Weekly Overview
On October 28th at 1:24 PM Pacific Time, there will be a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, the effects of which will be felt for the next six months. Expect big feelings, restlessness, and more intensity within you and all around you. You can read the transcript for episode 370 of my podcast or listen to the audio below to get the full breakdown on the astrology of this week. You can also purchase my class, The October Eclipses, a Humanistic Approach here.
There’s no perfect way of handling things, but since the eclipse is happening in your solar 2nd house, this is the time for you to try to be honest with yourself about what’s really happening inside of you. This will empower you to navigate the relationships and dynamics in your life in the best way, even though it may not be the quickest way. As potentially challenging as this is, sit with your emotions this week, Aries.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 28th is happening in your sign, and along with it is likely to come some deep emotions, identity issues, and the opportunity for you to cultivate greater self-possession. The key is to not be so entrenched in your habits, attitudes, and beliefs that you turn away from the opportunity to grow and evolve, Taurus. This is the time to change and be changed; avail yourself of it.
You are working through some really deep emotional terrain, and the best way to move through it is by making contact with your emotional integrity. The way that you navigate whatever comes up this week, especially on the 28th with the Lunar Eclipse, will reveal a great deal about your insides, Twin Star. Center kindness and empathy in how you relate to yourself and others, especially when you’re triggered this week.
Your ruling planet, the Moon, is back at it again, Cancer! On the 28th there will be an eclipse that will stir up deep emotions and a need for transformation so that you can come into better alignment with your values and convictions. To identify your most deeply held beliefs and emotional integrity, lean on friendship and community to support you through the process of working through your triggers this week.
As the saying goes, the truth shall set you free. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 28th is definitely going to stir things up in your life, and the key is to stay focused on what actually matters to you, Leo. It may be tempting to point fingers, assign blame, or degenerate into an anxious puddle this week, but the best thing that you can do is to focus your energy on what you value the most, and align your mental attention and actions with that.
The truth is true whether you want to accept it or not, Virgo. The Lunar Eclipse on the 28th is meant to help deepen your emotional maturity and evolution, which sounds great on paper, but it can be a little painful. It’s important to remember that as valuable as logic is, you can’t figure your way in or out of emotional integrity. Stop trying to determine the “right" answer, and do your best to figure out what is aligned for you this week.
This week's eclipse on the 28th is likely to have you either confronting the need to make a meaningful change or deciding to let go of something or someone, and it’s scary. The good news is that you have more than two options to choose between. When you find yourself believing that there are only two possible paths forward, you are likely in your survival mechanisms. Take a pause, and tend to a little self-care before you proceed. Don’t try to control outcomes, Libra; just align with what’s true for you.
On the 28th, the Lunar Eclipse, happening in your relationship house, is going to trigger some pretty deep emotions within you. You may find that your relationships become more intense and that tensions come to the surface. There is very little that you can control in this life other than your own responses to your reactions, your own behavior, and how you choose to engage in your life. Focus on that stuff, especially when you’re triggered, Scorpio.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 28th may have you all twisted up. This week you are meant to tap into the needs of your body, which means that you first have to get present within it. You might find yourself challenged by how difficult it is to stay present when your feelings are unpleasant. Let go of your attachment to how things should be, and tend to them as they are with patience and grace, Sagittarius.
You have major decisions to make this week. These aren't about what you do as much as they are about the energy and attitude with which you do what you do, Capricorn. The Eclipse on the 28th is meant to trigger your emotions and clarify your boundaries. Do your best to show up for whatever is happening in your life with care, consideration, and nuance. Don’t seek easy answers; this is the time for emotional complexity.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 28th is meant to stimulate your emotions, so if you find yourself in a state of mental anguish or obsessive thinking, know that it’s time to slow down, unplug, and tap into your feelings, not your ideas. The Eclipse will pull at your heart strings. Let go of your narratives and the belief that you can analyze your way out of your feelings and needs, Aquarius.
You may find yourself feeling really overwhelmed and like you don’t know what to do (if anything) this week. Do your best to sit with yourself—confusion, anxiety, discontent, all of it. It is by staying present with your emotions and thoughts that you can come to awareness and ownership of your own truth and needs, and therefore tend to your life appropriately. Loosen your grip on perfectionism, and open up to possibility, Pisces.