Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


While there are several transits active this week, the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th  (exact at 10:34 a.m.) is the headline news. 

Lunar Eclipses are Full Moons. The effects of a typical Full Moon span about a month in their impact on our emotions, our emotional development, and our relationships to ourselves, our intimate life, home life, our past, and the people that we're close to. Each Full Moon is an opportunity to let things go, and the way that we experience that opportunity is through things coming to the surface – for better or worse.

In the case of an Eclipse, like we have on the 5th, its impact will be felt over the course of six months as opposed to one month. When an Eclipse occurs, its like a Full Moon with the volume turned all the way up! It’s a powerful thing, and it's meant to shake up⁠ your feelings and all things interconnected with your emotions. This Eclipse is occurring in intense Scorpio, which is related to transformation and release, and that's why things have felt so messy lately. You may find that resentments, pettiness, passions, and taboo emotions are activated within or around you, and while letting go of toxic emotions sounds good, the only way to heal a thing is to feel it. So be emotionally brave this week, especially in the presence of your own discomfort.

For a detailed breakdown of this Lunar Eclipse as well as the rest of this week’s transits, listen to episode 320 of Ghost of a Podcast below or wherever podcasts are heard. If you prefer to read your astrology, you can read the transcript here.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

You are moving through some deep, emotional terrain, and even though it’s challenging, it’s important to stay present for it, Aries. The May 5th Eclipse is an opportunity for you to center the people, beliefs, and projects that are life-affirming to you by decentering the stuff that distracts from them. Taking a practical and self-protective approach to what you care about can help you to reset your priorities and get (or keep!) you on the right track.

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Lunar Eclipses (like the one we’re having on May 5th) are very much about things coming to the surface so that they may be released. It’s important to stay open to what that really means, Taurus. Whenever we release that which we’ve outgrown or no longer serves us, we change what is possible. We create the space we need for things to improve and for us to be more present. Don’t be so attached to what is that you block what could be.

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The May 5th Eclipse is likely to kick up a lot of emotions, and that may have you feeling pretty anxious. Do your best to convert obsessive or fixated thinking into curiosity. If you’re authentically curious, you won’t get stuck in negative narratives that just make you feel bad. First get grounded in the here and now and what you do and don’t know in the present. What you don’t know can be really exciting if you let it be, Twin Star.

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Your ruling planet, the Moon, is at it again, Cancer! There will be a Lunar Eclipse on the 5th, and it may just confront you with what you don’t know. Instead of reacting defensively to this, do your best to be co-creative with what you do know so that you can be a force of change in a direction that you want. You don’t need to be able to map out all the details in order to know what feels like a yes or a no. Trust your gut.

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It’s time to take things slow and steady as you tap into your tender parts this week. The May 5th Lunar Eclipse is meant to kick up emotions about your home and family life, and that may make you feel a little anxious or overwhelmed. Strive to experience all your emotions without needing to make sense of them right away. This isn’t the time to resist your vulnerability. Nurture and care for yourself, and from that place, seek your truth, dear Leo.

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If you feel like you’re struggling right now, you’re not alone. The May 5th eclipse is stirring the emotional pot. Do your best to manage your obsessive thinking; if it gets away from you, it can lead to power struggles and some pretty bad feelings. You don’t need to worry so much about what other people are thinking, saying, or doing, Virgo. Instead, try to keep your attention on your own homework.

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It’s important to discern what's of value to you and whether or not you’re organizing your priorities in the direction of it. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th is an invitation to get better aligned with those values, and that may put you in contact with some confusion this week. What other people think or believe is on them. Your convictions are your own. Sort through the noise to find your truth this week, Libra.

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It’s big news when there's a solar Eclipse in your sign! You may be feeling pretty triggered. The Eclipse wants you to dig through your baggage and pull out (as gently as you please) attitudes, attachments, beliefs, or habits that simply aren’t serving you anymore. This is a time to let go, so don’t let your emotionality lead to fear-based thinking. All you can control is your approach, Scorpio.

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The Lunar Eclipse is lighting up your 12th house, marking this as a favorable time for tapping in and paying attention to what comes up for you emotionally this week. It may be subtle, or it may be grand. Keep in mind, any intensity you feel may not necessarily be related to your current situation. Slow down enough to really listen to your heart, Sagittarius.

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This week’s Lunar Eclipse is going to be emotionally intense. The best way to engage with it is by cultivating a constructive mindset. You don’t have to be optimistic in order to direct your energies toward the most positive and exciting possibilities before you. You may need to make some changes, but centering your well-being and emotional health is in your best interest this week, Capricorn.

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People say that your sign isn’t very emotional, but we know that’s not true. This week you’re likely to be caught up in your feelings, and it’s important that you stay connected to them, even if it’s overwhelming. The way you’re going to figure out what to do next is by first getting present with what's true deep within you now. The May 5th Lunar Eclipse is meant to bring something to a close, but it does this by first bringing it to the surface. Keep showing up, Aquarius.

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The problems that you’re having are meant to point you towards what needs more attention. They're not evidence of what is wrong with you or your life. Instead of allowing yourself to be completely overwhelmed by the details, put more energy into your big picture, aspirations, and beliefs this week. The May 5th Eclipse is happening in your solar 9th house, and its effects are likely to be pretty overwhelming. Adjust your perspective, and it will be much easier to cope.

Want to level up your astrology knowledge? Check out my webinars and learn with me!