Ghost of a Podcast with Jessica Lanyadoo

July 14, 2024

446: Horoscope - Impulses & Reflections


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Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.


Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast. This week, we're going to look at the astrology of July 14th through the 20th of 2024. We're going to talk about this week's horoscope in just a second. But of course, there are larger astrological phenomenon occurring, and I've been talking to you the past couple weeks about Neptune/Saturn stuff. And I want to take a moment to acknowledge Pluto.


Pluto is very much in Aquarius at this time. So many things are associated with this transit of Pluto in Aquarius, which we are still in the zero degree of. And Pluto is going to retrograde back into Capricorn for a couple months and then come back to Aquarius and stay there for many, many years. But I want to remind you of something that is very important about Pluto's transit through Aquarius, and that is the energy and potential for things to be authentically different, for revolution and rebellion to occur in such a way that individual rights or the rights of otherwise marginalized groups of people expand.


And that is really good news, and I think that's why, for several years, many people have speculated that the transit of Pluto in Aquarius would be a great thing because it's all progressive all the way. But the thing that's really important to keep in mind is that when I say progressive, I have ideas, assumptions, and beliefs about what that means. And you may have meaningfully different ones. You may have subtly different ones. You may have radically different ideas about what a progressive shift would be.


It's important to keep in mind that astrology does not reflect your values and your ideas, your personal needs alone. When we're looking at big-picture astrology, transit astrology that's not specific to your birth chart, we are looking at global conditions. And within the globe, we have very different people with very different goals and very different takes, both hot and not, about what is the best way forward or what is just or what is righteous.


So we can take⁠—and I certainly do⁠—inspiration from the protesters in Kenya or the coalitions built and that succeeded in France. We can learn from what's happening around the world and take inspiration and use that to build the future we want to see. But I want to just ground you into that Aquarius is the zodiac sign that is governed by Uranus. It is futuristic. It is eccentric. It is literally electric.


But before the planet Uranus was discovered, we attributed Saturn as the ruling planet to Aquarius, which is why some forms of astrology still use those old-school rulerships, which is a whole other conversation. But it is important to remember that when we're dealing with Aquarian energies, we still must organize. We still must have a plan.


To that end, I just want to say, if you are sitting here considering the world that we are in and you don't like what we see happening, find a thing you can do. Find a thing you can do. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. You don't have to invent something. You can broaden who you learn from/what you learn so that you can gain inspiration and ideas from other people in other places⁠—or maybe right next to you⁠—who are making shit happen.


I want to just really ground you into, though, find a thing that you can do, and do it. And it doesn't have to be the biggest thing. It doesn't have to be world-changing. The amount of you who write questions to me about how you want to start your own organization or your own thing⁠—it continually surprises me. You do not need to be the main character of the revolution. Fall in line. There are activists and organizers and educators and other people who have been doing the work for a long time. Find them. Find the ones you resonate with and ask what needs to be done, and then damn do it.


But on a slightly more personal level, I want to acknowledge this very same issue because listen. Last week, I talked to you about the importance of being able to be in disagreement with other people without getting defensive and angry or shutting down. Having the capacity, having the ability, to be in disagreement with others is a really valuable skill. I cannot stress the value of this skill enough. And I think, culturally as a people, we are losing that skill because algorithms created by corporations⁠—algorithms basically put us in contact online with people who are in disagreement with us in a way that sparks outrage, or we're only fed things that reinforce our beliefs and attitudes.


So it becomes incumbent upon us if we want to beat the machine, as it were, to cultivate the skill to be in disagreement, to tolerate our feelings and thoughts when we are in disagreement with others so that we don't act out against ourselves or other people. And that's different than finding an effective way to tell a person to fuck off if that's what needs to happen. I'm talking about the internal work part.


And related to that, I want to acknowledge how hard it is to make a decision, whether it's to stay or go, to try a new career or not, to participate in the world in whatever way or not. It is really hard to make decisions. Most people turn to astrology because they're struggling to figure out, "What's real? What's not real? What's the best way to live?" etc. And I can say to you, as a professional psychic and astrologer, figuring out how to ask the right question of ourselves or our circumstances/people we're around is key. It's like the golden key.


