transits to or from Neptune, we want to nourish the body, nourish the psyche, nourish the heart.


I don't know what that means for you. All bodies, all hearts, all minds are different. So apply this in a way that works for you. But it's not a great time to be starving yourself for whatever reason, spiritually motivated or vanity motivated or otherwise.


The other thing is this transit, but also this week in general, is a terrible time for doing drugs. This is not the time to do some sort of big trip to find yourself. Neptune already makes it hard to have good energy boundaries. And whenever we imbibe, we can make it even harder to have good energy boundaries. And so this is not a great time for taking major risks or major trips in general. Now, of course, you do what you want.


Now, that brings us to Monday, June 17th, where we have two transits that are exact, and they're overlapping with the Venus/Neptune square, which we are very much feeling on this day. Mercury at 29 degrees of Gemini and 52 minutes forms an exact square to Neptune at the exact same degrees of Pisces. This is exact at 12:41 a.m. Pacific Time. So same zodiac signs at play, both at anaretic degrees, right?


Now, later in the morning at 5:43 a.m. Pacific Time, Mercury and Venus meet at 0 degrees and 20 minutes of Cancer. So okay. Let's start with the Mercury square to Neptune. Unfortunately, this transit is going to be worse because of its overlap with the Venus square to Neptune. Mercury and Venus are two of the most social planets in the zodiac. Mercury is your friends, and Venus is people you love. Venus is diplomacy and getting along. Mercury is communicating. It's listening, speaking, DMing. It's social media. It's reading, videos. It's all that kind of stuff.


And Neptune, again, is a disorienting planet. It brings up what you don't know, what you don't understand. It brings up confusion. It can make a person feel literally exhausted. So, if you're feeling really tired and like you just don't want to get up out of the bed, it's Neptune. And maybe you need to push yourself because it's like a response that your body is having to your psyche, to spiritual or psychological conditions.


Or maybe you just need to listen to your body and center and prioritize rest and relaxation and recovery on and around these two dates, and in the whole week, okay? And that just isn't going to be possible for everyone, but if it is possible for you, do it. If it is possible to get your buns into nature, to really just put on noise-canceling headphones and listen to music you find soothing⁠—whatever it is that works for you⁠—this is a time to feed your soul through nourishing experiences with the arts, spirituality, and nature.


Now, back to the Mercury/Neptune Square, something weird may happen this week, and in particular on and around this day, within a friendship because Mercury square to Neptune is not uncommon, again, to feel anxious or like, "I don't know where I belong with this person." There may be misunderstandings, miscommunication. You may experience something demoralizing, or you may be demoralizing to your friend without necessarily intending it.


This transit can make things unnecessarily complicated. It can make things unnecessarily messy. It's uncomfortable, unfortunately. And it's really important to do your very best to listen to what others are saying⁠—if you feel like you cannot listen, to be forthcoming about it, to be like, "I am"⁠—fill in the blanks. "I'm overwhelmed. I'm exhausted. I'm confused, and I can't listen properly right now. Let's schedule something right now for a couple of days from now, ideally after the Full Moon, and have a real conversation when I can be fully present." It might bother someone to hear that, but having healthy boundaries is always on the menu when we're dealing with transits to or from Neptune. Make it a mantra.


With Mercury square to Neptune, you may be feeling like you have a really hard time with focus. You may be daydreaming. You may find yourself especially gullible. And in particular, when looking at the internet or consuming any kind of news, you want to remember to keep your critical thinking hat on because there's likely to be misinformation, disinformation, and generally messiness in the world of communication. And because the world of communication is singularly large at this time in human development, there's just a lot of room for things to be really fucking uncomfortable and confusing.


Because of Neptune's presence, this transit can coincide with fanatical thinking or perfectionistic thinking, which is bad news for any kind of religiously motivated form of hate or desire to minimize or control a group of people. Mercury square to Neptune stirs up fanaticism in all of its ugly forms. If you find yourself feeling or acting really puritanical and fanatical about whatever it is you believe, try to rein yourself in.


Again, have better boundaries in your thinking and in your approach, certainly in your communication. Make sure you're listening to others, and when I say others, I don't only mean people who think the same as you. Being open to the world is powerful. It's transformational. And it's really healthy. That said, with Mercury square to Neptune, you may feel like you're too fucking open. For anyone who is an empath or a highly sensitive person or just somebody who fucking cares⁠, who is a person of conscience⁠, these transits are exhausting.


