Weekly Overview
Love Lanyadoo 09.18-24,2024
While you still may be reeling from the September 17th lunar eclipse, the stars have way more in store for you! This week starts off with the risk of some negative thinking and anxiety so it’s going to be important that you guard your mental health and practice having healthy boundaries with your thinking and how you do what you do. By the week’s end, there may be some major relationship issues that get triggered by Venus squared to Pluto, which will be exact on the 22nd. Make sure that you choose your battles wisely, and if you are going to fight, fight for what you love and what you value instead of for power or out of defensiveness.
For a more detailed explanation of the astrology of these times, listen to the latest episode of my twice-weekly astrology and advice show below, or read the transcript for episode 464 here.
As hard as it may be to sit with your emotions, this is the time for it, Aries. You may fear what other people will do without your input or how situations will develop without your intervention, but what if allowing things to happen in their own way and in their own time is actually in your best interest? If you take a big-picture perspective, you may just find that the problems you’re having now are bumps on what is actually a beautiful road.
It’s not news that you have a pace that you’re comfortable with! This week is not a good one to rush and push yourself outside of your comfort zone, Taurus. You need to take time to identify where you’re at, what you need, and the best ways to go about taking care of yourself while you take care of business. Give yourself the room you need to figure out how to navigate the things and people that you care the most about.
If you allow your ego or your pride to motivate you, you’re likely to end up going too far in the wrong direction, Twin Star. Do your best to honor your desires and needs without defensiveness—you really have nothing to prove to anyone. Identify the truth, and if you can’t do that, explore the data. How you sort through information is just as much of a test of your emotions as it is of your mind. Be brave and curious this week.
The problems on your path are not a distraction—they are the path. Instead of losing focus about what’s important, do your best to stay present with whatever it is that needs your attention, Moonchild. You may encounter frustrations this week, but they are just opportunities in annoying clothing. Everything you do, and the emotional accountability that you do it with, is a reflection of you, so don’t let your circumstances define you.
If you find yourself in an anxious state, the best thing you can do this week is focus on these few things: stay present with your emotions, make room for the awkward and the uncertain, and allow space for your vulnerabilities. This is not likely to be an especially easy time, but it is a vital one for tapping into where you’re at and cultivating more grace in how you show up for and engage with yourself and others. Be kind, Leo.
Even when you’re doing the right thing and enjoying success, it’s totally normal to be stressed out. The key is to handle your stress in healthy ways—the opposite of this being obsessing about things that are out of your control that could hurt you, or on ways that you can get back at others. This week, your challenge is to navigate your internal landscape with healthy intentions. Don’t let your fears and insecurities drive you to hurt yourself or others, Virgo.
This is a great time to speak your mind, try new things, and put yourself out there, Libra. The trick is to do it because it’s what’s healthy and right for you and not because of what you expect to get out of it. This is a poor time for conditional behaviors, a.k.a. doing something because of what you expect to get out of it. Be true to yourself and allow room for people and situations to have a different truth even if it’s inconvenient or disappointing for you.
Figuring out how to trust yourself is an important part of adulting. This week, you may find yourself in an emotionally wrought state as you experience the disconnect of not having listened to your own instincts. This is the time to tap into your insides, and the best way to do that is by first setting up some boundaries so that you are not so overwhelmed and influenced by other people’s opinions. Clarify your values so that you can align your actions and choices with them.
If you’ve been pushing yourself too hard lately—which, given that we are in eclipse season, is very likely—you’re going to need a reset this week. Take the time to slow down and reflect on what you are giving the bulk of your time and energy to. Does it reflect your goals and values? If not, are you doing these things out of necessity, peer pressure or habit? Consider the impact of your choices and the power that you have to make new ones, even if you can only implement them slowly and over time.
Can you embrace whatever it is that you have going on in this moment, whether it’s big plans or deep relaxation, without needing proof that it will turn out in any particular way? Doing what you believe to be right because you believe it to be right is its own reward even if things don’t go exactly as you would plan them. Embrace this moment and whatever you have happening in it without holding on too tightly, Capricorn.
This week, you are in an excellent position to explore possibilities, take chances, and try new things. Just make sure that you are tapping into your intuition and honoring what your instincts tell you, and do your best to stay curious. You are in an important period of coming into yourself and this may look many different ways and take you down different paths. Be bold without forgetting to leave room for others to be moving at a slower pace, Aquarius.
Never underestimate the power of care, empathy, and nurturance. Protect the people and things that you love by being emotionally supportive of them—that includes yourself, Pisces! Instead of fighting against the currents of change or even loss, do your best to love and support yourself through them. Be open to what comes next, even if that means that you have to let go of what was.