Ghost of a Podcast with Jessica Lanyadoo

July 27, 2024

450: Horoscope - Venus Gives & She Takes


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Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.


Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast. This week, we're going to be looking at the astrology of July 28th through August 3rd of 2024. And your horoscope is going to be brief because there's only a couple of transits happening this week, which is absolutely lovely because we are stepping into some really fast-moving and intense astrology, pretty much in August onwards.


So I want to just start off by saying this. There is evidence here in the United States and all over the world that when communities come together and consistently, systematically, passionately, and from many angles protest, when we have our voices heard, things change. They don't always change quickly. They don't always change completely exactly where we want them to be. But we've got to cultivate an excitement for progress even when it's not perfect.


And when we can do that, it bolsters us to the next action and then the next action and the next action. It is very hard to put your heart and soul into a cause that is important to you and to not see change. But the truth is, in order for us to sustain our efforts towards social justice in whatever ways we strive to achieve them, we must be adaptable and we must be patient. And there is so much that has shifted recently in this country that is a direct result of pressure and passion from the left, from youth, around not funding a fucking genocide.


When we come together as a collective force committed to creating change, committed to uplifting ourselves and each other, things change. We can turn to astrology or historyā ā€”whatever tool you want to useā ā€”but we can see when we look back that true progress is born from acts of courage. It's born from movements that are loud and consistent and that happen on many levels.


And so I want to encourage you to feel buoyed, to feel bolstered, by the shifts that we have seen, by the progress that we have seen, because there is so much work left to do. There is so much work left to do. And if you can remember that we are stronger when we come together, that our efforts are yielding progress, it'll be easier to fight that next battle or just stay with the battles you're engaged in. This is how we co-create a better tomorrow. This is how we reach towards possibilities with not just optimism, but as a group with a plan.


Pluto is in Aquarius. These are transformational, revolutionary times. When Jupiter and Uranus met up in Taurus a couple months back, they promised us major changes with the election. The changes are not done, my friends. There's a lot going on. And listen. If you want to learn more with me and get more granular into the politics of this moment, you can join me over on Patreon, where I unpack charts and we have conversations and get into that kind of stuff. So, yeah, I hope you'll join me over there if that's something you're interested in:


Okay. That's it. Let's dive straight into this week's horoscope. This week, it is important for you to know that the Mercury Retroshade that you have been feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Next week, Mercury goes Retrograde on the New Moon in Leo. We'll talk about that next week. So, if there's any major decisions you need to make, make them sooner than later.


Now, this week, on Tuesday, July 30th, we have a Venus trine to Chiron. It's exact at 12:54 p.m., and Venus is at 23 degrees and 32 minutes of Leo. Chiron is at the same degrees of Aries. Venus trine to Chiron is a lovely transit, as far as Chiron transits go. And that is because Venus is related to the values that you hold, including your self-worth, the value that you hold in yourself. We're talking about self-possession, liking yourself.


And when Venus forms a trine to Chiron, you're able and willing to confront pain points, ways that you may have struggled with your self-esteem or self-worth or struggles you may have in your relationships, and to confront them in a way that is loving, supportive, and values-based. And a lot of timesā ā€”I don't know if you've noticed this in life, but a lot of times, what will happen is you find that you're really negatively fixated on something that causes you a lot of pain. And when you stop to think about it, you realize, "Well, shit. I'm obsessing on something that I actually don't truly value. It doesn't actually mean that much to me. Why am I giving it so much power?"


And this is where sometimes what we need to do is heal old wounds. We've all had experiences in our early developmental life that created beliefs or attitudes that stay with us even when we've technically outgrown them. A transit like Venus trine to Chiron brings with it an opportunity for growth and transformation fundamentally in your self-worth. And so don't be shy to get real with yourself. Don't cancel therapy around this date.


With people that you love and that you know that you can trust, have deep conversations. Let them know how you feel. Take risks around loving and being loved because this transit wants you to. This may also be a good time for you to reflect on your relationship patternsā , not to beat yourself up, but instead to understand what you've gotten out of your own relationship patterns and how you can better love and support yourself through them. And that can help you to not only feel better in your own skin but also to interact with those old patterns in new ways the next time they come up. And that's what it's all about. You know what I'm saying? That's what it's all about.


