Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


There’s a New Moon in Pisces on the 2nd, and it’s pretty complicated. Watch out for harebrained ideas, and if you’re feeling anxious, don't try to explain your anxieties away; instead, nurture your system. You may be in a state of overload with the Mercury Saturn conjunction and the ultra sensitivity of the New Moon in Pisces. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is!

On the 3rd, we have an intense set of conjunctions between Venus, Mars, and Pluto, all in Capricorn. This can kick up power struggles and compulsive thinking and behaviors, and it intensifies the potential for violence. Participate in ways that reflect your values instead of your deepest fears. This week is packed with intense astrology, so it’s an important time to practice self-care. For a detailed breakdown of the transits, listen to episode 248 of Ghost of a Podcast here or wherever podcasts are heard.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

It’s important to check in with your motivations this week, Aries. If you're acting with the ambition to change others, you’re likely to meet a great deal of resistance. If you’re acting in a way that honestly reflects who you are and where you’re at, you’re more likely to get at the root of the matter. Confront your fears before you go confronting people; this will require that you check in with your emotions and prioritize self-care in what may feel like healthy but uncharacteristic ways.

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This week it’s important that you walk your talk. Pair your ideas with action, and continue to return to the question, "is this in alignment for me?" It’s such a simple shift of energy, but it can have a massive impact, Taurus. What you do now matters, as does how you do it. Don’t worry so much about what others will think, and instead focus on nurturing a relationship with yourself that you feel good about. 

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In some ways it’s much easier to lament what isn’t working than to step up and grasp the reins of change. This week it is time for you to embody your goals, follow through with your vision, and be patient with wherever you’re at in your process. You don’t need to achieve all of your goals in this moment,, but what you do need is to authentically commit yourself to ways of being that are better adjusted than some of your old modes of operation. Show up for it, Twin Star.

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Emotions are your superpower and your kryptonite. This week, there’s a lot going on in your relationship house, and it may leave you feeling frayed or emotionally overwhelmed. The best thing to do is align with your emotional integrity, Moonchild. When you’re honest with yourself about how you feel, where it’s coming from, what you can offer, and what you need, life (and in particular your relationships) flow more easily.

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To quote Jackie DeShannon, “what the world needs now, is love, sweet love. And no, not just for some, but for everyone.” In whatever ways you can, bring care to the relationships you’re in and even to casual encounters with the people around you. This week, you are able to put your trust to work by believing in your own resilience and ability to be generous when it matters most. In the face of your fears, ask yourself, "how can I bring TLC to this situation?"

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You simply don’t have enough information to make an informed assessment this week, Virgo. This might make you feel defensive or easily threatened, but it doesn’t need to. When gathering more data doesn’t make you feel better, try a little bit of tenderness. Don’t allow yourself to be led by your fears when you have so much inner wisdom. Just tap into it, my analytic friend.

 Listen to the 2022 Year Ahead Horoscope!

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When you don’t trust yourself, it’s hard to trust anyone else. The Venus-Mars conjunction to Pluto this week is going to kick up a lot of intense feelings for you. Instead of seeking distractions or fixes, do the difficult work of sitting with your emotions so that you can better understand them. If you abandon yourself in times of struggle, you may feel better for a short while, but in the end you’re doing yourself a great disservice. Be willing to change, or get ready to be changed, Libra.

 Listen to the 2022 Year Ahead Horoscope!

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It’s really hard to stay still when you’re feeling vulnerable, but this week that’s exactly what you’re meant to do. Slow down, get grounded, and create the space in your life—no matter how small—to let go of everything you’ve been gripping tightly. And just breathe. You’re far more likely to be successful if you come at things with more balance, and dare I say more hopeful energy this week, Scorpio.

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Fixating on what you don’t have or what you fear is in some ways like a prayer for what you don’t want. If you can accept that things are as they are in this moment, you'll be much better equipped for actively working with those energies. Acceptance is not consent, it is simply awareness. And this week, you will be most effective if you start from where you are, and mobilize from there, Sagittarius.

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How would your life be different if you were freed from fear? Would you have a different job? Would you socialize differently? Would you be thinking about the same things? There are elements of fear that are very healthy and helpful, and then there’s the stuff we fixate on that is out of our control and not at all improved by obsessing. Don’t worry so much about circumstances that will come and go; it’s your relationship to yourself that is forever.

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It’s time to let go, Aquarius. You now know enough about your patterns. The consequences of past actions have been clarified for you in recent weeks. The question now is, will you let go of what is no longer serving you? Whether it’s an attitude, a habit, a relationship, or an attachment, when you hold on too tightly to the old, there’s no room for the new to come in. Accept what isn’t working so that you can make room for what will.

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This week starts off with a somewhat overwhelming New Moon in your sign. Don’t waste your energy worrying about what other people think. The astrology of this moment is urging you to get free. That means embracing where you’re at and who you are in this moment and giving yourself permission to just be there. Relationship issues may flare up this week, so show up as honestly as you can. That’s all you need to do, Pisces.

 Listen to the 2022 Year Ahead Horoscope!

Get Jessica’s book, Astrology For Real Relationships, here!