Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


The astrology of this very Mercury Retrograde week starts and ends with unpredictable energy. On the 20th, there will be an exact opposition between Venus and Uranus, sparking surprises in your relationships and potentially your finances. On the 22nd, the Sun forms an exact conjunction to Mercury Retrograde, and this can be a time in which your ideas and identity come together in a meaningful way. It can also be a time when you double down on your perspective. The key is to be curious and adaptable, as this will help you to grow. 

By week's end, we'll have a Full Moon in Cancer on December 26th as well as an anxiety-producing square between Mercury Retrograde and Neptune. This is the last Full Moon of 2023 and an important time to strive for emotional presence. Let go of whatever you’re holding onto that is ultimately holding you back.

As always, you can listen to the week's horoscope on my weekly podcast below, or read the transcript here.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

Change is neither good nor bad; it is an inevitable part of living. As we come closer to the end of the year, this is a very powerful time to consider how you have allowed the things that you love to change you, Aries. You are at a place where you need to redirect your attention, and it will take true bravery to point yourself in the direction of what you love the very most rather than what has the most momentum—but it is totally worth it.

Join me on Saturday, December 30th for a look into the astrology of next year with Constellations & Crystals: Tools for 2024

Letting go of the past is hard, but it’s often what you need in order to step into your future unencumbered. This week you may find yourself wrestling with your attachments to the way things once were or how you wish them to be. Instead of bullying yourself or others or doubling down and digging in your heels, explore the possibilities. When you can’t have definitive answers, it’s valuable to explore the pathways before you, Taurus.

Join me on Saturday, December 30th for a look into the astrology of next year with Constellations & Crystals: Tools for 2024


When you take a leap of faith, you must open wide your hands and your heart, Twin Star. This isn’t the time for you to be attached to the way things were or to look for evidence of how they will be. Instead, be brave and willing to do and perceive things differently. It’s normal to feel anxiety when you are stepping into the unknown, but you shouldn’t let it slow you down or stop you this week.

Join me on Saturday, December 30th for a look into the astrology of next year with Constellations & Crystals: Tools for 2024

With a Full Moon in your sign on December 26th, this is bound to be a really emotional week for you. The question to be asking yourself is, what do I want to let go of and what has already left me? This isn’t the time to seek to control, contain, or direct your life. Instead, do your best to get present with where things are at so that you can position yourself in the most emotionally honest and healthy way in deference to that.

Join me on Saturday, December 30th for a look into the astrology of next year with Constellations & Crystals: Tools for 2024

This week, it is wise for you to be as methodical, thoughtful, and intentional as you can be. You’re likely to feel like you’re running out of time or that you need to power through, but if you push yourself too far too fast, you may feel burnt out with still too much on your plate. Align yourself with the things that you value, Leo. This week, bring your attention and prioritize your energy around people and things that mean the most to you.

Join me on Saturday, December 30th for a look into the astrology of next year with Constellations & Crystals: Tools for 2024


You’re likely to be dealing with a fair amount of anxiety this week, and I’m here to tell you that it’s not a sign that things are terribly wrong. It’s a sign that you're burnt out. Do your best to reconnect with yourself, and cultivate your resiliency. This may mean you need to talk to a therapist or a bestie, or you may need to take more naps or drink more water. Don't invest your precious energy in believing the worst or obsessing on the things that stress you out the most.

Join me on Saturday, December 30th for a look into the astrology of next year with Constellations & Crystals: Tools for 2024

It’s time to let go, Libra. It’s not that there’s a rush or that you need to defend yourself against something. It’s simply time. Prioritize slowing down and tuning in to your emotions this week. Get and remain present with where you’re at. You may need to clear the decks in order to properly access your truest emotions. This will empower you to tend to your needs instead of indulging your defenses and knee-jerk reactions.

Join me on Saturday, December 30th for a look into the astrology of next year with Constellations & Crystals: Tools for 2024

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or frustrated this week, you’re in good company. Emotions are running high, and Mercury is in its full retrograde swing. The key is to get present and grounded so that you can best show up for and address whatever is going on with you, Scorpio. If you allow yourself to react without proper consideration, you’re unlikely to improve your situation.

Join me on Saturday, December 30th for a look into the astrology of next year with Constellations & Crystals: Tools for 2024 

You have so much to be grateful for, Sagittarius, but that doesn’t mean that everything is where you would like it to be in your life and your circumstances. Now is the time to be the change that you want to see in your life. You don’t need to wait for everything to be ready before you make the internal adjustments that you need. Prioritize self-care as a foundation to showing up for the people and situations you care about.

Join me on Saturday, December 30th for a look into the astrology of next year with Constellations & Crystals: Tools for 2024


As you move through meaningful emotional terrain, you’re likely to touch into some tender spots. Do your best to prioritize the truth over your immediate comfort, Capricorn. We enter into Capricorn season this week, and it is an excellent time to get grounded and present with both the beginnings and the endings that are activated in your life. Show up for both with an open heart, even when it's painful.

Join me on Saturday, December 30th for a look into the astrology of next year with Constellations & Crystals: Tools for 2024

If you’re not only open to things changing but you're also open to being an active participant in the exploration of what's possible, then things will go much more smoothly for you, Aquarius. Remember that no Aquarius is an island; you need others to help you co-create your vision for the future, whether that's in your relationships, at work, or in the world. Make sure to include others in your plans, no matter what stage of development they’re at this week.

Join me on Saturday, December 30th for a look into the astrology of next year with Constellations & Crystals: Tools for 2024

While your ruling planet, Neptune, kicks up anxiety for us all this week, you are likely to be feeling particularly sensitive. Do your best to identify and maintain healthy boundaries in your self-talk and with the people you let in your life. What have you taken on that is not yours? The more clear you are about where you begin and end, the more effective you can be in your own life now and moving forward, Pisces.

Join me on Saturday, December 30th for a look into the astrology of next year with Constellations & Crystals: Tools for 2024