Ghost of a Podcast with Jessica Lanyadoo

September 01, 2024

460: Horoscope - Pluto in Capricorn, A New Moon in Virgo, 2 Squares, a Trine and an Opposition


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Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.


Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast. This week, there's a lot going on astrologically, and in general this month there's a lot going on astrologically. And if things are busy astrologically, that means they're going to be busy inside of you, within your life, and in the world at-large. So, if you thought August was a lot to handle, giddyap. Get ready for September 2024.


Now, that said, if you want to know more about what's going on this month, you can join me over on Patreon on the kittens level, where I drop a bonus episode of Ghost every single month on the 1st, a video version as well as an audio version. So you can join me over there⁠—or not. Let's dive right into it.


We are looking at the week of September 1st through the 7th of 2024. On the 1st of September, Pluto enters back into Capricorn. Now, we've talked about Pluto in Capricorn a lot over the years because Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. And this podcast started in 2018, so we've had a lot of time to talk about this transit. Pluto is back in Capricorn as of, like I said, the 1st of September through November 19th of 2024. So it's just a couple of months.


There's a lot to say about this, but let me just start really personally to you. Because we're looking at a 15-year period of Pluto in Capricorn, we can't look at the last 15 years and say, "Reflect on what's been going on since 2008," and we can attribute all of that to Pluto in Capricorn, because we absolutely cannot. Using astrology requires more nuance and kind of a finer-toothed comb, if you will.


Everything that has happened since 2008 is absolutely not related to Pluto in Capricorn. However, what you can do is you can look at your birth chart, and if you don't know how to look at your birth chart, then this isn't for you; you can hire an astrologer. But if you have the skills to pull up your birth chart and look at it and figure out where the zodiac sign of Capricorn falls in your birth chart⁠—now, I don't fuck with whole sign house systems. I don't advocate for the use of it. And if you want to know more about houses in astrology, I invite you to listen to Episode 111 of this very podcast where I break down the different house systems.


But in any case, most people will have the full 30 degrees of any zodiac sign, not only in one house. So you can look to your birth chart to figure out where Pluto has impacted you over these last many years. And keep in mind Pluto⁠—it's not going to happen again for another 248, 250 years that Pluto is in Capricorn. Transits from Pluto are always such a big deal because of how slowly this planet moves through the zodiac. And the experience of Pluto in Capricorn⁠—it's a rare one. The experience of Pluto in any given zodiac sign is a rare thing.


Look at your birth chart, and look at where the zodiac sign of Capricorn falls in it to better understand what parts of your life have been activated by this transit. If you know you've gone through Pluto transits in these years, this is a good time to reflect on them, on what came up in your life, but more importantly than what happened, what it challenged inside of you, what it triggered within you, how you coped with it, how you engaged with the opportunities and the challenges that the Pluto transit provoked. That's the important shit. That's the stuff to really pay attention to because that's the stuff you can learn from.


Now, Pluto is returning to the last couple degrees of Capricorn, and it was there for the past couple of years. So it's not that far back in the past for you to have to look to figure out what's likely to be triggered by Pluto in the final degrees of Capricorn in your life. It's valuable to know that it's just not over. And so, as Pluto reenters into Capricorn, we are meant to undergo structural transformation.


With Pluto in Aquarius, which we've had for the last several months, it's a really powerful transit where we build new systems. We innovate new ideas for how we can engage with the world, how we can live our lives. Aquarius is associated with the future and progress, but Capricorn is the tried and true. And so, as Pluto has moved back into Capricorn, what we are meant to do is transform the old, to work with existing structures inside of you, in your life, and in the world at-large.


Pluto is related to the shadow side of things. And I should say people have really negative associations with the shadow of a thing or the concept of one's shadow. The brighter the light, the deeper the shadow. Don't be scared of shadow. If you work with light, you must work with shadow, right? Every light will cast a shadow. And therefore, we can't separate the two⁠—not really. And what Pluto in Capricorn wants us to do is have reality checks related to the shadow of existing structures, existing realities. Capricorn is very material.


And so this is a time for these next few months where we are meant to be confronted by the realities we find ourselves in now and the realities we have been living in for quite some time. Because we're at the closure of a cycle⁠—we're at the end of a cycle that will not reoccur in any of our lifetimes⁠—here is an opportunity to come to a level of completion with the cycle. Now, I know some of you hear the word "completion," and what your brain translates it to is "perfection." Completion is not about perfection.