If you've been running yourself ragged and feel really burned out, whether by your personal life or the suffering of the world or, like many of us, both, yeah, Neptune brings about burnout. It doesn't create burnout. It kind of⁠—you know, like the old Sesame Street thing⁠—puts a hole in your pocket so that lots of your precious energy starts to drain out. It makes it much harder to cope.


And so we can have a system crash under Neptune squares. And we don't just have these two; we have another one coming up this week, okay? So, again, just know it's time to have boundaries. It's time to identify your boundaries, to clarify your boundaries, and to practice holding your boundaries. You can't be perfect. Don't try to be perfect. It's a terrible goal. Just do your best. And if your best includes failing or faltering, that's okay. Just stay with your best, and do your best to have grace for others when they fuck up, because they will fuck up because it's life. And we all make mistakes. Now, if somebody's mistake causes you real harm, if it is cruel, then, again, boundaries. We're back to boundaries.


Whenever it comes to Neptune, we want to keep it simple because the more complicated things get, the more anxiety we tend to feel. And just like I said, with the Venus square to Neptune, terrible time for using drugs. You don't need anything to take you out of this reality any more than the transits already will. If you have been thinking, "Maybe I should spend some time off social media or off the internet in general," for sure, yeah. Mercury square Neptune and Venus square Neptune⁠—great times to back off if you can.


It is important to remember that what you feed grows. Where you give your attention to is what shapes your thoughts, your attitudes, and even your values. So this is not a good time for doom scrolling. This is not a good time for shitposting, hate posting, any of that kind of stuff. It is really valuable to feed the things you want to see grow. And if you don't know what that is, the Venus and Mercury square to Neptune is a great time to start creating boundaries to protect your parts enough so that you can start to identify your values, identify what's important to you, and how you are or are not centering and protecting those things in your behavior and in your thinking.


Now, on the same day, we have a Mercury conjunction to Venus. And this one, as I said, is in Cancer because Mercury and Venus in their square to Neptune are in the anaretic degree. So now they're at the start of Cancer. This doesn't mean the transits are over. We're going to be feeling Mercury and Venus square to Neptune through the week, but it's going to be out of sign.


Mercury conjunction to Venus is, on its own, a lovely transit. It makes a person feel more social. It makes everyone feel more social. It makes it easier to connect to people, to give good text, to have a pleasant and lovely interaction with another human person or, if you're like me, a pig, a cat, a dog, maybe a hummingbird. It just makes it nice to socialize with whoever it is that you like to socialize with.


This transit tends to put you in a more diplomatic frame of mind. So the diplomacy is thanks to Venus, and the frame of mind is Mercury. This is a nice time for tapping into creativity and connections with other people. The problem is this transit is not strong enough to override the Neptune activity. So we're not going to get as much benefit from it as we otherwise might if it was a standalone transit. But it is certainly some cool, supportive wind on a scorching hot day. It's lovely. It's supportive. And it doesn't stop the squares to Neptune from happening.


Now, that brings us to Thursday, June 20th. This is the last day we will be feeling the effects of the Mercury square to Neptune. We're still going to be feeling the Venus square to Neptune through Saturday. And on June 20th, we have the Sun ingressing into Cancer. It is Cancer Season. I don't really like to talk about the ingressions of the Solar seasons. But whenever a cardinal sign⁠—like Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra⁠—hits that 0 degrees, we have a shift in seasons. So it's important to note. And if you are witchy-woo, it's certainly probably going to be an important time for you.


Before the Sun moves into Cancer at exactly 1:51 p.m. Pacific Time, we have an exact square between the Sun and Neptune at 11:12 a.m. Pacific Time. So the Sun is at 29 degrees of Gemini and 54 minutes, and Neptune is at the exact same degrees of Pisces. Hey. Listen. This is a lot to keep track of. Also, fucking Neptune transits⁠—very hard to stay focused.


So I want to remind you, this week and every week, I always drop a transcript for free on my website, available to you within usually about a day of the episode dropping. You can check out past episodes and read the transcript for all of the episodes, including this very one. Okay? Okay. Back to your horoscope.


