Weekly Overviewdown arrow icon
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


On the 29th, there is a very powerful New Moon in Aquarius. You may find yourself emotionally activated and ready to make some meaningful changes. It’s important to remember that Aquarius New Moons are always about community and being intentional about your plans for the future, while New Moons are the time to get emotionally present, here and now. For a detailed breakdown of what to expect from this New Moon, listen to the latest episode of my astrology podcast below or read the transcript here. You’ll learn more about the astrology of this week in episode 498 of Ghost of a Podcast.

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selected sign symbol
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

You are changing, Aries, and you’re likely to see it reflected in your relationships. Notice the patterns that are playing themselves out in your relationships and the role that you are inhabiting within them; then, recognize how you have or have not changed. Your impulse to take control and make things happen is often a really great one, but being able to adapt and respond is powerful too. Seek balance this week.


 FInd my meditation for Aries here!

Hope is a beautiful thing, but when it’s not connected to a practice you can often find yourself yo-yo-ing between optimism and pessimism, which is a pretty exhausting process. Take your optimism and your hope and put it to work this week, Taurus. Take action where you can, rest when you need to, and stay committed to creating the positive potentials that you wish to live in.

 FInd my meditation for Taurus here!

Who you choose to be is a reflection of your actions and not just your thoughts, Twin Star. This week, you have meaningful decisions to make about how you wish to show up for yourself and in relationship with others. If you get too in your head about it, you will end up in a reactionary cycle that makes you feel confused and disoriented. Take the time you need to connect to your emotional integrity and strive to act from that place. 

FInd my meditation for Gemini here!

You may be so anxious to make changes that you act impulsively this week, Moonchild. Do your best to explore, identify, and center the truth, even if it doesn’t fit into your narrative or expectations. This is a good time for you to take action, but not all actions are equal. Do your best to act in ways that reflect both wisdom and an understanding of your big-picture needs and goals, or you may end up aggravating others and triggering a whole new set of problems.

FInd my meditation for Cancer here!

The New Moon in your relationship house is meant to kick up a great deal of emotion, and that’s likely to be overwhelming. This isn’t a time when you are likely to have many assurances, and it’s hard to function without certainty. Do your best to navigate what you don’t know by working with what you do know. Learn from collaborating with others this week, Leo.

 FInd my meditation for Leo here! 

The New Moon on the 29th is heralding some meaningful changes deep within you—lean into your vulnerabilities, Virgo. In order to grow in the direction you are striving towards, you need to be emotionally honest with yourself first. This will require that you tap in and tend to some of your sadness, which is no fun, but really important. Give yourself the space you need to have whatever emotions you have so that you can hear the voice of your intuition and honor it.

FInd my meditation for Virgo here! 

It’s important that you navigate your relationships with care this week. You are likely to be sure about what you want—or at least about what you don’t want—and while clarity is good, getting too attached to your own desires can become problematic. Be careful not to allow your ego to overtake your motivations, as this will lead to power struggles and disappointments, and inhibit progress. Do your best to play nicely with others this week, Libra.

FInd my meditation for Libra here! 

The New Moon on the 29th is meant to kick up big emotions, and it will not disappoint. Don’t let big emotions compel you to fixate on your fears, no matter how real they are. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore your concerns, but instead practice approaching your emotions in a balanced way. Rather than obsessing about all the things that could happen, train your energy on what is happening right now and what you can do about it.

FInd my meditation for Scorpio here!

You may have the impulse to rush to meet the moment, but this week it’s important that you slow down, Sagittarius. If you move too fast, you are likely to find that you end up attracting the attention of forces that would serve to thwart you or that you kick up power struggles unintentionally. Do your best to strive to attain acceptance of your situation before you strive to change it.

 FInd my meditation for Sagittarius here!

While you’re capable of moving really quickly at this time, it’s not wise to move at the pace of your emotions, Capricorn. This will help you to avoid overwhelm and the stress and shutdown that it provokes. The swiftest way forward is to adopt a pace that you can sustain, even if that pace seems slower than you would prefer. Be the tortoise and not the hare, Capricorn.

FInd my meditation for Capricorn here!

There will be a New Moon in your sign on the 29th, and it’s a powerful time for transformation, manifestation, and release. The trick is to focus on your own sweet self, Aquarius. Take responsibility for who you are and don’t obsess over things that are not true or valid for you. Set intentions and lay foundations so that you may build things and personally grow in the direction of what you want instead of getting caught up in a reactionary loop about past experiences or current fears.

FInd my meditation for Aquarius here!

Having a healthy relationship with your ego is an important part of adulting. This week, you may need to do some things that center and prioritize your own needs—and that’s okay, Pisces. The key is to act in ways that honor and acknowledge your commitments and are respectful to the people around you. Just make sure not to confuse respect with obedience when they are actually very different things.

 FInd my meditation for Pisces here!