Weekly Overview
The news this week is that there will be a lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 17th. Eclipses always obscure as much as they reveal and are meant to be transformative on the emotional level. While big things may happen in your life, the most important developments are the deeply personal and emotional ones. All week as we’ve been approaching the eclipse, you may have noticed your own emotions getting bigger or even more chaotic and that people's behaviors are surprising or triggering. The best way to engage with this energy is to make sure that you are staying present with—and taking responsibility for—your own emotions and how you engage with your personal life, both in your self-talk and how you engage with others. This eclipse is an evolutionary opportunity for you to be kinder, gentler, and to have healthier boundaries with yourself and others.
To learn more about what the eclipse will mean for you and how to make the most of it, listen to episode 462 of my twice-weekly podcast below, or read the transcript here.
Whether you are choosing to change or you feel like it’s being forced on you, the lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 17th is stirring the pot. Don’t let your pride or desire to control things get in the way of rising to the occasion. Identify your values and how you are or are not acting in ways that reflect them this week. You may determine that you are unconsciously working against your own best interests. Be willing to change in ways that reflect who you’ve become, Aries.
You can do everything right—manage self-care, take your time (but not too much!), treat others as you wish to be treated, save for a rainy day, and invest in yourself now and still not get what you want. This doesn’t mean that you should give up, Taurus. Instead, it means that life is not transactional. You do the right thing because you believe it to be right. You invest in your hopes, values, and dreams because that’s a reflection of the person you are and the convictions you hold.
Trust your intuition, Twin Star. You don’t need to have certainty about what’s coming next or what other people will or won’t do in order to gain clarity about what’s important to you or even what the next best step to take is. In order to find that spark of inspiration or bolt of clarity, you’re going to need to slow down a bit and tap into the present without distractions or even an agenda. Cultivate a state of receptivity and you will not only feel better but get clearer about how to do better.
There will be a lunar eclipse on the 17th, which means your ruling planet, the Moon, is extra activating this week. Do your best to simplify your days so that you can have the energy you need to stay present. You’re likely to be sorting through some pretty big emotions and need to process what it all means to you. In order to come to clarity and find your truth, you’re likely to need to sit with hurt feelings. Be brave this week, Moonchild.
The intensity of the lunar eclipse on the 17th is not meant as a challenge as much as an invitation. Sorting through your emotions, desires, fears and needs is challenging, but it’s an excellent exercise for being able to identify and prioritize your truth. Stay with what you don’t know, allowing yourself to be curious about it and see what emerges this week, Leo. Allow room for nuance, mixed emotions, and other complexities that support you in your evolution.
The lunar eclipse on the 17th in your relationship house is meant to stir up big interpersonal issues. Instead of trying to figure out people or your situation, allow yourself to stay focused on what’s most important to you, Virgo. What you care about is not just a thing in your head—it’s reflected in your actions. If your actions are not clearly articulating the contents of your heart, it’s time to make some serious adjustments.
It’s more important that you identify the truth and align your energies and intentions with that than it is to avoid pain or discomfort. This week, emotions are running high as we move towards the eclipse on September 17th. If you fixate on what to do instead of what’s authentic, you are likely to feel pretty chaotic and have a hard time focusing. Don’t lose sight of your truth and allow yourself to have mixed emotions as you sort through complicated situations.
Well, your emotions are likely to be running high this week making everything feel more intense (just what you needed, am I right?). There’s great value to it, though. Now is the time to identify, clarify, and gently but firmly express your boundaries. By doing so you may feel more vulnerable, but you will also be much closer to yourself and others. Healthy boundaries are not about keeping people out; instead, they are a reflection and embodiment of honest self-awareness.
When things get too overwhelming, it’s easy to descend into anxious thinking. Ultimately, it’s a distraction that can make things worse if you’re not careful. This week, the lunar eclipse in Pisces is likely to shake you, and while this is no fun, it’s also not meant to be a bad thing. Don’t abandon yourself when you’re feeling sad or bad, Sagittarius. Do your best to stay present with your emotions, even when they feel overwhelming or confusing.
This is one of those times when action is the antidote to anxiety, but that said, not all actions are equal. Make sure that you are focused on the right things instead of allowing yourself to be distracted by your strongest emotions or projections on others about what they’re feeling, thinking, or needing. If you’re going to invest in your relationships, know that you have to listen to what people tell you about themselves and believe what they show you.
It’s time to let go, Aquarius. And just because letting go is the healthy and right thing to do, that doesn’t mean that it’s going to feel particularly good. An important lesson weaving its way through your life this week is teaching you to identify the difference between the pain of growth and the pain of being harmed. One isn’t more painful than the other in the short term, but they certainly have different impacts on your welfare in the long term.
On the 17th, there will be a powerful lunar eclipse in your sign and it is meant to heighten your sensitivities and emotions—just what you need! Instead of trying to control what happens or how you and other people think, feel or act, here’s a pro tip to help you through: have healthy boundaries. Be honest with yourself about what you can and cannot do, what you feel, what you have to offer, and what you need. You don’t need to be perfect or conclusive to practice being open in a healthy way.