Weekly Overview
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th is a wild one! Expect the unexpected and strive to be both adaptable and authentic in the presence of change. You may not know what to do in your situation, and if that’s the case, rely on your core values. The astrology of this week is likely to provoke some pretty big shifts, and while you can’t control what happens or how it makes you feel, you do have agency around what you do and what you allow your thoughts to linger on. For a detailed breakdown on this Full Moon and the rest of this week's astrology, listen to episode 502 of my twice-weekly astrology podcast below, or read the transcript here.
As you move through some pretty steep emotional terrain, you’re going to be tested around your coping patterns, Aries. If you catch yourself fixated on what other people are or aren’t doing or your assumptions around their motivations, you know you’re on the wrong path. Strive to identify your own integrity by being emotionally honest with yourself first and foremost and then with others. It’s the surest path to feeling right in your own skin this week.
This week’s Full Moon on the 12th is likely to have you feeling off-center. The key is to not allow what you don’t know to become the center point of your focus. There are many things that you can’t yet know, and that can either inspire you to seek more information or, if you’re in a state of stress, speculate fearfully. This week, it’s wise to focus on what you do know, allowing it to inspire you to take informed steps towards co-creating the future you wish to be a part of.
If you find yourself feeling demoralized, helpless, or anxious this week, it means you have lost contact with your intuition, Twin Star. This Full Moon in Leo on the 12th is likely to put you in stark contact with your feelings of overwhelm and over-stimulation. If you’re not careful, this can lead to scarcity-based thinking and depressive feelings. Do your best to get grounded so that you can tap into your instincts and connect to that part of you that knows how to access the big picture and your connection to it all.
Your ruling planet, the Moon, is full on the 12th, and it’s likely to intensify your already big emotions this week. Regardless of the content of what’s happening in your life, this is an important time to slow down and check in with your self-care practices. If you can find ways of saying yes to the attitudes, actions and dynamics—both in your interior and exterior life—you will find yourself feeling stronger, more resilient, and better resourced. Focus on the foundations of your wellness, and that will create greater flow so that the rest can follow, Moonchild.
On the 12th, there will be a Full Moon in your sign, and that means that it’s time to let go, Leo. To be clear, I don’t mean let go of your responsibilities, passions, and concerns; instead, it’s all about letting go of your attachments. Whether that’s the illusion of control, your expectations for how things were “supposed to” go, or whatever stories you’ve been telling yourself, let go enough to start where you are, even and especially if it’s a very different place than you expected to be, Leo.
This week is an excellent one for taking action. Whether it’s making the decision to learn something new, break a habit, or simply stay the course, what you do counts. Others may feel that you’re being impulsive or acting out of character, and neither of those things is inherently good or bad. Give yourself a break from analysis and contemplation and mobilize on finite things that you can track your material progress on, Virgo.
You may find yourself embroiled in an interpersonal struggle that has you feeling pretty twisted up inside this week, Libra. If you’re going to fight with someone, make sure that you’re fighting for something. In other words, if you know you don’t trust a person, what is the fight really about? It’s important that you don’t process with people that you don’t trust, as this is a colossal waste of your precious energy. If you do essentially trust someone that you are struggling with, avoid the impulse to play games or be emotionally dishonest.
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th is likely to rile you up, Scorpio, and how you respond to strong emotions is really important. Give yourself as much space as you need to sit with your messy and challenging feelings so that you can navigate those choppy waters past feelings of overwhelm or defensiveness. You have choices, and you will be able to best assess what they are and which are best for you and your circumstances if you first sit in the messiness.
Moving slowly is not your nature per se, but it’s exactly what’s needed right now. This week, the wisest thing you can do is strive to get grounded and sit in this present moment, being a kind and patient friend to yourself. In this way, you can better understand what’s happening within you and take healthy and sustainable steps to practice self-care. This will create the foundation inside of yourself that you need in order to show up for and invest in the people and things that you care about most, Sagittarius.
Fear on its own is not a bad thing—it’s actually quite useful when danger is close at hand. That said, developing a healthy relationship with the things that frighten you is essential. Acknowledging your current realities and both the positive and negative potentials that they hold is a great way to get present and get real. When you fixate on the negative, you’re not being more pragmatic or realistic, you’re simply being negative. Strive to be more balanced in your thinking this week, Capricorn.
If you find yourself in an obsessive state of mind this week, it’s important to challenge yourself to consider that your perspective is just that: yours. If you’re not grounded and present for your emotions alongside your thoughts, you will find yourself projecting your personal perspective, experience and position onto your analysis. While this is not per se a bad thing, it certainly makes your thinking less reliable and applicable. It all comes down to having healthy boundaries in your analytic process, Aquarius.
Selfishness gets a confusing reputation. Taking more than your fair share is selfish and not great, but centering your needs, boundaries, and felt experience can also be selfish, and those things are really healthy. The key difference between these two “selfish” behaviors is motivation. If you are motivated by scarcity and fear, you are less likely to act in ways that reflect your whole truth. Consider how fear or insecurity may be shaping your choices and adjust as needed this week, Pisces.