Weekly Overview
This week brings with it a chaotic medley of transits—hold onto your hat! Leading up to the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, we will experience some messy transits to Neptune, Mars and Pluto. There’s a serious risk of overwhelm, paranoia, and jumping to conclusions. Relationship issues may make things pretty strained, so if you can avoid processing with others or making permanent decisions, that would be wise. It’s important that you maintain healthy boundaries in your thinking and behaviors and that you respect the boundaries of others.
The New Moon on the 21st is likely to kick up more of the same. If you are starting something new or calling something in, make sure that you’re not motivated by your ego or escapist fantasies. For best results, align with your values in all that you do this week.
Ghost of a Podcast has now been split into two parts! Every Sunday I go in depth into the astrological transits for the week ahead. Listen to this week's forecast, or read the transcript https://www.lovelanyadoo.com/ghost-of-a-podcast/2023/3/11/306-horoscope-neptune-mars-mercury-and-the-sun-mishegas-plutohere.
It’s hard to let go. You likely have a change that you need to make, but it feels pretty uncomfortable or scary. Embrace the unknown, even if you know that it will bring about some discomfort. Meaningful change and growth often include loss. Don’t resist what’s challenging if it’s also good for you, but do try to find a way of approaching things in a sustainable way, Aries.
When you don’t know what’s right for you, digging in your heels will just turn you into your own roadblock. This week you may need to let go of control in order to discover what’s right for you, Taurus. This is likely to be uncomfortable, or even scary, but in the words of Albert Einstein, “problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them.“ Be open to changing—or being changed by new information or a shift in your circumstances.
Everyone knows that you can be a little scattered sometimes, but this isn’t the week for it. Do your best to stay present in the here and now so that you can cope with the details without losing sight of your bigger picture. Things are changing, and it’s not completely in your control. While that’s not necessarily fun, it’s also not necessarily bad. Stay present with uncertainty and anxiety so that you can understand what’s motivating them, Twin Star.
Pluto is almost out of your solar seventh house, and that is some darn good news. This week it's important that you learn from your past; you may find patterns arising in your relationships, and the best way to handle that is by making sure that the way you engage reflects the lessons you’ve learned in previous experiences. It’s not enough to know what’s right, you've gotta act in ways that reflect your wisdom, Moonchild.
You may find that your relationships are in a tumultuous state this week, and the worst thing that you could do is respond from your ego or your pride to other people's emotions (even if they are outbursts) or their needs (even if they are unreasonable). Take a metered and considerate approach to whatever you’ve got going on because the consequences of how you engage with both others and your own mental health will be felt for some time to come, Leo.
There’s a lot going on in your intimate life and your work life, and it’s important that you stay emotionally present for it all. Even though your ability to analyze and discern is valuable, don’t lean on that strength as a way to avoid your emotions. You may have to tolerate not knowing what to do, what it all means, or what comes next. This may trigger a bit of anxiety, and that’s okay. Uncertainty is a crucial part of so many of our most important processes.
This week is likely to be testing, and it's so important that you deal with your inner dialogue compassionately. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by insecurity or fears of the future, that’s human. Just don’t be cruel to yourself around these things. Taking a balanced and gentle approach to sorting through your attitudes and beliefs will help to create a foundation within yourself that you can rely on, Libra.
You may be feeling anxious and fixated on certain thoughts that aren’t terribly constructive. Do your best to support your mental health this week so that you don’t act in ways that create more drama than you’re prepared to deal with. If you’re feeling agitated or insecure, try to sooth and nurture yourself around those feelings instead of acting from them. Focus on cultivating equilibrium instead of jumping to action, Scorpio.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or out of sorts, you’re totally in sync with the astrology of this week, and the best way to cope with it is to listen to your body. If you’re tired, try to rest, as you may feel especially drained. This is one of those times when the quickest way to move forward is by honoring your needs in the moment, not powering through. Tend to your insides with patience and care, Sagittarius.
Pay close attention to your gut instincts, Capricorn, because they will likely lead you in the right direction this week. Do you have the opportunity to build upon foundations that you've laid within yourself or in your life in recent months? In order to do this, you’ve got to trust yourself and stay cognizant of the big picture. Whatever struggles you are going through—if they're helping you to become more authentic and true to yourself, they're worth it.
You have the opportunity to move through some really deep patterns, but it will take some serious humility, Aquarius. This week you may be in a conflictual situation where you feel that you're right and someone else is wrong. Whether or not that’s true, how you handle things is a reflection of you, not your situation. Conduct yourself in ways that demonstrate your values instead of your pride. Slow and steady wins the race.
Your ruling planet, Neptune, is up to some mischief this week! Because of this, you may be feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, or in the throes of self-destructive behaviors. Any of these may distract you from your emotions. Do your best to get grounded, Pisces. This may look many different ways for you, but what’s most important is that you not lose yourself to anxiety or stressful ways of thinking. Do your best to be intentional about what you do and why you do it this week.