Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


 Astrology is not playing this week, and a great deal of what is being activated is happening in your mind. In other words, on the 23rd, Mercury will be exactly opposite to Mars retrograde, and on the 28th, Mercury will be exactly conjunct to Pluto. These transits can generate defensiveness, reactiveness, paranoid ruminating, and the impulse to jump to conclusions or jump down other people’s throats. Where you allow your thoughts to linger is, in a meaningful way, the thing that shapes your very worldview. If you can’t keep it constructive, that’s okay, but it’s in your best interest to point your thinking in that direction at the very least. Power struggles, pettiness and arguments may take up a lot of space this week, and the only thing that you can do is choose your battles with intention and honor what you believe by aligning your actions with your convictions. For a total breakdown of this week's astrology, listen to episode 496 of my twice-weekly podcast below, or wherever you listen to podcasts. You can read the transcript here.

selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

You’re likely to be struggling with some challenging emotions this week as your ruling planet continues its retrograde motion. When you’re in a state of stress and activation is not the time for you to gain clarity. Instead, it’s the time for you to tend to your emotions. While on the surface this seems pretty simple, it can be very challenging because it requires you to turn inward and move through some tricky terrain. To make matters worse, this can be very slow-moving work. Do your very best to rise to the occasion by practicing kindness, empathy, and patience, Aries.

 FInd my meditation for Aries here!


The astrology of this week is chaotic and all over the place, but you don’t have to be, Taurus. This is a powerful time for you to gather up your energy and clarify your intentions so that you may act in ways that reflect your wisest parts instead of your overwhelmedness and fear. Hope and faith are practices, not just emotions. Wherever you find yourself anxious, uncertain, and demoralized is exactly where you need to cultivate greater hope and take steps to build the future you want to live in.

FInd my meditation for Taurus here!

Choose your battles very wisely this week, Twin Star. You have habits around how you engage with uncertainty, and now is the time to break the ones that aren’t serving you. Instead of trying to make it make sense, strive to orient yourself in the here and now to whatever is or isn't clicking for you. This is a time for you to work with the realities you find yourself in, while at the same time, daring to dream about possible futures that will bring you closer to what you truly want for yourself and the world.

 FInd my meditation for Gemini here!

If you allow yourself to ruminate on fears and projections, you will end up isolating yourself in the very moments that you might need the support and connection of others. This week, your challenge is going to be staying connected to your emotions when your head gets noisy—your mind may say one thing when your heart knows better. This is an important time to sort through your impulses and sensations to find your truth and to bolster your self-esteem so that you can make the best possible choices, Moonchild.

  FInd my meditation for Cancer here!


As you confront threats, be they real or imagined, it’s important that you maintain your center. In other words, don’t allow your reactions to dictate your responses. If you act in defensive ways, you are likely to raise the hackles of the people around you. Instead, keep your ground and walk your talk, doing your best to avoid petty power struggles and other distractions. You are being called to change in an ever-changing set of circumstances. Rise, with clarity of intention, to the occasion, Leo. 

  FInd my meditation for Leo here! 

While you may be wrestling with circumstances outside of your control that are really not what you wish they were, you still have agency, Virgo. Your emotional orientation is an important one for you to consider. What are you feeling? How are you making space for your emotions—or not? And what can you do to better support yourself and the people around you? You can do all the best things, but at the end of the day, if you don’t cope with the feelings underpinning your needs and wants, you will find yourself feeling stuck or defensive this week.

 FInd my meditation for Virgo here! 


 You are changing, and that’s bound to be equal parts challenging and exciting. This is a powerful time for you to consider the advice of others but to ultimately look within for answers and affirmation, Libra. By doing this, you may surprise or upset others, but as long as you are honoring your word and acting in accordance with your values, it’s wise to allow people to have the feelings they’re having about the ways that you’re changing instead of adapting to fit yourself into their expectations of you.

FInd my meditation for Libra here! 

If you allow your anxieties to get the better of you, not only will you lose perspective but you will act in ways that make things objectively worse for you, Scorpio. Do your best to slow down and get grounded so that you may be more intentional about how you engage, both with your thoughts and the world around you. Not only will this help to calm you down, but it will also help you to maintain a big-picture perspective this week.

FInd my meditation for Scorpio here!

You may find yourself feeling pretty demoralized this week and focused on what isn’t working, what you don’t have, and what could go wrong. While it is wise to explore all angles of a situation, that requires that you don’t only look at the bad or the good, but instead at the whole picture. Don’t confuse your anxiety with your intuition or what’s happening now with what will happen tomorrow. Tend to your emotions, then pull yourself up and rally to invest in the best of what could be.

FInd my meditation for Sagittarius here!


As you cultivate more care toward the people and things that you’re invested in, it may feel like your progress is, to some extent, slowing down. While your external progress may not be rapid this week, things are shifting inside of you that will support you in staying present with your vulnerability in a healthier and more sustainable way. Do the slow work of tending to your insides so that you are better resourced for coping with the external world and its challenges, Capricorn.

FInd my meditation for Capricorn here!


As you build foundations, it’s important that you pair empathy and kindness with whatever your plans may be. If you don’t pair your emotional intelligence with your analytic intelligence, you may find yourself setting up plans and exploring potential in ways that are not going to end up feeling good to you. The key is to not act in reactionary ways, and this requires that you practice sitting with your feelings, especially the hard-to-bear ones, Aquarius.

 FInd my meditation for Aquarius here!

 How you strive to advance the things that are important to you is of the utmost importance this week. If you approach things defensively, you are likely to find yourself at odds with both people and your circumstances. Instead, strive to embody your truth—even the messy bits. If you don’t need to force your will but can instead hold firm to it, that is going to be the more effective approach. There is great protection in patiently pacing yourself through your priorities, Pisces. 

 FInd my meditation for Pisces here!