Weekly Overview
This week begins with some challenging transits to Saturn. Be prepared for ego conflicts and struggles, as you may feel threatened by how other people engage with reality. The opportunity here is to take greater responsibility for yourself by having more empathy, patience, and a willingness to learn about yourself and others. By the 27th, there will be a Full Moon in Gemini that will further kick up defenses as well as big feelings, confusion, and uncertainty. Each of your actions, including inaction, will have important consequences this week.
For a more detailed explanation of this week's astrology, listen to episode 378 of my twice-weekly astrology podcast below, or read the transcript here.
It’s time for letting go, Aries. This week you are meant to lean on the people closest to you. Give yourself some grace; don't do everything on your own or at 100%, 100% of the time. It may feel really vulnerable to allow people in, but this is the time to allow those you trust and care about to have access to you, even when you’re not at your very best.
There is great vulnerability in allowing yourself to yearn for the things that will make you happy. This week is a powerful time for aligning with your authentic desires for love, comfort, connection, and happiness—no matter how vulnerable it makes you feel. Explore the resistance that your mind and heart have to living life fully and with abundance. These are parts of yourself that need loving awareness and attention, Taurus.
Are the power struggles that have captured your fascination and got you all stressed out really necessary? You have a choice in how you engage with challenges, and this week your best move is to let go of your attachment to proving yourself or fixing the problem that you perceive. Your assignment is to show up as authentically as you can, and allow room for others to do the same. From here, your relationships will organically change as they are meant to.
With your ruling planet, the Moon, full again this week, you’re likely to be feeling pretty overstimulated and emotional. Do your best to prioritize getting grounded here and now, Moonchild. You’re likely to be feeling worried about what may or may not happen in the future, but that is a distraction from this present juncture. And right now sorely needs your attention. Don’t allow anxiety to rob you of this moment.
You are coming to the end of an important cycle of development, and within that, you have important choices to make. How you show up and which of your impulses that you center are really important, Leo. This isn’t the time to allow your anxieties or defenses to motivate your actions in your relationships. Do your best to get aligned with what matters most to you, and only make decisions from that place.
It’s not wise to take on too much, Virgo. Factor your own needs into the responsibilities that you are willing to take on this week. If you don’t have the space you need, you may end up feeling pretty overwhelmed, and that can easily lead to feelings of burnout. Embrace your limitations, not as personal failures or shortcomings, but instead as a way to embrace that which protects your precious energy.
It’s important that you watch your ego; if it’s too big or too small, you’re likely to find yourself struggling with a sense of belonging, defensiveness, and scarcity-based thinking this week. Do your best to align your energy with what is most authentic to you, even if that means you can't accommodate others. Collaborate with others from the perspective of mutual respect and equanimity, and if that’s not possible, allow that to inform and adjust both your expectations and your engagement.
It’s important to be direct as opposed to confrontational this week. Instead of making assumptions, ask questions and be genuinely open to hearing the answers, Scorpio. if you come at people too aggressively, you will end up creating more friction and confusion than you started out with. Even if you don’t especially like what people have to say, it’s important that you do your best to listen with an open heart this week.
As eager as you may be to move things forward, try to sit with things this week. You are likely to cultivate a better understanding of and relationship to what's happening. This will help you to identify what changes need to be made and to cultivate a plan for getting it done in a realistic way. Lean into what makes you feel right with yourself and is aligned with your values, Sagittarius.
Taking a moderate and collaborative approach will not only help to improve your relationships, but it will also ease your way forward. As much as you are capable of doing on your own, there is so much more that you can achieve by connecting and creating with others. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, Capricorn. This week, learn from others who have different perspectives, experiences, and skill sets than you.
When feelings of disappointment or frustration come up, it’s important to find ways of letting them flow through you. This will help you cope instead of acting out in reaction to these challenging emotions. Prioritize cultivating non-attachment this week. Apply this to your strongest emotions, your desire to see evidence or proof, and your relationships in general. When you have healthy boundaries within yourself, it becomes so much easier to navigate life effectively, Aquarius.
Make your boundaries a top priority this week, Pisces. Depending on where you’re starting from, that may mean that you need to identify what they are, clarify them for others, or do your best to uphold them. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to remember that your boundaries are not meant to control or contain yourself or others. They are a way of communicating where you're at and what you can lovingly offer and receive.