Completion of a cycle⁠—think of it this way. You might be teaching a little kid how to recognize numbers, and you know eventually you want them to be able to tell time, add, and subtract. But for now, the phase of development to complete is simply to learn how to identify numbers. You don't expect more of the child or less of the child⁠—just learning how to identify numbers. There's nothing wrong with struggling to identify numbers now, and it doesn't stop that child from one day being able to tell the time or do math.


Coming to a level of completion with a cycle is not about being perfect in that cycle. It's not about coming to an end that is a hard end. Closure/completion requires acceptance, as so many important things do. It requires acceptance. So, in these next few months, do the work that is required of you, which means simply show up for whatever comes up in your life, whatever comes up in the world. And do your best. Don't get in your head about what it's supposed to look like or how it's supposed to be or whether or not it's perfect. None of that is really relevant.


Just know that with Pluto in Capricorn, you are meant to work with or within the system. You are meant to work with or within reality. You are meant to work with respect to time and, to the best of your ability, in an organized way. Capricorn wants us to deal with material reality. The time to change our systems from the outside is right around the corner. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until the start of 2044, 20 years. We're talking about 20 years. There's a lot of time, there's a lot of energy, for the transformation of our systems themselves. There is time for revolution with Pluto in Aquarius.


But here we have just a couple months left of laboring with the system. And I want to say don't confuse effort with punishment or consequences with failure. These are some kind of deep lessons associated with Capricorn or Saturn, if it's relevant to you. This is not the time for perfection; it is one of confrontation, striving, effort, consequence. So all you need to do to make the most of it is to show up. Just show up.


And within that, I want to gently but firmly remind you that in the United States, 1 in 40 people have COVID right now. And so many people aren't testing. They're not staying home when they're sick. They're not masking in public spaces. And you are likely one of those people. And if you're not one of those people, you likely know a lot of those people. If we're going to build a future together that is humane, we must include taking care of each other in a basic way. And part of that is masking.


In the modern world, if we accept the reality that we're in, that COVID is airborne and very contagious, and every time a body gets COVID, it is more likely to end up with long COVID, which means that we may have a huge generation of people globally that are immune compromised⁠—and so what are you doing now if you're not immune compromised to protect those that are? It's an important consideration based on the reality that we're in.


And so many of us are just so sick of COVID and sick of dealing with this reality. But Capricorn teach us⁠—Saturn teaches us, but we're talking about Capricorn. And Capricorn teaches us that reality is what it is what it is. And pushing back against reality doesn't actually help you to navigate it to the best of your ability. It doesn't actually make you healthier or happier or more successful. It just pushes off consequences.


So all to say wear a mask. Take care of yourself, your precious little body. Take care of other people, the people you know, the people you don't know, the people who want your help, and the people who don't. You know what I mean? Just be a good neighbor. Be a good cousin.


We're going to return to the topic of Pluto in Capricorn again. But for this week, just take note. You know what I mean? Just take note. Let's pay attention to what happens. Let's be open to the shift in energy and let it play out a little bit before you get too obsessed with it.


Now, on the 2nd of September, because September refuses to play, we have not one but three exact transits, including a New Moon in Virgo, which marks the start of Eclipse Season. Now, this is not an Eclipse. This is a New Moon; it's not an Eclipse. However, the first Eclipse of the season is going to be on September 17th. As the New Moon has its effects upon us, which of course I will unpack in moments, we are going to start to feel the intensity of the direct buildup to the Eclipse.


We have the first Eclipse of the season⁠—because you know Eclipses always come in pairs⁠—on September 17th. And then the next one will be on October 2nd. So, on Monday, the 2nd of September, Mercury forms an exact trine to Chiron with Mercury at 22 degrees and 56 minutes of Leo and Chiron at the same degrees of Aries. This is exact at 6:47 a.m. Pacific Time.


The New Moon in Virgo at 11 degrees Virgo and 4 minutes will be exact at 6:56 p.m. Pacific Time. And then, at 9:10 Pacific Time, Mars will be at 29 degrees of Gemini and 0 minutes. And it will be square to Neptune, same degrees of Pisces. So we have a lot to talk about here. I'm going to just touch on the exact transits first and then unpack the New Moon chart.


So, to begin, Mercury trine to Chiron is a really lovely transit. It empowers you to either speak your truth or listen deeply. So Mercury is communication. An essential part of communication is how we listen. And I'm not talking about the auditory practice of listening with those ears. I am talking about taking in and processing information, like making sense of what you are learning or understanding, sorting through information, digesting information.