Asking yourself, "What should I do? Should I do this?" is generally the wrong place to start, and it's the most common place to start. Shoulds are no friend to the healing process. Shoulds are inherently kind of Saturnian and judgmental. The best, most useful question to ask yourself is, "What do I actually believe? What do I believe in in this situation?"⁠—contextually, of course. "What is in alignment with my values, with my morals, with my ideals?"⁠—whatever it may be, or if you're in a more pressing situation, "What is my most immediate need?"


Getting present and centering your own clarity, what you are clear about about your values, about what you believe to be right, what is or is not in alignment, will help you to make choices outside of shoulds. It'll help you to have more nuanced, healthy, supportive, empathetic conversations with yourself. And that will have a ripple effect on how you relate to others. So I want to invite you to practice having more nuanced conversations with yourself, to learn how to sit with your chaotic thoughts or your challenging emotions, because those exist in a space where we don't know what the answer is or we're asking the wrong questions of ourselves.


When there's a choice to make, it can feel really bad to not have clarity about what the answer is. And sometimes our clarity exists right on the other side of our chaotic thoughts and emotions. Learning how to take a beat and to be in a state of receptivity instead of pushing your energy out to figure things out, to make things happen, to gain control over yourself or your situation⁠—learning how to be in a state of receptivity is so powerful. And it looks like nothing. It's exceptionally challenging to do. It just is.


But if we are to have healthier relationships, if we're to find happiness in the compromises that we have to make in life, if we are to co-create a world that is not inherently carceral or punishing, limiting, and really wedded to the very systems that we want to break down and expand and change, then something inside of you and inside of me needs to shift. Some of that is about being present with "We are in a state of flux." And you know what? We're always in a state of flux. But now, yeah, shit is real.


And it is not possible to be assured of safety. It is not possible to be assured of security. It is not possible to be assured of a lot of things. And so, if we are going to find a way forward that is meaningfully different, where you can tolerate your uncertainty, where you can be in a state of awareness of what can go wrong while maintaining an openness to what can go right and not slipping into a state of passivity that requires everyone else take care of it for you, but you find a way to participate⁠—not to be the hero, but to participate⁠—that right there, that is how the world changes. It's if enough of us do that. And I want to just say it is a practice.


And I'm an astrologer. This is an astrology podcast. Astrology is my life's work. I've been a professional astrologer since 1994. Astrology is not the point for me. Astrology is simply a tool, and it is a tool that can help you and to me to identify where we're act, the tools and challenges we have, and the best way forward. It's a tool. And in my experience as a consulting astrologer and psychic, it doesn't matter how smart you are and how incisive your analysis. If you do not have EQ, emotional intelligence, if you do not have the capacity to be emotionally present, then it's going to feel bad even when you're doing good.


So I want to encourage you to step into the world consciously with integrity and to participate, to co-create the best possible outcomes for all the things that are currently developing. And I also want to invite you to take a beat to rest and digest, not to tune out and unplug⁠—although that, too, yes. But right now, I'm talking about rest and digest, to receive the complexity of what you're experiencing without doing anything, without shutting down, without judgment or even analysis, to be in a state of receptivity and presence and to practice hanging out there, because we all have a limit to how much we've done that and how much of it we can tolerate.


And what you don't know is what exists for you on the outside of that limit, how your relationships may or may not change if you expand your own limitations around this. Astrology and the energy work that I do has taught me very clearly that you cannot control what anyone does but yourself. You cannot control how other people do or don't behave, how they think, how they feel. You can't control any of that, and you shouldn't try. What you can control is how you show up.


And when you practice showing up in more authentic and aligned ways, when you practice being more embodied⁠—whatever the fuck that means for you where you're at at this time⁠—but when you practice those things, you embody that energy. And if you've ever been around somebody who embodies the energy of self-acceptance, self-love, confidence, self-possession, you can feel it. And how you may behave or how you may engage with a person who knows how to truly forgive themselves, hold themselves to account, and forgive themselves⁠—that's going to be really different than somebody who's constantly punishing themselves and others.


