Weekly Overview
02.26-03.034 2025
Mars is finally direct, but Venus goes retrograde on the 1st and we have entered the retroshade of Mercury, who will go retrograde on the 15th. The tides are turning, and with major shifts can come upsets and unexpected developments. The key this week is to stay introspective. Luckily, we have a New Moon in Pisces on Thursday the 27th. That is a resource for becoming more intentional and checking in with what matters most.
For a thorough breakdown of this week's astrology and what you should do with it, listen to episode 506 of my twice-weekly astrology and advice show. The latest episode is below, and you can read the transcript for it here.
If you’re feeling burnt out this week, it’s not a great time to rush in and try to create major change. Allow situations and people to unveil themselves to you while paying attention to your own reactions and internal dialogue around it, Aries. This is a valuable time for approaching old dynamics in new ways, but first, you must get present and clear about where you’re at and how you most want to be this week.
Your ruling planet, Venus, has gone retrograde, and it may have you feeling turned around or fixated on your fears. It may be important for you to tend to your foundations to feel more secure and safe this week so that you can nurture the people and things that you value instead of fretting over them. Strive to honor your hopes more than your fears, Taurus.
If you’re feeling sad or like your attention and energy are pulled in too many directions that make you feel burdened or stuck, you’re not alone, Twin Star. That said, how you respond to the circumstances in your life and engage with your own emotions and thoughts is a reflection on you more than on your situation. This is an important time to zoom out, consider the big picture, and determine who you want to be and how you need to act from there.
In order to make the changes that you need, you’ve got to be willing to sit with yourself, Moonchild. This week, you may be dealing with some overwhelm and other consequences of having pushed yourself too far, too fast. Tap into your vulnerability and honor your needs this week, not by trying to control or contain yourself or your circumstances, but instead by being kind enough to nurture what needs care, mobilize what needs action, and by being wise enough to know the difference.
It’s time to let go, Leo. The only way to change and usher in new and better things is by letting go of your ruts, patterns, and habits that keep you stuck in place. Change is hard because even the unhealthiest relationships and patterns in your life can come to feel familiar and have their own comfort to them. Be brave enough to be the change where it’s needed this week.
Uncertainty is a part of life. It’s just not possible to know all angles of a thing or have a plan all the time. This week is a valuable time to explore possibility, intuition, and your own emotional landscape, Virgo. By doing this, you not only strengthen your ability to perceive potential, but you also strengthen your skills for navigating the unknown with more patience and grace.
The only way to change the patterns that you’re seeing play out in your life is to participate with them differently than you have in the past—and that’s easier said than done. Take time to reflect on what you’re doing and why this week, making sure that you don’t ruminate or fixate on things that are out of your control or impossible to know at this time. The best way to break patterns is intentionally, Libra.
Mars is finally finished with its retrograde and that is taking up a great deal of your energy. As you strive to move forward to make things happen, it’s important that you take the time to consider what you need to let go of and where you need to hold on. In order for your changes to be improvements, you need to take pains not to be emotionally reactionary in what you do, Scorpio.
You may be feeling pretty distracted by what-ifs this week, and that’s totally fair. It’s wise to listen to your fears to assess what wisdom, if any, they hold, but if you give them too much energy it can be really hard to maintain perspective and get things done. The key is to take measures to protect what and who you care about without shrinking yourself or going into scarcity mode around the things that are hard or intimidating.
Struggle is a part of life, and this week you might find yourself really wrestling with things. Do your best to make sure that you are clear about not just what you’re struggling against, but also what you’re struggling for. When you are motivated by what you don’t want, you are likely to find yourself unintentionally centering it in your thoughts and actions. Prioritize cultivating and preserving clarity about what you want to create, Capricorn.
It would be easy to get rattled and fall back into your survival mechanisms this week, but that doesn’t mean it would be good for you. Do your best to slow down and get grounded so that you can reflect on how you got here and how you can participate in a way that reflects what is authentic to you and your needs and considers the needs of others. It’s a lot to juggle, but you can do it most easily by focusing on your values and making decisions, big and small, to be true to them.
As the saying goes, “What you resist shall persist.” In other words, when you lock horns with a person, situation, idea, or anything else, you are linking yourself with the object of your consternation. If you’d like to fight something, the best way to do it is from a place of clarity or at least neutrality. Tune into your emotions and reactions this week so that you link yourself to what you want instead of what you don’t, Pisces.