Weekly Overview
On the 23rd there will be a lovely New Moon in Sagittarius at 2:57 PM Pacific time. This is an excellent transit for setting intentions, planting seeds, and manifesting what you truly desire. At the very least, the energy will be sociable and light-hearted—great for warm social exchanges.
The same dynamic energy will persist throughout the week, until the end of the weekend, when we will start to feel the effects of the Mercury opposition to Mars, which is exact on the 29th. This transit makes people irritable, quick to take offense, and generally argumentative. Luckily, the New Moon and the following transits are so supportive and dynamic that they are likely to offset the worst parts of that transit.
For a more nuanced breakdown of this week's astrology, listen to episode 286 of Ghost of a Podcast below or wherever you hear your podcasts. Transcripts are always available here.
It’s time to step up and embody the changes you’ve been working so hard to create in your life, Aries. If you’re scared or uncertain, that’s perfectly fair. Being fearless is not a prerequisite to be courageous. In fact, oftentimes the things most worth doing will be somewhat scary. It’s important that you let go of old habits or beliefs that have kept you stuck. You can rely on your heart more than your head to lead the way this week.
Register for the December 10th webinar, Manifestation for a Messy World, here!
Step into vulnerability this week, Taurus. It may sound like a scary thing to do, but the astrology of this week will support you in finding a sense of home within yourself if you only dare to be present. There are some meaningful decisions that you must make, and they will be both easier to determine (and more true to who you are!) if you allow yourself to be connected to even your most awkward truths.
Register for the December 10th webinar, Manifestation for a Messy World, here!
You are changing, but that doesn’t mean that the circumstances and people in your life are changing at the same pace as you are. This week, it’s wise that you honor your emotions without getting lost in them. In other words, feel what you feel without allowing it to stop you from doing what needs to be done. Stay focused on the things that are truly important to you and your situation. Every time you have to deal with an annoying situation, it’s an opportunity for you to show up and embody the things that are most important to you. Stay strong this week, Twin Star.
Register for the December 10th webinar, Manifestation for a Messy World, here!
It’s so tempting to rush to fix things when you feel anxious or unsettled, but this week it’s wise to sit with distractions. Allow your restless thoughts to buzz around you without fixating on them. What you are seeking is a sense of yourself and peace within the chaos, and that cannot be achieved by chasing unpredictable energies around. Seek to explore stillness as a form of self-care, Moonchild.
Register for the December 10th webinar, Manifestation for a Messy World, here!
Keep your heart wide open this week, Leo. You may be feeling vulnerable or uncertain of where you belong. This is unlikely to be an indicator of how other people feel about you; it's more about how you feel about you. If you allow yourself to stay connected to the big picture of what’s happening in your life, you will be able to see that there’s much that you need to let go of in order to feel more centered and grounded in yourself. Take a step back from shoulds and what ifs, and tend to your emotions this week, my big-hearted friend.
Register for the December 10th webinar, Manifestation for a Messy World, here!
As you move through some deep emotional terrain, you're likely to be feeling scattered, Virgo. Instead of assuming that things are bad and getting worse, explore the potential in your intensity. You likely need to act in a meaningful way, and of course, not all actions are equal. This week, find a way to participate in your life that reflects the things that are most important to you. Doing the right thing in even the smallest of ways can have a powerful impact internally and in the world.
Register for the December 10th webinar, Manifestation for a Messy World, here!
When things are challenging, that can be the moment when you either lose touch with your intuition or it becomes loud and clear. Whatever camp you find yourself in, try not to fixate on what isn’t working and instead locate your own free will. When you can identify your agency, you are better empowered to enact it and to create the circumstances and life that you want, Libra.
Register for the December 10th webinar, Manifestation for a Messy World, here!
Frustrations or things that aren't working for you in some way are also the things that can open you up to a new way of thinking or engaging with your life. Strive to open your heart enough that you can acknowledge your unpleasant feelings while also bravely embracing that which you most value. This is a time for boldly advancing your goals, but being bold does not have to come at the expense of your heart, Scorpio.
Register for the December 10th webinar, Manifestation for a Messy World, here!
This New Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd is a powerful moment for you! Whether you’re spending time with people you care about, mingling with new folks, or spending quality time with yourself, this is a great week for being open and curious. Focus on what matters most. Just don’t try to convince others that your perspective is the only and best one to have, and you will have a lovely week.
Register for the December 10th webinar, Manifestation for a Messy World, here!
What you need now is a balanced attitude and approach, but you likely don’t have it. If you have been pushing yourself too hard or have too much on your plate, you may be dealing with some serious anxiety this week. Get connected to the basics, and remember what your priorities are, Capricorn. This will make it much easier to manage your emotions and your time, which will empower you to feel better as you do better.
Register for the December 10th webinar, Manifestation for a Messy World, here!
When you’re feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, you're likely to go on autopilot. This week, that would be an error; what you need more than anything is to hit the pause button and tend to your insides. If you don’t, you’re likely to act defensively and end up creating more disruption in your life. Do what you need to do so that you can make the best decisions, Aquarius.
Register for the December 10th webinar, Manifestation for a Messy World, here!
Being decisive and assertive about the direction that your life is taking is a powerful thing. It is not to be confused, however, with controlling where and how things go. This week, you are likely to be in a fertile state, which is wonderful, but you may be plagued by too many options, along with the impulse to control and contain instead of co-create. Clarify your will, do what needs to be done, and then allow matters to develop. Just because it doesn’t happen in the way or time that you would prefer doesn’t mean it isn’t for the best.
Register for the December 10th webinar, Manifestation for a Messy World, here!