We respond to energy. We are different in different situations. We are different in different relationships. And the only thing that you can do is navigate you, and then be open to how your relationships change as a result. And sometimes it'll be for the worse; sometimes it'll be for the better. None of that is really in your control. What's in your control is how you relate to you, how you navigate your own internal landscape, and then how you show up in the world and for and with the collective.


This stuff is kind of always on my mind, but it's especially been on my mind as we build up towards my July 20th live conversation with authors and thought leaders Sonya Renee Taylor and adrienne maree brown. We're going to be having a conversation. It's the third in our series called Joy in the Time of Apocalypse. And this conversation is on the theme of being deeply known in times of crisis.


At core, in order to be deeply known, we must be willing to let others in. It's not always safe to let other people in. How you navigate your own boundaries, your own self-care, how you do or don't show up for yourself⁠—that's really key to how safe it does or doesn't feel to let other people in. And fear in these really apocalyptic times has a way of shutting us down, has a way of putting us on defense, which makes it a lot harder to be connected with others or ourselves.


And so, if this kind of piques your interest or stirs something inside of you, I invite you to join us next Saturday, July 20th, for about an hour, hour and a half, conversation. The link to register is on my website and in the episode description. Okay. On to your horoscope.


Okay. So, as I said, we're looking at the astrology of July 14th through the 20th of 2024. And our first exact transits occur on Monday the 15th. Now, we're going to be feeling them on Sunday and Saturday, but they hit exactitude on Monday the 15th. So, at exactly 4:44 a.m. Pacific Time, we have an exact square between the Sun, at 23 degrees and 29 minutes of Cancer, and Chiron, same degrees of Aries. And then, a couple hours later at 7:05 a.m. Pacific Time, we've got an exact conjunction between Mars and Uranus.


Both of these transits are very challenging. And unfortunately, having them together is not the greatest combo platter. Chiron can be described or viewed as kind of a bridge between the rebellious and unpredictable energies of Uranus and the fixed-reality, drive-to-fit-in planet of Saturn. So Chiron is a bridge between these two things. It's not a planet. It's an asteroid. But it is very powerful.


And so to be going through a week⁠—let me just kind of⁠—bird's-eye view for you here⁠—where the Sun, which governs our will, and Mars, which governs our ego, are both being challenged⁠—that's already like, "Huh. Okay." And then to know that it's Chiron and Uranus⁠, what we can expect to experience is a lot of people being activated. You're included in that. So a lot of people being activated, a lot of people feeling like, "Why are you coming for me? Why don't you just get me? Why can't I just have that?"⁠—that can lead to all manner of shit, and that shit may be interpersonal. It might be psychological, emotional.


And on a collective level, it may be violent. It may be dramatic. There is a deep restlessness and impatience that these two transits are bringing about or triggering in the collective as well as the individual. The Sun square to Chiron⁠—it's likely to have you questioning, "Do I belong? Who am I? What am I?" It can make you feel insecure about belonging. That could be belonging to yourself. It could be belonging to your friend group or a larger sense of belonging or even safety in the world.


You want to remember that the Sun is that part of us⁠—it's like this bright, shiny part of us that wants to be seen, that wants to be recognized. And when we have a square between the Sun and Chiron, it can feel like the parts of you that are wounded, that you don't like, that you have judgments or insecurities about, are what people are seeing. And that can feel really bad. Or you may experience it in the flip, where you want people to understand and to validate and see, "Oh, I feel broken here. I don't have all my parts together. I'm not functioning in the way that I wish I was because of things that happened in my past, and it's just not being recognized."


Now, it's really important with this transit, but also in general and always, that we take accountability for who we are. So, regardless of how we came to be what we are, it's important that we take responsibility for who we are. This transit may make you feel really confused about what is the difference between taking account for who you've chosen to be, the things you've done, how you're showing up, and punishing yourself for having failed or misstepped because Chiron is core wounding. So we can be real dicks to ourselves when we deal with Chironic energy.