What Chiron does is brings us to a greater depth. It gets to the kind of sticky part of the matter. And with Mercury trine to Chiron, this is a really powerful, effective time to go to therapy, talk through your shit, have a deep and meaningful conversation with someone. Learn something or listen to a read, or basically take in information that challenges you, and it challenges you to greater wholeness by confronting ways in which you are out of alignment. You may have abandoned yourself. You may be just off or wrong.


This is a really helpful transit for all things related to communication. And so it's a great transit to have during a Virgo New Moon because, of course, Virgo is associated with the planet Mercury, right? So this Mercury trine to Chiron deepens your ability to get into the real stuff that is typically really challenging to stay present with.


Now, the Mars square to Neptune tells a very different story. Mars is related to embodiment, and Neptune is the ethers. Mars is about assertion and satisfying your ego. Neptune is about letting things flow, and we are all connected. And so, when these two planets form a challenging aspect like a square, what happens is things get really confusing. Your drive to get shit done, achieve something, make something happen⁠—anything Marsy⁠—can spark really intense anxiety. You may find yourself acting in ways that just don't land well with other people. You may be under a delusion or a misconception or something like that.


Certainly, this transit can coincide with misinformation, disinformation, feeling demoralized and exhausted. This transit can steal your spoons. Because Neptune kind of drains energy and Mars is the body⁠—it's your physiology⁠—you may just be straight-up exhausted this day and around this day, as we're feeling this for days leading and days after. So part of what this may be about, to be honest, is you may be tired. It may be that you have been pulling on your ego's energies too hard to keep pushing yourself forward, and when this transit comes along, you just need to take a nap. Rest is an important part of the human process. Every successful advancement requires retreat, at least in some ways at some times. And a Mars square to Neptune can coincide with exactly that.


This transit may have you feeling anxious because Neptune governs anxiety. And so this is part of also why it's associated with being really sleepy or exhausted. A lot of people's response to anxiety is to just be exhausted, just be like, "I want to go to bed." So what you want to be careful of is that you don't jump to conclusions. If you have any kind of tendency towards paranoia, well, it will destroy ya. No, it won't. Sorry. It will be activated during this transit.


With Neptune, it's hard to know where you stand and what's real and what isn't, and, "Why isn't it working?" and, "What's wrong with me?" and all those kinds of ways of thinking. And so it can find you, or the people around you⁠ if you're not the one this is really deeply affecting⁠—it could be your boss, your neighbor, the person in traffic⁠—whatever⁠—just being paranoid and defensive and insecure and weird. Some people act really aggressive when they feel that way. Have you ever been around a scared dog that bites? And other people get really weepy, get really sleepy. There's lots of ways it can be experienced.


But the thing to know is that this is not the time to advance your ego drives. This is a time for healthy boundaries between your personal needs and the needs of your environment. This is a time for boundaries in your own thinking and in your own behavior because Mars is less related to the mind and more related to the body. And whenever we go through transits to or from Neptune, you're meant to identify your own boundaries, how you are or are not holding them, communicating them, whatever the case may be.


This is where I want to remind you of something that is really key, which is when we go through challenging transits, when we go through challenging times, those very challenges are your path. These problems are not like, "Oh, Mercury Retrograde is giving me problems," or, "Oh, Mars square Neptune is giving me these problems." When we use astrology, we can use it to contextualize, "Oh, this is the energy at play. I can understand this energy at play. I can use this information to engage with my life."


Whatever problems you're experiencing, from living through a climate crisis to having a hard time with your bestie to whatever else⁠—late-stage capitalism to not finding a comfortable pair of shoes that also look really cute with a dress⁠—I don't know. All the problems, they're your path. They're not a distraction from your path. They're your path. Your choices are a reflection on you. How you choose to engage or not is a reflection on you. Who you choose to be, how you choose to be, is a reflection on you. It's all your path. There's so much freedom in that reality because challenging days happen. Mistakes are made. Struggles are life.


Instead of feeling like, "Oh, I'm being ripped away from what I'm meant to be doing," it's valuable to understand that you can't actually be ripped away from what you're meant to be doing. Whatever it is that you're doing, wherever it is that you find yourself, it is the path. How you choose to engage is the path. And your path doesn't have to be anything like my path or their path or her path or whatever. Your path is just your path. And sometimes you can choose to change it, and sometimes you can't. Such is life. Now, coming to a level of acceptance helps with boundaries. It really does. And that brings me, my friends, to talking about this damn New Moon.


