Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


From the 16th through the 18th, there will be some very aggressive and defensive energy in the world as the Sun and Mars meet in always-intense Scorpio. This will be an important time for you to be mindful about your reactions and the speed with which you respond to things. You may find yourself caught up in general frustration and disputes that are more about power than anything else. The key now, as always, is to rise to the occasion. Manage your energy (including your agitation) with care so that your actions reflect your clear intentions and convictions instead of your insecurities and defenses.

For a more detailed explanation of this week's astrology, listen to episode 376 of my twice-weekly astrology podcast below, or read the transcript here.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

While you may be capable of doing it all, it may not be worth it to try. This week you may find yourself bumping up against your limitations. This is not inherently a bad thing, but it may make you feel bad. It’s important to remember that not all things that feel bad are actually bad for you; your assignment is to take the time to identify which of your actions reflect your priorities and which you're pursuing out of obligation or habit.

Join me, and adrienne maree brown, and Sonya Renee Taylor for an uplifting cosmic communion on November 19th: Joy in the time of Apocalypse: On Boundaries

This week is all about boundaries—not to be confused with limitations. If you can be clear with yourself about what you can and cannot do at this time, what feels aligned and what doesn’t, you'll be able to act in ways that reflect that clarity. That makes it easier to share that same clarity with others, which in turn allows more room for others to express their needs and preferences to you. All of this can make your relationships function more smoothly and make you feel more free, Taurus.

Join me, and adrienne maree brown, and Sonya Renee Taylor for an uplifting cosmic communion on November 19th: Joy in the time of Apocalypse: On Boundaries

As tempting as it is to want to rush matters, what you need more than anything this week is steadiness of mind. Strive to stay focused on the things that are most helpful in the here and now, trusting that all the other things that are vying for your attention can wait. By taking a more grounded approach and noting where you allow your attention to linger, you can be more effective and feel significantly better, Twin Star.

Join me, and adrienne maree brown, and Sonya Renee Taylor for an uplifting cosmic communion on November 19th: Joy in the time of Apocalypse: On Boundaries

Sometimes anxiety is a trusted resource that can alert you to something being off, and a lot of the time, it’s a distraction from the here and now and a projection of your fears and insecurities onto the present moment. Strive to take a grounded and methodical approach to your concerns this week, Moonchild. Don’t abandon your common sense in the presence of big emotions, and that includes anxiety.

Join me, and adrienne maree brown, and Sonya Renee Taylor for an uplifting cosmic communion on November 19th: Joy in the time of Apocalypse: On Boundaries


This week, it's important that you let go, Leo. The tricky part is figuring out what needs to be released. Do your best to acknowledge your own control issues, and be willing to let people and situations reveal themselves to you in their own way and in their own time. In doing so, you are giving yourself and others space to be present in uncertainty and to explore what’s needed, what’s possible, and what the next steps are from here.

Join me, and adrienne maree brown, and Sonya Renee Taylor for an uplifting cosmic communion on November 19th: Joy in the time of Apocalypse: On Boundaries

This week it’s wise to investigate the ways in which you do or don’t trust yourself, Virgo. So much of this is not to do with what you think as much as how you feel about what you think. Do your best to sit with your insecurities, anxieties, and other uncomfortable emotions so that you can find the truth of what you’re struggling with deep within your own heart. This will empower you to greater clarity and inner peace more quickly than you may think, Virgo.

Join me, and adrienne maree brown, and Sonya Renee Taylor for an uplifting cosmic communion on November 19th: Joy in the time of Apocalypse: On Boundaries

This week is a really important time for you to consider what needs to be moved forward in your life. You don’t need to be wrapping things up or have perfect clarity. Instead, this is a good time to focus your thinking and attention on what needs TLC, what needs collaborative input, and what needs time. Be willing to let go of whatever interrupts your ability to prioritize things that are time-sensitive and mean the most to you, Libra.

Join me, and adrienne maree brown, and Sonya Renee Taylor for an uplifting cosmic communion on November 19th: Joy in the time of Apocalypse: On Boundaries


It may feel like things are chaotic or changing too fast, and you may have the impulse to dig your heels in as a way to cope. This week, consider what foundations you want to be creating and how to best create them. What you need and want will take effort to build. Start from where you’re at, and identify the next best steps so that you can not only get there but get there feeling at least somewhat grounded.

Join me, and adrienne maree brown, and Sonya Renee Taylor for an uplifting cosmic communion on November 19th: Joy in the time of Apocalypse: On Boundaries


This week you’re likely to be feeling really overwhelmed and like you’re being pulled in too many directions at once. The behaviors that got you here are not going to be the same ones to get you out of this pickle, Sagittarius. In other words, do not seek quick fixes for long-term, complex problems. Your restlessness and drive to get things done ASAP is putting extra pressure on you and the situations you’re engaged in, and it's not actually helping you.

Join me, and adrienne maree brown, and Sonya Renee Taylor for an uplifting cosmic communion on November 19th: Joy in the time of Apocalypse: On Boundaries

With so much change happening around and within you, the most important thing that you can do this week is prioritize staying aligned. If you’re going to make meaningful decisions, it’s important that you are as grounded and present with your innermost self as you can be so that you have access to your own wisdom and guidance. This may require you to slow down so that you can tap in and tune yourself up.

Join me, and adrienne maree brown, and Sonya Renee Taylor for an uplifting cosmic communion on November 19th: Joy in the time of Apocalypse: On Boundaries


If you act or react impulsively, you are likely to create more problems than you solve, Aquarius. It’s all about finding well-considered compromises this week. This may require that you are a bit more vulnerable and in your feelings than you are technically comfortable with. Don’t allow your desire for the truth to inhibit your ability to stay present with the nuances that are at the center of what’s actually true, Aquarius.

Join me, and adrienne maree brown, and Sonya Renee Taylor for an uplifting cosmic communion on November 19th: Joy in the time of Apocalypse: On Boundaries


There is so much chaotic and painful energy in the collective that you are likely to be impacted by it in one way or another. This week, it’s important that you prioritize getting your energy grounded and present. This may mean prioritizing your sleep schedule, remembering to use your self-care tools, or simply slowing down. Be extremely intentional about how you are using your energy. Invest in yourself in efforts to sustain your passions, Pisces.

Join me, and adrienne maree brown, and Sonya Renee Taylor for an uplifting cosmic communion on November 19th: Joy in the time of Apocalypse: On Boundaries