Weekly Overview
On January 25th, we will have a very intense full moon in Leo, exact at 9:54 AM Pacific time. Resentments, passions, jealousy, and other touchy emotions are likely to come up as Pluto is sitting on top of the Sun and opposite to the Moon. Do your best to be mindful about what you give your attention to so that you can feed only what you wish to grow this Full Moon. Get in-depth details on what to expect on episode 396 of my twice-weekly astrology show, Ghost of a Podcast. You can listen to it below or wherever podcasts are heard, and if you prefer to read, the transcript is right here.
The ways that you are changing are deep and at times disorienting. You’re letting go of ideas that you truly believed in and exploring possibilities that you would’ve never considered before. This is likely to be both exciting and fear-provoking, and that can be stabilizing at best. Don't seek answers this week, Aries; seek confidence in your own inner strength so that you can resource it when stresses run high.
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This week's Full Moon in Leo is going to bring up some difficult emotions, and as unpleasant as that is, it’s important that you don’t turn away from your own feelings. Do your best to show yourself some patience and kindness, Taurus, as you sort through disappointments. You are moving into new emotional territory, and it is far better for you to let go of what no longer serves you than to hold on to your habits.
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It's really important that you focus on your own internal workings: how you feel, your relationship to your intuition, where you place your energy, and how it all settles on the surface. If you don’t do this self-reflective work, you run the risk of projecting your frustrations onto people and situations because you’re feeling off within yourself, Twin Star. Adjust your attitude and perspective before you try to make material changes this week.
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This week's Full Moon is stirring the pot in a really big way, and your ruling planet, the Moon, is likely to have you super activated. How you engage with, hold, and respond to your triggered feelings and thoughts is the most important thing to concern yourself with, Moonchild. You may not be able to move the needle, but you can achieve greater self-awareness that will lead to much-needed growth.
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Sometimes you need to let go of your narrative, release attachments, and stop trying to control things. On the 25th, there will be a powerful Full Moon in your sign, and it is meant to trigger big emotions and even bigger transformation. This isn’t the time for you to make things happen or to seek control. Instead, be open to explore what’s happening within you so that you can assess what needs to shift and where you need to double down.
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You don’t need to prove yourself, Virgo! This week, you may be feeling pretty stressed out. You may find yourself fixated on what isn’t working or what you don’t yet have. The truth is that where you focus your attention and energy is exactly what you’re investing in, and what you invest in is what’s most likely to grow. Resist the urge to fixate on things that are out of your control and not particularly helpful this week.
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Your relationships are incredibly important to you; everybody knows that, and this week it’s important that you take yourself and others off of any pedestals you may have constructed so that you can realistically deal. There are inevitably going to be easy and more challenging things in your connections with others. Do your best to identify and value what’s working, and then identify and sit with what isn’t. This will lay the foundation for being able to make some much-needed improvements.
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You are going through some really deep transformations, and the greatest gift you can give yourself is that of patience and proper timing. Don’t be in such a rush to figure things out or get to the finish line that you miss out on the process, Scorpio. No matter what it seems like, the work before you is an inside job. Make sure that your motivations and attitudes reflect your best parts instead of your pushiest parts.
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There’s nothing a Sagittarius hates more than feeling stuck or blocked, but you may just be dealing with those emotions this week. Do your best to be curious about your own impulses and emotions. Explore what triggers them and how you know that you’re feeling what you feel. By investigating your insides instead of getting attached to your circumstances, you will have a more expansive experience. Take a break from the action, and seek stillness while you explore.
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You may be feeling restless and in a rush to find a fix, or at least a distraction, from what’s happening; but that's not likely to work out well for you. Prioritize letting go of distractions, and turn towards cultivating inner-clarity this week. This will require you to focus your attention inward instead of chasing down ideas and solutions externally. Getting right with yourself lays the foundation for getting right with your circumstances, Capricorn.
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If you fight your emotions before trying to experience and express them, you’re likely to create some drama in your life. This week's Full Moon is meant to trigger you in powerful ways, and how you respond to your reactions is of the utmost importance. Beware of the battles you take on and your motivations for doing so, and take special care to seek the truth instead of justification, Aquarius.
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Life is not meant to be a performance. If you allow yourself to fixate on what other people think about you or spend your time constructing theories about that, then you’re likely to experience a great deal of anxiety this week. Get connected to how you feel about yourself, Pisces. Give yourself the gift of being willing to experience contradicting emotions and thoughts. In this way, you’ll be able to experience the freedom of your own truth.
Listen to my 2024 Year Ahead Horoscope here !