January 26, 2025
498: New Moon in Aquarius, New Beginnings
Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.
Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast. This week, I come to you with a really heavy heart. The state of things in the world, and in particular in the United States—dire. And honestly, I struggle with what to say. We are living through exceptional times and exceptional circumstances. And the 47th president of the United States is using the tactic of shock and awe and doing truly shocking, vile, horrible things in his first week. And the truth of the matter is, if you have studied history at all, then you know that his behavior is not completely unprecedented, while it may be unprecedented in the particular ways it's happening in this particular place.
Yeah, he's following a playbook, and it's a playbook from Hitler and Nazi Germany at the start. This might sound inflammatory to you. If it does, then I'm guessing you have a little bit more history homework to do. And learning history is really powerful, not just because it tells us about the terrible things that have happened in the past, but it gives us a road map for how to fight fascism, how to stand up for each other, how small acts of bravery and kindness can have a radical impact on the lives of the people around you and on the direction of the world.
Conscientious objection, not participating in restrictive and violent behavior—that takes courage when that's what the government wants you to do, wants you to center terror and fear and rage. That really is the whole point of the shock-and-awe approach, which is a militaristic approach. The thing about it is that it's meant to make you feel helpless and hopeless, terrified. And when you feel overwhelmed and hopeless and helpless and truly frightened for your welfare and the welfare of others, you are disconnected from yourself.
Most of us just leave our bodies and, in many ways, leave the present moment when we're in a state of fear. That's a human response. And I'm not going to sit here and tell you to not be scared of scary things. Be scared of scary things. That's okay. But I want to remind you to really apply the "and also" to your fear. It's okay to be scared, and also, what can you do in the here and now? And also, how can you take care of yourself and others through threats of heinous actions or actually heinous actions?
We've got a climate crisis going on here, folks. LA is burning. New Orleans and Florida are having snowstorms. What? There are so many things that are happening in our natural world, and then there are these unnatural things that are happening where ICE agents are tracking people down in schools and in religious institutions, in hospitals. What? I'm not going to sit here and list out all the truly terrifying things that have happened since the 47 took power because hopefully you know. Hopefully you, as a spiritual person, are motivated to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And if you aren't, I want to invite you back to the collective because the only way to be an asset to the collective is to know what's happening and to find ways of engaging with the reality we live in, the reality we find ourselves in.
Now, the other reason why I'm not going to mention it is because I want to protect your sweet little nervous system. You came here for astrology. Don't worry; you'll get astrology. But I want to invite you to consider yourself—yourself, the organism that is yourself—and to understand that you have a spirit. It is this big, beautiful thing. I don't care if you're a jerk or if you're a great person. Your spirit is a big, beautiful thing. And inside of your spirit lives your body. And inside of your body lives a universe. Your body holds on to everything you've ever experienced—the things you're aware of, the things you're not, the things you remember, the things you don't.
And there are certain rules to your body, right? There are rules to your body. Bones break or they don't. You gotta blink your eyes to liquefy them, to protect those sweet little eyeballs. Right? There's rules to the body. What I am trying to get at here is you've got a nervous system. That nervous system—it's a part of your mental health, but it's also a physiological reality of being a human. You've got a nervous system. It's really important to acknowledge your nervous system right now. Things are happening. They're moving fast. The majority of us have developed a very intimate and complicated relationship to social media and the internet in general, which is really about media. And the changes to social media that have just happened in the last week or two are stunning. Our access to real-time sharing, like posting a live of a protest or something important that's happening in front of you—that seems to be meaningfully disabled.
There are a lot of things that have really changed on social media, and it's all to disconnect us, disconnect us from each other and from organizing with each other, for each other. But we're still on our damn pocket robots. We're still on our devices. It's a lot for your nervous system. Doom scrolling is terrible for your brain because, for your nervous system, whether you're watching it or you're experiencing it or you're imagining yourself experiencing it, your nervous system is getting activated in very, very, very similar ways.