So I will take this opportunity to gently but firmly remind you that you are not perfect, and nobody you know is perfect. Nobody you respect or like is perfect. That's not a thing. Humans are inherently flawed. We all have done something fucked up to someone else, and we have all had someone do something fucked up to us⁠—all of us. That's the fucking journey in these meat suits.


So, if you can, practice being present for what hurts, being present for what you may have done wrong or what you may be doing wrong, and stay present even with your pain around what others have done to you or shit that happened in your past that hurt you and how it's affecting you today. That can really help you to find your center.


So the glyph, the symbol, for the Sun is a circle with a dot in the middle. And the reason why that dot is there is because the Sun governs your solar plexus. It is your center. So, when I talk about alignment⁠—and you know I talk about alignment all the livelong day. When I talk about alignment, it's really hard to achieve alignment without the integration and embodiment of our Solar energies⁠—the Sun. It's your center.


The transit of Sun square to Chiron makes it hard to stay with your center. It may have you revisiting and experiencing ways in which you, in a patterned way, in a habitual way⁠—you miss yourself. You act out in ways that repress or oppress yourself. You lose track or lose sight of yourself.


Because the Sun is in Cancer, it's going to be emo, and it is likely to be related to familial patterns. So you may be dealing with shit that is related to your family right now. So that might be your partner, your roommates, your besties, your community, and it might be your family of origin. It depends on how you experience family right now. But it's likely to have something to do with a sense of belonging.


On a larger, more societal level, Cancer is associated with nationalism. And so we may see some fucked-up shit happening around borders and nationalism. And we all know that humans perpetrate gross atrocities around borders and groups and nations and all this kind of shit.


Now, the potential for this transit is always healing. It's always finding your center, not in spite of your wounding, but with care and consideration and empathy and embodiment around your wounding. It's okay that you're hurt. It's okay that you're fucked up. So am I. We're all fucked up. We're all hurt. I mean, not everybody's got the same experience, of course. But when you're doing the work of coming into alignment, comparing yourself to other people⁠, comparing yourself to who you thought you'd be or who you think you should be⁠—it's a huge waste of your energy, like a true waste of your energy.


Coming into alignment means accepting. It means accepting and getting present. And acceptance is not an abatement of responsibility and accountability. It's something more emotional. It's an emotional account and awareness of who you are now and all that happened to you and all that you chose to do leading up to this moment.


This transit, as I said, is overlapping with another very important and, I'm going to say to you, chaotic transit. And that's a Mars conjunction to Uranus. Now, this is explosive. Whenever Mars and Uranus are in conjunction/square/opposition to each other⁠—I mean, the transits are all different in that they have different effects, but we know that things are going to be explosive and unpredictable.


Mars is, as you know, punch-punch, bang-bang. And Uranus is (makes sound). That was things blowing up. When we have these two planets sitting on top of each other, there's always a risk, on a social or on a personal level, of violence, and not premeditated violence. It's usually spontaneous reactiveness. So, if you feel unsafe in a situation, get your sweet little buns out of it.


Mars conjunction to Uranus is a transit that will often find us wanting to take risks, but it's actually not the best time to do that⁠—not on a material level, anyways, especially because of the overlap with the Sun square to Chiron. This transit, Mars conjunction to Uranus, is one that helps you to break out of ruts and routines, to push past limitations, to explore what's possible. But because Mars is involved, either you're going to be embodied around it because Mars is all about the body, or you're going to be defensive, offensive, aggressive, assertive, irritable about it. And that's not as great. That's not as great.


If you're going to do something, check your motivations. Check your motivations. If you cannot wait, if you feel a sense of urgency that just⁠—you have to do a thing, I want to give you this. I want to give you this perspective. If your instincts are around survival, like you absolutely have to do a thing, like⁠—I don't know⁠—you're hanging out with a toddler and they rush into traffic, yeah, run into traffic after them. Grab the child. Good. Good on you.


