Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


Buckle up—this week is a wild ride! On the 19th there will be a solar eclipse in Aries, and with it comes an opportunity to get more embodied and present with your spiciest emotions. Alternatively, there's a risk of getting triggered and acting out of defensiveness. Pluto plays a prominent role in this week's astrology and serves as a reminder that our strongest emotions are not reliably our wisest emotions. It’s a crucial time to act with integrity and to carefully monitor compulsions.

Finally, Mercury goes retrograde from April 21st through May 14th. Make plans with care, triple check your contracts, and remember to follow the rule of REs: reflect, reassess, recalibrate.

For a detailed explanation of this week's astrology, including the Mercury retrograde and what to expect from it, read the transcript for episode 316 of my twice weekly astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, or listen below.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

On the 19th there will be a solar eclipse in your sign, and with it comes an invitation to become more embodied. You may have been feeling really emotional lately or impatient to move past problems instead of dealing with them. Be judicious about any changes that you decide to make this week, as whatever you do or don’t do will set developments in motion that will be difficult to stop. Get centered so that whatever you do is in alignment with what’s most true for you, Aries.

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The April 19th solar eclipse falls in your 12th house, and it's likely to stir up some deep ruminations. This isn’t the time to power through or avoid your messy feelings because the potential for making progress or healing is great if you are willing to dig deep and do some work. Have faith in your ability to show up and rise to the occasion, Taurus, even in the stickiest of situations.

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The April 19th solar eclipse will spark a meaningful opportunity for you to work through your defenses and disappointments. While you can’t control your situation, you can be more intentional about where you allow your energy and attention to linger. Strive to nurture and protect yourself rather than fight immovable situations or things you simply need to release, Twin Star.

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Your ruling planet, the Moon, is at it again! There’s going to be a solar eclipse on the 19th, and it’s likely stirring up lots of emotions. The most important thing that you can do this week is take responsibility for yourself. What you do or don’t do is consequential—as are your motivations. Don’t let your insecurities or anxieties distract you from the clarity in your heart, Moonchild.

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The April 19th solar eclipse comes with a powerful punch from Pluto, and this is likely to trigger some anxiety and overwhelm in you. Do your best to treat yourself and others with grace and empathy this week. It's your responses, not your reactions, that will define you. Instead of perpetuating your difficulties, be a part of the solutions you need by getting grounded before you get going, Leo.

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The April 19th eclipse is rooting around in your 8th house, triggering some old wounds, and while it’s not especially fun, it’s really valuable. It’s time to get honest with yourself about how you feel and the road you traveled to get here, even if it’s really uncomfortable, Virgo. This is not a time for enacting a plan or gaining control; it’s a time for being in your emotions and developing ways of coping with them.

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With the April 19th solar eclipse landing in your house of relationships, you are likely to be having an eventful time with others this week. Pay attention to the role that fear plays in how you hold and handle your connections. If you allow your projections (or what you don’t want) to guide you, it will produce a closed-off state in which you’re not really listening to others or allowing room for flow. Strive to act from a place of clarity about what you bring to the table, and let others reveal themselves to you in their time.

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Between the solar eclipse on the 19th and your ruling planet, Pluto, stirring the pot, this week you’re bound to feel both pretty triggered and also pretty inspired. This is a powerful time for making moves to improve your health or work life. The best way to do this is by considering the big picture of your needs. You don’t have to have all the answers right now, but this is the right time for pointing yourself in the right direction, Scorpio.

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You may find yourself struggling with difficult feelings or burnout this week, as the April 19th eclipse has emotions running high. You may be dealing with power struggles, but you also may experience openings that make room for healing adjustments within your relationships. Do your best to find creative ways of making the most of whatever comes up this week by taking care of yourself and communicating where you’re at to others.

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The very intense solar eclipse on the 19th is happening at the base of your solar chart, and it’s likely to kick up some emotions about home and family. This is a time to attend to your innermost personal life and the people that are closest to you. You may need to let go of some attachments or get honest with yourself about emotions that have been stewing under the surface. Embrace whatever is present for you so that you can greet it in the healthiest way possible.

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There’s a really important difference between rules and boundaries. Boundaries are set in place as protection and are managed from the inside out. Rules are a prescription for how you or others behave. With the solar eclipse in your 3rd house on the 19th, it’s time to develop clarity about what your boundaries are and how you’re going to communicate, embody, and uphold them, Aquarius.

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You may be feeling pulled in multiple directions, as the solar eclipse on the 19th has stirred up a lot of change in the world around you. Instead of trying to keep up with the pace of others, do your best to find grounding in yourself, Pisces. Align yourself with what works for you and what you value. From that place, rather than scattering your energy, whatever problems you have will help you get closer to yourself.

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