And so, if you are completely overwhelmed and you do not know what to do, there are a lot of things you can do. And I want to invite you again over to my Patreon, where I am posting stuff to my free members and my paid members. And I want my work to be as accessible as I can be, while it's also, of course, my work. So you can join me over there, paid, for free, whatever. But I'm creating resources there, hopefully, to help you to navigate through this period.
But alongside that, learn about your nervous system. What does a human nervous system need? If you can think about your nervous system, your body, in a way that is somewhat objective, then it might be a little bit easier to define what it is that you need to do to protect yours at this time. Supporting your health doesn't mean disassociating from the world, or at least it doesn't have to. Supporting yourself simply means finding a way to sustain your engagement. Sustaining your engagement over the long haul means taking a day off, a week off, a month off when you need to. It is contextual to your situation.
So, if you're going through all kinds of crazy shit, this is not meant for you. But consider the needs of your body. Consider the needs of your nervous system. Do things that spark joy, that are life-affirming, because that is a good way to fight fascism. Now, I'm not saying do that and nothing else, but do that. For me, I'm trying to wear a lot more color. I'm trying to look at a lot more color. I'm into pinks and reds. That's me, but you do you. What colors spark joy in you? What music reminds your body of the present moment? And you know what? The present moment for you might not be good. I think for all of us, the present moment is, at least some of the time, shitty.
How can you be kind to yourself if your present moment sucks? How can you be supportive this Aquarius season? How can you tap into your humanity and affirm the interconnectedness of our shared humanity? These are good questions for you to ask yourself because they'll make you feel better, but they're also good questions for you to ask yourself because when our spirits are not broken, we are more resourceful. We are more resilient. Our coalitions are bigger and bolder, and that's what we need. And it's what we need this week, but, girl, that's what we're going to need next year and the next several years.
We are living through exceptional times, and for some reason, you're here. For some reason, you're living through it. And it's big, and it's scary, and you are not alone in it. You are not alone in it. Find community. Join community. Create community—whatever it is that works for you. People will annoy you. People will be different from you. People will be completely uninformed about something that's important to you. Build community. Connect with other people. Learn how to tolerate difference. Of course, use your common sense, but let people be different from you. Let people be angry today when you finally found your peace. Practice having healthy boundaries with other humans. That requires you to have healthy boundaries within yourself.
We need each other now more than ever. And when I say that to you next week, it'll be more true than it is this week. Pluto is in Aquarius. These are revolutionary times. Aquarian energies are very much about community, coalition, friendships, the dynamic exchange of ideas. But those energies can also be deeply inhumane for the theory of what could be good, the idea of progress that'll be good for us in three years but everyone has to suffer before then. Aquarian energies can be theoretically good but, in practice, not humane at all.
So you and I need to make sure that we are practicing our humanity. And you think that humanity is not a thing that needs to be practiced? It is. It is. Identify your values. Tighten up and live within your values and your priorities. And—fun fact—at the start of March—March 1st, March 2nd—Venus goes Retrograde. Mars will be Retrograde until February 23rd, and then we have Venus Retrograde. This is a time, my friends. It's a time.
And when Venus goes Retrograde, it will be a fan-fucking-tastic time to review where your money is invested, how you're spending your money, where you spend your money, where you let your wealth rest if you have any kind of investments. That's really loud. That's really powerful. So we're going to talk about that a lot in March, but I want to give you that heads-up and to think about it in February. I want to reiterate February is a fantastic time to get your paperwork in order. Whatever kind of IDs or whatever you need—get that in order in February, if you can, because Mercury also goes Retrograde in March.
So I got a lot more to say, and again, you can join me over on Patreon as I'm teaching energy work for supporting your spiritual, mental, and emotional health. And we're talking about the astrology of these times as well as how to cope with it. Also, on the 1st of every month, I drop a bonus episode of Ghost of a Podcast where I break down the astrology of the whole entire month ahead so you can get ready, plan, and work with the energies accordingly. Now, all that said, let's dive headfirst into your horoscope.
