Weekly Overview
The astrology of this week is transformational! On the 19th there will be a New Moon in Taurus, marking this as a powerful time for setting intentions and clarifying your vision for where and in what to invest your energy and resources.
But the headline news for this week is that Mars and Pluto will form an exact opposition to each other, and they will both form an exact square to Jupiter. These three transits will have a powerful impact on you, me, and the world around us. The potential is here for meaningful transformation of old ways of existing, including how you feel in your body, how your ego presents, and your sexuality. It can also be a time in which you find yourself motivated by pressing and compulsive emotions or embroiled in power struggles. Do your best to honor what you know to be right, and take a beat with your strongest and most compelling emotions. Those drives may create more problems than they solve. If you’re going to fight, fight for something. If you’re going to struggle, struggle to heal. For a more detailed explanation of what to expect from these transits and the New Moon, listen to episode 324 of Ghost of a Podcast below, or read the transcript here.
If you feel anxious or overwhelmed by what you don’t yet understand, it’s important that you slow down and get curious about what’s motivating those thoughts and feelings. You are at risk of trying to power through things that actually need your slow care and undivided attention this week, Aries. Don’t allow challenging emotions to stop you from exploring what’s underneath them because that’s where understanding and peace lives.
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This week it’s wise to be protective to the relationships and things that you care most about. Take the time you need to assess what’s important and valuable to you, and make sure that your actions reflect those things. Other people's opinions are good information to take in, but it’s important that you consider the source. At the end of the day, you need to live with your own choices, so honor your heart and your gut, Taurus!
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You have such creative potential! It’s in your best interest to get out of your own way so that you can make the most of it, Twin Star. This week, you may find yourself frustrated by various things, but it’s important that you stop and ask yourself what is truly important. Don’t give your precious energy to things and people that don’t deserve it. How you approach what you do is just as important as the things you actively engage in, Twin Star.
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Do your best to show up for your anxieties so that you can decode what's helpful and distinguish it from what's just fear. For that which you determine to be of great importance, make a simple three-point to-do list for this week. You have so much going for you and so much to be grateful for. Don’t let the things that are out of your control upend the beauty and potential in your life, Moonchild.
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This week, you’re moving through some really deep emotional terrain, and it may be a bit of a landmine, Leo. Instead of trying to avoid drama, do your best to get deep into your own healing and transformation, even when it’s messy. Sometimes the things that are the most life-affirming are also scary or hard, so make sure you look beneath the surface as you assess the best place to apply your formidable energy.
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You are the person most responsible for clarifying and respecting your boundaries. Now that your ruling planet, Mercury, is no longer retrograde, it’s important that you return to the basics and clarify your needs, capacity, and limits. Make sure that you are communicating them clearly with others. Once that’s done, it’s important to affirm and reaffirm that you are honoring that self-awareness, even when others can’t, won’t, or just don’t.
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As you change, you're likely to run into interpersonal stumbling blocks. If you need to redefine expectations in your relationships, that’s not a bad thing, even though it may be uncomfortable. Do your best to show up for intimidating conversations this week with both a gentle touch and a willingness to change. Whether it's in your relationship to yourself or others, being authentic is the most supportive way of showing up, Libra.
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If you allow yourself to be defined by other people or your assumptions about their perspectives, you’re unlikely to have a lot of peace. Pull back, and take care of your emotions this week, Scorpio. If you don’t, you’re likely to be feeling really overwhelmed and pulled in too many directions. It's difficult to know what’s real in that situation. Having healthy emotional boundaries will help you remember who you are.
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If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry, you’re not alone. This week, you’re likely to be dealing not just with complex situations but a lot of imperfect options as well. Do yourself a favor—don’t look for perfect solutions because they are likely not available right now. Instead, trust your gut, and make decisions that reflect what is healthiest and most security for your heart.
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You can at times waste a lot of energy focusing on things that are out of your control or antithetical to actually making progress. While fear often has a great deal to teach you, this week it’s wise to focus on your greatest hopes and aspirations instead of your concerns about obstructions. This is a wise time for cultivating collaborations or coalitions that help you to not only achieve your aims but to feel good about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.
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If you’re unclear about what you want for your life or you don’t have a vision for what comes next, now is the time to attend to those things. Sometimes problems hold us back, but this week the problems you’re facing are pointing you towards what needs more attention. Don’t allow your pride to stop you from exploring what’s possible, even if that means changing course, Aquarius.
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The energy out here is wild this week, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s not for nothing. It is, however, time to call in some boundaries and get grounded. You may have to accept things that you do not like, but it’s important to remember that acceptance is not consent; it’s simply awareness. From that place, you can nurture and support yourself, and you can tend to the things that you care about, Pisces.
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