Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


This week starts with a pretty confronting Mercury square to Chiron that packs as much potential for sparking insight as it does for sparking drama. Luckily, by the 13th the support of the Sun sextile to Neptune will increase empathy, making it easier to understand where others are coming from and forgive if needed. 

For an in-depth and detailed breakdown of these transits and more, listen to episode 294 of Ghost of a Podcast below or wherever podcasts are heard. Read the transcript here.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

You may be struggling with anxiety this week as you feel confronted by what you don’t yet know. Instead of trying to get to the bottom of things, try to get curious. By being willing to explore your thoughts, feelings, and your situation, you will not only feel better but you'll also learn more. Don’t get so caught up in the details that you miss out on the big picture of your own development as well as your situation, Aries.

Listen to my 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!

Who are we kidding, nobody likes change less than you, but change is an inevitable part of life. Instead of digging in your heels in efforts to resist what’s happening, do your utmost to be flexible in the presence of obstacles. This means that you need to get curious and explore, even when your strongest instinct is to double down and protect your position. It’s a great moment to interrogate control issues and see where you can let go, Taurus.

Listen to my 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!

Don’t allow yourself to get so attached to your current narrative about what’s happening in your life that you miss out on your own potential to change it. You have the potential to meaningfully transform your attitude or circumstances this week. You have agency, Twin Star, and discontent can be a powerful motivator to use it. Just make sure that you are not only reacting to what you don’t like but also enacting what you want.

Listen to my 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!

As you set down new roots or maintain your existing foundations, you’ll inevitably have to contend with some things you don’t like, things you find confusing or that just feel stuck. While these things aren’t fun, they’re not necessarily bad either. How you relate to and engage with the stuff you don’t like is very important this week. You can either struggle against it or strive to learn from it. A subtle shift in perspective can lead to a massive shift in outcome, Moonchild.

 Listen to my 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!

You’re likely to be coping with some stressful relationship dynamics this week. It’s important that you approach others with an open heart, especially if you really don’t understand where they're coming from. Sometimes the simple act of listening, asking questions, and acknowledging another's perspective has a more healing impact than offering solutions does. Lead with your big, beautiful heart, Leo.

Listen to my 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!

This week, you’re likely to be struggling with scarcity, Virgo. This may be real or imagined, present, or projected into your future, but in any case, it's important that you don’t allow your coping strategies to be motivated by scarcity as well. Strive to find your yes and to let your love and hopefulness motivate what you do and how you do it. It’s not enough to fear ruin; you must also love yourself enough to create abundance.

Listen to my 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!

Instead of seeking “the answer“ or trying to force a resolution that isn’t ready to come, do your best to find what’s in alignment this week. When you're focused on integrity with yourself, it's much easier to be graceful about compromises when they’re needed and to be able to sit in the unknown when it’s inevitable. Say what you need to say, and try not to take it personally when others do the same; how you show up is foundational to what comes next, Libra.

 Listen to my 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!

Your relationships are likely to be in a state of flux this week, and it may be throwing you off your game. Take some time for yourself so that you can tap into what you're feeling and what you need, and to also create space to make sense of it all. Instead of trying to control or contain a situation before you fully understand it, aim to honor your vulnerabilities, desires, and needs within it.

Listen to my 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!

If you take the time to reflect on your past and learn from your experiences, you’re likely to be able to make the most of this week. There are relationship dynamics at play that are part of some deep patterns that have been weaving their way through your life for a long time. All you can do is identify the roles that you are playing—both consciously and unconsciously. Resist the urge to fixate on making things "work out.“ The real task is showing up with a whole heart.

 Listen to my 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!

As you come to the closure of some long-developing dynamics, it’s incumbent upon you to do your absolute best. This doesn’t mean proving yourself to others or grinding harder; it means reflecting enough upon your situation so that you can access your emotional, spiritual, and psychological truths. Don’t try to control matters. Instead, strive to stay connected to yourself as the conditions ebb and flow, Cappy Mi capitán. 

Listen to my 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!

If you find yourself struggling to accept your situation or circumstances, you’re likely to be feeling really stressed this week. You can’t change your past anymore than you can control your future, Aquarius. What you can do is show up in the here and now, and act in ways that are authentic and healthy. Let go of your need to control your life and relationships, and you’ll find that you have so much more energy to effectively co-create them.

 Listen to my 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!

Taking a stand does not have to be oppositional, but sometimes a little confrontation is unavoidable. Don’t allow fear of conflict to stop you from being forthcoming and clear, Pisces. You may not know exactly what you need or be perfectly clear about your situation, but you can clarify where you’re at and what you can and can’t do in a healthy way. Trust your gut, even if it leads you in unexpected directions.

 Listen to my 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!