Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


Mercury goes direct on October 2nd! Yay! This marks the end of Mercury Retrograde season. Let us move more boldly forward with our plans!

This week involves a lot of Jupiter energy, which can bring luck, fun, and adventures! Conversely, It can also incline you to jump to conclusions, act without consideration, or generally overdo it. Pair your desire for fun and experiences with a little bit of thoughtful consideration this week.

For the details on this week’s horoscope, listen to episode 278 of Ghost of a Podcast below, or read the transcript here.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

When you want something to happen, it's hard for you to not push it into creation. This is not a bad thing, but it’s not always going to work. This week will take more subtlety and nurturance from you than you may be comfortable with. Do your best to collaborate with people and circumstances. Trying to push things so that you can take the most direct route is likely to cause more problems and delays than it’s worth this week.

Every ending is a beginning, and each beginning is also an ending. Open up to experiencing the never-ending cycle of how things develop and evolve. Now is the time to honor those things that you need to let go of by being honest about them; at the same time, embrace whatever beginnings are appearing in your life. This week, look to the fullness of your heart above the strategies of your head, Taurus.


Finding ways of standing in your power that aren’t defensive or offensive is a skill worth developing, Twin Star. This week, you may feel that the only way to manage your circumstances is by confronting others, but as the saying goes, you’re more likely to catch flies with honey than vinegar. Lead with kindness and patience, both towards yourself and the people you need to deal with. If you assume anything, you might as well assume the best in others.


When you have a handle on the big picture, it’s easier to bear little setbacks because you have the perspective to understand that each little thing doesn’t necessarily determine the outcome of your goals. Reconsider your approach to the ebb and flow of your emotions this week. Honor them without attachment, and in order to grow in the direction you desire most, be willing to change as much as necessary.


Choose your battles wisely, Leo. Consider the need for compromise before you get into it with others this week. You may feel really confident that things are meant to be a certain way, but you’re not in it alone. Do your best to listen to what others are telling you before you do anything rash. If your actions don’t reflect both your needs and your consideration of others, nobody is likely to feel that they’re getting what they need.

Things don’t need to be perfect to be moving in the right direction. In fact, the path to your best interest is often paved with unplanned detours and unexpected opportunities. Do your best to remain open when things don’t go your way this week. It’s easy to stress out about the little things, but it certainly doesn’t help you. Even if you aren’t confident about your conditions, have faith in yourself and your ability to navigate whatever comes up on your journey.


Investigating your worries from a place of fear isn’t likely to bring about reliable insights. Avoid the temptation to “get to the bottom of things” when it's motivated by paranoia or impatience. Let go of your attachment to getting things right or to things happening on a particular timeline. Do your best to be here now. Respond with honesty and openness to whatever it is that’s happening without trying to control it, Libra.


Resentments will do nothing to harm the people you’re upset with; all they do is eat at you. Take the time you need to reflect on the things that you’re holding onto and whether or not those things are serving you. Strive to free yourself of unnecessary burdens and to accept where you’re at now. From this place, you will be better equipped to be who you want to be and to go where you want to go. Living in the past hurts you the most, Scorpio.

Things are changing deeply for you, and it’s important to get your mindset right. Be bold as you explore what you may desire and how to hold the uncertainties of this moment. Over-thinking things or, conversely, being too impulsive (or both) will lead you astray this week. Reflect on the themes, things, and people you care most about, and nurture yourself in those directions.

You can collect all the things you want and achieve all of your goals, but if you’re not right with yourself, it’s unlikely to feel as good as you imagine it will, Capricorn. Challenge yourself to get vulnerable enough to acknowledge what it is that you really want. Focus more on how you want to feel instead of on the things that you believe will make you feel any particular way.

This week it’s important that you get grounded and take steps to stay grounded. You are going through a deep and profound inner change, and it’s going to take time to see what that means for you. You’re likely to be called on to take a leadership role or, at the very least, to act with chutzpah. Be the change you wish to see in your life, Aquarius, even if that means taking risks or stepping outside of your comfort zone.

This week, it’s wise to be a little self-protective, as as your head might not totally be in the game. That might mean you need to tighten up your boundaries, spend some extra time on self-care, or take a little extra time with what you’re doing. You don’t have to be functioning at 100% all the time, Pisces, but when you’re feeling off, it’s wise to be protective of the things you care about. Perform acts of service as a show of your love and investment, Pisces.