Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


Love is on everyone’s mind this week, and the stars seem poised to make that as complicated as possible!

On the 10th Mercury and Pluto meet to intensify thinking and communications. This makes it a pretty bad time for serious conversations! This transit inclines these types of conversations to become riddled with triggers and complexities that obscure the real issues. 

The big news is that we will be feeling a Venus conjunction to Neptune on Valentine’s Day. This means that romance will be in the air, but so will anxiety, the risk of idealizing others, experiencing loneliness, and other activating interpersonal and romantic mishaps. This transit has the power to put us in touch with the potential of love but also the need for boundaries. Whatever you do, don’t give up common sense and basic self-care in the name of love.

For a more detailed breakdown of this week's astrology, listen to episode 298 of Ghost of a Podcast below, or read the transcript here ❤️.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

Make sure to put your money where your mouth is, Aries. Things may not be perfect, but if you know what you want, it’s incumbent upon you to go for it. This week you may have to face some hard truths, but this only serves to help you on your path to greater satisfaction and engagement in your life. Act motivated by love; whether that means you rush towards or away from a person or thing, it’s totally worth it.

Listen to the 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here! 



While you may be feeling some uncertainty and anxiety, it’s not wise to act or react from that place. Do your best to slow down and reflect on the patterns at play in your life. How have you been participating? And what can you learn about your choices and your actions by reflecting on that? Prioritize self-awareness instead of certainty or outcomes this week, Taurus.

Listen to the 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here! 



You can’t please all the people all the time, but you can make every effort to ensure that your actions are aligned with your word as well as your ethics. Strive to lead with your heart this week, Twin Star. Honor what you feel, without losing track of what you said and what you care about. You don’t need to get it perfect; you just need to keep on showing up, and be right with yourself as you do.

Listen to the 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here! 


The more emotional the relationship, the harder it can be. This week you may find yourself feeling particularly fearful and fixated on what could go wrong, thanks to a Mercury-Pluto conjunction in your relationship house. While you may not be able to stop your thoughts from veering in that direction, you can make an effort to put just as much energy into what could go right. If you’re going to obsess, do it from a positive perspective as much as possible.

Listen to the 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here! 



It’s hard being vulnerable, and if you get uncomfortable enough with it, you may find yourself caught up in defensive obsessions or in trying to make others seem small because that’s how you feel. The foundation to having love in your life starts with you, Leo. Strive to have healthy boundaries with yourself, and trust that how others respond to them is largely about them. Lean in to what’s true this week.

Listen to the 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here! 



Sometimes the people in your life need you to just listen. It may feel like you’re being supportive when you offer advice or guidance, and oftentimes you are! But it’s wise to always ask first because the act of bearing witness and truly listening can be all the care that your loved one needs. This week, don’t be so quick to find solutions, and don't forget that your relationships are a collaboration, Virgo.

Listen to the 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here! 



The astrology of this week is likely to have you feeling pretty overwhelmed. Do your best to focus on your own thoughts and feelings instead of trying to divine where others are at. Strive to be intentional about what you say and how you say it as well as what you do and the motivations behind it. This will require that you act with care rather than react in panic. It’ll take a bit of bravery, but you’ve got this, Libra.

Listen to the 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here! 


It may not be possible to live life without stress, anxiety or problems, but it is possible to take a healthy approach to these things. When life hands you lemons, your relationship to yourself doesn’t have to suffer. This week your attitude is all-important, Scorpio. Acknowledge your fears, but keep a positive attitude. Pour love and hope into the things that challenge you most this week.

Listen to the 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here! 


Obsessing on all possible outcomes is not helpful, Sagittarius. It’s time to slow down, and reflect on where you’re at, how you got here, what you have to offer, and what you need. If you can cultivate more clarity, you’ll be able to find a flow that works for you. You may need to take a risk and trust your instincts, and the best way to empower yourself to do that is by clearing the worries from the forefront of your mind.

Listen to the 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here! 


You may be feeling sad or stressed this week with the Mercury conjunction to Pluto in your sign. This transit is likely to have you in a pensive or negative frame of mind, and the best way to cope with it is by getting grounded and intentional. There may be things going on in your life that you're not happy with, but there is likely something you can do about it. Strive to find constructive ways of engaging with and approaching whatever needs your care and attention, Capricorn.

Listen to the 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here! 



It’s important that you have patience, Aquarius. This doesn’t mean that you have to sit on your hands and wait for things to happen. What it means is that your enthusiasm and vision for what can be needs to be applied to what is in the present moment. The future is built upon how you engage in the here and now, and it is time for you to bring as much decisive energy into the present as you can. Embrace joy.

Listen to the 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here! 



By Valentine’s Day, the effects of the Venus-Neptune conjunction in your sign are going to be very strong. This means that you are likely to be in a very romantic frame of mind (for better or worse). Do your best to be accepting of yourself and others so that you don't experience too much disappointment or fantasy about what’s happening between you and others. This may be a somewhat tricky emotional process, but on the other side of it is the truth, and there is so much freedom in that.

Listen to the 2023 Year Ahead Forecast (or read the transcript) here!