Now, as I said earlier, the Moon will be exactly conjunct the Sun at 6:56 p.m. Pacific Time. And here we have the Sun and Moon at 11 degrees, being all Virgo, as one does. Virgo New Moons are an opportunity or a time to ask yourself, what are you in service to? What are the rituals that you have committed yourself to? Do you drink coffee every day? Do you make eye contact with strangers and smile? I don't know. What are the things, what are the rituals, that you have in your life? And how are they serving you or not?


Virgonian energies can get perfectionistic. But we know that perfectionism is not valuable at all and that the greatest potential of Virgo's energies are discernment, being able to sort through information and feelings and experiences to assess what is ideal, what is best, what is possible, what is right or wrong for you in a given situation. This New Moon will absolutely give you the opportunity to get clear about what it is you want to do because Virgo is associated with what we do day to day. What do we actually do frequently? Because whether or not you think those are your priorities⁠—the things you do every damn day⁠—they kind of are. And the things that we do every damn day⁠—those are called rituals. You might not think of them as rituals, but that's what rituals are, the things we return to and we keep on practicing.


This particular New Moon in Virgo includes an opposition to Saturn. Now, the opposition to Saturn is not the best news you've ever heard. And that Saturn, by the way, is still square to Jupiter. Jupiter is not square to the Moon and Sun, but Saturn is square to Jupiter, so that's⁠—just giving you that context. We've talked about the Saturn/Jupiter square quite a bit. But Saturn opposite the New Moon⁠—the Sun and Moon⁠—it kind of brings a heaviness to this New Moon. And that heaviness is all about consequences.


So you have the opportunity to set clearer intentions about what rituals you want to commit yourself to. And those rituals may be in your thinking. They may be in your feelings. They may be in your behaviors. You may also experience the consequences of what you have been doing or not doing recently, and I say recently because New Moons, Full Moons⁠—they tend to reflect shorter cycles, like monthlong cycles, whereas Eclipses⁠—they have a longer effect.


As I already said, the Neptune/Mars square means that you're likely to be feeling a little exhausted or potentially anxious. And Saturn opposite the Sun and the Moon can be a bit depressive. It can make you feel heavy, a lack of resiliency in a really different way than Neptune/Mars. But Saturn is depression; Neptune is anxiety. So you can do the math there.


The positive potential is that a situation arises or a dynamic in your thinking arises⁠—depending on how it plays out, internal or external⁠—and that situation, that dynamic, reveals something to you of yourself. It reveals to you that you keep on making yourself small when you actually want to let yourself be big. It may reveal to you that you are shutting people out when you need them the most.


And this is the gift of Saturn⁠—consequences. Consequences are evidence. Now, they can be easily misinterpreted and etc. We can look at evidence as a negative thing or a positive thing. But the opportunity with this New Moon is that you get clear about what is and isn't working for you and what you do with your motivations for doing it.


New Moons spark a beginning, an opening. It's a time for planting things. In particular, because this New Moon is connected to Eclipse Season, I want to invite you to create a little bit of silence, a little bit of stillness, sometime soon, ideally on Monday, the 2nd. Just sit with yourself. If you want to write a little list⁠—Saturn loves a list; Virgo is good with words⁠—of what it is that you have been devoting your time to, your energy to⁠—where are your thoughts constantly returning? What are your emotions circling around? What do you need? What are you doing around what you need?


The clarity that this New Moon can offer is an opportunity to realign yourself with your actual priorities instead of the things you may be doing that don't reflect your priorities. The risk with this New Moon energy is that you feel demoralized and sad and overwhelmed thanks to Neptune and Saturn and that you kind of stop there. But the truth is healing, progress, evolution⁠—these things are achieved when you go through your feelings, not when you avoid your feelings.


So I want to encourage you, if you are feeling any of these shitty emotions that any of these transits can provoke, to practice just sitting with them, just being present with them, allowing them to reveal themselves to you without proving how smart you are to yourself by coming up with a theory or explaining them away or justifying them. All those things are valuable in their way, but the skill of being present with your emotions is one that is so powerful and invaluable for life, and certainly for being able to return to your center and to identify where alignment lives and where it's missing.


