Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


On August 3rd,  Mercury enters into its retroshade period, while Venus continues to retrograde in Leo throughout the month. There is nothing to fear from the retrogrades! Instead, understand that the month of August is a time for reflection. Consider all of the ramifications of your choices; ask for council and advice from trusted sources when you have to make agreements. When in doubt, return to your values and deeply held beliefs. In a world that demands constant external progress, give yourself and others permission to tend to your inner life. Acknowledge what is, explore what’s possible, while honor your right to not always be growing and achieving in ways that others can see.

Make sure to listen to episode 346 of my weekly Astrology and Advice show below, or to read the transcript, go here. 

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

When things don’t go your way, it’s easy to assume the worst. That's not a wise move this week. Your ability to be emotionally adaptive in trying situations is being tested, Aries. Be willing to adjust your expectations, or at the very least, don't allow self-defeating narratives to make things worse than they are. You may not have what you want in this moment, but that's no indication that you won’t get it. Be patient and stay the course.

Last chance to join me & adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor on August 6th for a virtual gathering, to discuss how astrology, liberation, and spirituality might help us find our way through these apocalyptic times!

You may be feeling stagnant or emotionally exhausted in the presence of others this week. If that’s the case, it’s a sign that you need to be spending some quality time with the Taurus inside (that’s you!). Sometimes the best way to invest in your relationships with others is by taking a step back from them and doing some mindful inner work on yourself. Resist the urge to people-please at your own expense, and you will, paradoxically, be investing the best parts of yourself into your relationships, Taurus.

Last chance to join me & adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor on August 6th for a virtual gathering, to discuss how astrology, liberation, and spirituality might help us find our way through these apocalyptic times!

It’s important that you stop looking outside of yourself for answers. Start trusting the wisdom you possess. This week, your ruling planet steps into its retroshade, and it’s a tiny nudge to go within. It’s time to trust in your own capacity, energy, and ability to turn past experiences into present inspiration and resourcefulness. Choose your mentors and inspiration with care, as this is ultimately a time when you are meant to rely on yourself, Twin Star.

Last chance to join me & adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor on August 6th for a virtual gathering, to discuss how astrology, liberation, and spirituality might help us find our way through these apocalyptic times!

If you find yourself obsessing or fixating on your fears, the way to combat that this week is by taking small but sustainable steps to materially improve your situation. While you can’t control how you feel or what happens to you or anyone else, you can do your best to stay centered in your own most resilient and aligned energies. Don’t let what ifs detract from what could be. A shift in attitude can go a long way in creating just the shift in circumstance that you need, Moonchild.

Last chance to join me & adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor on August 6th for a virtual gathering, to discuss how astrology, liberation, and spirituality might help us find our way through these apocalyptic times!

Venus retrograding through your sign is meant to rattle your foundations, so if you've already been feeling it, you’re right on time. Any relationships, investments, and projects that don’t reflect your values are likely to be more uncomfortable this week. As unpleasant as this may be, it’s also extremely helpful! It points you towards what needs attention and care. Embrace some short-term discomfort in order to grow your big-picture happiness, Leo.

Last chance to join me & adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor on August 6th for a virtual gathering, to discuss how astrology, liberation, and spirituality might help us find our way through these apocalyptic times!

It’s time to transform your attachments to control, Virgo. There’s no amount of figuring and analyzing that will give you control over your emotions, other people, or your circumstances. Feeling uncomfortable and unsure is simply part of the human experience. Do your best to spend some time sitting with the unknown and tending to whatever emotions come up for you. It will help you to gain more confidence and authority in feeling how you feel.

Last chance to join me & adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor on August 6th for a virtual gathering, to discuss how astrology, liberation, and spirituality might help us find our way through these apocalyptic times!

If you’re feeling frustrated, like you can’t get ahead or like people and situations are trying to block your progress, it’s important that you don’t act out. Create some space in your life where you can sit with your emotions so that you can better understand what’s really got you agitated. If you allow yourself to act out, passively or aggressively, you’ll find that you create more drama than you solve. Just give yourself the space you need, Libra.

Last chance to join me & adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor on August 6th for a virtual gathering, to discuss how astrology, liberation, and spirituality might help us find our way through these apocalyptic times!


You’ve got to let go of control, Scorpio. What happens next, how people act or react, and even your own moods—these are not under your control. If you can accept what you cannot change, you will have more energy to focus on what you can. It’s hard to admit that you are standing in the way of your own happiness, but there’s so much freedom in doing so. This week, get real with yourself so you can get free.

Last chance to join me & adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor on August 6th for a virtual gathering, to discuss how astrology, liberation, and spirituality might help us find our way through these apocalyptic times!

This week, it’s important that you focus on self-love, not to the exclusion of caring for others but as a reinforcement of a healthy foundation within yourself. Whether you struggle with self-esteem or you are your own BFF, it’s important that you find and express gratitude for the parts of yourself that you genuinely love. This will not only help you feel good, but it will bolster your ability to cope with whatever comes, Sagittarius.

Last chance to join me & adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor on August 6th for a virtual gathering, to discuss how astrology, liberation, and spirituality might help us find our way through these apocalyptic times!

As your circumstances change, you have the opportunity to rise to the occasion and adapt. Whether that means going with the flow or fighting it, your capacity to respond with intention is one that you should lean into this week. Be willing to engage in heartfelt ways that reflect what is not only true for you in the moment but possible for you to grow into in the future. This is the time to act with emotional maturity, Capricorn.

Last chance to join me & adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor on August 6th for a virtual gathering, to discuss how astrology, liberation, and spirituality might help us find our way through these apocalyptic times!

It’s time to shift the load you’ve been carrying so that you can keep it up, Aquarius. Tap into your vulnerability because as uncomfortable as it might be, this is where you’ll find your empathy and wisdom. It’s time for you to be more intentional about how and where you invest your time and energy. The more compassionate self-awareness you have, the better you’ll be able to do what needs to be done.

Last chance to join me & adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor on August 6th for a virtual gathering, to discuss how astrology, liberation, and spirituality might help us find our way through these apocalyptic times!


It's important to have clarity about what’s most important, and within that, to have clarity around what values should guide and protect those things. Otherwise, it’s easy to get thrown off course. This week, other people or circumstances may have you second-guessing yourself. To reflect on your situation and ask questions is healthy. To allow others to undermine you is another story. Don’t forget to practice healthy boundaries when you need them most, Pisces.

Last chance to join me & adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor on August 6th for a virtual gathering, to discuss how astrology, liberation, and spirituality might help us find our way through these apocalyptic times!