Weekly Overview
Love Lanyadoo Astrology
On July 21st, we will have a transformational and provocative Full Moon in Capricorn—the second Full Moon in Capricorn of the summer. Pay close attention to what was happening within and around you on June 21st, as you are likely to experience a continuation of those same themes. This Full Moon involves Pluto very heavily, and because of this, it’s important that you acknowledge your triggers to make sure that you don’t bring unnecessary pain and drama to your current situation. The potential for healing and emotional growth is great, but it will require profound emotional accountability, maturity, and a willingness to develop the right relationship to power. These are very challenging themes, but valuable ones to work with and on. To learn more about this Full Moon and the astrology of this week, listen to episode 448 of my twice-weekly astrology podcast linked below, or listen to it wherever podcasts are heard.
You are in an intense process of stepping into your power and it’s a beautiful thing. Within this, you are bumping up against boundaries in both graceful and pretty clumsy ways. When you overstep or come on too strong, the way to handle it is simple (if not challenging): just say you’re sorry. True leadership and strength encompass the ability to be humble, to ask for help, and to honor all of your emotions, including the most sticky ones, Aries.
This Full Moon on the 21st marks a fertile time for you, Taurus. You are able to let go of habits or even identities that you have been holding onto, even though they no longer serve you. While really big change is possible this week, you may find yourself digging in your heels or fixating on what can go wrong instead of aligning with what’s authentic for you and embracing change. Be brave and willing to honor what’s possible instead of falling back into what’s probable.
You’re likely to find yourself in a paradoxical place this week where you need to let go in order to hold on. There’s a major shift brewing within you, and the best way to greet it is by consciously confronting your fears. Instead of trying to control your feelings or circumstances, tend to your emotions so that your behavior can better reflect what is true for you. This is a powerful time to honor the truth of your heart, Twin Star.
The Full Moon in Capricorn in your relationship house on the 21st will inevitably challenge your connections to others or bring up dynamics and emotions that desperately need your attention. Don’t allow fear or insecurity to rob you of this moment for deep healing, Moonchild. Note the patterns that you find yourself playing, and if they don’t serve you or your relationships, take this time to shift the script and show up in new, more authentic ways.
This is not a time for you to build a fortress or an empire, Leo—you don’t need more walls in your life. Instead, it is a time when you are invited to build solid bridges so that you may get where you intend to go. Pour your energy and attention into the present, encompassing your dreams, hopes and goals, so that your clarity is embodied and heartfelt instead of defensive and reactionary, Leo.
The Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st will bring with it the exact energies that you need to make some much-needed change, Virgo. You have been building foundations and doing the inner work, and now it’s time to let go and shift from preparation to creating forward-moving momentum. Luckily, you don’t need to do this alone; enlist the support and insight of the people that you trust. Your biggest successes will come from collaborative engagement this week.
If you are trying to figure out what other people think, what’s going to happen next, what you “should” do, or are otherwise fixated on seeking answers outside of yourself—you’re likely to be pretty out of sorts. You have one job and that is to figure out what your truth is in this moment, Libra. What is it that you believe? What can you stand on? What have you promised and how have you honored your word? These are the things that most deserve your attention this week.
Your ruling planet, Pluto, is heavily involved with the Full Moon on the 21st and it’s likely to have you feeling pretty activated and overwhelmed. It’s really vulnerable to be honest with yourself about what you’re feeling when part of what you’re feeling is so unsure about both your present and your future. Developing the ability to stay present with the unknown and the unknowable is a power that has many returns. Do your best to stay emotionally present this week, Scorpio.
The Full Moon on the 21st is likely to upset your equilibrium, Sagittarius. This is not a fun experience, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing either. Take the time you need to slow down and get grounded so that you can better understand your own impulses, defences, and fears. By doing this, you will not be shutting parts of yourself down or acting out dramatically; instead, you can validate your feelings and needs while acting in concert with your environment.
On the 21st, there will be the second Full Moon in your sign of the summer, and that’s a lot of big emotions for you! The best thing you can do is show up with as much emotional honesty and integrity as you know how. You can worry all you like about what’s right or wrong, but if you are considering this through the lens of other people instead of yourself, that’s not true accountability. Be honest with yourself and others about where you’re at, Capricorn.
The July 21st Full Moon comes with a bunch of rattling astrology. What this means for you is that you are likely to see something more clearly than you have before, but not necessarily be thrilled with what you understand. This is a powerful time for you to be deeply intentional about the choices you make and the approach that you take to the people and things that you care about. This is a momentous time to break patterns and habits that have been long holding you back, Aquarius.
This week’s Full Moon in Capricorn is meant to stir up some deep emotions. There’s so much that exists outside of your control and it can make you feel helpless and hopeless, which is demoralizing at best. Focus your attention on what you do know this week, Pisces. The things that you cannot control or understand yet are what they are—don’t let them rob you of the benefits of the clarity and self-awareness that you do have.