Sun square to Neptune⁠—it's not radically different than Venus and Mercury square to Neptune. Unfortunately, this transit, instead of kind of weakening the virility and strength of your mind⁠—Mercury⁠—or of your sense of belonging and connection to others⁠—Venus⁠—is hitting the Sun. So now it's your identity, your vitality, your sense of resiliency and strength within yourself.


Sun square to Neptune is another transit that sparks anxiety because you can really feel just unmoored, like, "I don't know how to take care of myself. I'm falling apart. I'm burned out"⁠—that kind of shit. It can make you feel really deeply exhausted, and that sucks. But again and always, the lesson here is to identify and honor your boundaries. So, if you need more rest, rest. And if you need to limit what you take in so that you can honor what you've taken on, okay. Do that.


This week is definitely quite testing because of how draining the effects of Neptune can be. This draining feeling can lead you to kind of dropping the ball, acting weird, being awkward, having further anxiety, feeling super disoriented or confused, getting easily disappointed or demoralized by situations. And all of this, of course, can make you just feel that you don't have the energy to continue.


Within all of this, because it's Neptune, what often happens is we put other people on pedestals while we put ourselves in the shitter. Sometimes it's the reverse. Every once in a while, you'll have a person who's like, "I'm perfect. Everyone else is terrible." But a lot of times, what happens is we put people or situations or groups or whatever on a pedestal, and then everything else feels like it'll never be enough. Again, if you're in that state of mind, if you're feeling that way, know that it's the transit and it's an invitation to better boundaries. That's it.


Because the Sun is related to your vitality and your virility and your psychological and your physical strength, with a square between the Sun and Neptune, especially if it's hitting your chart directly, you're likely to feel particularly just off⁠—off in your mind, off in your body. Again, fortify, support, nurture. That's the way to go with Neptune.


This week, now, maybe even more so with the Mercury square to Neptune than the Sun square to Neptune⁠—but honestly, all of these transits⁠—are just a terrible time for lying. Everyone is feeling gullible. So, if you lie, you may get away with it in the short term, but it will definitely haunt you in the long term. And you may be misled, on purpose or by accident, by other people. So try to be critical in your thinking. Try to stay open and let things reveal themselves to you in time.


Neptune always increases our idealism. And because of this, you may feel tempted to take risks in regard to your spiritual life. And as long as you don't do anything that is too out there and that thins your auric field in any way or tests your auric field in any way, that's fine. But this is not a good time to do anything too major, to be honest. With all this Neptune activity, the best thing you can do is fortifying actions and rituals that feed your spirit.


In regards to social justice work, Neptune is the planet of idealization, and it can be associated with social justice. It can also be associated with martyrdom, with self-sacrifice that's healthy and well balanced, and self-sacrifice that is really about saviorism and putting yourself at the center of the "good deeds" that you do.


And so what, again, is really important is that you look at your motivations; you make sure that you are truly listening, actively listening, to the world around you, to people and the feedback you're getting. If you're going to act in self-sacrificing ways, which may happen and it may even be necessary this week, make sure that your motivations are clean. If you're going to show up for other people, that is a powerful thing. But acting like a martyr doesn't really help other people, and it sure as hell doesn't help you. So, if you know you have a tendency to act that way, know that it is likely to be activated this week. And it's a great time to, again, have some healthy boundaries, right?


Now, that brings us to the last exact transits of the week. Happening on Friday, June 21st, at 9:23 a.m., we have a Mercury sextile to Mars, which I will tell you about in the context of the Full Moon in Capricorn, happening at 1 degree and 7 minutes with the Sun in Cancer, of course, and the Moon in Capricorn. And it's happening in exactly 6:08 p.m.


Now, I don't want to get you too excited, but maybe it's worth it. Okay. So this is the first of two Full Moons that we are going to have in Capricorn this summer. When we have two Full Moons in the same zodiac sign, that is called a Blue Moon. It's like, "Once in a Blue Moon, it happens." This particular Full Moon is at 1 degree of Capricorn, and the next Full Moon in Capricorn will be at 29 degrees, at that anaretic degree, of Capricorn.

So whatever it is that comes to the surface for you emotionally or in your personal life, this Full Moon in Capricorn will get really intensely retriggered and also give you an opportunity to work through these themes further on July 21st, when the next Full Moon in Capricorn is going to happen. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but that felt important to share.


