Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


This week starts off with some good news: Mercury goes direct on the 25th! You can go back to making plans, communicating clearly, and generally living your life without the extra confusion of the retrograde!

The rest of the week, however, comes with some pretty heavy astrology. On the 28th, Mars and Neptune meet, and on the 30th, Venus forms a square to Pluto. This combination of energies can kick up obsessions, paranoia, and insecurity, and it can incline you to make some pretty bad decisions, especially around your relationships. Prioritize nurturing your body, moving slowly, and treating yourself and others tenderly this week. Insecurities and negative fixations are always made worse by physical exhaustion, so do what you can to support your body. This will create the foundation for your heart and mind to navigate these energies with greater ease. Remember that your boundaries are yours alone to identify and maintain. Stay focused on that form of self-awareness and self-care for best results this week. As always, if you want to know more, listen to the latest episode of my twice-weekly astrology and advice show below or wherever podcasts are heard. You can read the transcript for episode 422 right here.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

Just because something works for you doesn’t mean it works for other people or even for the situations that you find yourself in. This week, you may deal with the consequences of not compromising—or compromising in ways that don't work for you. In either case, it’s important that you own your part and that you are humble, clear, and direct while dealing with any relationship drama that may come up. Don’t be scared to own your part, Aries.

Register for my May 4th webinar, Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit

Hope and optimism can be great sources of resiliency, and they can make your life so much happier to live. When held out of balance, however, they can be a way for you to avoid coping with very real problems that you’re facing here and now. Don’t give up hope, Taurus! But also, don’t turn away from the troubles you’re facing just because they make you feel sad, uncomfortable, or bad.

Register for my May 4th webinar, Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit

This may sound like an oversimplification, but I promise you that it’s not: what you resist shall persist. In other words, cultivating acceptance, even for the things that you do not want and do not like, is the foundation for being able to address and cope with whatever it is that comes up. You don’t need to understand the situation from every angle in order to know what your values are and how you want to engage with the reality that you find yourself in. Just start here, Twin Star.

Register for my May 4th webinar, Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit

You need some time to recalibrate this week, Moonchild. There’s been so much happening inside of you and in your life that it’s hard to keep up, and to be honest, you don’t exactly need to. Instead, this is an important time to allow your system to catch up with all of the activity within and around you. Leave room for a reset, and you will organically find more peace. You don’t need to push yourself; just make space for all your parts to join the group chat.

 Register for my May 4th webinar, Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit

It’s time to lean into vulnerability, even if it’s not particularly comfortable. Everything happening now will benefit from your nurturance and care. And no matter how hard things may be, you’ll find that by centering the question, "how can I best offer support in this situation?", you will have more resiliency when approaching both the opportunities and the problems that you’re likely to face this week, Leo.

Register for my May 4th webinar, Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit

Transformation is an itchy twitchy thing. As you grow and evolve, it’s important that you both break old habits and develop new ones. The more emotionally entrenched your habits are or need to be, the harder this is to achieve. Don't try to move quickly when what you need is to move with care and intention, Virgo. Prioritize getting right with yourself over pressuring yourself to get there quickly.

 Register for my May 4th webinar, Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit

In your search for the truth, it’s important that you don’t allow anxiety to motivate you this week, Libra. There is a great deal that you know, and there may be even more still that has yet to reveal itself or is just incomprehensible at this time. While that may be frustrating, it’s really valuable to stay in the here and now. Strive to locate yourself and what you do know at this time. Don’t rush or you may just miss out on what’s available to you in the present.

Register for my May 4th webinar, Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit

You may find yourself feeling pretty stressed out this week, and it’s important to consider whether you are dealing with anxiety about what may be or you’re actually worried about what is. They are both totally valid concerns, but they require very different remediation. Instead of circling around your stressed out feelings, get clear about what's underneath so that you can deal with it in an effective way, Scorpio.

Register for my May 4th webinar, Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit

Beware of running the same stressful story over and over again in your head; this will only stress you out. This week, if you catch yourself doing that, know that it is time to flip the script. Strive to take a new and simpler approach to the problems that are plaguing you, Sagittarius. Start with and stay with the basics this week, and it will help you to progress both mentally and emotionally.

Register for my May 4th webinar, Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit

Growth, change, and progress all sound great on paper, but while you’re in the throes of it, it can just feel threatening, challenging, and overwhelming. This week, it's in your best interest to be intentional and even self-protective in how you approach and integrate changes, Capricorn. You are moving through some deep terrain, and the best way to navigate this is with your heart. That’s particularly hard to do when you are too in your head. Stay present even when it’s challenging.

Register for my May 4th webinar, Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit

This week you are meant to be moving through some deep emotions, but it’s important to remember that what you do and how you do it doesn’t only impact you, Aquarius. Consider the effects of your actions upon the people that you’re closest to. That's just the right thing to do, but also, if you don’t, you will find yourself dealing with interpersonal drama that is potentially very much your own fault.

Register for my May 4th webinar, Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit

Sometimes the best way to learn about how to have and hold boundaries is by dealing with the consequences of it when you don’t. If you’re feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, or exhausted this week, then it’s time for you to seriously consider your boundaries and how you may not be acting in ways that reflect clarity about them. Don’t wait for your circumstances to make it easier for you to take care of yourself. Be your own bestie, Pisces.

Register for my May 4th webinar, Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit