Weekly Overview
2021 is likely to end with a bang. We have an intense Mercury conjunction to Pluto just as Mercury enters into its Retroshade, leading up to its January 14th Retrograde. We also have a potentially cathartic Sun square to Chiron. All of this energy may incline you to stir the pot, and you may also have to deal with other peoples' intensity.
2022 starts off with a New Moon in Capricorn on the 2nd. Unfortunately, Venus Retrograde and Pluto feature prominently, and there's also a Mars–Neptune square. What this means is that relationships may be tumultuous, and your energy may be all over the place. Do your best to get grounded in the here and now, and take responsibility for whatever it is that you find. That might mean you need to say sorry to someone, prioritize self-care, or simply spend time with the people or the things that you value most.
For a detailed explanation of the astrology for your week ahead, listen to episode 238 of my weekly astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, below or read the transcripts here. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to be alerted when the 2022 year-ahead forecast comes out!
I hope you’ll join me and Rachel Budde of Fat and The Moon for Plants + Planets: Tools for 2022 , a practical and instructive class to help you prepare for 2022. I’ll unpack and explain each of the major transits that we will be going through in 2022 and Rachel will share corresponding plants, as well as how to work with them, to support you in these times of cosmic flux. You’ll come away from the class informed about the astrology of these times, with herbal skills to support you & yours.
If you can’t make it live that’s no problem. You’ll get the class to watch at any time, and as frequently as you like. Register now!
You need a break, my strong-willed friend. And that's not because you’ve done something wrong; it’s because you’ve been going so hard, and your system needs downtime. Prioritize your mental and physical health this week, even if that means taking on some extra FOMO. Your relationship with the Aries within is the most important relationship you’ve got. Get right with yourself this week.
If you’re too focused on your goals and plans, it can be hard to tap into your inner knowing. This week, it’s wise to get emotionally connected to yourself, which is no simple task. It might require you to strip away distractions and step into a bit of quiet. Your intuition and emotions are separate things, but it is far easier to access that inner knowing if you approach it through your heart rather than your head, sweet Taurus.
This week may kick up some major power struggles for you, and the worst case scenario is that you get wrapped up in defensiveness. Find ways of identifying and embodying your boundaries without having to prove or defend them, Twin Star. This may mean not saying or doing anything until you’re more calm and clear. There is no rush, and there is not only one right way of showing up. Get present before you act in ways that undermine your needs and intentions, my love.
Register for Plants + Planets: Tools for 2022
As uncomfortable as it is, this is a valuable time to accept what you don’t like. Acceptance is not consent; acceptance is simply getting present with what is. This step can be remarkably empowering, Moonchild. It takes the focus off of the details and aligns you with your own center and inner knowing. From that place, you will be much better equipped to show up, hold space, and act in ways that reflect the needs of your heart.
It’s the closure of another year, and emotions are running high. What you do now will have meaningful consequences, not only to you but also to the people around you. Consider the impact of your actions, Leo. If others don’t feel included and considered by you, they may act in ways that make you feel bad. That could set off a confusing and unpleasant chain of events. The remedy for this is simple: it’s communication! Say what you’re thinking and express what you need clearly, while also listening to others with an open mind and heart.
You may be feeling like things need to change now, but it’s important for you to check in with your heart before you go chasing waterfalls, Virgo. You want things to be a certain way; you've got fantasies for the future and fears as well. And then there's how things are right now and what you’re willing and able to do about them. Get present before you get going this week. In doing so, you can make sure that your actions point you in the right direction and that your approach is sustainable.
This week marks the end of a momentous year, and it’s important that you take time to honor all that you’ve accomplished and how far you've come. You are on the precipice of more change in the new year, and that’s not good or bad — it's what you make of it, Libra. Bring intention and consideration to what you do and how you do it this week so that you can respond to life in ways that reflect what’s authentic for you.
The only constant in life is change. Whether you’re excited about the changes happening within and around you or not, here we are, Scorpio. This week is a good one for investigating your resistance to change and making sure that you aren’t racking up resentments. You have agency in what you do; while you might not love your choices, you most likely have several options to choose from. Find your voice and use it, my love.
Don’t be in such a rush to create closure and certainty that you trample over your own feelings, Sagittarius. If you’re feeling grief over anything specific, or if the sadness is just about how hard the last year has been, that’s okay. Make the decision to stay present with your difficult feelings instead of trying to fix them. Things don’t need to be perfect to be right where they’re meant to be. If your foundations are rooted in this present moment, you will be best equipped to consciously and enthusiastically move into your future.
The New Moon on the 2nd is in your sign, and it marks a fortuitous time for setting intentions and connecting to your intuition. Set aside your to-do list, and lean into your emotions, Capricorn. Get real about what you’re feeling, what you’ve been through, and what you want for yourself and the world around you in the coming year. By cultivating emotional clarity about your values and emotions you'll set a foundation that will feel really good to build upon.
Anxiety is no fun, and unfortunately, this week may kick up a fair amount of it for you. Instead of chasing your worries, strive to sit with them. By being present with your emotions and even the busyness of your thoughts, you can come to some measure of peace, no matter how awkward or brief it may feel. What you need is emotional presence and patience, not answers. Take it slow and steady, Aquarius.
FEB. 19-MARCH 20
As we close out another year, it’s a fortuitous time to release what’s no longer serving you. There may not be anything that you have to do except let go. You may need to loosen your grasp on ideas, assumptions, or attachments that motivated you in the past but are limiting you in the present. This will take having healthy boundaries, which is no easy feat, but it's absolutely in your best interest. Do your best, especially in the presence of your most difficult emotions this week.