Okay. So we're looking at the astrology of January 26th through February 1st of 2025. And as you know, February is Black History Month, and here at Ghost of a Podcast, it's Black Love Month. So don't forget to send me your questions over at my website, and don't forget to use the hashtag or the words "Black Love" somewhere in there.
Okay. So the first transits to be happening this week are happening on Sunday, January the 26th. At 10:33 a.m. Pacific Time, we've got a Mercury sextile to Neptune. And then, at 3:11 p.m. Pacific Time, Venus is exactly sextile to Uranus. Mercury will be at almost 28 degrees of Capricorn, and Neptune will be at the same degrees of Pisces. And then Venus will be at 23 degrees and 16 minutes of Pisces sextiling Uranus at the same degrees of Taurus. And if you want to be tracking these transits and you can't keep up because I talk too damn fast, there are always transcripts available for you on my website. Just wait about 24 hours, and the horoscope will be up.
Okay. So these two transits are supportive. They are lovely, and you want to do your best to tap into them. Mercury sextile to Neptune is a transit that can open your mind. Mercury is your mind, and Neptune is the great expanse. It is spiritual. It is humanistic. It's disassociative and escapist, but depending on where you're at, that might actually be kind of supportive. This transit is good for chilling out, for tuning up. So chilling out might mean relaxing, resting, digesting. And tuning up might mean meditating or spending time in nature or other spiritual or energetic work. This transit is also really good for contemplating and working on your boundaries because Mercury is the contemplation piece, and Neptune is always, at least in some part, about boundaries—your boundaries.
You may, under this transit, feel a lot more sensitive. And here's the thing. This transit tells you that you will be more sensitive, especially if the transit is hitting your birth chart directly, but it doesn't tell you that what you're sensitive to will necessarily be a fantastic thing. So, if you are an empath or a highly sensitive person, work on your boundaries this Mercury sextile to Neptune. Really think about them. Practice embodying them in various ways so that you may find ways that work for you.
This is a great time for having meaningful conversations with people, learning things. It can make you a little bit more gullible, but it's nothing too serious to worry about. It can increase your concern with humanistic causes, spiritual causes, and these are all very worthy of your time and attention, if you're asking this old lady. Also, it's just a great time for creativity in general. We're talking about the arts—spiritual, creative, interpersonal, what have you.
If you find yourself in a position where you're socializing—hopefully wearing a mask if you're in a public space—this is a great time for just connecting with people and having a sense of community, having a sense of connection, and feeling soothed by those things. So, while people tend to be annoying—me, you, all of us—we're annoying—you're less likely to be annoyed under this transit. That's nice.
The other transit that's happening on this day is the Venus sextile to Uranus. It's a very different transit, but it has a lot of the same impact. It is lovely for socializing, for really enjoying the people you're connecting with, and being open to connecting with people that are different than the people you typically connect with. This transit can open you up to new relationships, new ways of connecting with people. It can open you up creatively in such a way where you're just putting together outfits that you don't usually put together, making art in a way that is a little bit different from how you usually do. It can also strengthen your relationship to your values. It can create the conditions that you would need to have progress with your values, like to have a greater understanding of your values if that's where you're at, or to better act in ways that reflect your values—Venus being your values and Uranus being progress.
This transit can also just be fun. It can be flirty, it can be sassy, and it can be fun. So, if you need some pleasure and some joy, these transits are your friend. Now, it's not an unqualified blessing, trust. There will be some hard transits that I'm going to tell you about in just a moment. But before I do, let's just take another moment to hang out here with the lovely, affirming, soothing, and engaging energies of these transits. Strive to really tap into these energies so that you can experience joy and pleasure and connection, so that your thoughts and your relationships can be uplifted, because that's what these transits are good for. So giddyap and get into that good, if you can.