This New Moon, I recommend that you don't do any kind of consciousness-enhancing drugs or anything like that, because Neptune is exactly square to Mars and also because it's a Virgo New Moon. So this is a time for getting really present, for simplifying things, for being open and receptive to whatever it is that is present for you in your life and within you, and if you have energy for it and clarity around it, setting some intentions about what you want to practice or invest in next.


That brings us to Friday, the 6th of September. And on that date, we have an exact square between Mercury and Uranus. Mercury will be at 27 degrees of Leo and 15 minutes, and Uranus will be at the exact same degrees of Taurus. As I always will remind you, you do not need to remember all of this stuff. And if you want to be tracking the transits just like I do, you can go ahead and subscribe to my astrologer's pro tool called Astrology for Days over at And it just tracks the transits and gives you the exact time, exact degrees, and a space to write all your notes and track your theories and your predictions.


Okay. Now, that said, Mercury square to Uranus⁠—this transit is a lot of things. It's like a quick shift of energy. Mercury⁠—you know it's your mind. It's your mind. It's your friends. It's your plans. And Uranus is your nervous system. It's the unpredictable. It's excitement. It's new stuff. It's technology. When Mercury squares Uranus, we can often have technological difficulties. This is not the best day⁠—it's not the best week⁠—for signing up for a new⁠—anything to do with technology. If you're trying to buy some expensive program or software, yeah, I would wait. I would just wait a little bit.


Mercury square to Uranus can coincide with gossip revealed or some sort of breaking news. And in both cases, it may not be reliable data. It may. You really can't tell with Uranus. The point is it's a developing story. Do yourself and your friends a favor; don't spread gossip in general, obvi. Realistically, people love to gossip. This is not the time for it, though. Mercury square to Uranus is not the time for it.


Another thing that this transit is not the time for is trying to make things permanent and stable. This is a time for exploring possibility, for making changes, trying new things, creating a little bit of freedom and more spaciousness to your plans. This is not a great transit for concentration and focus. It is a great transit for innovating a new story, a new plan, a new process.


If there are things that you're just like, "Ahh, I can't figure this out. I'm stuck on this one thing," or, "I'm stuck on these five things," Mercury square to Uranus is a great time to explore possibility, to come back to the problems you're struggling with with fresh mind because Mercury square to Uranus certainly gives you a fresh mind. The only thing is⁠—write it down. Take a voice note. Your mind may be moving so fast that you don't remember all your genius ideas.


This transit, because it stimulates the nervous system, can lead to anxiety. It's not like Neptunian anxiety, like panic, like, "Oh my God. Where do I belong?" kind of thing. It's more anxiety like, "I'm focusing on 70 things when I should be focusing on two"⁠—that kind of anxiety. It's like distraction. And the cool thing is some of that anxiety is fertile. Too much of it is distracting. So here's a pro tip: breathe. I know it sounds so simple. But are you doing it now? I don't know. Maybe you're not. Probably, you're not. I don't know.


Mercury square to Uranus is proof positive that anxiety is just excitement without the breath. I didn't come up with that. Some guy did, and I've forgotten his name. Mercury square to Uranus can be a time for pushing for progress in the world, at your job, in your life. Do your best to stay open-minded. Do your best to explore possibilities, to explore the potential that exists in all things. And use the energy of this transit to not slip into probability, to not slip into habits and your worst-case scenario thinking, which is something that a lot of people⁠—most people⁠—do one way or another in life.


This transit directly overlaps with a very contradictory transit, so I feel like I need to tell you about that, and then we'll wrap it up. We'll rein it in and wrap it up. On Saturday, the 7th of September, at exactly 9:35 p.m. Pacific Time, the Sun is exactly opposite to Saturn. So we saw that Sun/Saturn opposition at the start of the week in the New Moon chart, and now it comes to exactitude on Saturday. And the Sun will be at 16 degrees and 2 minutes of Virgo, while Saturn, 16 degrees and 2 minutes of Pisces.


So Sun opposite Saturn⁠—ugh. It's really different than the Mercury/Uranus transit. Sun opposite Saturn can make you feel pretty stuck. The reason why is because Saturn is all about consequences, and those consequences can make you feel limited or blocked because Saturn is associated with scarcity. So you may feel that there is a scarcity of energy, of support, of care for you or at you or in the world.