Okay. Let's get back to present and talk about Friday, the 21st's, Full Moon in Capricorn. To start, I think it's valuable to acknowledge that this is the end of spring and the start of summer, at least in this hemisphere of the world. When we have a Full Moon in Capricorn on the Solstice, it's time to become emotionally determined, to tap into those Capricorn/Lunar energies of cultivating accountability, humility, and maturity on an emotional level.


Whenever we have a Full Moon, we know that it's a time when emotions bubble up to the surface, demanding to be dealt with. By "dealt with," it's generally about letting go or releasing. It's the end of the cycle, and so it's about clearing things out, letting go. So this is not a good time for manifestation. This is not necessarily a great time for starting something new. It's not like it's a bad time to start something new during a Full Moon, but it's really about closure. It's about the end of the cycle.


And when we look at the tension between Capricorn and Cancer, we're talking about what I need to do⁠—Capricorn⁠—and what I need to feel, what I need for self-care⁠—Cancer. And so this is an important Full Moon to take stock of how you are or aren't taking care of yourself in practical terms, what you are doing to support your emotional welfare and well-being, how you are or aren't showing up in your close personal relationships, at home, and basically starting to harvest so much of what you've already planted.


This particular Full Moon is occurring with the Sun sitting on top of Venus, and Mercury is also on top of Venus. Mercury is not on top of the Sun. Venus is in a little Mercury/Sun sandwich. And Venus and the Sun are both opposite to the Moon. We still have that Neptune square to the Sun and Venus active, and that means that Neptune is also square to the Moon. So we have an out-of-sign T-square between the Moon, the Sun/Venus conjunction, and Neptune, making Neptune the focal planet of that T-square.


What does that mean? My loves, it means prepare to feel anxious. Prepare to feel overwhelmed and to take responsibility for your emotions and your coping mechanisms so that you can have healthy boundaries that are responsible and responsive to your needs and to the things and people that you deeply care about.


It is hard to live in accord with your values⁠—Venus⁠—in a way that is self-appropriate and honors who and what you are⁠—the Sun. But as the Moon in Capricorn is here to show us, if you are tending to your own emotional truth, your experiences, your feelings, your wants, your insecurities⁠—the whole thing⁠—if you're tending to those things, then you can take responsibility for them. And by taking responsibility for them, you can take better care of yourself and others because you're not acting out or demanding, unconsciously or consciously, that others take care of your feelings and needs for you.


Now, there's nothing wrong with asking others or needing others to take care of you. In fact, I think it's a sign of wisdom and maturity to recognize when you need support and care and asking the right people and the right resources for that support and care. But this particular Full Moon is going to make all that feel wonky and messy and discombobulated. And that's okay. It's not awesome, but it's okay because if you are able to approach this and act in ways that are in alignment with your integrity, your values, and your emotional capacity, then this can be a pivotal moment in your emotional life. So that can be in your personal life in general⁠—because the Moon is related to your personal life⁠—your home life, and in particular, your emotional life, your insides.


We really don't pay enough attention, we don't give enough care and support, to our emotions as a culture. We're so focused on our minds that we tend to try to skip over our hearts. But your heart is such an important part to tend to, to care for, to nurture, to be curious about, to work with and on. And this Full Moon is an opportunity to do exactly that and to do it in a way that is constructive⁠—because it's a Full Moon in Capricorn⁠—that is reflective not just of the present but of your ability to learn from your past and even to learn from your elders, whether we're talking ancestors, we're talking people in your community, in your family that are older than you, more experienced than you⁠—what have you.


Now, as you may remember, Mercury and Mars are forming an exact sextile the same day, so it's a really strong aspect. It's the tightest aspect in this chart other than the Full Moon itself, of course. And this aspect is fortifying. It helps so that you can process information in a way that is both swift and courageous⁠—kind of cool, eh? We're dealing with such oogie-googie Neptunian energy this week that it's nice to have a fortifying and supportive transit like this in the Full Moon chart.


Mercury sextile to Mars makes it easier to move through information that might be a little bit triggering. It fortifies the ego in such a way that you can process information from a place of empowerment instead of disempowerment, which⁠—again, Neptune tends to make us feel disempowered. It brings up martyrdom and demoralization. So a transit like this is just, again, perfectly timed because it supports you in being able to move through your ideas and stay present with your body even as you process through challenging content.


