Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


This week kicks off with a Full Moon in Capricorn on July 13th. This one is likely to be particularly emotional and may kick up some defensive or reactive feelings. The key is to have healthy boundaries, not just with others but also with yourself.

By the weeknd, you'll likely be feeling Pluto in major ways, so watch out for compulsive and resentful thoughts and feelings. Remember: if you don’t like the game, don’t play. Where your attention goes, your energy flows. If your thoughts and actions aren’t constructive, you may need to pull back and reassess.

For a detailed breakdown of these transits, listen to episode 267 of Ghost of a Podcast here or wherever podcasts are heard. Transcripts are always available on my website!

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

This Full Moon in Capricorn may throw you for a loop. Power struggles and conflicts may come at you in ways that take you by surprise. Whether you need to be accountable for things you’ve done or you need to be self protective, the one thing you shouldn’t do now is lash out. Get more data before you make any major waves, as reacting defensively is likely to have the opposite impact of what you really want, Aries.

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You’ve got to restore and recharge this week, Taurus. If you’ve been pushing yourself too hard or taking on too much, it could actually detract from the positive potential in your life right now. And there is so much positive potential! In order for a plant to grow, it doesn’t only need sunlight; it also needs darkness. Be like a sun-seeking plant, and give yourself time to reboot this week.

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Knowing what you can and can’t do in a healthy way is central to successful adulting. This week, it’s not enough to know your limits; you’ve got to do the work to embody them. That may require you to rein yourself in or to put yourself out there more. Either way, it's foundational that you take ownership of how you participate, Twin Star. Don’t let your circumstances make you act defensively or against your best interests.

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The Full Moon in your relationship house on the 13th is meant to bring up intense emotions and dynamics for you this week. Instead of trying to preserve the peace or defend yourself, prioritize getting to the heart of the matter. Do your best to really listen to what others are saying and to authentically share whatever is up for you. If what you want is to be happy, you don’t need to prove yourself. Choose your battles wisely, Moonchild.

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It’s going to be easy to jump to conclusions this week, but it won’t help you at all. You're unlikely to have all the information that you need in order to make sense of things, and you're inclined to misinterpret what you do know. This is a recipe for things to get messy quickly! Take a metered approach to self-care and how you relate to others. A little patience will take you a long way, Leo.

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You’ve been laying the foundation for meaningful changes that have the potential to elevate your life. Even with all the chaos happening in the stars, there's still so much to support you in building value in your life, Virgo. The key this week is to remember to bring creativity and curiosity to the things that are important to you. While it may feel like some things are moving really fast, others need to move much more slowly. There’s no rush! Work with the flow of energy in your life, and trust that that’s enough.

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This week your boundaries are really important: your clarity around what they are, your ability to communicate them in a kind and clear way, and your ability to maintain them for yourself. Whether other people disappoint you or you yourself make errors, it’s okay! It’s all just information that can empower you for whatever comes next. It’s not always possible to protect your peace, but you do have agency around how you engage with others in balance with your own needs, Libra.

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Don’t lose sight of that which sparks joy within you! It’s true that you have very real problems to deal with, and it’s not clear what you should do. But it’s also true that you don’t quite know what you want. Instead of focusing on the action, go deeper, Scorpio. Reflect on what you truly want and need, and take note of your own internal blocks and obstacles. This won’t magically fix anything, but it will point you in the right direction when deciding your next best steps.

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The truth is true whether or not you want to deal with it. This week you may need to cultivate acceptance for something that is uncomfortable or that you wish were different. It’s important to remember that acceptance is not consent, it is only awareness. When you embrace the truth, you are better equipped to manage yourself and your life more smoothly, Sagittarius!

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On the 13th there will be a Full Moon in your sign, and this is a powerful time for getting emo, Capricorn. You don’t need to make any sudden moves or big changes, but it would be wise to get grounded and consider how the patterns in your life and your own behavior are connected to your past. By understanding the roots of your issues, you can more efficiently and effectively use your energy to make the most of wherever you’re at.

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If you can keep your attention affixed to what actually matters, you’ll make the best use of this week's energies. It may be tempting to take on too much or to burn your candle at both ends of the wick. The truth is that you can do it all, but you’re unlikely to be able to do it all well if you do it all at once. Strive to take a creative approach that can build upon itself. Center your priorities and pace yourself, Aquarius.

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This week is likely to find you dealing with a great deal of overload, which is no surprise given the chaotic nature of the transits. Don’t forget to center self-care when you’re feeling out of whack! This means setting some limits, giving yourself space to rest and recover, and staying aligned with your hopes, commitments, and goals. If things get messy, that’s okay; just don’t abandon yourself, Pisces.

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