Because it's an opposition⁠—oppositions are often expressed through a polarized dynamic, so me against you, us against them. And this transit often shows up with a Saturnian type, which is somebody who has power over you, somebody who's older than you, wiser than you, somebody who's got some sort of control over your life. Again, we're talking boss, landlord, that kind of thing. The struggle that you have with this person or with this entity⁠—because it could be government, patriarchy, that kind of thing⁠—can just make you feel really demoralized. Now, I say demoralized not like Neptune/Mars, which is like, "Oh, I don't know where I begin and end. I just can't." It's more demoralized like, "I have been pushing this ball up the hill for years, and the ball feels like it's getting heavier, and the hill seems like it's getting taller, and nothing's changing." That's Sun opposite Saturn vibes.


And so what's going to be really important during this transit is that you're honest with yourself about how you feel, about what's happening and how you are choosing to participate. You may find yourself feeling really sad or worried and pushing people away because of it, when what you really want is a hug. Sun opposite Saturn can be a time where you lean into Saturn in a way that makes you actually feel worse. So that's something to be on the lookout for.


Now, luckily, because the Mercury square to Uranus is overlapping with this transit, what we have is the energy to try new things, to take a different approach. While Mercury square to Uranus makes it hard to concentrate, Sun opposition to Saturn really wants you to hunker down and then double down, to really fixate and focus, to pick one task and then work hard on it and do it well. That's kind of well starred with the Sun opposition to Saturn, whereas Mercury square Uranus is just like, "No. Do all the things. Explore all the possibilities."


So it might sound like these transits are⁠—they don't coexist; they can't possibly work together. But that's not the case. These are just energies in your life and in the world affecting you and other people. And you can work with these energies so that you make the most of them. The reality check that the Sun opposition to Saturn can yield and the openness to things being truly different that the Mercury square to Uranus can yield⁠—well, that's kind of a cool pairing if you think about it.


So don't isolate yourself at the second half of the week while these two transits are exact, but also take responsibility for yourself. Know that how you engage with the energies you're experiencing, the emotions that are up, the situations in your life⁠—how you choose to engage is the most important thing right now. And so that doesn't mean you have to do it all on your own. Maybe you need support. Maybe you need help. Maybe you need a break. But don't assume that other people have the answers that are your answers. This is a time for looking within, for making choices, and taking into account how you've been engaging.


And so, when we look at the astrology of this whole week and we consider the New Moon and the Neptune/Mars transit in addition to these transits⁠—and of course the Mercury/Chiron one as well⁠—what we can see is that there's a lot of uncertainty. There may be a fair amount of anxiety.


But what isn't working, whether we're looking at things that aren't really flowing in your life or the fears that you hold about what might happen or what it might mean or what you should or shouldn't do, they're all opportunities for you to cultivate greater alignment with yourself, to meet yourself, to meet others, to meet your circumstances and the world at-large where they're at, and from that place cultivate greater acceptance, and from that place get a little grounded in there⁠—right?


We got a New Moon in Virgo. We got that Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn. Get grounded and learn from your past, applying its wisdom to your present, having faith that future-you can handle whatever it's given, but present-you⁠—here and now you⁠—needs to deal with the present and the here and now.


Things are changing, and that isn't bad, and it isn't good. It's just a thing that's happening. And how you show up and co-create that reality, co-author the story⁠—well, that's a practice. And this week is an important chapter in this larger story. It is an important time to clarify your practice, to be more intentional about your practice, and to do it with integrity, to honor what's in alignment, to do it with love⁠—I'm talking about self-love. I'm talking about love for others, and not thoughts and prayers love, although of course there is lots of room and many times that are valuable for thoughts and prayers. I'm talking about love as a fucking practice, love as an action, love as a catalyzing, centering, and grounding force that you can use to catalyze your choices, your actions, your engagement from the inside out.


My dear beloved loves, I'm going to run through these transits one more time. On the 1st of September, Pluto enters into Capricorn, where it's going to stay until after the election, November 19th, 2024. On the 2nd of September, we've got a New Moon in Virgo and the start of Eclipse Season. Mercury forms a trine to Chiron, and Mars forms a square to Neptune. On the 6th, Mercury squares Uranus. And then, on the 7th, we have an opposition between the Sun and Saturn. And that's your horoscope.


If you get value from my work, from the podcast, please do consider hitting that Follow or Subscribe button wherever you listen to podcasts or writing a review for the show. I thank you this week and every damn week for joining me here to explore the astrology of this time, how it affects you and all of us. And I hope you're taking really good care of yourself and others. I'll talk to you in a couple days. Buh-bye.