But so much of the time, the things that you feel hot and triggered around are actually⁠—they don't need to be dealt with in this moment. The thing doesn't need to be said immediately. And so, if that's the case, if it's not like a child in traffic kind of situation, then I want to encourage you to take a beat. Take a breath. Locate your meat suit, your little body, that thing that lives inside of your soul, that thing that is the vehicle that you experience this life through. And tap in. What's going on in there?


Uranus is all about impulsivity, and Mars is really impulsive, too. So, if you can practice being inquisitive about what's motivating your impulses, you can make more informed choices and pursue more informed actions.


There's always a risk when a personal planet sits on top of Uranus that we behave erratically and in ways that we think are liberatory but are ultimately just stirring the fucking pot. So what's the difference between creating change that needs to occur and stirring the pot? Some of it's clarity. Some of it's motivation. Take the space you need to process your own motivations, to do your best to assess what's actually motivating you.


This transit can make you feel really restless and impatient. And so, because of that, it can incline you to be accident-prone. And this accident-proneness can exist in a lot of ways, but Mars literally governs your car, how you drive, and Uranus is electricity. So, I mean, if you're driving and you're feeling really irritable, pay attention to the road. And if you're a cyclist or a pedestrian, just watch out for cars because people are going to be really triggered on and around this date.


The other thing I'm going to say⁠—and this one's way more fun⁠—is that this can be a really fun time for sex⁠—sex with partners, sex with multiple partners, sex all by yourself, however you like it, because Mars⁠—again, it's the body. It's fornicating proper. And Uranus is something new. Uranus can be really kinky, or it can just be⁠—and "kinky" is a very big umbrella; let's just be clear.


Uranus and Mars, when they're together, can inspire you to try new things or try the same old thing with a new energy and a new motivation. It can be a transit that can help you to spice up the spicy side of life. So, if there's somebody that you can safely explore and get weird with, I want to encourage you to do that. Mars/Uranus conjunction⁠—it's great for getting kinky and getting weird.


But again, just because I am cautious, I will say this transit is happening within hours of exactitude of the Sun/Chiron square. And because of that, I'm going to double down on that whole "if you feel safe with someone thing" because the Sun/Chiron square can have you act out of your core wounding. So I don't want to encourage you to put yourself in a situation or try something with someone who's not an established safe person for you, because that might be part of an old wounding pattern. Don't set yourself up. And if you're not sure if you're setting yourself up or not, maybe just don't do it and see what happens. Okay? Okay.


So that's Monday, the 15th. And I should say, with the Sun transit, we're going to feel it for three days. But with the Mars transit, we're going to feel this through Friday, so for the better part of the work week. So, again, be careful. It'll be at its apex, at its strongest, on this date, on the 15th.


Now, that brings us to Thursday, July 18th, where we have another day that has two exact transits. At 7:00 a.m. exactly Pacific Time, the Sun at 26 degrees and 26 minutes of Cancer forms an exact sextile to Uranus at the same degrees of Taurus. Later that day at 4:57 p.m. Pacific Time, we have an exact trine between Mercury and Chiron with Mercury at 23 degrees and 31 minutes of Leo, Chiron same exact degrees of Aries.


Okay. So the Sun sextile to Uranus transit is lovely. Again, you know the Sun. It's all about your center and your sense of self, and Uranus, when in a sextile relationship to the Sun, brings about excitement and fun and pleasant surprises. It can increase the tempo of your life so that you end up just having fun exchanges; you connect with people or situations that inspire something in you. It's just kind of a good vibe, basically.


On a deeper level, this transit can really help to facilitate personal growth so that you can see outside of your habitual ways of perceiving things. So Uranus opens the windows when you just had the doors open. So, if you're engaged in any kind of a healing process or healing work, self-care work or whatevs, this transit can coincide with something just gelling or coming together. You may feel more inspired, more creative, more willing to try new things, or to try old things with a new energy. And that, as I was saying earlier, can be really impactful.