Now, by Tuesday, January 28th, we've got a pretty challenging transit that will be exact. At 11:52 p.m. Pacific Time, Mercury will be at almost 2 degrees of Aquarius, and Pluto will be at the exact same degrees. Mercury and Pluto meet. We will be feeling this transit on the 26th and 27th, unfortunately, so it's going to definitely influence the levity of those other transits. But again, I wanted you to really tap into the positivity of the easy transits, the supportive transits, because this one is—eh, it's a little more complex.
So, simply put, Mercury is your friendships. It's your opinions. It's information. It's how you listen. It's how you communicate. And Pluto is in your survival mechanisms. It's trauma. It's dramatic. It's transformational. It's activating. And within that, it brings the potential for healing and destruction. And it's all in Aquarius, which can be revolutionary, which can be community-building or community-breaking. Whenever we think about Pluto in Aquarius, as we're at the very beginning of living through this period which will be over in 2044, we want to keep in mind that revolution—it doesn't tell you which people are having their revolution, which groups of people are feeling that they are busting free, and upon whose necks do they stand? Now, of course, ideally, very few necks are stood upon in the process of revolution, but that's not usually how that goes, eh?
So, when we have Mercury conjunct Pluto, you run the risk of hearing some pretty fucked-up news, and it activates you and it triggers you. Now, given what's happening in the United States at this time, I am on high alert looking at this transit. This will be a great day to stay informed and not doom scroll, to remember that what you give your attention to is powerful. And so, if there's a platform that you don't think deserves the power of your attention and of your data, maybe don't hang out on that platform. In fact, this transit is a great time to do whatever research you need to do to figure out how to make the security and privacy settings on your social media accounts—or whatever other kind of digital stuff you do—stronger. And the reason why it's a good transit for doing that is because it gives you the willingness to go deep and to do some research, to do tedious acts. So it's a good use of your time. It's a good use of your energy.
Learning something new that is confronting or that is annoying is actually well starred under a Mercury conjunction to Pluto. What's also well starred is therapy, any kind of talk therapy where you challenge yourself to explore ideas in new ways or to go deeper than you've gone before. Self-reflection, self-analysis—these things are powerful. What's also powerful is rumination and negative obsession. And unfortunately, that's also a risk with this transit, that you tell yourself you're processing with someone, but really, you're just having a power struggle; you tell yourself that you're analyzing your past, but really, you're just obsessing on the things that hurt you.
So you want to do your best to be accountable to yourself around where you allow your thoughts to linger. And if you find yourself in the throes of negative obsessions, do your best to try to bring your thoughts to a more neutral place. Now, this may not be possible, of course, but it's a practice that may or may not be appliable for you.
Because Mercury is related to your mind, again, your nervous system may get a little tweaked here. There may be some real bad news. There may be a communication of something that feels disastrous or calamitous on and around this day. And if you find yourself in an activated state of terror, that's a Plutonian state. In astrological terms, when we're terrified, when we're activated, triggered, really just in a roiling state of obsessive thinking, obsessive feeling, that's all Pluto. That's all Pluto. So what's the rule with Pluto? The rule with Pluto is let go. Pluto—remember, it rules over Scorpio. It's easy to think of Pluto as fiery, but that's a misunderstanding of the power of water. The power of water is deep, and it's consuming. And Pluto governs undertow in the ocean.
And so what you're meant to do if you get caught up in the undertow of a body of water is not fight it, because if you struggle against that current, it'll take you under. You're supposed to, if you're caught up in the undertow of the ocean, to let go. That doesn't mean you're not supposed to want to live. That doesn't mean that you're not supposed to want to get away from the undertow. That's not what letting go is. It's understanding that different tactics are appropriate for different conundrums. If you let go of the struggle, you have more energy with which to hold on to yourself. And when Mercury and Pluto meet, you may be challenged to engage with that practice on some level.
