Weekly Overview
New Moon horoscopes!
On the 7th at 8:22 PM Pacific time there will be a dynamic New Moon in Taurus. This lunation will bring with it the opportunity to start something new, create more peace, and set intentions that can yield some very real results. The key is to make sure that you are aligning with your values. Don’t allow your desire for these to overwhelm your need for authenticity. As the saying goes, you can’t have peace until there is justice.
Listen to episode 426 of my twice weekly podcast for a full breakdown of this New Moon, or listen to the latest episode here.
This week you may find yourself feeling pretty burdened by the need to make decisions or have clarity about things that you’re just not sure about yet. Give yourself the gift of this present moment. If you remove your agenda and don’t internalize the voices of external pressures, you are likely to find the clear voice of your own emotions and intuition. In order to trust yourself, you first need to listen to yourself, Aries.
There’s still time to register for Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit, on May 4th!
The New Moon in your sign on the 7th is a powerful transit for you to do your best to stay emotionally present for. You may feel that it is necessary to make a change or respond to something quickly, but the most important thing is that you remain curious and present for whatever is true for you emotionally. Whether you need to adapt—or your expectations do—your assignment is to stay curious and honest, Taurus.
There’s still time to register for Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit, on May 4th!
It’s finally coming together for you, Twin Star, and that means that you are ready and able to have the self-understanding needed to meaningfully advance in self-awareness so that you can stop getting in the way of your own progress. There are habits, beliefs and attitudes that you hold that are a reflection of your fears or who you used to be, instead of who you are or choose to be. This New Moon will bring opportunities to get more aligned with your values—take them.
There’s still time to register for Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit, on May 4th!
The May 7th New Moon in Taurus is meant to have you reflecting on your relationships and values, and it’s okay if it feels a little messy. Do your best to stay open to receiving whatever comes up within you, as well as whatever others show you about who they are and what they are available for. You may need to change your expectations, or the relationship itself may need to change. For now, just be open to what comes up, Moonchild.
There’s still time to register for Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit, on May 4th!
Sometimes when you don’t get what you want, it’s to make room for what you need. It’s important this week that you’re not in such a rush to prove yourself or justify your actions that you miss out on the opportunity at play for your own growth and evolution. Don’t let your pride get in the way of coming into alignment with your truth so that you can act in ways that reflect your integrity, Leo.
There’s still time to register for Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit, on May 4th!
It is not a copout to take on what you can, as you can, and nothing more. It’s important that you practice giving yourself the space you need to process through your thoughts and emotions, and to release any attachments you have to how things are supposed to look or how quickly they’re supposed to come together. Remember that perfectionism stands in the way of progress, and what you need now is progress, not perfection.
There’s still time to register for Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit, on May 4th!
It’s important that you are processing both your thoughts and your feelings this week because you run the risk of asserting yourself before you actually know what it is that you need and have to offer. If you don’t have the answers, that in itself can be an answer. Give yourself the gift of time as you sort through your emotions and beliefs, owning whatever emotions you find inside of you. Know yourself before you require others to perfectly understand you, Libra.
There’s still time to register for Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit, on May 4th!
The electric New Moon in your relationship house is an opportunity for you to clarify your passions, what you want, and what’s important to you. It’s not, however, the best time for you to make any bold proclamations or promises because the energy is too unpredictable to commit to. In many ways, this New Moon is meant to test your ability to stay present with powerful emotions so that they can settle in your system and the truth behind them can reveal themselves to you, Scorpio.
There’s still time to register for Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit, on May 4th!
You aren’t supposed to have the answers, because you don’t have all the necessary information yet, Sagittarius. The New Moon on the 7th is meant to open doors for you so that you can explore your own feelings, expectations, and attachments to better understand what’s holding you back. Don’t push for change this week before you reflect on your values and how you are aligned to them.
There’s still time to register for Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit, on May 4th!
The New Moon in Taurus on the 7th is likely to stir up your ambition and willingness to change, which is really exciting. The key is to act in ways that reflect both your values and your hard-won self-awareness through past experiences. There are patterns playing out in your life this week that you have experienced before; take leaps of faith so that you can be the change that you want to see in your life, Capricorn.
There’s still time to register for Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit, on May 4th!
Gathering information and learning new things is so empowering, but when you spend too much time and energy looking outside of yourself for answers, it can breed confusion and demoralization. Do your best this week to tap into the catalyzing energies of the May 7th New Moon by reconnecting with your values. Through the power of introspection, reflect on what you’re willing to do for what you cherish most, Aquarius.
There’s still time to register for Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit, on May 4th!
This week you’re likely to have things start to line up and clarify themselves for you in many ways, Pisces. It’s important that you don’t jump to conclusions, though! While you may be putting the pieces together, many people around you are not. Allow yourself to sit with your developing self-awareness, because too rash of an action is likely to set in motion a ripple effect that you’re not ready to deal with this week.
There’s still time to register for Pluto Party: Understanding Pluto in the Birth Chart & by Transit, on May 4th!