Weekly Overview
Expect the unexpected this week as Venus forms an unpredictable square to Uranus on the 2nd, and we have a stirring New Moon in Leo on the 4th. Do your best to align your energies with what you value instead of what you fear.
On the 4th, Mercury goes retrograde and it will stay that way until the 28th of August. Expect misunderstandings and miscommunications, but don’t fear! As annoying as this transit can be, it’s time to follow the rule of RE’s: reflect on your plans, reassess your attitudes, and do some meaningful reflection. Give yourself extra time when you’re travelling, triple-check contracts and plans, and most of all, offer others and yourself grace when misunderstandings or miscommunications occur.
As always, tune into my twice-weekly astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, below, or wherever podcasts are heard.
Just because something is developing slowly, doesn’t mean it’s not developing in its perfect time. This week, you may be feeling terribly impatient (what else is new?!), but it’s important that you don’t allow restless thinking to drive you to undermine the natural timeline of how things are developing. Use the time that you have to strengthen and improve yourself and the things that you are invested in and care about, Aries.
Realistic and pessimistic are not synonyms! This week is a powerful time for you to align with your vision for the future and to practice embodying optimism, especially when it would be easier to fix what has or could go wrong. This isn’t the time to let the details get in your way; they will work themselves out in their own time. Stay open to and invested in what’s possible, Taurus.
You are moving through deep, old emotional patterns that have kept you stuck, and if it feels like a lot, that’s because it is. This week, you don’t need to do more, you only need to do better. Give yourself the space you need to tap into your emotions so that you can be more self-aware and also make better decisions. This will require that you interrupt and quit some old habits and ways of looking at and holding things. You’ve got this, Twin Star!
Worrying about things that haven’t happened yet is tantamount to praying for what you don’t want. Instead of fixating on what could go wrong, what you’re scared of, and your insecurities, stay in the moment, Moonchild. In the here and now you can take steps for your best-case scenario and manage your emotions. This will not only help you feel less stressed but will lay the foundation for a better tomorrow.
On the 4th, there will be a New Moon in your sign, and with it will come an opportunity to open your doors and explore new possibilities. The key is to act in ways that both reflect your passions but also a realistic assessment of what you’re capable of at this time given your circumstances and resources. If you want to make big changes, that’s great! Just don’t make them all at once. Pace yourself this week, Leo.
You have agency and it’s important that you identify with it and leverage it this week. Fear and worry have important roles to play in life, but that’s only if they constructively keep you from danger and inform you of potential problems. Strive to cultivate clarity about your boundaries and practice holding and expressing them, Virgo. This will be way more helpful than fixating on your fears ever can be.
You probably know the expression, “What you resist shall persist,” and this week you should let it guide you. Vulnerability, struggle, sadness, and loss: they’re all part of life. You don’t need to demonize emotions that are hard to feel or see them as a sign of personal failure. Make space to feel your feelings, Libra—even the challenging ones. This is a meaningful time for prioritizing going deep instead of keeping things smooth.
You are at a weird crossroads; it is both an excellent time to start something new and put yourself out there, but also to remain unattached to the way things play out. This means that what’s required of you is that you nurture the things that are important to you while allowing them to reveal themselves to you in their own way and at their own pace. Stay open-hearted to what comes next, Scorpio.
If you let go of your attachments to how you think things should be and generally to trying to control the ebb and flow of your life, you’ll find that you have way more energy for the things that you actually can influence. Now is the time to reflect on the past so that you can put into practice the lessons that you have already learned. Don’t worry about “getting it right”—focus on what’s in alignment, Sagittarius.
While it’s relevant to consider how you got here and whom you can trust, it’s going to be more productive for you to focus on your own behavior and patterns this week. Take your time to not only consider what’s in front of you, but also what’s behind you. In doing so, you may discover your own self-defeatist tendencies and ego issues that are getting in the way of your own goals, Capricorn.
On the 4th, there will be a New Moon in your relationship house opening the door to greater depth and connection with the people that you are close to. Instead of indulging in anxious thinking about what may or may not happen, take responsibility for what you’re bringing to the table and how you’re expressing it. This is a time for you to show up and collaborate with others, even if that means you have to compromise or take a backseat, Aquarius.
Your relationship to fear and insecurity is being activated this week, which is no fun, but the good news is that it is so that you can become more aware of it and transform that awareness into healing. This is a powerful time for you to practice engaging in new and more empowered ways with old narratives and worries. If you strive towards making a little bit of progress instead of seeking perfection, then you will make the most of this week’s astrology, Pisces.