You may need, under a Mercury conjunction to Pluto, to communicate something that is really important for your survival or the survival of someone else. And if that comes up, it will require major bravery. This is where I want to invite you to tap into your values. Tap into your convictions, into your own emotional landscape, because in order to act in ways that are brave, you need to take heart. You need to take heart.
Mercury conjunction to Pluto is intense. Choose your battles wisely. Somebody might say something or do something to you that is provocative, and you may have every fucking right to tell them exactly what time it is. But when you take the time and the energy to engage with somebody defensively, unless it's helping, unless it's constructive, unless it facilitates progress, yeah, it's a waste of your energy. You have a limited amount of energy. You have a limited amount of space in that noodle of yours. Don't waste it on bullshit that actually isn't important or that is not happening in good faith, like fighting with somebody that's not willing to have a good-faith argument. Don't waste your fucking time. There are other ways of creating change or exorcising your frustrations. Find them. Find the ways.
Now, that brings us to Wednesday, January the 29th, when we have a New Moon in Aquarius. This is the Lunar New Year for many people, so Happy New Year. Okay. So, at 4:36 a.m. Pacific Time on the 29th of January, the Moon and Sun are sitting directly on top of each other at almost 10 degrees of Aquarius—9 degrees and 51 minutes. Pluto and Mercury are still hanging out at around 2 degrees of Aquarius, which means they are also in on the party.
New Moons always happen to help us to achieve greater clarity, greater vision. When the Sun and the Moon are aligned, it makes it easier for you to get aligned. And when you're aligned, you are so much better resourced inside of yourself. You're more yourself, and that makes it easier to be true to yourself, set intentions that reflect your best interests instead of your loudest distractions.
Aquarius is inherently innovative. Aquarius is related to the future. "What can I plan? What can I do? What can I do differently?" These are the questions of Aquarius. Now, because Pluto and Mercury are conjunct the Sun and the Moon, that deepens the whole conversation. This New Moon can be one of deep, penetrating, and radical transformation. That's powerful, right? That's good. The trouble is it can hurt. It can cost you ideas, relationships, a sense of safety and security. And that may or may not be so good. I don't know. And some of the things that are really great for us in the short term are terrible in the long term and vice versa.
So what you really need this New Moon is some measure of objectivity, which, honestly, with Mercury so close to Pluto, the Sun, and the Moon, is hard to achieve. What you can do, though, is make sure you're not jumping to conclusions. What you can do is take a broad-minded view, which, happily, Jupiter will help us with because Jupiter is forming a trine to the Sun and Moon, not to Pluto and Mercury, just the Sun and Moon. But as it does that, it can make it easier to be resilient, to be broad-minded, and to explore possibilities instead of collapsing in on yourself out of fear of probability.
New Moons are a time for new beginnings. This is a time where we may see something begin in the world that is fucking intense. Now, again, Pluto is destruction as well as healing. And when something is destroyed, then it points us towards what needs healing. And oftentimes, on a healing journey, what we need is to destroy our attachments to the past, to destroy our habits. Often, healing and destruction are intertwined—on a spiritual level, anyways, on a self-help journey.
Now, if we see violent and basically terroristic acts on and around this date, then what I want to point you towards is the humanitarian nature of Aquarius. A New Moon in Aquarius reminds us to build with other people, whether that's in the form of mutual aid or just getting together with a group of friends, going and showing up and participating in some other community activity, whether it's online or in meatspace.
A New Moon in Aquarius is a great time to commit yourself, to put yourself out there, to try something new. And it might be deep and intense, and it might be triggering or activating. But it's still the right time for doing that. If you haven't yet heard my year-ahead forecast with Dean Spade, I definitely encourage you to check that out because, in it, we talk about living with purpose and community, and not just the astrology of this time, but how to participate in it, not just alone, but together.