Uranus really helps for you to be more inquisitive. And curiosity really helps. It helps us to expand beyond our habits, which in⁠—so much of what we're going through is related to our trance patterns. This is a transit that can be exciting, can be inspiring, and can coincide with the unexpected in a pleasant way.


The only downside, which is not going to be a huge downside for most people, is that it's not great for consistency, routine behavior⁠—Saturnian shit, basically, like sticking to the plan perfectly. It makes you want to explore. It makes you curious and adaptable. So do your best to create space within your activities to be adaptable because it will go well, especially if this transit hits your birth chart directly.


Now, the other transit happening the same day but a few hours later is Mercury trine to Chiron. And this is a lovely transit. So we're dealing with Chiron again, but this time with Mercury, and it's a trine. And if you're like, "Wait. What's a trine? What's a sextile?" I have episodes describing what the different aspects and transits are.


If you're newer to listening to my podcast, I used to do something called hot takes in the midweek episode, and I would basically teach astrology in those episodes. So you can search for the hot take episodes, and you will have a sweet little bite-sized, digestible astrology lesson for your brain to chew on. And also, if you're really like, "I want my brain to chew on more astrology and more woo," you can always join me over on Patreon, where we get into it. We get into it weekly.


Okay. So Mercury trine Chiron is a great time for figuring things out. But because it's Chiron, when I say "things," I mean things that are of consequence. So, in terms of your healing journey, your self-care/self-discovery journey, this is an exceptional transit because it empowers you to face and process through painful content. It's not like you are completely untouched by painful content if it is in fact painful, but you're able to stay more inquisitive, more curious, more open, and therefore to move through those old beliefs, those old experiences, those old narratives with greater flexibility. And that helps you to heal. It's really a great transit for all of that.


This is also a really good time for talking to somebody that you need to talk to. If there's a conversation that just needs to be had, if you've left something on the back burner and you know that you need to just fucking respond to the email, call your friend back, whatever the fuck it is, this is a great transit for doing it because not only do you have the support and energy of the Sun/Uranus transit, but you also have the kind of openness that this transit brings.


This transit helps you to speak your truth and/or to really listen when someone else is speaking theirs. Whenever we're dealing with transits to Mercury, it is very easy to focus only on what you think and what you say. But it is essential to remember that Mercury governs listening and processing data. And so this is a really powerful time for listening to other people, whether they're thought leaders or somebody who has something to teach you, or listening to what your partner is telling you about their lived experience or what they need. This is a time where you can move through your own triggers, your own activation, and find yourself, find your alignment.


One last thing I'll say is if you're a creative writer of any kind, this transit is your friend. You can get some real good writing done during this transit. You may want to try to write in a different location than you typically do because of the Sun sextile to Uranus wanting change and something a little exciting. But this can be a time where you just⁠—you have something coming out of you that is not what you planned on but is so good. So get in there and get creative.


Now, that brings us to the last exact transit of the week, plus a little heads-up. Okay. So, on Saturday, July 20th, the very same day of my Joy in the Time of Apocalypse talk that I hope to see you at, we have an exact sextile between Mars and Neptune. So Mars will be anaretic degree, 29 degrees of Taurus and 51 minutes, and Neptune same degrees of Pisces. This is exact at 8:17 a.m. Pacific Time.


And this transit is lovely. It is very supportive. Mars is the ego, and Neptune is selflessness. And when these two planets form a supportive transit to each other like a sextile, what happens is there is a healthy conversation and dynamic between them so that you can act in ways that are supportive to the self without being selfish, that are considerate and empathetic for others but not in a way where you have empathy fatigue or you just feel like a pancake on the floor, a pancake with no spoons at all, which⁠—Neptune can get us into that kind of energy.


So this transit is good for showing up and doing things that reflect what you care about⁠—empathy, consideration, mutual aid. This is a great time for showing up and doing things to advance your spirituality. And of course, we want to remember that our individual spirituality is meant to reflect that we are part of a collective. And so, when we talk about spirituality, I'm not just talking about your own individual New Moon ritual or Full Moon ritual or the crystals that you use. I am talking about how you show up as a citizen of the world, how you show up for the planet itself, this organism that we are parasites upon.


