Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


On December 5th, Mars joins Mercury in being retrograde! This can slow down projects, make your ambitions a bit more confusing, and be a time when your body needs more rest and space for recovery. There are also a number of transits creating tension in relationships and difficulties with communication. For a detailed explanation of what to expect, listen to episode 484 of my horoscope podcast, or read the transcript for that episode right here.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

As your ruling planet, Mars, goes retrograde on the 5th of December through February 23rd, you are likely to start questioning things in a pretty deep way, Aries. Reevaluating your actions and choices is not a sign of weakness; in fact, it takes real strength to be humble enough to explore what is and isn’t working and to be willing to make changes as needed. Don’t try to get it “right,” but keep it authentic and real instead.

Find my Meditation for Mercury Retrograde, here! 

If you’re feeling demoralized or exhausted, you’re not alone this week, Taurus. Instead of trying to wrangle yourself or your situation to look, feel or go in any particular way, this is a valuable time to make friends with your feelings. Coming to a state of acceptance about where you’re at and even how you got here can help you ease your way towards progress. Stop looking for evidence and start seeking alignment.

Find my Meditation for Mercury Retrograde, here! 

You may find yourself caught up in some negative fixations this week, but the best thing that you can do is reconnect with your body. This is an excellent time for you to get grounded, and from that place, tighten up your focus so that you are more effective in the things that you do. By tightening up your field of focus, you can not only get more things done but feel less chaotic as you do them. Be the tortoise and not the hare, Twin Star.

 Find my Meditation for Mercury Retrograde, here! 

As you take responsibility for what you have going on in your life, you still get to consider the context for how you got here while honing your ability to respond to your circumstances with integrity. This week is an important one for you to call on and manage your boundaries. Explore what’s possible by being kind and accountable to yourself and others based on where you’re starting from, Moonchild.

 Find my Meditation for Mercury Retrograde, here! 

On the 5th, Mars goes retrograde in your sign and this will create a shift that you’re likely to feel in your guts, Leo. Make sure that you are acting in alignment with your own boundaries instead of allowing your reactions to compel you to either dig in your heels defensively or act out without consideration for your long-term needs or those of others. As vulnerable as it may be, be intentional about what you do and why you’re doing it this week.

 Find my Meditation for Mercury Retrograde, here! 

Do your best to take a moderate and collaborative approach this week. If you have been pushing yourself too hard or spending too much time around people, you’re likely to feel pretty off your center this week. Do your best to reconnect with the people and things that you most value, Virgo. By doing this, you will still have the same problems, but at least you will have greater clarity about what’s important to you so that it will be easier to navigate through distractions, upsets, and insecurities.

Find my Meditation for Mercury Retrograde, here! 

You’re moving through some very deep and meaningful terrain this week and it’s important that you place your long-term goals ahead of short-term conveniences, Libra. This might mean that you take the slightly more challenging path, but it will be worth it if you are honoring the big picture of what you need over whatever it is that poses a challenge or threat in the short term. Nurture yourself through the unknown without giving up.

 Find my Meditation for Mercury Retrograde, here! 

As you explore what makes you happy and the things that you most want to nurture in your life, you may brush up against the limitations that exist in your relationships. On the one hand, your goals are really just about you; on the other, you have some entrenched habits that include other people and they are likely to experience resistance to you all of a sudden changing things up. Make sure that you are including others in your process and that will make it easier to adapt to changes this week, Scorpio.

Find my Meditation for Mercury Retrograde, here! 

The stories that once covered your life are evolving, and while that can be a scary thing, it’s not bad. If you find yourself fixating on what isn’t working and what you’re worried could happen in the future, then in essence, you are in a state of self-abandonment. This is a powerful time for you to tap into your inner knowing, Sagittarius. Slow down and tap into your own essential energies so that you might be able to hear your inner voice more clearly.

Find my Meditation for Mercury Retrograde, here! 


Instead of focusing on getting it “right,” strive to be honest with yourself. This week, you may find yourself restless and wanting to change things up so that you can have a greater sense of stability and clarity for yourself. This is a wise time to both think outside the box for solutions to your struggles, and also to tap in and make sure you are listening to your own inner guidance and learning from the past. Don’t just accrue theories—apply wisdom, Capricorn.

Find my Meditation for Mercury Retrograde, here! 


Mars has gone retrograde in your opposing sign, Leo, and it’s bound to impact you very directly. While it’s good to reflect on your assumptions, plans, and the way that your ego is functioning, when you descend into scarcity-based thinking or fearful fixations, it doesn’t serve you or your goals. Let go of your attachment to how things were or how you imagined that they would be so that you can open in the here and now. Even if there are problems, they are worthy of your openhearted attention.

Find my Meditation for Mercury Retrograde, here! 

With Mars going retrograde on the 5th through late February, this is a time when both your ego and everybody else’s is likely to get triggered. As such a sensitive person, it’s important that you recognize that other people’s energies being confused is not a reflection on you as much as it is a reflection on them; how you choose to respond and what you do—that’s all about you. Make sure that your actions are motivated by your inner truth and not your external conditions, Pisces.

Find my Meditation for Mercury Retrograde, here!