This New Moon looks intense. It looks real intense to me. And so, if your thoughts go in a really intense direction, strive to make it constructive. Remember to be curious and to explore possibility. If you get involved in some sort of power struggles, again, I remind you, if you don't like the game, don't play. And if you don't have a choice, like if you're locked into the game, then choose your battles wisely.
Now, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that in this chart, we've got Venus, Neptune, and the North Node all conjoined in Pisces. And this is an important reminder of a couple of things. One, unfortunately, is the rise of white supremacy and Christian nationalism. There's that. It's the rise of religious extremism, which inherently and inevitably, it seems, leads to the oppression and suppression of women, Queers, and Trans people. That's always a risk with this kind of a conjunction.
Now, the potential here is that we connect to our shared humanity; we embody our spiritual values as a practice. We step away from overconsumption and overspending, and we allocate resources to the earth, to our wellness, and to our collective peace and welfare. That's the positive potential. We see a lot of evidence of that playing out right now. We also see a lot of evidence of the shit part playing out right now. To quote Mr. Rogers, I want to say find the helpers. Find the helpers. And whenever and however you can be, be a helper. There's no shame in needing help and support, and if you've got energy, resources—whatever—to share, go ahead and do that.
This New Moon marks an important reorientation inside of you and in the collective. Within that, you have choices to make. The more consciously you make them, the easier it will be to live in a way that reflects who you truly wish to be instead of only your circumstances.
Now, on Thursday, January 30th, we have an exact trine between the Sun and Jupiter, which I referenced in that New Moon chart. The Sun will be at 11 degrees of Aquarius and 19 minutes, and Jupiter will be at the same degrees in Gemini. That'll be exact at 2:59 p.m. Pacific Time. Now, the Sun trine to Jupiter is a lovely transit, and it's especially lovely if it's hitting your chart directly.
This transit increases your resiliency, both psychological and ideological. It can give you hope. It can help you to feel more optimistic. It can empower you to try new things in new ways, with new people. It helps you to grow, which is lovely. This transit can be associated with all kinds of fucking lovely things, from greater and more meaningful connection with your own psyche to other people to nature or the world itself. This transit is just absolutely lovely. No downside. Ten stars. If you have the opportunity to travel, whether it be go places in the physical world or read a book, learn something new—yeah, giddyap. Do that. It'll really help you.
This is a great transit for supporting your health and your welfare, for showing up in the world in a way that is expansive and empowers you to connect, to really have experiences with people, places, and things. So, while that New Moon may dig up some deep shadow and some complex and heavy themes, the Sun trine to Jupiter is here to support you through that. And it's particularly helpful because, unfortunately, we got another challenging transit. On Saturday, February the 1st, that Venus/Neptune conjunction is exact. It'll be exact at 8:33 a.m., with Venus at almost 28 degrees of Pisces and Neptune same degrees, same sign. That's a conjunction for you.
This transit I find to be very rough, to be honest. If you are low on spoons, this is not your friend. This transit is—it can rob you of your spoons. It can make you feel just exhausted, demoralized, disconnected from your values or from a sense of safety. This transit can also have you just feeling paranoid and weird about your friendships and your love relationships, so romantic or platonic love relationships. It can make you feel really paranoid and stressed about money. This is not a great time for dealing with your finances because Neptune creates all kinds of confusion, and you're likely to misunderstand things or, if you have a habit in this direction, to blow your money on something that is just not well considered. Not a great time for major purchases.
This is a terrible time for trauma bonding. And I want to say it's a terrible time because it's a likely time. You may be like, "I'm hurt. You're hurt. That means we're meant to be together. That means we are good for each other." What you want to make sure of is that you are bonding with people based on shared values, shared likes and loves, a sense of like and love, but also because of how you actually treat each other. And with Neptune, it gets really fuzzy and confusing. So this is not a great time to start a new relationship. Now, listen. If you're feeling feelings, I don't want to tell you to not feel your feelings. I am simply saying give it space and time, and try not to jump to conclusions. Under a Venus/Neptune conjunction, you can place other people on a pedestal or have them place you on a pedestal. And this goes for people in your life, and it also goes for parasocial relationships, which—you may be having strong feelings about your parasocial relationships on and around this date because—Neptune.