Our spirituality is not just everything we do in ritual. Your spirituality is just like a part of you, like your psychology and like your emotions, like your body. It's a part of you. And when it is well integrated into your life, it can help to guide you and to be a source of comfort and support. When a transit like Mars sextile to Neptune occurs, you can feel your interconnectedness in a way that is really supportive and powerful. You can get that kind of ego boost that you need, because the ego is not inherently bad, even though I know a lot of people have that association with it.


To  use the ego as a way to bolster you to keep on showing up with empathy, to get things done, to stay present with your own chaotic internal landscapes⁠ or whatever it is⁠—this is a great time to get yourself into nature, to get those noise-canceling headphones on and listen to music that transports you, to be inspired by a film⁠—whatever it is. Neptune is the high arts, and Mars is getting in your body. And so being moved and motivated by the high arts is well starred during this transit.


Now, another thing that's well starred during this transit is spiritually connected sex. Mars is fornicating, and we do not want to forget it. So this transit is a great time for making meaningful eye contact, being really spiritually connected. Now, kind of conversely, Neptune is into cosplay. Neptune can be a furry. Neptune is very into playing with identities and playing with the way things appear. So it can also just be a really fun time to play outside of traditional roles, traditional ways of being in your body⁠—basically existing outside of the binary, if you will.


So there's some tough stuff this week. There's also some incredibly supportive transits this week. And apparently, the stars are really encouraging you to have sex. So that's cool. It's interesting, right? And I just want to be clear: if you're not having sex, if you don't want to have sex, if sex is not your vibe, if this is not your time, if it's not what's up for you, then ignore that part. Not all the parts are appliable to all the people at all the times, of course.


Now, I'm going to run through the transits one more time. But as always, you can find the transcript to this episode and every other episode of Ghost on my website over at, which is the very same place that you can send in your question so that you can be considered to get a reading with me on the podcast. Okay? Fun. It'll be fun.


Okay. So I'm running down the transits one more time for you. On the 15th, we have two exact transits, a Sun square to Chiron as well as a Mars conjunction to Uranus. On the 18th, another two transits⁠—we have a Sun sextile to Uranus and a Mercury trine to Chiron. And then, finally, on the 20th, we have a Mars sextile to Neptune.


Now, I told you that I was going to give you a little extra, a little heads-up, and here it is. It's coming for you now. On the 21st of July at exactly 3:17 a.m. Pacific Time, we have our second Full Moon in Capricorn of the year. I will, of course, talk about it and unpack it on the podcast next week, but I want to just take a moment to acknowledge it and give you a little heads-up about it in advance.


The last Full Moon that we had in Capricorn was on June 21st. So whatever it was that was happening within you or in your life on June 21st, you might want to take a moment to glance back at your dear diary to see what it is because those same issues are going to be coming up and out this Full Moon happening coincidentally also on the 21st, but this time of July.


You may also want to take a peek at what was going on for you on Friday, July the 5th, which was the New Moon in Cancer, that New Moon sitting in between these two Full Moons in Capricorn. A Full Moon in Capricorn is always going to ask you to be accountable and responsible for your emotions. The cultivation of emotional maturity is the opportunity of a Full Moon in Capricorn.


But we always want to remember Full Moons are where we release and we let go. It's not where we call in. Do not manifest on a Full Moon, okay? That's New Moon shit. Full Moon is release. What might you need to let go of? What might you need to shift in order to be more accountable, to show up with greater care, consideration, consistency? These are great questions to ask.


If you're super impatient and you want to know more about this Full Moon, again, you can join me over on Patreon because on the kittens level, I drop a bonus episode of Ghost of a Podcast where I break down all the transits on the 1st of every month. So you can hear more about my take on this Full Moon there or just wait until next week.


All right. I hope you take really good care of yourself and others this week and every week, and I'll talk to you in just a couple of days.