Weekly Overview
We just went through a Lunar Eclipse, and this week we have a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius at 11:43pm Pacific Time on the 3rd of December. This Solar Eclipse is a bit wily! There's so much defensiveness, uncertainty, anxiety, and disassociation in the air that you may not know if you’re coming or going, or you may find that others are acting weird, and it’s making you feel weird.
The work of this Eclipse is to be present. Don't lose your energy in the future or the past. It is in this moment that you can work to heal the past or prepare for tomorrow. Align your heart, body, and mind in the here and now. This is likely to feel difficult because of all of the energy that the Solar Eclipse is bringing with it, but that's the work before us. For more details of the eclipse and the rest of this week’s astrology, listen to episode 234 of Ghost of a Podcast below or wherever podcasts are heard. Click here to read the transcript .
It may be tempting to try to assign blame for things that aren’t working well or that feel bad in your life, but that’s not the right path for you. There's a solar eclipse happening on the 3rd, making this an excellent time to check in with what’s real and to take responsibility for your part. Doing the right thing doesn’t necessarily mean you get rewards or that everything works out exactly as you’d prefer. Doing the right thing puts you right with yourself, and that’s its own reward, Aries.
If you’re having an uncomfortable week, it’s no surprise as the Solar Eclipse on December 3rd is kicking up big emotions which can make things pretty messy both internally and in the world. Do your best to prioritize and center that which makes you happy and promotes joy in the world. That doesn’t mean you have to be good vibes only because that’s not sustainable. But when things feel bad, continue to prioritize centering that which promotes your well-being, Taurus.
The Solar Eclipse happening in your relationship house on the 3rd is not meant to be easy; it’s meant to be transformational. When you feel frustrated and like people or situations are out to get you, that’s when you need to look within. You’ve been working hard on developing better boundaries, but when you need them the most, it’s often hardest to hold them. Strive to let go of old narratives that keep you locked in dynamics that you know don’t serve you, Twin Star.
Your ruling planet, the Moon, is the headline news this week, as we have a Solar Eclipse/New Moon on the 3rd. You may find yourself overwhelmed with emotion or confronted by issues you’ve been trying to avoid. You don’t need to fix anything or find any answers; all you need to do this week is to show up for whatever it is that you’re feeling. The cultivation of emotional intelligence requires that you sit with yourself and take agency for how you hold and manage your emotions, Moonchild. You’ve got this.
The Solar Eclipse on December 3rd is a powerful opening that could yield major growth for you. The key is to be patient, Leo. What you are feeling, and even what you understand to be true at this moment, may morph pretty quickly. Remain present and interested in the events of your life this week. For best results, prioritize showing up with your whole heart instead of taking any specific aim.
The Solar Eclipse on the 3rd is meant to kick up emotional patterns that are hard for you to cope with. Seeking a diplomatic resolution to upsets is a great goal, but it’s not always possible. You may need to act in ways that others feel are selfish in order to take care of yourself this week, and unfortunately, that might feel bad for everyone involved. If you can’t please everyone, make sure that what you’re doing is aligned with your values and ideals, Virgo.
The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 3rd is demanding that you speak the truth, Libra. The trouble is that the truth can be sticky and uncomfortable, and once it’s out there, you’ve got to deal with it. Don’t avoid or evade what’s real in your relationships this week. When problems exist in your dynamics with others, smiling through them or pretending that they're not there will lead to confusion and problems rather than peace. Be diplomatic but not at the expense of authenticity.
With yet another eclipse occurring on December 3rd, emotions are running wild, and if you’re not careful, you can end up feeling reactive or overwhelmed this week. Do your best to get grounded so that your responses are metered and productive instead of impulsive and defensive. How you engage with your own emotions is a reflection on you. Do your best to show up in ways that reflect your values and not your fears, Scorpio.
This is an important week for you. On the fourth there will be a Solar Eclipse in your sign. This is a fertile time for looking within and seeking the truth. You don’t necessarily have to do anything; center reflection and contemplation, and avoid jumping to conclusions or half-baked solutions. You don’t need to control or contain the energies in your life. Simply align with the freedom that comes with self-knowledge and self-acceptance, Sagittarius.
What you need is a little patience, Capricorn. You may be feeling itchy to make progress but emotionally in need of a break. Because of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on the 3rd, the needs of your heart should be the winners this week. Be brave enough to let go of control and to allow matters to develop in their own way, at their own pace. Happiness cannot be forced. It’s a practice and not a destination, my eager friend.
The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is meant to kick up big feelings, but unfortunately, it may bring some big anxieties your way. The real question at hand is who are you, Aquarius? Who you choose to be is expressed not only through your thoughts and attitudes but also through your actions in the material world. You are changing, and it’s okay to be confused or to feel upset at this time. The key is to hold on to compassion when things are rough.
We are in eclipse season, and on the 3rd there will be a Solar Eclipse. This means that most people's emotions are all over the place. And as a highly sensitive person, you’re likely to really be feeling this, Pisces. A little bit of empathy will go a really long way this week, but it’s important that you pair a sympathetic heart with healthy and clear boundaries. Your relationships are changing, and you are a big part of that. Don’t let fear inhibit you from being true to the person that you are, my love.