This transit indicates that it's a good time to have difficult conversations, or any conversations. It's also a great transit for socializing in general, though this Full Moon is not so much a good transit for that. I will reiterate that this is the fourth transit of this week that makes it a bad time to starve yourself, to deny yourself nurturance and fortification, and to do recreational drugs, in particular mind-bending ones. So, whether it's for spiritual enhancement or just play, it's just not recommended for this week.


Now, we're still feeling the effects of the Pluto trine to Jupiter. I mean, it's wide now. It's wide, but regardless, we are feeling it still. And this transit helps you to remember the big picture, to stay connected to your capacity to transform, to evolve, to grow. And so this will help you a great deal if you are willing and able to stick with the challenging emotions that are likely to come up this Full Moon.


If you're going to do any kind of ritual or energy work, I would recommend this: a Full Moon ritual that is gentle. Whatever you do now, keep it gentle, to do a Full Moon ritual where you release your attachments, both conscious and unconscious, that have you calling and receiving and cultivating dynamics that bring you more harm than good.


This Full Moon is an opportunity to have healthier, more mature boundaries. And whatever you need to release in order to hold on to yourself and the things, people, and dynamics in your life that you want to nurture and protect, the better. So, even though this Full Moon is very Neptunian in a very challenging way, there's so much value that you can derive from it. And there's so much value that you can bring to it.


But again, it's important that you take responsibility for yourself. Take responsibility for who you are now and who you've been in the past. Take responsibility for your own messiness, for your own uncertainties or maybe rigidity or whatever it is that comes up, whatever it is that comes up. Neptune governs martyr complexes. It governs the impulse to merge with other people, things, ideas, whatever, as a way to escape or avoid your own reality. And in this case, we're talking about your emotions, your felt reality.


The gift that Neptune brings is an increase in compassion, an increase in empathy, and a willingness and ability to experience your humanity as a generative source of love. A Full Moon in Capricorn really wants you to stay present, to take responsibility. Neptune's going to pull us away from that. So work with that. Allow yourself to become more aware of the ways in which you are escapist and it is or isn't working for you, the ways in which you are taking responsibility for yourself, and the ways that you're not, because none of us are perfect.


Really, this Full Moon, but the whole week of transits, is a master class in boundaries. Now, that's not fun. It's not easy. But all of us could use it. All of us could use having healthier boundaries on some level or another, to some extent or another. Wherever you're at, start there. Whatever needs your care and attention and nurturance, whatever it is that needs you to take responsibility, start there.


Don't compare yourself to someone else. Don't compare yourself to who you once were or who you thought you'd be. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. What matters is that you are here now. And all you can do is be here now or put it off for later. But whenever now is is going to catch up with you sooner or later, so no better time than a Full Moon in Capricorn, especially in a summer where we're going to have not one, but two, Full Moons in Capricorn to show up, to assess, and to take responsibility for what you're feeling and how you are investing in the things that you value, the things that you care about.


All right. That was a lot, but that was your horoscope. I'm going to run through the transits one more time for you. On the 16th, we have an exact square between Venus and Neptune. On the 17th, we have an exact square between Mercury and Neptune, but Mercury is also conjunct to Venus. On the 20th, the Sun moves into Cancer, and we have a Sun square to Neptune. And then, on the 21st, Mercury has an exact sextile to Mars. And we have a Full Moon in Capricorn. That's on the 21st.


And that's your horoscope, my loves. I hope you got a lot of value out of it and that you can use it to make your life better, keeping in mind that when you make your life better, it always has a ripple effect on the world. And hopefully, whatever you are doing for self-care includes community care. Not all the time, not all the people, but at least some of the time.


As always, if you haven't already hit that Subscribe or Follow button, please do subscribe to this podcast because it does help this little DIY podcast. And if you would like to learn more with me, you can check out my classes for sale on my website. And also join me over on Patreon, where we talk about all manner of things. I've got a couple comprehensive tarot classes. The top astrology, psychic stuff, medium stuff, animal communication⁠—we get into it. So join me over there at


And don't forget, ya Gays, you're cordially invited to write in a question for the podcast. Happy Pride. I hope you take really good care of yourself and others this week, and I will talk to you and just a couple of days. Buh-bye.