Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


Hold onto your hats because this week delivers a very active horoscope!

On the 26th, two explosive and disruptive transits, Venus square to Uranus, and Sun square to Mars, are exact. Expect disruptions, curveballs, ego conflicts, and other difficult relationship dynamics. On the 27th of this week, we have a somewhat disruptive New Moon in Virgo. Finding ways to be adaptable in the  presence of upsets is the most effective way forward! This will require not losing track of yourself when you feel insecure or fearful. For best results this week, align with your values, and commit or recommit to engaging in ways that reflect those values.

To get a more detailed breakdown of this week's transit, listen to episode 273 of Ghost of a Podcast below, or read the transcripts here.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

You may be struggling with some pretty mixed feelings this week. You are expanding and finding new ways of being true to yourself, but things may also be feeling pretty rough. Life is messy! Instead of seeking perfection, strive to have healthy boundaries within yourself around how you hold onto and relate to your emotions. Start wherever you’re at right now, Aries.

It’s boundaries time, Taurus! If you’ve lost track of your needs and limits, you’re likely to be feeling overwhelmed and fearful this week. Instead of fixating on what could go wrong, identify where you’re at, what you need, and what needs doing. Some things are simply out of your control, and there may not be much you can do other than work to adjust your thoughts and feelings. Acceptance is the foundation to self-protection, my love.

Trust your instincts, Twin Star! This week the New Moon in Virgo is going to offer you just the right amount of destabilization, which may be exactly what you need to get you out of your own way. Remember to lead with your heart; this may mean that you need to have more empathy for others or for yourself. Everyone is struggling and doing their best, even if their best sucks. Take care of your own side of the street, and allow more space for others to do the same.


The New Moon on the 26th is an excellent time to set things right and find solutions that are innovative and effective. Resist the urge to act out of impulse this week. As strong as your emotions are, when you don't consider your feelings in the context of your personal history and current circumstances, you run the risk of labeling molehills as mountains. Get grounded so you can make the most of your gut instincts, Moonchild.

If you’re feeling blue, the best thing that you can do is sit with your feelings. If you try to ignore your emotions or push past them, you are likely to end up delaying your problems and making them even worse. The cultivation of inner peace does not mean the absence of upsetting emotions. What it means is that you are not attached to any one of them, and you're able to ride the ebbs and flows of your heart.


On the 26th, there will be a New Moon in your sign, making this an important time for setting intentions. You don’t need a whole plan worked out, and you don't need to get things perfect on the first try. Set yourself up for success by starting where you’re at. Get rid of judgments and assumptions so you can start from a place of grounded self-acceptance. Remember that working with your insides stabilizes your outsides, Virgo.

A little reflection will go a long way this week. Don’t let your ego get in the way of honesty with yourself and others, Libra. You may be feeling defensive or like you have to justify yourself, and if you're focusing on the negative, you’re less likely to be authentic. Give yourself the space that you need to get grounded, and determine what you’re thinking and what needs to be said.

Your anxieties are likely to be activated this week, and there’s a reason for it: you are emotionally taxed and exhausted. Instead of trying to evade your feelings or figure them out, prioritize self-care this week. Nurture yourself and be realistic about what you can handle, Scorpio. It might seem like this will slow things down, but trust me, it’s the quickest way forward.


Things do not need to go according to plan in order to be going in the right direction. This week your optimism and energy may be duking it out with your drive for answers and your desire for things to go according to plan. Be open to magic, Sagittarius. There’s no need to be in control as long as you’re being authentic and heartfelt in your approach to engaging with the unknown.


There’s a powerful difference between having healthy boundaries and being controlling. That said, it may be difficult to tell the difference between the two, especially when you’re not feeling grounded. This week it’s important that you take the time to slow down and make sure that you're not being defensive or controlling. Life is a collaboration, so seek to work with your circumstances instead of trying to get around them.

This is a bad time for indulging in your fears. If you have been avoiding decisions or you feel uncomfortable with the ones you have made, it’s time for you to sit with your feelings. When we try to course-correct out of fear, our efforts tend to be tinged with the very emotions we are trying to evade. Being the change you wish to see in your life takes time, intention, and care. Strive to bring all of these things to your approach this week, Aquarius.


If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to simplify what you can. Identify your top three priorities, and then identify your top three responsibilities. Do your best to make a dent in the latter, while honoring the former. You may need to reach out and ask others for support, and that’s all right. Don’t let short-term challenges get in the way of your long-term happiness, Pisces.