Weekly Overview
This week features transits from Mercury retrograde and Mars, and that means it's important to pace yourself through socializing, projects, and making plans. The big transit to look out for will happen on the 27th when Mars forms a square to Chiron. This transit is likely to kick up ego conflicts, bodily discomfort, unease with passions, and the risk for violence in the world. When greeting the energies of this transit, make sure that if you’re fighting, you’re fighting for something—and not just engaging in petty ego conflicts.
For a detailed explanation of these transits and more, read the transcript of episode 318 of my weekly astrology show Ghost of a Podcast, or listen to the audio below.
When you’re doing well, it is wonderful and wise to shout it from the mountain tops and receive the invigoration that offers you! Just be careful that you don’t trample over others or forget that not everyone is in the same state that you’re in at the same time that you’re in it. This week your relationships may feel like they’re pulling you back or dragging you down. In truth, all you have to do is listen to others—not take on their stress.
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In the words of the prophet Kahlil Gibran, “Anxiety does not come from thinking about the future but from wanting to control it.” While you can’t control how you feel or what’s happening in your life (or the world around you), you can choose to be present and strive to find some balance with how you hold your feelings and engage with them. Connect to your agency without getting controlling about it this week, Taurus.
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You’re in a bit of a cycle where you first get overwhelmed, and then when you find a bit of energy, you jump headfirst into things. This week it’s wise to adopt a pace that you can sustain emotionally. This means slowing down and checking in with your heart and your body to make sure that you’re not running on empty or just checked out. This will help you to not only get where you want to go but to get there whole.
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Uncertainty has a way of upending us, and because of that you may have the impulse to avoid or defend against what you don’t understand. This week the things that you don’t understand are an invitation to tap into your wisdom, Moonchild. Reflect on patterns that have played themselves out in your life, and learn from those experiences. You don’t have to have it all worked out, but pointing yourself in the right direction will really help you this week.
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Even when you are getting what you want and making progress on your goals, it’s still important to pace yourself, Leo. This week you may be feeling both incredibly taxed and also deeply inspired. When you have conflicting feelings, you don’t need to choose one over the other; do your best to honor your whole self with a more nuanced and metered approach. It’s better to compromise than to compromise yourself.
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If you’re feeling burnt out or overwhelmed this week, that should come as no surprise. You've been pushing yourself too hard, and it’s a good time to remind you that just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Confront your perfectionistic tendencies, and determine whether they're latched on to a fear of failure. Then do your best to be balanced in how you approach next steps. Do what you can do in a healthy way, and trust that that’s enough for now, Virgo.
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Don’t act out of fear or indulge your insecurities without first checking in with your heart, Libra. It may feel like things are moving really fast and really slow at the same time, and it’s confusing to figure out how to keep pace. Your desire for change risks obstructing your ability to create progress. When you speak up or try to move the needle, strive to do it from a place of strength this week.
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This week, resist the urge to give in to paranoid thinking or obsession on things that are out of your control. The more you put energy into what you want and the things that feel right to you, the more space they will take up in your life. There’s so much that is out of your control; just let it go, Scorpio. This may mean you need to be a little more cautious, and things may move more slowly than you’d prefer. Have faith in the process.
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Sometimes the answers you seek are elusive. This week you may find yourself torn in many directions as you try to figure something out. Calmly seek the truth. Don’t shake things up unless you really believe it’s necessary. Take the time to tap in and figure out what’s real for you, and you'll find the answers you're seeking, Sagittarius.
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If you feed your fears, worries, and negative obsessions, they’ll get bigger. This week it’s important that you choose to look for solutions, acknowledge your wins, and show up for the joy in your life. Tap into the potential for not just new beginnings, but new chapters, Capricorn. Of course, what you do matters, but the emotion and energy with which you do it is key at this time.
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You’re likely to be dealing with some awkward emotions that you’d really rather not have to feel. Resist the urge to distract and disassociate, Aquarius. Instead, try to listen to the messages being delivered to you, and stay engaged with whatever comes up for you. Most importantly, have faith in your ability to cope with it all. You run the risk of getting defensive or stirring the pot if you don’t honestly tend to your own emotional needs this week.
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It’s time to take some risks, Pisces. This week is a good one to trust your gut instinct, to leap in the direction of what brings you joy, and to connect with the people with whom you have life-affirming relationships! This doesn’t mean you'll be free from difficult questions and decisions; it's simply a good time for embracing the people, places, and things that light you up.
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