Weekly Overview
There will be a solar eclipse in Aries on the 19th, which means that as we draw nearer to it this week, emotions are going to be running higher and higher. Make sure to track your own feelings and take responsibility for them without allowing yourself to get too fixated on what other people are or are not doing. Luckily there are some supportive transits happening this week! On the 11th a Venus trine to Pluto can help us to stay aligned with our values and ease the way in relationship dynamics. On the same day, the Sun meets Jupiter, increasing our capacity for broad-mindedness and growth. On the 14th Venus forms a square to Saturn, which may lead to insecurity and feelings of loneliness, but it can also help you get clear about the state of your relationships. Ask the hard questions and be willing to be humble about your role in situations. Even the most perfect relationships have problems, and that’s not good or bad; just proceed honestly and with care.
For a detailed explanation of the astrology of this week, read the transcript for episode 314 of my weekly astrology and advice podcast, or listen below.
You may be feeling vulnerable this week as we move towards the eclipse on the 19th — which is the second New Moon in your sign. Whatever is going on, know that it is an opportunity to become more emotionally present and honest with yourself, Aries. Regardless of how much you can take on, strive to notice what you can do in an emotionally healthy way. In doing so, you can find the line between what’s good for your heart and what’s not.
Register for my April 16th class, The Moon In You, here!
You are moving through some deep, emotional terrain, and it is likely to have your defenses on high alert. Tracking what other people are or aren’t doing is not as important as recognizing your own boundaries. Get clear about what they are and how to effectively communicate and hold them. Take responsibility and care for yourself, and let others reveal themselves to you, Taurus.
Register for my April 16th class, The Moon In You, here!
You are at a very tender opening this week. What this means is that it's a great time to plant seeds or plan the very beginning of something new, but it's not a time where you should be rushing the germination stage. If you have extra energy and inspiration, apply it to your pre-existing commitments and projects. Not only will this help you feel better but it will also inspire new connections that advance other parts of your life.
Register for my April 16th class, The Moon In You, here!
This week it’s important that you are making life-affirming choices. This doesn’t mean being idealistic. Instead, strive to see the synthesis in your compromises—the things you’re saying yes or no to, they're all in service of you creating a life that you want. Just make sure that you communicate your motivations and intentions to others. Otherwise, they may misunderstand you, and that can lead to all sorts of complications, Moonchild.
Register for my April 16th class, The Moon In You, here!
Check your motivations, Leo! If you allow your fears to guide you, they will likely drive you in the wrong direction. As restless as you are to make some changes or avoid certain pitfalls, it’s important to get clear about what you're moving towards and what you want to invite or keep in your life. Align yourself with your hopes, dreams, and goals so that you can make sure that your actions reflect them, Leo.
Register for my April 16th class, The Moon In You, here!
You know by now that it’s impossible to manage all the details. Life is not meant to be predicted so that you can protect yourself from it; it's meant to be participated in, Virgo. Do your best to cultivate a vision for what you really want, even if you have no idea how to make it happen from where you’re at. First, get an overview of the big picture, and second, start to break it into smaller, more manageable pieces—not the other way around.
Register for my April 16th class, The Moon In You, here!
While you don’t have enough information to know exactly what comes next, you can always strive to be emotionally present and honest with yourself. This week you are on the verge of major emotional and psychological progress, and it requires your full care and attention. Don’t let the stories you tell yourself override what you’re experiencing and feeling. Be present for whatever is true for you, Libra.
Register for my April 16th class, The Moon In You, here!
The things that are most upsetting to you are the very same that need your care and attention this week. Be willing to step into the awkward, uncomfortable, or downright unpleasant, Scorpio. Avoiding your problems and hurt feelings will only make them more convoluted and difficult to deal with. Find ways of participating that uplift you and your life, even if you have to fake it till you make it for a while.
Register for my April 16th class, The Moon In You, here!
It might be tempting to assign fault to your problems, but not every situation calls for that. You will have more freedom and agency if you collect yourself, accept where you are, and ask yourself what you want to do (or not do) now? Don’t allow other people's impatience or anxiety to pressure you. You may need to move slowly, make changes, or simply reflect on your situation. Whatever the case, you don’t have to prove anything. Just be considerate of yourself and others.
Register for my April 16th class, The Moon In You, here!
Change is inevitable. This week you may need to retreat within and spend less time with others. This isn’t because something is wrong in your relationships, but sometimes self-care requires some solitude. This is one of those times where you need to slow down in order to speed up. In other words, taking a step back from people and things to get right with yourself will help you to get on track. Then when you do move forward, you can engage with clarity and purpose.
Register for my April 16th class, The Moon In You, here!
When you’re feeling anxious or burnt out, it's easy to get defensive or go on the attack. This week it’s important to understand that your irritability and anxiety are the scab over the wound of your emotional vulnerability. Take the time you need to privately get present with your emotions. Figure out how to take care of yourself without pushing others away or unintentionally creating secondary problems to distract from what’s really got you down.
Register for my April 16th class, The Moon In You, here!
You have a tendency to sometimes look outside of yourself for answers and validation. While this is not always a bad thing, this week is not the time to do it. Tap into your inner wisdom by reflecting on your own patterns and the lessons you’ve learned over the years. It’s important that you trust yourself, and in order to earn your own trust, you need to be caring and intentional about what you do and how you do it.
Register for my April 16th class, The Moon In You, here!