Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


The astrology of this week can be quite biting. On the 15th there will be an opposition between the Sun and Mars retrograde, while on the 18th Venus meets up with Saturn in Pisces, and on the 25th the Sun and Pluto meet in Aquarius. For a detailed breakdown of these transits, tune into my astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, below, or read the transcript here.

The big-picture implications of this are that you and the people around you are likely to be feeling isolated and defensive, have fears around your security and stability triggered, and have your survival mechanisms activated. Because of all of this, many people will act out of their strongest impulses instead of their wisest ones. You or others may be defensive, demanding, or paranoid; all you can do is strive to navigate through the things that come up inside of you and the dynamics you’re confronted with externally with as much integrity and intentionality as you can.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

Feeling frustrated or thwarted is super annoying, but it reveals something that you may not be aware of—that you haven’t accepted your current situation. Acceptance isn’t consent, it is only awareness, and it can help you gain greater clarity. This will empower you to act in constructive ways when things go sideways on you. Instead of struggling against your situation, strive to accept it so that you may strategize your next best move, Aries.

FInd my meditation for Aries here!


As you struggle against some pretty core fears, you have the opportunity to rise to the occasion. This week, you are being challenged to know when to assert yourself, when to hold back, when to adapt, and when to hold firm. There are not always absolutes that you can count on; strive to be emotionally honest and accountable as you navigate some choppy waters, Taurus.

FInd my meditation for Taurus here!


As tempting as it may be to not take it seriously, the fear of success is a very real thing. When things are going truly well for you and all your hard work pays off, can you slow down and savour it? Are you able to appreciate what’s working in your life? Do you have a practice for honoring what’s flowing well? If not, you risk facing burnout, even when things are going well for you. Find ways of embracing all that you have to be grateful for, Twin Star.

FInd my meditation for Gemini here!


Don’t let your fear of what you might find out stop you from seeking the truth. This is a valuable time for having challenging conversations, exploring possibilities, and asking questions, Moonchild. Your anxieties may try to compel you to stick your head in the sand, but the truth is true whether you know it or not, or whether you want to deal with it or not. Trust in your ability to rise to the occasion, whatever it requires of you.

 FInd my meditation for Cancer here!


Your intuition can be a powerful thing, but when you use it to try to get inside the heads of other people, that’s a misuse of your gifts. This week is all about communication. If things are going on in your relationships that you’re not clear about or comfortable with, ask questions and challenge yourself to deeply listen to the answers. Even if you don’t agree with somebody else’s perspective, the only way to achieve progress is together.

 FInd my meditation for Leo here! 

Have you checked in with the health of your ego lately? If it’s too big, you’ll find yourself feeling entitled to encroach into space that compromises other people’s well-being. If it’s too small, you’ll find yourself justifying other people doing the same to you. This is a good time for you to consider your relationship to how you take up space, to entitlement, and to make sure that you are able to assert yourself when need be. Let things go when it is called for, Virgo.

FInd my meditation for Leo here! 


Whether you find yourself stuck or at an impasse, this week it’s important that you make good decisions based on your values and not your fears. Don’t start making compromises based on your projections of what could go wrong when what you are really meant to do is invest your time and energy toward making matters right. Don’t try to control matters when what is really called for is that you participate with clarity of intent and kindness in your heart.

 FInd my meditation for Libra here! 

You have decisions to make and if you try to make them too quickly, you’ll likely end up feeling more stressed than relieved. Give yourself the gift of space  within which you can explore which of your options is most important to you. Where do your priorities actually lie? The more intentional you are with combing through possibilities, the more at peace you will feel with the choices you make this week, Scorpio.

FInd my meditation for Scorpio here!

If you’ve overdone it recently, you’re likely to be feeling pretty discombobulated this week. The astrology of these times makes it all too easy to engage in power struggles and descend into some pretty stressful ruminations. It is possible to acknowledge what’s wrong, make space for your emotions, and also, at the same time, acknowledge all that you have to be grateful for. This is a time for you to strive to maintain balance in your thinking so that you don’t lose perspective and connection with your agency.

FInd my meditation for Sagittarius here!



You can’t go back, Capricorn. The progress that you are on the precipice of making will bring you to a whole new way of being, which is equal parts exciting and scary. Do your best to embrace the excitement that change brings, even if it’s mingled with “what ifs.” As you evolve, you inevitably must change the way you engage with both the highs and lows of life. Open to new ways of being in old situations, Capricorn.

FInd my meditation for Capricorn here!


Sometimes you can say and do the right thing—and by that I mean the right thing for you—and it’s unclear what good, if any, comes from it. This week, your best move is to allow things to unfold in their time. You made a move and now matters will develop as quickly or as slowly as they do. Instead of trying to get validation or even direction, trust that you’ve done what you’ve done because it was right for you, regardless of the outcome.

FInd my meditation for Aquarius here!

Getting grounded and cultivating accountability doesn’t have to be a drag. When you are grounded you have greater access to your own internal resources, be them spiritual, mental, or emotional. This, in turn, empowers you to be able to perceive and connect with your external resources, which can deepen your sense of grounding and connection to the world around you and the people in it. Find your grounding—don’t do things the hard way if you don’t have to, Pisces.

 FInd my meditation for Pisces here!