Weekly Overview
The astrology of this week has some high highs and some low lows. As of the 7th, Saturn has entered into Pisces for the first time since 1993, marking a meaningful change that will impact us for the next 2.5 years. On the 11th there will be an exact conjunction between Jupiter and Chiron, a transit that brings great potential for healing. The trick is to be willing to do the work to heal—this transit also brings with it the risk of going far and wide in the wrong direction.
By the 14th we enter into an astrologically tricky zone, with an exact square between Mars and Neptune. This transit can lead to feelings of demoralization, paranoia, and malaise. This isn’t a great time for overcommitting or taxing your body. You are not what you do! This transit may teach you that the hard way. Be gentle with yourself and others this week, and remember that healing is an inside job.
For a detailed explanation of these transits and more, listen to episode 304 of my weekly podcast below, or read the transcript for Ghost of a Podcast’s horoscope here.
With Jupiter and Chiron meeting in your sign, this is an excellent time for digging deep, Aries. Consider your goals, motivations, and what you’re doing to make things happen for yourself. Carefully consider not only your external goals but also your internal ones: How do you want to feel? What are you doing to make that happen? And how do you care for yourself through the highs and lows of life? Be willing to heal from the inside out.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or burnt out, give yourself the grace of taking a much-needed break. This week is all about accepting the truth of where you’re at, nurturing yourself or your situation, and mobilizing from there. You don’t need things to shift dramatically. Instead, you need nuanced and meaningful change. This will take more of an emotional effort than a behavioral one, Taurus.
This week's Mars square to Neptune is likely to kick up some messy emotions. If you’re feeling sad or like you don’t quite belong, it’s important that you tend to those emotions so that you don’t unintentionally project them out into power struggles. In order to stay connected to what’s happening within, you may need to let go of control and release the narratives that you're running. Acting and reacting out of fear will only create more of the same, Twin Star.
A big part of growth happens internally, and it involves letting go of old ways of being. This week it’s time for you to honor where you’re at, even if it requires you to let go of where you’ve been. You may be holding onto identities that no longer serve you or simply don’t match you anymore. Embracing the person you are now requires letting go of the one you were, Moonchild.
It’s time to believe in yourself, Leo. That doesn’t mean you have to believe that you’re perfect; just believe that you are capable. You may find yourself feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, and that, my friend, is human. The way to determine the path forward is by first turning inward and nurturing your emotional and mental health. Only after that is it time to make a plan.
Now that Saturn has moved into your solar 7th house, you are likely to have to deal with some consequential interpersonal dynamics. It’s important that you don’t allow yourself to get defensive when it’s actually time for you to listen with an open heart. Problems are inevitable in relationships to everyone and everything. That doesn’t mean that our problems are a sign of failure or an indication of what's to come. They are simply things to work through.
This week you’re likely to be thinking about some pretty serious themes and issues in your life. Instead of obsessing on what stresses you, strive to keep it constructive. How you engage with others is your call; it's not up to them. But staying rooted in your own agency is not always easy. Don’t abandon yourself on the road to interpersonal happiness, Libra. The best way to do this is by staying in alignment with your own emotional integrity.
It’s important that you try to take a moderate approach to even your most intense situations this week. You likely need to clarify your boundaries, and it’s better to do it more carefully than quickly. You deserve to take the time you need to be self-protective while also navigating your obligations. Allow the things that stress you out the most to point you in the direction of where you need the most care and consideration, Scorpio.
Mars square to Neptune this week is likely to kick up some overwhelming energies. If you’re feeling anxious or confused, ask for help, Sagittarius. If you react from a place of bruised ego or defensiveness, you’re likely to create more problems than you solve. Find your truth—not your story but what’s authentic within you—even if it’s messy or inconclusive. It is this that will set you on the right path.
It’s time to tap into the wisdom that you have within you, Capricorn. You may be anxious about some unanswered questions. If you take the time to sit with your feelings and explore, you might find that you have the answers you need within yourself. It’s okay to take a pause and explore your needs, limitations, and the possibilities that you have to work with. You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone; just approach things in ways that are right for you.
The Jupiter-Chiron conjunction this week can give you a big boost, but it’s on you to make use of it. There are changes that you need to make, and much of that is about trusting the work you’ve already done on yourself and embodying those shifts. This will require enduring risk and the potential pain that you have to go through to find your joy. Don’t confuse the process with the outcome, Aquarius.
Read all about Saturn in Pisces on Ghost!
Between the Mars square to Neptune and Saturn entering into your sign, things are likely to feel pretty scattered and heavy for you. Instead of letting fear and what if’s get to you, it’s time to own your wisdom and make some plans. The things that aren’t working are a clear indicator of what needs your attention, not what’s wrong with you. Be a good friend to yourself this week by working with the energies of your life, Pisces.