What this transit is good for—and it is good for a bunch of things—is considering your values—I've been talking about it this whole episode—and making sure that they reflect your ideals and your spiritual convictions, making sure that your spiritual convictions and ideals reflect your values—both ways. Both ways. Venus conjunction to Neptune is a great time for showing up for others in general, whether it's through mutual aid or volunteering or random acts of kindness or it's by investing in your relationships, letting people know how you feel about them, making art with people, spending time quietly in nature, connecting to, if you're anything like me, piglets. Piglets are lovely. If I could snuggle a piglet every damn day, it would be a series of good days.
You may need to rest under this transit. Whenever Neptune sits on top of any planet, it can make you feel just tired. And that tiredness may be that you're actually feeling that your body is tired, and that fatigue may also be more of a psychological or emotional thing where you're just fucking exhausted. If you're tired and you can, rest. Give yourself space to digest, to let things move through you. Neptune is fog. We're not meant to hold on to it. It just kind of exists around us, which can spark a lot of anxiety. Unfortunately, this transit can spark a lot of anxiety, but it can also allow you to connect to spiritual, material, and interpersonal resources in ways that fill your cup. So, if you can fill that cup—fill your cup; fill the cup of others if you can.
On the negative, this transit may signal a real blow to the rights of women, Trans people, and/or Queer people. And as I've said countless times before, the rights of women are irrevocably intertwined with the rights of Trans people. So we may see, again—Neptune is related to religious extremism. We may see some bullshit occur on or around this date. But you know what? When you add us up—women, Queers, and the people that love and support us—we're the majority. So, when we remember that we're the majority, when we band together, connect with each other, support each other, hold each other up, whether it's by being present with our shared grief, rejoicing in our shared love, we are stronger. We are more resilient.
So do your best to seek out help if you need it. Seek out connection if you can get it. And if you're a hermit and you don't want to connect to other humans, I respect you. I see you. There are trees and clouds and magma and depths of the ocean and stars in the sky. There is nature. There is the natural world. You have guides and angels and other spiritual resources. Tap in because you're not alone, and you don't need to be alone, unless, of course, you want to be alone, in which case, go ahead; enjoy being alone. Adapt what I am saying to work for you based on where you're at.
Now, in honor of this week's New Moon in Aquarius, I'm going to close out this episode with a little excerpt of my meditation for Aquarius. So stay tuned for that. You can get a meditation for any of the zodiac signs, whether it's your Sun sign or whatever zodiac sign is activated in your consciousness or in your evolution—you can get that exclusively on Audible. I want to, again, as I have done many times before, acknowledge the complexity of that. And also, that's where it's available. So you can get it there if that's something you're interested in. And I hope it's a useful resource for you.
I am creating more energy-supportive content both through my meditation audiobook and also over on my Patreon, where we're kind of getting into energy work, grounding, receiving guidance, all that kind of good stuff. So, again, if that's the kind of support that you're looking for, you know where to find me.
I'm going to run through the transits one last time for your note-taking pleasure. On the 26th, Mercury will form an exact sextile to Neptune, and Venus will be exactly sextile to Uranus. On the 28th, Mercury forms an exact conjunction to Pluto. And then, on the 29th, we have a New Moon in Aquarius. On the 30th, the Sun forms an exact trine to Jupiter. On February 1st, Venus meets Neptune in Pisces.
Aquarian energy connects us to possibility. It is a fixed air sign that governs the parts of you that feel both detached from others and connected to the community of our shared humanity.
Thank you so much for joining me this week on Ghost of a Podcast, and I'll talk to you in just a couple of days.