Now, the last thing I'll say about this transit is the part that I think is generally the most boring but very practical part of Venus, which is money. If you've got to handle your finances, if you have to deal with some shit you've done around your finances historically, this is actually a great transit for clearing up money issues, whether they're on the psychological level or whether it's paying your bills or making sure you're not paying a ton of interest on something that you don't need to pay interest onā ā€”that kind of shit. Move through your finances and handle them. That's the move with a Venus trine to Chiron.


And that brings us to the next exact transit of this week. On Friday, August the 2nd, Venus will be at 26 degrees of Leo and 53 minutes forming an exact square to Uranus, same degrees of Taurus. This will be exact at 6:27 a.m. Pacific Time. So we're going to be feeling this transit for several days leading up, and we will feel it overlapping with the New Moon.


So let me tell you about Venus square to Uranus. This transit is inherently destabilizing. Venus is security and stability and the desire to get along and to have safety. And Uranus likes to shake shit. Uranus is about individuality and freedom and autonomy and getting restless and bored and changing your mind on a dime. So, when these two planets form a square to each otherā , a.k.a. a 90-degree angle, what happens is things get testy. Things get unexpected, unpredictable, destabilized, exciting, depending on how you experience it.


Oftentimes, you'll experience something surprising happening in a relationship. It can be a relationship to yourself, your relationship to beauty or financesā ā€”because again, we're talking Venusā ā€”or it can be a relationship between you and another person. Uranus brings about something that is unexpected, while Venus is like, "Love me. Like me. Let's get along. Let's make art. Let's have a creative time. Let's make out." Right? Venus wants all those things.


And Uranus is just a wild card. It is literally the wild card in astrology. So, if you're in a situation where things are stuck and in a rut and they're really not working, this transit can shake things up in a way that they need to be shaken up. And that doesn't mean it'll be easy or fun. But it is always wise to prioritize being authentic during this transit. Be honest with yourself and others.


If you're lucky, the fun part of this relationship is you may just be surprised by a wild, unexpected time. You may be feeling super stimulated, super excited, super passionate, willing to try new things in new ways, and it can really pay off. This transit can be super fun, like very fun. There has to be a foundation of both safety and freedom in a relationship in order for that to take place, generally speaking.


So, if your life could use a little spontaneity, a little excitement, this transit is for you. And if things need to come to the surface and recent events haven't already brought them there, well, this transit is also for you. The key is don't try to make things stable and secure right now. That's not what this transit's for. It's for opening things up. It's exploring possibility. So, if you're falling in love with someone, this isn't necessarily the day to drop that love bomb by letting them know. I would show it instead of saying, if you know what I mean.


This is not a great time for making things secure. It's a great time for taking risks. Just make sure that the risks you take reflect self-worth, clarity about your values, and hopefully like, love, passion, and freedom.


Okay. So that's it for this week's horoscope, but I will give you a little teaser because on August 4th at 4:13 a.m. Pacific Time, we will have a New Moon in Leo. And this, too, is an invitation to tap into passion and power and to realign yourself with life force energy, creativity, passion, passion, passion.


The thing that is so wonderful about Leo energies is that they are courageous and bold. And so this New Moon that we are fast approaching will bring with it an important opportunity to bolster and feed your own energies. So we'll have the Venus square to Uranus still very active. Those energies will be big in the New Moon chart. And we have other transits. Again, I'll talk about more details next week.


But there's a lot of kind of intense astrology coming for us. And so every opportunity that you can take to set intentions, to get aligned, to reconnect with your purposeā ā€”I encourage you to grasp them with both hands. And this New Moon will bring just those kinds of opportunities. So you don't have to do anything in particular other than be intentional. Bring your attention to what you are in alignment with, where your passions live, and your connection to a sense of purpose, whatever that means for you, wherever you're at.


And that's it. That's it for this week's horoscope. It was short and sweet. I hope you are taking really good care of yourself and others, and I will talk to you in just a couple of days. Buh-bye.