Weekly Overview
How you steward your energy has a profound reflection on you. When things get complicated or challenging, it's time to show up with the greatest amount of intention and care. This week's astrology is all over the place as we will be experiencing an overlap of Mercury square to Neptune and Mars square to Uranus. This combination is likely to kick up anxieties and impulsiveness—not a great combination. Do your best to act in ways that reflect your wisdom, not your most paranoid or defensive inclinations.
As always, if you want more details about this week in the stars, listen to my weekly astrology and advice show below, or read the transcript here.
Sometimes there’s a difference between your truth and the truth, and being humble enough to know it is so important. If you find yourself projecting your worldview or perspective onto others this week, it’s likely to get you into some hot water. Do your best to ask questions and really listen to the answers that people give you, Aries. Sometimes two people can have a radically different experience of the same situation. Having empathy for others doesn't negate your experience.
Deepen your astro-knowledge with my book, Astrology for Real Relationships—available here!
This week is a good one for grounded reflection. Take some time to think back on the path you've traveled in recent months and the recognizable patterns that have been playing themselves out in your life. By doing this, you will not only get present, but you will be able to see how your own participation is or is not in concert with your needs. Make well-informed adjustments and take heartfelt risks this week, Taurus.
Deepen your astro-knowledge with my book, Astrology for Real Relationships—available here!
Sometimes, the very things that hurt the most point you towards greatness. If you are willing and able to explore your own reactions to determine what they say about you, you will be able to come up with a coping mechanism that doesn’t just help your situation but also improves your life. Don’t waste your energy fixating on what other people are or aren’t feeling, thinking, or doing. Focus on your own homework this week, Twin Star.
Deepen your astro-knowledge with my book, Astrology for Real Relationships—available here!
You may be feeling really restless and eager to make changes this week, but anything worth doing is worth doing well. Strive to cultivate a sense of stability within yourself by getting grounded and aligning with your values and guiding principles. By doing this, it’s more likely that you will act in ways that reflect your best intentions instead of your most impatient impulses, Moonchild.
Deepen your astro-knowledge with my book, Astrology for Real Relationships—available here!
Sometimes you need to fight, and that’s just real. The key is to make sure that you’re fighting for something and not only against something or someone. Don’t allow your defensiveness or pride to compel you to act out, especially if it’s at the expense of authenticity. As vulnerable as it may feel, slow down, get right with your ambitions, and clarify your next moves from there.
Deepen your astro-knowledge with my book, Astrology for Real Relationships—available here!
It’s time to get real without getting critical, Virgo. You may find yourself worried about real or potential scarcities, how things are going to turn out, or just plain old failing. While it’s good to be concerned with 3-D reality, conflating these things with fear creates confusion, and it becomes really hard to grow when you are simply shutting down and holding back. For best results, nurture yourself through your concerns this week.
Deepen your astro-knowledge with my book, Astrology for Real Relationships—available here!
As you find new ways of asserting yourself and pushing your goals and dreams forward, it’s important that you leave room for the complexity of your relationships, Libra. This means making space for others' emotions as they adjust to whatever changes that you’re trying to enact in your life. You don’t need to be or do less, but it is important that you make space for others in your plans and process.
Deepen your astro-knowledge with my book, Astrology for Real Relationships—available here!
When you feel bad, it’s tempting to want to blame yourself or others as a way to explain away or distract from bad feelings. This isn’t necessarily the worst thing in the world, but on the heels of this, it can be very tempting to start to believe that your narrative is the truth and to cease all further investigation. Don’t be in such a rush to feel better this week that you gloss over why you feel bad to begin with, Scorpio.
Deepen your astro-knowledge with my book, Astrology for Real Relationships—available here!
Things are changing, and it’s likely to feel pretty chaotic for you, Sagittarius. Strive to cultivate some cushioning or space for yourself so that you can sort through the thoughts and feelings that are overwhelming you. This is not a time for trying to control or contain conditions in your life. Instead, clarify your wants and needs as informed by both your past experiences and your values in the present.
Deepen your astro-knowledge with my book, Astrology for Real Relationships—available here!
This week, it’s essential that you align with your truth. That doesn’t mean it's time to make decisions or proclamations based on it. Essentially, you are in a position to do meaningful inner work, but it will take your willingness to be in conversation with yourself—while not quickly converting your discovery into projects or tasks that need to be done. Your inner life is the foundation to your vitality; cultivate it this week, Capricorn.
Deepen your astro-knowledge with my book, Astrology for Real Relationships—available here!
If you allow your anxieties to guide you, you’ll be missing out on some pretty meaningful opportunities this week. You’re moving through some brambly emotional terrain, and it’s likely to be uncomfortable at the very least. Do your best to navigate that discomfort and to tap into your feelings because your emotions and your integrity are connected, Aquarius. Pair your vision for the future with acceptance of your present.
Deepen your astro-knowledge with my book, Astrology for Real Relationships—available here!
The truth of the matter is that if you never have arguments or conflicts arise in your intimate relationships, it’s unlikely that both parties are being consistently honest. Nobody likes to have interpersonal drama, but it is an inevitable and necessary part of navigating the complexities of being close with people. Even if you feel really sad, continue to rise to the occasion and promote healing in your relationships, Pisces.
Deepen your astro-knowledge with my book, Astrology for Real Relationships—available here!