Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


The astrology of this week is huge! On the 20th, the much-anticipated Jupiter conjunction to Uranus in Taurus occurs. The last time that these two planets met in the zodiac sign of Taurus was in 1941! This transit brings about a great deal of instability and excitement that can be fertile and dynamic or disorienting and destabilizing. I give a detailed explanation of what to expect from this transit on episode 420 of my twice-weekly podcast. Listen below, or read the transcript here. Either way, expect the unexpected, and do your best to prioritize your values.

On the 23rd, we have a very intense Full Moon in Scorpio. It is meant to bring things to the surface that demand your attention and intention. Be on the lookout for power struggles, resentments, and obsessive rumination. If you’re going to engage intensely, do your best to fight for what you love instead of against what you fear. Make sure to subscribe to my podcast to get more astrology from me every week!

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

Instead of pushing yourself too fast or too hard, strive to work at your heart's pace. I don’t mean your cardiovascular system; I'm talking about your tender beating emotional heart. This time of transition can lead you towards a gentler and more sustainable way of living if you strive to make that happen, Aries.

With Jupiter and Uranus meeting in your sign for the first time since 1941, this is a meaningful time for you, Taurus, and one that you should strive to make use of. Consider what you desire and how you can go about making it happen. This actually isn’t the time for slow and steady development, as the energy is present for you to make quick and inspired changes. Just remember to include others in your plans, or you may end up stirring the pot unnecessarily.

Your impatience could get you into a lot of trouble this week! You may be feeling like you need to figure things out now so that you can do something about them as soon as possible; but it’s more important that you have clarity than speed. Once you figure out what it is that you want, you actually first need to hold it up against your circumstances, commitments, and energy level so that you can make the decisions that are good for your heart as well as your other parts, Twin Star.

This is a really powerful time for setting intentions and exploring possibilities, even if it isn’t the greatest for making decisions and solidifying details. Do your best to consider what will make you happy as you navigate the many options in front of you. You have the potential to actively break out of some old and limiting patterns—do it with your whole heart, Moonchild!

If you’re going to make a change, it’s important that it facilitates progress, Leo. This week, between the Jupiter–Uranus conjunction and the Full Moon in Scorpio, you’re going to be feeling all kinds of ways. Try to stay with the vulnerable and uncomfortable emotions that are flaring within you so that you can make decisions that are aligned. Doing so will move things forward in deep and meaningful ways.

If you can reflect on the patterns that are playing out in your life right now, you’ll be able to learn from your past while actively engaging in the present. This is a time for change, and you are likely to either let go or resist—or do some combination of the two. It’s important that you have the self-awareness to know what you’re fighting for and not just what you’re fighting against. With respect to your own habits and patterns, strive to act in ways that reflect your values this week.

Things are not going quite as you wish they were, but they actually might be right on track, Libra. Don’t get so fixated on the negative that you stop collaborating with people and circumstances to co-create the present and future that you desire. Your agency is available to you. Be willing to leverage it this week.

It’s important that you assess the role of fear in your decision-making processes, Scorpio. This week, you are in a challenging position. In many ways, you feel ready to jump into the unknown, but fear may be holding you back. Your job is to assess whether your fears are based in reality and are trying to keep you safe or if they are habits designed to keep you small. Nurture yourself through these questions so that you can let go of your self-imposed limitations.

You may be feeling pulled in too many directions this week, Sagittarius. You’re likely to find yourself struggling with your current set of realities, even if things are actually not that bad. The best thing for you to do is to try to slow down and actually listen to yourself. What is it that you are really feeling, and why? Don’t be so quick to find a solution that you bypass the stage of curiosity and exploration. These will help you make better use of your time and energy.

If your ego is too strong, you will believe that you are worth more than others, and you may act in ways that show it. If it’s too weak, you will not advocate for yourself or take what's yours. This week requires that you consider your ego and whether or not it is balanced. What you take on and prioritize should reflect what you value and care about—and not only obligation and responsibility, dear Capricorn.

The astrological forecast for you this week is pretty erratic, Aquarius. The best way to engage with whatever it is that comes up, whether it’s exciting or frustrating, is by having healthy and clear boundaries with yourself. This is what will help you to act in ways that reflect your values and protect what you hold most dear. Organize and prioritize as a form of self-care.

The better you know yourself, the better equipped you will be to make use of this week's powerful energies. Your most important task is to connect or reconnect with your values, Pisces. In doing so, you will be able to identify what actions are in alignment for you. You are likely to need to communicate and hold your boundaries, and it will be very hard to do this if you’re thinking about things from other people's perspectives.